Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 12:33:24 UTC
in Hydroxide - WW or CZDE Post #69858
I'm sure that even VALVe themselves did it
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 11:40:57 UTC
in Hydroxide - WW or CZDE Post #69847
Notice how theres always crates near the 'keep clear - no storage' signs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 10:14:05 UTC
in A4 paper, the world's explorer.. Post #69814
Looks like weunz gots ourselves a reader. Are yall wif me? weunz dont appreciate urine type roun' here, so I suggest yall leave buddy or else I'll git my shotgun. Ya reckon?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 09:44:31 UTC
in Sub-Compos Post #69802
"Huy, whaduya thank yur do-un'?"
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 09:35:54 UTC
in Hydroxide - WW or CZDE Post #69797
Yall liss'n here. Excellent work Rabid. Really well made, very realistic, 'mosely photorealistic. The liatin is accurate an' yall have really captured the mood of that area. I love how yall add detail too, very good. Ya reckon?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 09:27:05 UTC
in Sub-Compos Post #69795
Yall liss'n here. Well, I'd love ta join in wif these cumpetitions an' stuff, but due ta college I cant. Its a shame I know, but don't blame me, blame college. Anti-freetimeists. Ya reckon?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 09:23:04 UTC
in /me usage Post #69794
ya reckon'?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-26 09:53:39 UTC
in Good things that happened Post #69517
The best thing that's ever happened to me was not getting caught with that hash cake in my pocket through Amsterdam customs. They simply asked me what it was and I replied "it's a cake." Fortunately they did not question me any further and allowed me to proceed through the gates.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 15:14:33 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69296
-Translated Into Redneck-

Yall liss'n here. (Grapplin Hook Productions)
Half-life (ultra surreal) Mod Cone'stpts:

1. A group of miniature aliens have invaded an important human figure. yall have been assigned by a group of scientists ta enner the human body an' destroy the miniature aliens afner bein shrunken by a lab machine.


yall start in a high tech, ultra clean laboratory environment.

yall also enner a human body, travellin through the many veins, arteries an' organs.

2. A pack of angry mutant dogs have decided ta revenge human kin' fer treatinem as pets. Rather than destroy the angry dogs, yall become sympathetic fer their regime an' decide ta help out in their quest ta destroy humanity, an like'a that. The dogs capture you, an' yall year eventually tekkn ta their comman' centre somewher on the moon. Meanwhile, humanity is preparin thousands of brainwashed clones ta battle the dogs an' fat ta save the human race.


City-based. Elements of moon activity.

3. A cannabis factory owned an' funded by the US guvernment use ta threatened by a group of fundamentalist Christians. yall have been assigned by the US guvernment ta save the factory from the evil invaders.


Inner city, high-security, factory environment.

Ya reckon?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 12:53:12 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69260
But only as a Half-Life episode, complete with miniature aliens (well normal sized but technically miniature)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 12:43:03 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69258
hehe, could well do.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 12:40:46 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69256
(Expect even more strange ideas soon)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 12:39:03 UTC
in GHP Mod Concepts Post #69255
(Grappling Hook Productions)

Half-life (ultra surreal) Mod Concepts:

1. A group of miniature aliens have invaded an important human figure. You have been assigned by a group of scientists to enter the human body and destroy the miniature aliens after being shrunken by a lab machine.


You start in a high tech, ultra clean laboratory environment.

You also enter a human body, travelling through the many veins, arteries and organs.

2. A pack of angry mutant dogs have decided to revenge human kind for treating them as pets. Rather than destroy the angry dogs, you become sympathetic for their regime and decide to help out in their quest to destroy humanity. The dogs capture you, and you are eventually taken to their command centre somewhere on the moon. Meanwhile, humanity is preparing thousands of brainwashed clones to battle the dogs and fight to save the human race.


City-based. Elements of moon activity.

3. A cannabis factory owned and funded by the US Government has been threatened by a group of fundamentalist Christians. You have been assigned by the US Government to save the factory from the evil invaders.


Inner city, high-security, factory environment.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 08:35:15 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #68295
I would love to participate, but due to unforseen circumstances I can't.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 15:59:28 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68178
/me slaps Anonymous round a bit with an old trout
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 14:52:23 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68175
/me agrees
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:57:50 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68169
Wouldnt suprise me. However, I will never betray ye olde faithfull Half-life. The more superior the Unreal engine gets, the harder UnrealEd is to use.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:31:54 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #68158
I like Unreal Tournament. I have UT2003, but I lost the fricking manual which has the cd key! Argh!

As for UT2004,looks excellent, vehicles an' all, but, my attention will mainly be focused on HL2
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 12:34:36 UTC
in WON? Post #67944
The World Owes me Ninety fcking pounds
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 11:54:43 UTC
in WON? Post #67931
World Order New?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 11:53:15 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #67930
Still, I would have liked to of played Doom 3 for myself to see what it was like instead of pissing some money down the drain.

Besides, there isnt that much of a point in buying ANY new game when HL2 is out. I'll mainly be focusing on that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 10:13:55 UTC
in Celebrate! Post #67901
I remeber the last time I went to Reading to see RATM. On the last day everything went pear-shaped and people were pushing andy loos over wit people still in them and setting fire to tents and andy loos.

Twas good though, our area turned into a right fcking hole though.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 09:20:28 UTC
in Cannot Believe It... Post #67893
Last night I started downloading the Doom 3 demo and it took a long time, I had to wake up in the middle of the night to finish the download and turn the noisy computer off.

Thios morning, I was thrilled to think that I can now atleast see what Doom 3 is like. I installed it, it slowly got all the way on the progress bar to 100%, and then it tells me it cannot open the specific .ini file.

I tried to open Doom 3 and it could not. It turns out you need Windows f*cking XP/2000 to run it! It didnt say that on the download site, and because I thought it would be fine, I didnt read any in depth info on system requirements. That really pissed me off to think that I wasted my time in false hopes.

I found a forum explaining how to hack doom 3 with hex to run on windows 98, but that proceedure doesnt work with the demo version.

Because I was so pissed off, I found myself installing Doom 95 just to remind me of those good ol' days. Only trouble is you cant run custom files cause its shareware so you cant map or change the music to the original psx music, instead its that horrible midi stuff.

...And there are limitations too, like no pulse rifle or bfg, and only one set of missions.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 06:35:08 UTC
in Aliens took my mom Post #67799
The fluffiness >_<
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 17:37:35 UTC
in Aliens took my mom Post #67685
Bah! What a scandal! No aliens! Lies! Lies! Lies!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 13:07:49 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67662
Anyones a regular if they just get off their arse and be one
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:28:05 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67651
Nah, it's a funny looking dog/mutant kitten, I have to say. Reminds me of chow's old avatar, it's great.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 12:26:01 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67650
tee hee
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:37:34 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67607
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:29:04 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67601
I think off-topic discussion and debate should be raised only in #twhlregs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-19 10:06:10 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67594
Stop seeing #twhlregs as a bad thing! As Mephs pointed out, the normal #twhl may still be opened up and questions answered :D

Here are the benefits of #twhlregs:

1. Authenticity -- As the conservatives tried to put it (j/k)
2. No spam in #twhl
3. No distractions in #twhl
4. Off topic discussion, much like this 'stuff' forum
5. No annoyances in #twhl
6. Arguments if necessary carried out in #twhlregs, allowing #twhl to be free of insult
7. #twhl becomes idiot-proof
8. Banned members may still communicate, but risk being banned in #twhlregs if taking things a little too far
9. Pig-sucking and dog-beating will not interfere with #twhl
10. No-one can be cheeky to Marvin, Seventh, or any other mod in #twhl

The benefits will be great for the future of #twhl, no-one gets upset, the cannel becomes clean, genuine questions can be answered without interference, and all will be fine.

I think that there is not much point in having a password to get in #twhlregs, but, then again outside parties may see #twhlregs as an opportunity to fight in or challenge twhl members in #twhlregs, which could be a bad thing if left too it's own devices. : Too be honest, I'm not sure.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:14:36 UTC
in Separate channel for Regulars Post #67421
I agree, then we will be able to flame each other and not disrupt the light-hearted! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 11:27:02 UTC
in Fun IRC Log... :D (pigs....) Post #67310
1 hour and 30 minutes of pig-sucking mayhem! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 11:19:46 UTC
in Sub-Compos Post #67308
The sound thing might be interesting. I havent told anyone this yet, but I have alot of top quality sound editing stuff that has the ability to create better ambience than natural selection! (-ish)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 11:17:32 UTC
in Mapping HL2. Post #67307
A rocket car? Sounds interesting. Interogate him and find out as much as you can about this, really, we need to know.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 11:14:43 UTC
in another game Post #67306
There was this bloke called Anthony Dunn
  • or -
There was a bakery which gave me a free bun
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 11:09:34 UTC
in Spelling correctly Post #67305
One thing that I can't stand is the use of the expression '...sort of' inbetween sentences. For example:

"There was this sort of dog which sort of pissed against this sort of tree in a sort of park found near... erm, sort of near a tree under a sort of blue sky with sort of all these clouds.'

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 16:49:06 UTC
in Mapping HL2. Post #67126
I'm so fcking pissed off that HL2 doesnt come with a deathmatch, that is really gonna cripple the sales
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 13:39:59 UTC
in FBI shuts down 20 antiwar web sites Post #66937
Anti-War is treasonous
So is lying to everyone about weapons of mass destruction and the fact that the war is not a war on terror but a war on economics.

Anti-war is not treasonous, its just common sense. Anyone with an operational brain can see that there is no glory in war. (The war that was supposed to be over btw)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 13:39:05 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #66707
Basically, America went to the moon and said to the aliens, 'all your base are belong to us,' and fled.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 12:04:30 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #66684
I strongly believe that Nasa doctored the moon landing images and filmed the footage we seen in a suitable location somewhere in the Nevada Desert (Area 51? - btw Area 51 is not an 'alien autopsy facility' or whatever, it's a technological experimentation facility). Evidently, this may indeed be the case due to a variety of technical flaws.

The reason Nasa did not show us the real footage of the moon is because what they had seen there was far from their expectations, and indeed worthy of cover-up. Armstrong himself is recorded saying that 'something was watching them', and that 'something was following them closely.'

There is of course the credible suggestion that the whole thing was faked as part of propaganda, but un-be-known to us, the Russians already landed on Mars. The whole thing was carefully constructed so as to show America's superiority to a global audience (the flag placement etc). Some even go as far as suggesting that Stanley Kubrick directed the moon landing footage. I myself find that difficult to believe, but nevertheless possible.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 13:20:40 UTC
in no hldm with hl2 my source is reliable Post #66455
I think that is so un-half-life to have a cs only multiplayer. We could have had new versions of the classic hl dm maps and more converted to a hl2 style, but no, VALVe made even more fck-ups. Stupid prcks. Can't they see that CS players and HLDM players are TOTALLY different! :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-14 13:16:56 UTC
in FBI shuts down 20 antiwar web sites Post #66453
FBI shuts down 20 antiwar web sites: an unprecedented act of Internet censorship:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 17:27:01 UTC
in This will be awesome Post #65719
Redemption starts off difficult and is even harder in certain areas.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 12:23:10 UTC
in any clan mebers here Post #65667
This thread serves as an invite for Ozone 11 :confused: :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 12:22:12 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #65663
...probably exactly what we didnt want to be doing :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 12:09:39 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #65659
...if I dont get my job as a Concept Artist, then, I'm afraid its Kwik Save :zonked: j/k!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 12:03:14 UTC
in What do you want to do? Post #65654
I'd like to be a concept artist - its a demanding job, but you should always set yourself a goal in life no matter how far-fetched it may be, it's something I can work to achieve... I mean look at Feng Zhu for instance, now thats what I should be...

( )
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 12:35:44 UTC
in Want to be freaked? Post #65424
Anyone who potholes needs lockin' up.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 08:47:37 UTC
in The real Black Mesa Post #65220
The Black Mesa base as depicted by VALVe is an actual representation of a particular underground base at Dulce in New Mexico. What's interesting is the fact that there is an underground rail system connecting the many subterranean bases. The region of Dulce is very similar to the surroundings at Black Mesa, and there are certain many entrances located at various Mesas, canyons, and mountainsides. Also interesting is the fact that Dulce base was said to have been the setting of a war involving extraterrestrials and military personnel. This became known as 'The Dulce Wars'. The human personnel were outraged by the atrocities being committed by the ET involvement against humans, such as the many genetic experiments that took place. One particular guy, Phil Schneider worked on the construction of the base and was said to have been hit by a laser weapon, which had scared an area on his chest. Phil Schneider was murdered in what was supposed to look like a suicide when he told of the base. A major base is located beneath Denver Airport, Colorado, and it is also said that many major structures in different regions have entrances to the underground networks, such as hospitals, military bases, freemasonic lodges, Mormon temples, churches, museums, government offices, etc.

For more information on underground bases visit these sites: