Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 13:24:14 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135141
Ok, it might be nice for sword and fishing games, sort of like an Eye Toy thing. But that's really not the controller with which I'd like to play a Zelda or a racing game. I dont really care since I wasnt planning on getting that console, and now I'm even more convinced.
Maybe a PS3 if there are enough good games for it. Otherwise it'll just be PC forever.
They will probably have to make a more traditional controller later on, when they see that a lot of gamers will find this too strange.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-16 04:46:05 UTC
in where could i get a sound for a.... Post #135030
Why would you need to extract a sound that is in the pakfile?
Are you going to modify it or something?
Just do what Weeman said. Write the path starting with the directory inside "sounds"

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 17:16:50 UTC
in half life 1 mapping hints and tips Post #134981
I'm actually having problems with VVIS taking too long, or rather getting stuck on the 6th step of the Portal Flow Process...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 14:46:50 UTC
in What I do in my spare time! Post #134943
I usually sleep when I have spare time. It doesnt matter if it's 10 AM or 5 PM.
But this year I might roller-blade and play hockey. My classes begin next Wednesday, and that'll mean spare time goes basically bye bye :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-15 14:19:45 UTC
in Star Wars Post #134931
Some things that would have made the Star Wars prequel trilogy a bit better:

-Jar Jar Binks should have never been there, period.
-Episode I should have been less predictable. We all knew who would win that battle.
-The bad guys (trade federation) shouldn't have looked like dirty teletubbies. They were not menacing.
-They needed someone to write real dialogues. The original trilogy wasnt that good in that aspect, but the actors made you forget their lines were sometimes bad.
-They needed another actor to play Anakin. (For the little kid and the adult one too)
-They should have made a couple of stage sets, instead of CG and blue screens everywhere. We never feel the characters are in a place. We can see it's a background and they are talking to non-existent aliens in some cases.

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-14 16:09:59 UTC
in What makes a great map? Post #134728
For example, most maps in Unreal Tournament are (like the title indicates) very unreal. But they are logical and coherent.
And yes, gameplay and layout are the most important factors in a multiplayer map.
Proportions and scaling are also important. The thing is, if you ever make something that looks strange, plays strange, you need players to understand that it was your intention, and not a mistake. Rats maps are of course out of scale, but that's the idea of the map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-14 12:59:19 UTC
in Day of Defeat : Source release date Post #134682
DoD 1.3 beta was the best. Some of the maps were crap, I know, but also fun. The following updates made it too realistic, with the POV shifting up when shooting. Some could say it was a nice touch, but for me it ruined the game. The first time I played I thought it combined the realism and some team oriented aspects of CS, and the freedom and fun of HLDM.
The old dod_omaha was such an unbalanced map :D ... it was fun!
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 18:28:02 UTC
in text based adventures Post #134523
I've actually written a text-game in QBasic
Me too! Although not so long ago. Maybe in 1997 or something like that. The game was complemented by a hand-drawn map. Quite fun!

GoTo 100

100 End of post :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 16:08:36 UTC
in What makes a great map? Post #134500
Some of the worst ones are played over and over again
fy_iceworld & CO
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 08:36:55 UTC
in why does my map look terrible??? Post #134357
Your map needs lights.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-10 19:41:45 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133876
Then I decided to see what it would look like chromed, and the result was sweet!
Actually, you only changed brightness and contrast a bit. :D
Very nice still.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 17:08:06 UTC
in Domes.... Post #133568
Even if the method is bad for the compilers, there are no after-effects of it in the final BSP:
User posted image
There are other ways to make interesting ceilings, like the use of the rib vault.
User posted image
You can learn more about it here. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 11:03:56 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133184
Nice tech drawings, Captain P !
@ZombieLoffe: if you posted smaller images they would look better...

The tools I used were mainly charcoal, white chalk and some pastel. Last year I found a nice method to get better contrast: I usually darken the paper with charcoal, and obtain the white with an eraser (instead of using the white of the paper). I have some nice water paintings, but we handed them in at the end of the year and the teachers have to give them back.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 10:50:39 UTC
in HL2DM official map compo Post #133176
Did you read the dates? This contest took place more than 8 months ago.
I participated, but I never even knew if they received my entry.
vALVE should have at least sent a thankyou email. And the winning maps were nothing to write home about...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 04:19:28 UTC
in Domes.... Post #133112
A small screenshot of a dome built with my method. As I said before, only the inside will look good.
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 19:01:33 UTC
in Func_Physbox properties Post #133077
No need! Problem fixed.

I made a slightly bigger brush around the physbox with the desired textures and tied it to a func_illusionary. I gave the physbox a name and I gave the func_illusionary that name as a parent. Simple and effective.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 18:45:44 UTC
in Help From Around the World Post #133076
In a way this is nice. We are talking about countries deciding to help another, instead of planning an invasion. [cough] middle-east! [/cough] :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 18:42:32 UTC
in Func_Physbox properties Post #133074
Ok, I finally solved my problem, sort of. It seems that the texture you use on a physbox will have a drastic effect on its weight. Using one textured with black made it heavy and not pickable by the gravgun. Texturing it with combine metal makes the same brush-based entity much lighter and you can pick it up and carry with no problems.
I'm saying it "sort of" solved my problem because I really wanted to use the black texture on the physbox... I'll mess around with texturing to see if I can get it to work.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 18:03:30 UTC
in Favorite easy map editor? Post #133069
I dont really know what the difference is.
Hammer/worldcraft 2.1 did come with the game, at least mine... Seriou Sam had its Serious Editor, and Unreal Tournaments come with Unreal Ed...
Maybe you are referring to something like the Age of Empires and StarCraft scenario editors
:quizzical: ?
Maybe the Tony Hawk park editors can be consider fun, although very limited in terms of theme.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 13:59:31 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133007
Most are university work, and some of it was translated into the maps.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 11:34:00 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132978
Okay, these are hand-drawn but I tweaked contrast in some of them with Photo Editor (yes, THAT microsoft office thing)
-These two pictures were made looking at some boxes in our art class, specially put there for that purpose.
-This one was done in some sort of playground. It was a 1-hour exam, so it looks a bit unfinished.
-This one is completely made up, trying to imitate the drawings of Adolphe Appia
-The central part of this drawing can bee seen in my maps "Floating line" and "Tp_sacrifice".
-This is a drawing I made of a small toolbox I have. (Yes, I was bored when I did that one :lol: ).
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 07:07:59 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132909
I still don't like this drawing
doesn't mean
those drawing are horrible!
We're learning the difference, good! ;)
And my drawings are made by me, since I'm a Spaniard they are not japanese. I didnt copy it from anywhere. Ok, the big cute (not stupid) eyes are an identity mark of japanese manga, but that's about the only thing manga in the drawing. They tend to draw hair like if it was solid, and they make body proportions very deformed (tiny waist etc.)
Don't get mad at me. I was only showing you a pic coloured with PSP... :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 06:44:07 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132906
1. They are not horrible in any way.
2. Who says I made them being 21? Those drawings are old.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 06:26:54 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132904
I dont see anything wrong... other than all manga girls look alike.
The hand-drawn was part of my inspiration for "Floating Line" and other maps.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 06:07:48 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132896
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 03:34:52 UTC
in "Bush doesnt care about black people" Post #132880
Well, it is strange that the US would need help, but I think it's OK to ask for it when you've given aid to other countries in similar catastrophes. Still, not all of these countries have that kind of debt with the US, and these offers could be mainly a diplomatic courtesy. I honestly dont think that the Dominican Republic, El Salvador or Thailand (to name a few) are in a position to help the U.S in this kind of tragedy.
Bush said the other day (smiling broadly, btw) that they had enough resources to take care of Iraq and Katrina at the same time...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:48:35 UTC
in Domes.... Post #132839
Yes, I'm thinking of domes with irregular shapes made out of displacements... that's an interesting idea. I wonder if it would look ok with non-cave textures.
That's a messy method for the compilers, Kasperg
Yes, it takes more time to compile, but less to build. I prefer the compilers doing the dirty work in this case ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:07:51 UTC
in Domes.... Post #132830
I used a different method for the dome in my "Punishment" maps. It's made with normal brushes rotated in different angles, but it only works for the inside of the dome.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 14:41:31 UTC
in Dumbest thing ever Post #132790
I meant this corner. The metal is narrower at the end, and it should have a shadow. Since it doesnt, it's fake.
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 06:26:15 UTC
in Dumbest thing ever Post #132673
The light is coming from a west-southwest direction. You can clearly see it in the fan and in some pieces of the card. I dont see any equivalent shadows on the table.
There's another picture in the same thread in which it is more than obvious that is has been (as someone said):
And there should be a little shadow line in the most bottom left corner of the card. The metal is narrower right at the end, meaning that part doesnt touch the surface and should have a shadow underneath. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 04:44:31 UTC
in Dumbest thing ever Post #132660
It is fake. The videocard is not on top of that wooden surface you can see in the pic. The card has self-induced shadows (or however you say that in english) but it has no shadows in the table surface. Even I could've done a better job with photoshop :
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 17:36:58 UTC
in Func_Physbox properties Post #132602
Could you mail the vmf me or tell me properties and flags you have set?
The sphere was a brush, and it is not embedded in the floor. I can use the primary grav-gun function to shoot at it and push it around (like you can do with the heavier objects in the game) but I cannot pick it up and carry it around with me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 17:32:05 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132600
as long as things are going fine I am not looking for some change
That's our point, they are not going fine. Your machine is able to run the game, it has good specs. But Hammer is probably running badly because of your OS. Windows 98 is about... 8 years old?
XP might not be the perfect OS, but it is miles ahead of 98. In fact, I dont recall a single software related freeze in my computer under XP. The only "blue screen of death" I have gotten with XP was because of DDR ram failure after a power outage.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 16:28:35 UTC
in Func_Physbox properties Post #132593
I tried metal:large, metal:medium and metal:small but it made no difference.
It is a sphere of 36x36 units. I've made physboxes in the past and I could pick them up. Is this too big?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 15:37:00 UTC
in Func_Physbox properties Post #132582
Sorry to revive my old thread. I am once again working with func_physbox, and I don't know what to do to enable the grav-gun to pick them up. I can shoot them around, but the secondary grab function wont work.
Is there a size limit or properties in which a physbox will be considered too heavy for the grav-gun?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 10:44:41 UTC
in Windows SP 2 Post #132490
my SW Racer works in a Intel Centrino Laptop running Windows XP SP2. I assume the problem has something to do with the newer Nvidia chips and drivers. Does anyone know if this game works with an ATi ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 09:53:59 UTC
in Mapping Techniqe Post #132483
There are maps that have a similar feeling to Hl1, like the ones made by darkphoenix_68. Lighting is very important, and so is sound. It really isnt as difficult as it seems.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 09:25:03 UTC
in Windows SP 2 Post #132477
Not everygame has the needed patch. The Star Wars RACER patch doesnt solve the problem of the "white screen". I havent had any compatibility problems with XP other than "Max Payne 1", "RACER" and "Rogue Squadron".
I've never used win 2k in my PC, but I doubt any change will be worth the time it takes to reinstall everything.
"if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
That's right. But SP2 has that firewall thingy. And microsoft is capable of not letting us upgrade media player etc. if we dont download their stuff :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 08:53:44 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132471
Bryce is the easiest to use though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 07:29:24 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132458
Yeah, but I dont know if he meant HL2 or Hammer itself. A two year old computer should have no problems running hamer IMO, but then again, he could have all sorts of addware eating up resources.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-05 05:59:45 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #132440
@ J.C: You said you can't map for source because your computer is more than two years old? I havent made any CPU, 3dcard or memory upgrades since I bought my computer more than three years ago and there is no problem whatsoever... What are your system specs?
Mine are P IV 2.0 Ghz, 512 ddRAM, Geforce4 ti 4200
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 12:08:57 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #132357
Ok, GIMP might be better, but with Photoshop 7 and Paint Shop Pro 8 installed, I'm not going to waste my time downloading it any time soon.

Same thing with upgrading my PC. I would find it useless to spend a day shopping and installing some components take would only improve performance of my tasks in milliseconds (the exact opposite that Formula1 teams do :D)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 12:00:04 UTC
in Competition 16 Post #132354
I only need to place spawn points, ammo and throwable stuff. But I have an important exam this week so it might have to wait until Friday or so.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 11:56:19 UTC
in Alyx Post #132352
Looks a bit like Sandra Bullock and Hilary Swank.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 09:59:14 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132325
That is so true.
I remember that Habboi told me my HL2DM maps all looked the same. It is true, I end up using the same textures and props all over again. Even the remake of my map Punishment is strange, because the original map had egyptian style textures and the HL2DM version is pure City 17.
There's no way I could redo the custom textures of my maps in 512x512 pixels, and that's the main reason why I'm going to stop source mapping after the compo.
A pity, since the new water and reflections could make my maps look better.
There's almost no room for imagination. In every map, I follow the "make a dispacement texture with the garbage texture, and put the trash-textured overlay on top of it"
The worst part of all, is that after having used the improvements of the new Hammer editor, going back to the old one is a real pain.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 06:26:26 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132279
The part right after the "Incident" was also good. I remember the elevator button that you could press, only to see a group of scientists falling to their death. It was pretty tragic (they tried a similar atmosphere at the beginning of the Resident Evil movie)
In HL2, my favourite chapters are "Route Kanal", "Nova Prospekt", "Anticitizen One" and "Our Benefactors"
But it's true, it doesnt really look like a sequel to HL. Op4 and Blue-Shift had that purpose years ago, and they accomplished it nicely. vALVE knew it was time to move on.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 19:31:34 UTC
in How often do you upgrade? Post #132229
Well, autoCAD itself might not use too much memory, but the files I work with are usually huge (Larkin Building, Roman Pantheon, etc) :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 19:16:30 UTC
in How often do you upgrade? Post #132226
-Bought my computer in July 2002.
-Bought a CD-RW drive in September 2002
-Disconnected a very noisy fan and forgot about it.
-Bought a DVD-RW drive in December 2004
-Bought another HDD in January 2005

My next upgrade will probably be 512 more MB or ddr ram, maybe for Christmas. I think that's the only thing I could find useful. I wont have time for games, but autoCAD takes up too much memory.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 16:34:41 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132203
I didnt talk about the moment of the game when you get out of the train, I was talking about the part where you exit the trainstation, and get a wider view of the Combine's oppressive regime (as you said, it was hinted throughout the station, but you dont realize the magnitude of things until you see the citadel tower).
The HL1 train ride is very nice, but you have to understand that HL2 is not a copy of HL1. Introducing another long tram ride would make vALVE look unimaginative and keen only in "milking the cow" that was the success of the original game. It's a good thing they are different. I expect and hope that HL3 will also be different.
And before I forget, Unreal 2 is just a very good looking normal shooter. HL2 is a good one. It is not the same from beginning to end (you might need to play it again to remember)
There was only one part of HL2 which I would've liked to skip (some of the airboat maps) but there were many more in HL1 ("On rail" was long and tedious, and all the Xen maps were ugly, uninteresting and definately not worthy of the rest of the game :( )
Interaction with objects in HL2 was a nice touch, and the grav gun puzzles were better than most of the crate-pushing HL ones.
Keep bashing HL2 and I'll keep posting counter arguments
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 14:27:00 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132164
You are forgetting that HL1 is also linear, but in much smaller enviroments (the only BIG place is the dam).
The only thing that makes HL1 non-linear are the 90 degree turns in each of the vent shafts... :D Now those really did get repetitive. "Oh!, a headcrab hidden in the dark! What a surprise!"
One thing about the HL1 puzzles is that you had to go from point A to B, and then come back to point A. This doesnt happen so much in HL2.
Boss battles are missing in HL2, which is a pity.
If you consider that HL2 is bad because it isnt HL1 with better graphics, then wait for BM:Source as has been suggested. I was quite happy that HL2 had a different feel and setting that the overused Black Mesa. I bet that if HL2 had taken place in BM, you would have critized that also. :P
HL2, as a game, is pathetic
Could you enlighten us with a list of non-pathetic games? (from 1999 onwards, if possible)