Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 18:01:26 UTC
in life? Post #149076
Some still dont understand that:
There's a difference in the principles of a religion and what some people do to take advantage of it. To put it simple with this example:
Nihilanth is a god and he says "Dont kill people". But there's an alien-slave that says "Let's kill Gordon Freeman in the name of Nihilanth". It would be very stupid to argue that the alien-slave kills because of Nihilanth's teachings. Most people ignore the basics of those religions. They judge them for what evil people have done with them, forgetting about their ethical message.

About racism. I dont really get the point. Black football (soccer) players receive all sorts of racist commentaries in some European stadiums. Now the question is: Would it be considered a racist insult if someone yelled "monkey!!" at Beckham? The answer is no. Why? 'Cause he doesnt look like one?? That would imply that those other players do, which is utter NONSENSE. I mean, I wouldnt get upset if I went to some African country and people started calling me "White-skinned man!" That's how I was born. It's not an insult. End of story.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 10:47:49 UTC
in life? Post #149009
our religions tell us to attack
Not really. The terrorist bombers think they will go to paradise if they die while killing, but that's the only "religious" thing about it. There's a much more important political reason. Religion is the excuse that they use to lure people into killing.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 10:28:55 UTC
in can't find game file? (source SDK) Post #149001
If you reinstalled the SDK and nothing happened, I bet there's a problem with the actual game files.
Try searching in the steam forums here
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 10:11:30 UTC
in life? Post #148998
their actions come from within - it is entirely their choice to make
You'd be surprised what an important role education has in people. We could say that terrorists blow themselves up because they are bad-natured? Actually it's more like "That's how they've been educated".

That's what I was referring to in my post. God or no God, religions are an ethical code. The interesting thing is looking at the common values that all religions have. That would be the real part, the human part you can beleive.
About proof... nothing can be absolutely proven, not even this sentence. Just like Heisenberg said: If you can see an electron, you can't know its speed at that precise moment. If you know its speed, you can't see where it is since it's moving. :nuke:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-25 09:09:41 UTC
in life? Post #148993
I'd like to point out some things.
There's a difference between the basics of a religion (all of them have some sort of message of love) and what people interpret by themselves. Just like there's a difference in between what I think is a Combine Transport Hub and what people will actually map, even following the rules.
The example of Christianity is very obvious. The original message of this religion says nothing about stealing from the poor and threatening with eternal fire (Middle Age) and is absolutely against killing (which makes the whole point of the Crusades very anti-christian).

Saying that religion induces violence is like saying that a pillow induces a pillow fight... At least with most religions. Violence and hatred have always been there. Before, during, and after these religions.

Some of them are valid as an ethical code, which is needed in every society. Other aspects of those religions seem very pointless.
The whole point of "People are good by nature and religion makes them bad" is doubtful...

Just to finish. Science is as human as religion. It has been wrong countless times. What scientist knew in ancient Greece is different than what Newtown said long afterwards, and centuries after Newton, Einstein proved that Newton's physics werent really accurate at all...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 20:18:21 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #148880
It will involve a ride on something
This theme really reminds me of xen transportation
Er, actually no... Read carefully.
You are not required to build a working transport method to be used by the player
Remember that there must be some outside area. The most important thing is the idea of the Hub, not making a ride.
@Habboi: read the rules again and dont forget about some of them!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-24 17:46:42 UTC
in Competition 18 Post #148853
As the rules say, you can make this map based in architecture, blending with terrain, etc. It's actually a very open theme. Just follow the rules and good luck!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 20:07:31 UTC
in Help plz with needs.. Post #148712
I dont really understand the question, and I dont know if others will :o
Read the tutorials.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 15:10:50 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148655
You mean the other compo made no sense? I think it did.
The next one will make sense, and I think it'll be fun.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 13:19:05 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148627
The source compo will be up first.
Not all "map from base" competitions are the same, and this one isnt about filling a blocky map with detail. It's a bit different, so it will NOT take me a very short time. I also have to do a university project for Friday so it's not that easy.
The half-life 1 competition will probably end after Christmas. I'm sorry if you wanted to use Thanksgiving holidays to map... but I dont have any holidays until December 23rd... :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-23 13:13:26 UTC
in Current Projects? Post #148625
I'm making a library, even tough the screenshot looks nothing like it (no books yet). I have applied a photoshop filter because my teachers dont like Half-life textures.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 21:07:15 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148504
The problem, as I have mentioned earlier in the thread, is that the Source Compo will be ready as soon as I write the text, but the HL1 compo needs a base map. Maybe we can skip that somehow. I just think that it would be much easier at the time of comparing entries.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 20:51:22 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148498
You guys seem to have more info on this competition than the person that makes the final decision ;)

Some info: the HL1 compo is something that even less experienced mappers can work on, so the fight for the top positions will be really tight.
The Source compo involves an interesting theme and can result in huge maps of original design. Not your everyday hl2 map.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-22 04:44:46 UTC
in Is it possible to teleport a grenade? Post #148307
The entity you should be using is not a func_button. Try using a button_target. When the grenade explodes, it will trigger it and it can trigger the env_explosion. The problem is that a button_target will also trigger the explosion if you shoot at it with any weapon.
You can also make a func_door_rotating (or other entity) with a grenade texture to simulate the effect of the incoming grenade.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 20:26:20 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148039
The theme for the HL1 compo has been decided, but since I have to make the map, it'll start after the Source Compo.
Physics will be involved, but it wont be the main/only theme of the map. HL2 is more than physboxes.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 19:04:05 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148022
Next HL1 is a "map from base" one, so the Source one will start before it giving us time to setup the map.
Some of the ideas here are very interesting, but I cant just use the idea of a single member (except me, that is :D). If there's something you think will be a great compo, work hard on this one, win it and then propose it! :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 16:32:19 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148011
Dont post specific competition details, because it'll be less likely those will make it to the compo. I'm not going to decide the theme that one person wants. It wouldnt be fair. Just be patient :cyclops:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-19 15:40:04 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #148005
The theme for next HL1 competition is almost completely decided. Keep posting about the Source one if you wish.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 16:00:03 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #147848
Could be, but I'm not sure about this part:
scale of rooms all out of proportion, stuff like that
This could lead to bad mapping. Hey, if it's a dream, people could map with bad scale, bad texturing and strange layout and argue that it's all part of the dream world...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 11:43:21 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #147788
@Tosse: we already had that compo.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 09:40:42 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #147778
I did. All these ideas are very interesting. I was also considering the nature of both games, one being old and the other being new.
Maybe the HL compo could be about doing something familiar (similar to the last 2 HL1 compos) as best as you can, showing that good maps are still possible with the old engine.
For the HL2 compo, something that would allow mappers the chance to explore the new feautures of Source, and make something original. It'd be quite a challenge, as we know that HL2 maps always tend to look HL2ish...

Those are some ideas. A faster competion could consist in connecting two areas of a given map as best as possible. Sort of like a "stairs, ramps and elevators" competition. Keep posting in this thread. I want to see what people think so we dont get 4 entries like in my previous compo. :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 20:32:22 UTC
in Next Compo ideas! Post #147715
It wasnt such a weird idea.
Due to the lack of participation on that one, next compo will be an easier one. Of couse, "easy" means that you'll have to do well to beat other people's entries.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 16:54:30 UTC
in Humor In A Map? Post #147677
Also keep in mind that a joke is better when more people understand it. Like those newspaper cartoons where noone speaks but there's a clear message.
In mapping for HL, the best jokes would be the ones that have something to do with the game.
If you base your jokes in what YOU think is funny, things can happen like in The Simpsons, when they make jokes about celebrities that people outside the U.S dont know about :confused:
Remember that a universal humor product needs a universal joke!
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 09:51:27 UTC
in Has Mapping Ruined Your Gaming? Post #147219
I didnt star mapping for HL until a year after my brother bought it. But when HL2 came out, it wasnt long before vALVE announced the HL2DM competition. I had to start mapping an learning the ropes before finishing the game. There was even a period of time when by DVD reader was K.O and I couldnt play the game. I used Hammer but couldnt check my progress.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 09:16:24 UTC
in Give Weapons Post #147210
Forget about triggers, buttons and game_ entities for a minute, and just tell us what you want to happen in your map.
example: I want players to start without weapons, they can get them from bla bla and after each round I want them to keep/lose them bla bla
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 08:57:35 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147207
User posted image
Left: Normal G-man
Right High Definition G-man
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 08:25:14 UTC
in Has Mapping Ruined Your Gaming? Post #147204
Not only do I enjoy them less. I even get pissed off when I see something in a level that I could have done better. Fortunately, I dont know how to model or code pixel shaders, so those still surprise me :)
On the other hand, I think I could/will have a bright future in the world of level design seeing how bad some concept art is nowadays.
HL2 has lost a little of its magic. Looking up at the Citadel isnt as mysterious when you've already been to the top floor. There is still some darn good level design in HL2 though.
F.E.A.R or Doom3 just seem to copy themselves over and over again.
And FEAR has optimization problems. Someone needs to learn how to use hints and occluders. Maybe their engine just doesnt have that kind of luxeries.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-15 07:31:33 UTC
in Feedback =D Post #147199
It's just a story, dont look for logical explanations. I think the moon is fine. No point in saying "someone stole the pigmentive and reflective properties of materials"
Someone stole the moon sounds better.

It's like if we go to vALVE and say : nice idea, But why Gordon Freeman?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-14 09:08:22 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #147083
his face looks a little flat
That's the G-man face from the High Definition Pack.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 21:58:56 UTC
in Give Weapons Post #147034
I'm not sure that you can trigger a game_player_equip. From what I know, it works automatically on respawn, giving the players certain items depending on the team. At least in teamplay deathmatch.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 21:11:49 UTC
in Lightsabers Post #147022
I'll try to extract the frames and recombine them with virtualdub or something. And then I'll have to upload it somewhere... any suggestions?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 20:58:58 UTC
in Lightsabers Post #147019
I think I spent three or four hours on a 9 second video with two lightsabers.
User posted image
This is what it looked like. Well, the final AVI had the horrible demo stamp...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 20:06:49 UTC
in The Howdy's Ideas Thread! Post #147011
a Basic Source Tutorial. like simple basic stuff. lighting and stuff
Surprisingly, most of the Half-life tutorials are still valid when it comes to basic mapping in Source. I dont see the need for basic Source tutorials.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 14:08:29 UTC
in Lightsabers Post #146974
The ones the pros use are real expensive
The full version of After Affects is US$999.00
And Discreet Combustion (now called Autodesk Combustion) costs $995.000
IMO those are already expensive.
Getting lightsabers to glow in movies is getting them to glow in thousands of pictures, with the added dificulty that sometimes you need to apply mask frames if, for example, part of your body prevents you from seeing part of the saber.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-13 06:41:45 UTC
in Source Valve Hammer Post #146928
There is a possibility though.
When you import a .MAP file in Hammer 4, I think you can save it to .MAP
It wont save it as a .VMF unless you specify so. The problem is that Hammer 3.4 probably wouldnt open that .MAP file... I'll have to test it.
The "export to DXF" option is useful for Autocad and specially for importing maps into Bryce. But these programs dont have the HL textures, and the whole point is being able to walk through the building in real time. :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 18:55:42 UTC
in Blackness Post #146871
Another way of explaining it is that
light is an entity that emits light from a certain point and in all directions, sort of like a sphere of light.
light_enviroment is a distant light. It doesnt matter where you place the entity, the only thing that matters is the angle (azimuth) and pitch (altitude) of the sun. You can actually get a solar calculator and light your map in a precise time of day etc
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 17:45:56 UTC
in Source Valve Hammer Post #146848
The reason I asked is because I have parts of a map done with Source that I need to use in Half-life1.
My "Projects" classroom in university doesnt have Internet yet, so I cant use STEAM/Hl2 to show teachers my work. I dont have the problem with HL1, obviously :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 17:36:40 UTC
in Lightsabers Post #146846
I have done a 9 second video of the sword fight in Animatrix, transforming the swords into lightsabers. It took me AGES. And the Combustion demo added a red cross over the rendered AVI :(
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 17:31:23 UTC
in Lightsabers Post #146843
Adobe After Effects and Discreet Combustion
I havent tried it with after effects, but it's fairly easy to do the effect in Combustion. The problem is that the method of "rotoscopy" forces you to modify the saber in EACH frame.
So if you have a 3 minute video, you have 180 seconds. If it has 20 frames per second... do the math. That's a lot of frames to edit. It's hard work, I assure you.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-12 16:05:12 UTC
in Light trou walls and in shadows.. Post #146826
Build the room with normal brushes (walls and floor) and then add the displacement surfaces.
If possible, make two different displacements for each side of the wall, instead of only one.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 22:51:45 UTC
in Feedback =D Post #146731
I'm impressed. This could be the plot for a real game or a movie. (in a way it reminds of the black & white world in Pleasantville)
I think would be very difficult to translate this into a mod though.
I'd like to point out that even though simple and good ideas usually work, the world of videogames doesnt like simple things these days. For example, in a sequence where you are on the street talking to these people who all look the same, you'd have to map the whole street with enough detail so it feels right.
Another thing that I think is a mistake is: having players visit all these completely different locations just because you feel like mapping them. (For example, I take it you want to map the graveyard part because you liked Painkiller, if I'm not mistaking ;) )
This happened in some games like Tomb Raider III, and the levels as a whole felt a bit incoherent. (it's like they said "hey, lets make Lara Croft visit every continent!" just for the heck of it...)

BTW Your idea also reminded me slightly of the story of Momo, I dont know if you've read it/seen the movie. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-11 15:33:47 UTC
in Texture issues. Post #146644
My bet is that you have saved the wad files in the wrong folder. Maybe you have those files in "valve" when they should be in "cstrike"
Use the wadinclude command while compiling and most of your custom texture problems will be solved forever.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-10 17:45:34 UTC
in Source Valve Hammer Post #146438
Speaking of this source-hl1 compatibility: Does Valve Hammer Editor (source SDK) allow you to save a .vmf file as a .map file?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 14:49:38 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146231
More or less what I said, but based on a greater knowledge of the matter.
I hate people who break the law precisely because the law will protect them no matter what they do.
There's also a law in France (and maybe in other countries, I dont know) that forbids you to give a racial description while describing a robber, murderer etc. Supossedly, saying that the guy who took your phone is this or that would be a racist thing to do... That's STUPID. Police would want to have all the info on the person they have to look for. It is also a way to prevent something (which everyone knows) from appearing in statistics: a huge percentage of crimes are committed by this colective.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 12:09:37 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146184
Absolutely NOTHING is an excuse for burning other people's cars (in some cases poor people who dont own a garage). It is more than understandable that some people dont want to employ "car burners". Of course being an inmigrant doesnt mean you are a car burner, but that's the image these people are transmitting. Not the smartest thing to do IMO.

-"Hey, I'm civilized, I want a job!"
-"Sorry sir, I don't like your accent"
-"OK, I'll burn your car so you can see how civilized I am!!"

They're being treated like shit without ever having been in their parents' native country
As I explained before, some of these people DONT want to adjust themselves to the country they are in. They keep acting like they lived in a law-less land. You just cant go around doing whatever the heck you think is right and then expecting everyone to treat you like them.

If you want to be treated like them, start to behave like them.

Intolerant people DO NOT deserve to be treated with tolerance
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-09 08:12:41 UTC
in Incredibly ignorant or plainly stupid Post #146157
Just a word on this riot thing. I lived in Paris for two years and I can tell you that some people DONT want to adjust themselves to the country they are in. In my opinion, when you go to some country to have a better life than what you had in your native land, you need to put a bit of effort from your part and adapt your behaviour somehow. I'm not saying that foreigners should have to abandon their religions or anything like that, but they have to understand that there is something that made their countries fail (that's why they left) and they are bringing a little bit of that something into the countries they go to.
Kids have been burning cars in Saint-Denis for a very long time now (not that many cars at the same time, of course). It seems a very ungrateful thing to do to the country that let you in and gave you work.
Some of these people are complaining that they are treated differently, somehow discriminated just by their race. They are throwing rocks at their own roof, since all this just shows us that they are indeed different, uncapable of civilized behaviour etc etc.
I hope I dont offend anyone, but that's the way things are.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 20:18:14 UTC
in Dm mapping Post #145994
I cant answer your question on the doors, because I rarely use them in a deathmatch map. For one reason or another, they usually worsen the gameflow.
About things breaking once, remember that not every player joins a deathmatch game in its first moments of play, so they most likely will miss that thing/s breaking...
Spawn points should be placed more or less close to a weapon and in places where the player might have a chance of surviving. The central area of crossfire, for example, is one place where you dont want to place spawn points because the player would last 2 seconds there.
Place ammo of powerful weapons away from those weapons, so players move around and dont camp.
Think that not every weapon belongs in every map: A map with narrow halls and sharp turns would work well with shotguns, tripmines and satchel charges, but the RPG and crossbow would be pointless.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 16:14:57 UTC
in Stalkyard 2 Post #145966
sacrifice 2 or sacrifice : source maybe?
It is planned, but I'd need new textures. HL1 texturing is much easier and faster. That's the only thing in which source fails for me.
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 15:25:19 UTC
in Stalkyard 2 Post #145959
I have a machine to nicely handle Source. It'll be 4 years old next June.
-Compiling times for source are way shorter, since you can turn most brushes into func_detail so they dont interfere in the VIS process. If you give the lightmaps lower values, RAD takes longer, but the default process is much shorter.
-Waiting times depend on the amount of textures and polygons. The same map with the same textures and polygons would take the same time to load in both engines. (I usually use a small number of textures in my source maps so they take less to load).

And comparing the image+performance quality I get with a source game with the image+performance I get with F.E.A.R or Doom3, the resources needed are very well worth the returns.

BTW, I also get warpcore and sacrifice very often in the top maps. Sometimes I see two of Rimrook's maps, and very other few...
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-07 14:37:27 UTC
in Stalkyard 2 Post #145950
The map is really really nice. And it should've been for source. HL wasnt made for high res textures and +1000 wpolys.
The detail textures for STEAM were also a nice addition to the map.

Speaking of the Source engine: Adjustable lightmaps , reflective water and displacement textures RULE. :P