Forum posts

Posted 7 years ago2016-11-20 08:30:17 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332349
Too bad mine's for 1.6. Guess I could port it for hldm as well.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-18 02:58:22 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332316
Where would the cs 1.6 executable be located? It seems to be missing.

Oh, you use hl's... :hammer:

Edit: I feel like a bad ass, my latest cs fgd. from my last computer wouldn't transfer with all its data fsr. so I copied it as a text file and pasted it into the fgd. on my new computer to have it work.

Also, I installed only the zhlt fgd at first to see its own entities separately.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-17 13:51:13 UTC
in Half-Life Timer By Zerotech Post #332319
This is awesome to practice bunny hopping faster. I wonder if there's a way to map this without code.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-16 16:18:13 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332307
I'm super stoked, this competition is going to be legit!

I have to reinstall everything including photoshop since I just got a new/ used pc.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-16 02:16:33 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332300
No rules rule. :freeman: Just give us more than four hours. ;)

Jessie, as a judge you should help decide the rules with Trempler and perhaps Penguinboy.

I feel that all you mentioned above should be permissible Jessie.

Maybe y'all could just call it "hl1 remake" and say "anything goes."

Engine requirements, goldsourse, source and GO...

Pick 2 or 3 months and say "no extensions whatsoever."

I gotta learn to import models and everything for this one on a limited time budget. I doubt i'll be able to make anything of my expectations in time but I will try. I already have it designing away in my head. It'd be for one dot six.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-15 01:43:07 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332288
You get that right up done yet Trempler?
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-13 23:11:45 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332279
Maybe the concept could be much broader. Like remake any part of hl1 "dm" or "sp" in any hl engine/ mod for any type of gameplay.

What do you think? Either way, i'll try to participate.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-13 23:08:33 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332277
I'd be more interested in doing a remake of scoutzknivez like I mentioned before because I actually could play the map in a server.

The only problem with hldm remake for me is i'd never play the map.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-13 20:10:33 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332273
I did a remake for stalkyard before.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-13 17:45:37 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332269
Because dingus. Jk lol.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-13 17:42:53 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332267
Why don't we just make it an unofficial competition?


Here's the list. You should be able to keep yours a secret if you like.

How long should we give it, about two months? Judges can be figd out later, we already got Jessie.
Posted 7 years ago2016-11-12 20:28:39 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #332257
I'd enter if the theme was reinvent a original hldm!
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-07 16:45:54 UTC
in 30 days of Half Life Post #331923
Ha, nice. I'll keep checking it out.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-07 16:43:37 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331922
I love seeing architecture in goldsource. It's always been my favorite way to flesh program out.

Loulimi, i'd recommend aligning the wood textures with the timbers, other wise it doesn't feel as believable.
Posted 8 years ago2016-09-13 01:07:09 UTC
in Competition? Post #331644
That's a good idea.

Well here it is.

Posted 8 years ago2016-09-13 00:01:18 UTC
in Competition? Post #331642
Anyone interested in doing a mini competition?

I de compiled ScoutzKnivez and reconstructed the rmf. I'd share it via drop box.

The competition would just be to redo the map either texturing it or adding to it however you like. You can do whatever you want, just remember. Some players won't even play alternate versions of the map. So it has to be really nice to be worth the effort. Simple might play to your advantage in this one.

It's the only map I still play on cs 1.6. Great gameplay with sv_gravity at 220 and sv_airaccelerate at 700.

We could vote based on a few things like "if people would actually rather play yours" and "qual-eh-teh".
User posted image
If no one's interested i'll probably do one any way. I've done it once already but could do better.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-14 22:21:15 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #330437
Insta ban. ;)
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-14 22:14:50 UTC
in Sprites of trees and bushes Post #330436

Download this and use it to make sprites.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-12 21:25:25 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330399
Just two onion domes, rest more simple geometry. Well there is the tower of babel in the center. Face palm.

I'll try it in my server when done. Can always recycle and simplify.
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-12 13:28:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330395
User posted image
Going to be a giant surfable sand castle. surf_sandcastle
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-11 20:13:55 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330385
User posted image
Starting up a surf map. The onion dome is hollow and all on grid and there's no hang ups on it while surfing it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-02-27 21:16:10 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #329041
I just mapped a house I designed for myself but it doesn't have anything to do with the theme of this project and is for cs. so i'd have to port it. Also, there's no gameplay so meh.

I've been waiting for it to compile all day...
Posted 8 years ago2016-01-14 22:55:06 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #328262
I already mapped my house. I'm done with my part. ;)

I actually have like over 30 houses I've designed and mapped in goldsource. It'd be fun to make one to share.
Posted 8 years ago2015-12-31 03:43:23 UTC
in 1-Hour Build Videos Post #327999
Cool, i'd love to make a vm tutorial video.
Posted 8 years ago2015-12-29 22:45:22 UTC
in 1-Hour Build Videos Post #327966
Posted 8 years ago2015-12-28 23:21:03 UTC
in 1-Hour Build Videos Post #327944
Sounds cool, but if I were you i'd do a one day map build and time lapse it.

Maybe a counterstrike map or surf map or something.

A split screen video of you making a rats map of your room would be cool too because it could show you measuring everything and converting the objects, shelves doors etc. into hammer at a larger scale.
Posted 8 years ago2015-12-01 02:46:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327569
Here's a vid of my completed scoutzknivez remake.

ScoutzKnivez_SurfsUp video.

Finished another cs 1.6 map, completely surf style.

Come join the server, ip:

Surf_LunarLanding video.
Posted 8 years ago2015-11-24 03:27:56 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #327514
Remaking scoutzknivez for counter strike 1.6 with surfing and stuffs.

Video link.
Posted 8 years ago2015-11-04 02:15:11 UTC
in Halloween 2015 Post #327401
I was a pirate.
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2015-10-30 14:23:17 UTC
in Halloween 2015 Post #327366
Haha that outfit Tet! And awesome Lambda carving! Ftw...

I usually throw a party at our shack on our land. I was death last year to add to the ambience of the party. This year I ended up too lazy and decided I look too old to be Link anymore, so. I'll either be a pirate (easy way out) or an old man as my friends are painting their hair grey and wearing old style clothes.

Actually even though I say i'm too old to be link, I want to sew a tunic together to complete my costume I started years ago.

I'm probably just going to my brother's place with friends and taking an uber in to town.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-23 21:46:58 UTC
in Weapon creation guides? Post #326816
Scientist Hunt had a few cool custom weapons.
Posted 9 years ago2015-08-13 20:19:55 UTC
in Planning a map... with words? Post #326720
I've tried this but I usually get too abstract. Really though, any inspiration is hard to come by. So jump all over it.

It was a joy to read your post Urbanebula!!! It just inspired me to maybe throw a few levels together and host a heavily modded server with them.

Cs 1.6 or hldm. hmm.

When I made somewhere in time I wrote it all out. Then I sketched the areas and jotted in notes. Maybe i'll dig some drawings up and start a thread or add to this one with them scanned to show my design process.
Posted 9 years ago2015-06-02 23:33:48 UTC
in How to make tanks and jets? Post #325785
The first advice i'd suggest is learn and utilize the mirror commands!!!

if you shift drag a brush then hit "ctrl + i" to mirror vertically and "ctrl + L" to mirror horizontally. I think if you're mirroring vertically you have to be in a side window and if mirroring horizontally you must be in a vertical window.

This advice is key to creating brushwork that is very symmetrical. Take it from a guy that mapped the entire Hunter Ship from Metroid Prime without this knowledge! :cry:
User posted image
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-29 04:25:34 UTC
in Your Apex Map — Your Mapex Post #325708
I'd create half life 1 all over except this time... You're a dolphin.

You'd literally just dry up before the tram door even opened.

I'd go through every effort to remake the entire game, but you don't get to play it. Instead, you would be left staring into Barney's crotch just wondering why you can noclip an entire game before you die that you can't actually play.

The name would be something like, "Flipper's Attempt" or "This is bull shit." Maybe even "H2no."

On a serious note I've been wanting to make what I have always called a trippy map or shroom mod. It's very reminiscent of my dream competition etry "somewhere in time" except instead of dreaming and going on an adventure you eat shrooms and go on an adventure.

I've began the mod at least three times before each being lost in hard drive failures. They were done back in the day when I mapped on my parent's computers. They aren't really computer savvy so the computers had always ended up breaking and I was young and didn't backup anything. Anyways if I ever were to attempt the mod again i'd follow a few rules to get it done.

The previous attempts I simply began mapping away. After they reached a certain point i'd lose interest. With the dream mod I completely planned everything before beginning. So, i'd do the same for this mod. The one thing that would be different in this planning though would be that i'd include things I wasn't yet capable of like animated models, minor coding and some other things. Who knows, maybe i'll get started soon. I just have to find a way to make learning these things "worth the effort."

Also, i'd take my dream mod's criticism into consideration. For example people commented on the architecture not being that great. I had made it plain so that it would appear as "regular" and could be relatable to the audience as I could safely assume everyone playing it was doing so from a cookie cutter house or apartment. This time i'd have to make the architecture do the same thing but be great at the same time. I'd also make sure everything flowed smoothly and was understandable.

Of course if I was an Apex mapper/ modder this could be done in no time however I might try working with some people to get it done faster.

The alternative to this mod would be to recreate the dream mod since I don't want to condone doing shrooms.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-21 21:31:59 UTC
in Airsoft Post #325625
Awesome man! Don't forget the GoPro! ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-19 18:58:41 UTC
in Airsoft Post #325588
Thanks dudes!

Collects the bullets.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-18 16:17:58 UTC
in Airsoft Post #325577
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-17 20:51:22 UTC
in Looking for all your SP maps and mods Post #325572
Thanks Phillip for hosting my mod Somewhere in Time and making a video walkthrough of it. I really enjoyed watching it!

I just might have to finish another SP mod for your website as it seems to get some nice exposure.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-17 19:25:23 UTC
in Halloween 2015 Post #325569
Apparently my goals for Halloween this year might take longer than a month or two to prepare.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-15 22:11:36 UTC
in Halloween 2015 Post #325550
It's early I know, but giving myself plenty of time this year to prepare my Link costume.

I might sew a blue tunic and hat this year. These girls made there's the right way!
User posted image
This link costume is pretty cool as it resembles Link's humble character.
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I want to make a the mirror shield this year. Some guy made one that I don't think you can compete much with.
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Yea, even the back is pretty jaw dropping. The guy even made it right handed as Link carries it in oot.

This guy had the same costume combination I had in mind.
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I don't like when people wear brand new white tights though. I will buy white tights and a white undershirt but will also buy light beige/brown dye and dye them so they match and don't appear brand new from modern times. I've used it before for a ghillie suit and it works like magic. The previous picture dude also had the same idea as me to make Iron boots. His look as fake as they get besides the iron plates but I have some huge brown work boots that I might bust out some thin sheet metal and leather cord to brace the plates to. Might be too heavy though so I will figure something out. He also has a fairy which looks pretty lame imo. My friend suggested I wear a jar around my neck or on my side with real fire flies in it. They are everywhere on my land so if the season permits for them I will catch a ton of them, keep them in an aquarium and see if it even works.

Ordered these from
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They say vintage. Who knows, maybe they were Link's and someone found them at an estate sale in Kokiri Forest in an old chest.

I've been growing out my hair since January and was about to cut it yesterday when I realized in three more months it will be long enough to pull off Link. I will highlight my hair in October.

In 2013 I had a real master sword and sheath. I literally got away with carrying it on my back into multiple crowded bars and clubs! This year i'm trying to figure out what sword I will carry. The plastic handled master sword I bought was sort of corny so this year I will buy a real possibly medieval sword and alter it.
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In this case I could just dremel grooves in the handle and wrap neon blue para cord around it. I sort of want the Biggoron's sword this year but have not decided yet.

The Biggoron's sword on Link's back.
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Although sort of corny, this dude had a good example of the real life scale of the Biggoron's.
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Call it far-fetched but I kind of want to build a working hook-shot "my all time favorite video game weapon." I'm pretty crafty and now own an entire metal fab shop including a welder so although I won't make any promises, I will at least attempt to make something happen.

Lastly, if you happen to pass by this girl, or any girls dressed as link.
User posted image
Could you kindly ask them to marry me? Thanks.


Found these images from 2012, my first attempt at the costume.

Who needs elf pointed ears when yours are already as big as mine?
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Drafted in a cad program and laser cut this shield from two layers of 1/8" wood and spray painted it.
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Went to town with a staple gun for the handles, also added a loop to hang it from my back sheathed sword.
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Ready to go.
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Well I tried, but clearly batman out costumed me. ;)
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I didn't even have a tunic, just a green shirt. :P
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-09 07:29:31 UTC
in Airsoft Post #325496
I'll post pics soon, got a wedding in the morning to usher.

I'm not sure what weight BB's but I remember the yellow and blue ones are crappy because they are light and you cannot reuse them because they chip/warp easily. The white ABS one's we used worked well but I have no idea what weight they were. I'm not even sure you can use them with the mp5 though, my brother and cousin both owned a few of the mp5's. They might be a little too big for it.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-08 18:40:38 UTC
in Airsoft Post #325493
If you want to get into it for cheap with a relatively inexpensive high fps gun although it isn't automatic, this gun is very accurate and puts a sting when hit with it.

Between myself and some friends we've had numerous Tokyo Marui Fully auto Battery powered guns. With these guns a chargeable battery rotates a motor that draws back a spring to shoot the hard white ABS plastic bb's. They work really well and hold up for a long time but are around 300 dollars from what I remember. I still own my sg552 which has pretty high fps.

Here's a link for the spring loaded mp5 I was talking about. I highly recommend you find it somewhere online and order it. Although you won't be as advantageous as the other guys, this gun is friggin sweet for the price.

youtube video

Stay away from spring loaded pistols, they ALWAYS BREAK! The only ones I've had that don't are the revolver type models but unless you can find a high fps one they aren't worth even carrying. Just get a few extra magazines for the mp5 or I think they sell a high capacity barrel magazine for the mp5 somewhere.

With a side arm, the co2 powered ones is probably the way to go.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-07 19:55:59 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325487
Dr. C.T. why yes, being racist two times cancels itself out, but it also cancels the hat out so you'd have to provide a new one. If your second hat is out of season we will ask that you provide some type of spices and also we will require that the hat is baptized and finally it must pass at the top of it's class and provide identification and proof of ownership of its threads. Thank you.

I wasn't really frustrated but I do see this not going anywhere for some time and things seemed a little dry so my lame attempts of humor actually should point out that I don't do drugs and seldom even drink. I'm pretty sure poisoning myself wouldn't allow me to come up with any jokes.

The prefab idea is pretty cool, I remembered that someone had mentioned it before. IMO it might be kind of boring though but I could be wrong. Does anyone find any interest in the style idea? Perhaps the style could be applied to the prefabs we make.

A select amount of brushes would be a lot of fun to do again as it wouldn't require a ton of time.

I still vote for some type of remake though.

If we did the prefab competition it could be a series of unofficial mini competitions leading to the official prefab competition. It could be ordered in three segments. Everything would adhere to a style, let's just say the style in this example is "xen."

First segment is for people to contribute textures adhering to the xen style. Winner's textures are selected for use.

Second segment is using the winning textures to make the prefabs still adhering to the xen style. Winner's prefabs are selected for use.

The final segment or "the official competition" would use the accumulative winning content i.e. textures and prefabs to be used in the competition of course still adhering to the xen style.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-06 23:33:35 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325478
In competition 35 we will all draw from a hat a winner so that it's fair before deciding a competition brief. The winner shall in turn decide the next competition which I predict will be "guess the brief". Winner gets to buy the hat for competition 37's fair jurisdiction. However, if the hat happens to be racist, you will not be allowed to put your own name in the hat. Instead, you will have to provide the paper as well. If the paper's color reflects the racism of the hat you will be asked to donate a pencil. If your racist hat is directed towards a certain ethnicity and your pencil is a number 2 then you will be disqualified from using emoticons in the forums for X amount of years. X equaling zero. Since technically X can only equal X but it now equals zero, space and time as we know it will cease to exist and you will be perma-banned from the site since it nor you will continue to be.
Posted 9 years ago2015-05-01 23:20:21 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325454
Style: a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.
User posted image
Found this cool image.

One neat idea for a competition would be to define a "style" to adhere to with a broad scope of interpretation.

This sample image could exemplify a certain style with a defining list such as:

1. Use cool tones.
2. Make textures somewhere between flat shaded and realistic.
3. Finally, make your level(s) reflect tranquility.

Of course this is only one example of an infinite amount of styles possible.

The set amount of stipulations could range from just a couple to many.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-30 17:07:46 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325443
Dude's, official mini competition is exactly what TWHL could use right now. I'm sure for relative ages, participation would be up in something like that.

One word. " " That's right! I'm left "speechless" after viewing such a divine creation, never saw that POS (Perfect Opportunity of Science) map. Thanks for sharing MCPoker's colossal heap of shibby Captain. Check out my mad accurate review on the brilliant masterpiece of craft.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-29 17:10:48 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325435
I think your overthinking your responses Dr.Orange. Of course when a TWHLien refers to a competition as "official" they only mean that it's hosted by a moderator and not just being discussed by us peons. ;D
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-28 12:16:17 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325420
Thanks for clarifying that.
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-25 12:51:05 UTC
in Mods for sale Post #325382
I think it's a great idea! But only 25%? Seems sort of low, the shear amount of un fairness would make me cringe the entire time I worked on a mod knowing I did 100% of the work (besides developing the engine and editor) and the guys sitting on their ass's at steam get 75%. That's so un fair, no one's going to go for that. Check percentages developers keep in app developing programs like stencyl and 3d engines like UDK and Unity, they are much more realistic.

(Continues to make highly polished HLDM maps to piss steam off :thefinger:)

If they upped the amount a little more maybe i'd consider putting forth some effort.

The only cool thing I think this raises opportunity for is "more people to play your stuff."

I can see it now; youtube floods in with crappy mod videos and a link to buy the mod at the end of the video. And, I can see a bunch of idiots buying and rating horribly.

Valve should say "bayor" buy at your own risk. ;)
Posted 9 years ago2015-04-25 04:58:18 UTC
in Competition Proposition Post #325376
#3 seems to include maps you've made since it says any game. if not, just make one that includes remakes of your own levels and pre 2000 game levels. Well actually I don't care because i'd probably just remake bounce.

Haha, reads back to my example fixing my vote, I accidently stole from "Now and then" instead of "HLDM" epic fail.