man, Lots of interesting things going on in this thread
I do agree with Exos though. In almost everything he said.
I have to say that Kasperg earned his right to be respected as an excellent mapper. I would be so bold as to say he might be the best one here.
Jealousy is so horrible. I hate to see good mappers get treated like crap from other jealous plain boring mappers.
A common buzzword people love to say is "lighting is crap". They never give suggestions on how to fix it, or if they do they are not very good....
Very unique feel. I love the way you actually did a good job with custom materials.
Lighting is also great. Higher lightmaps make the shadows really come out. Light placement behind brushes give cool shadow effects.
bevelled corners, edges, walls, cylinders, etc make it look clean and smooth.
Looks very fun for gameplay. Cant wait to play it on my brothers server!
I would say its a 5 star map. It looks good. Nothing really to say to fix.
when will it be available?