Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-08-09 10:45:22 UTC
in Need to do a changelevel in DOD Post #231687
I tested this last night and it caused my game to crash.

Move to next map - Change to another map. This allows a campaign map structure to be built. - I think this is where you do the change level thing.

Move to next map - this is what might be causing the crash but I have no idea how this entity works at all. I have my map names as map1, map2, map3. For this option I first tried move to next map - map2, then map2.bsp, then maps/map2, then maps/map2.bsp.

I'm using a capture area to cap the flag when the flag caps it triggers this entity. The delay I have is set to 2 secs and at 2 secs dod crashes.

Anyone want to give it a try and see if they can get it to work? :heart:
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-09 10:21:11 UTC
in Where do I find Origianl Game Maps? Post #231685
oops my bad - I meant blue shift - its the part of the game right after you have a big battle with the grunts in the exterior train yard with the mounted machine gun.
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-09 00:31:54 UTC
in Where do I find Origianl Game Maps? Post #231668
yes original game I need the tank shooting sequence for my map.
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 17:44:10 UTC
in Need to do a changelevel in DOD Post #231647
I think I found the answer - has anyone used it?

dod_score_entPoint entity:
Awards mission completion points and restarts round

Name - Targetname

Target - Usually left blank

for team - Choose a team:

Points - For mission completion

Reset items time - Time in seconds

Reset players time - Time in seconds

Reset group - Leave blank to reset all objective groups

End game? - DO NOT SET THIS TO "YES"

Message - Text message

Move to next map - Change to another map. This allows a campaign map structure to be built

Change level delay - Time in seconds

None -

A dod_score_ent is triggered to end a round and reset everything for the next round, it can also award points for mission completion.
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 13:23:33 UTC
in Changing light levels Post #231619
I wanted to give a DOD battle a day/night time effect. As the battle progresses it will get dark and then light again if it goes to night.

Perhaps have global lights 1 2 3 - 1 day - 2 dusk - 3 night then a multi manger and timer countdown - to switch the lights on and off.
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 13:17:19 UTC
in Gordon's Height / How to change? Post #231616
Give him some steriods or growth hormones like they give them to cows. :biggrin:
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 12:57:20 UTC
in Changing light levels Post #231613
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 12:56:04 UTC
in Where do I find Origianl Game Maps? Post #231612
Hi - I'm trying to find the Op4 map that has the tank that shoots at you.

I'm doing a DOD map and want to have stationary panzars where the tops will rotate and shoot at the allies.

Any help? :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 12:42:13 UTC
in Changing light levels Post #231608
Hey - has anyone changed a lighting level on a map?

example - day to night (using a fade) and back again

How to do it? thanks.
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 12:29:36 UTC
in We Glide / Slide Along Post #231606
problem was solved - when I ran the ds on my machine and ran the game when people connected we all slid - when we moved the map onto a server - our reg one - the problem stopped - we can now all happily run around with bells on out toes - LOL
Posted 16 years ago2007-08-08 12:27:04 UTC
in Need to do a changelevel in DOD Post #231605
Hi All,

I'm working on a big DOD fight - Axis defend - Allies Attack.

If the Allies blow up or cap the area I want the map to change to a new one - but it looks like DOD doesn't have the changelevel entity.

Map Idea -

map one - Allies have to take the V2 tunnel defenses - when capped

map two - Allies have to take the Tunnel - when capped

map three - allies have to take the V2 Factory - when capped map goes back to map one.

Ant Ideas? :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 13:32:07 UTC
in We Glide / Slide Along Post #229341
I've tried it a couple of times and glide all the way.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 12:43:45 UTC
in Pre-disaster mods? Post #229329
that's because they're not scripted for them to do so.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 12:38:12 UTC
in We Glide / Slide Along Post #229327
Not sure if this is an engine discussion.

Running my DOD Map on dedicated server, I can hear myself and others running but when you look at each other on the screens we're all just gliding or sliding along - not of us are running / walking.

If we jump into the river we can swim just fine and climb ropes like normal but when on the ground - no running.

Any ideas? :)
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 12:21:56 UTC
in Pre-disaster mods? Post #229322
You could make it blue shift stlye with the early transporters and also Early Zen exploration - very deady and no weapons as per all the bodies you see from the early team laying around in the 1/2 life and blue shift games.
Posted 16 years ago2007-07-17 12:16:44 UTC
in Half Life: Otis' big day Post #229321
Hey why not start off the mod post disaster style.

Otis in dorm, things go nuts, they tell you to go down below beacuse they're calling for back up and no one on the surface has any idea what it is. You go in fully loaded. Cave in leaves you trapped - you work your way, vents etc, to get to security station to find dead bodies of aliens and guards. You can then using the existing files from Blue Shift to get to the Armoury and Armour UP - shoties etc.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 00:57:59 UTC
in dedicated DOD server won't load map Post #221119
The other issie that I'm having and id may be tied intogether with this is that no-ones running aorund! we all just seem to slide everywhere our legs don't move and we sort of look down even thought we are looking up.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 00:55:51 UTC
in dedicated DOD server won't load map Post #221118
I don't know what type of file that is - I can't find it on my machine - even tough I made the map.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-04 23:17:27 UTC
in dedicated DOD server won't load map Post #221025
Hi Guys,

I'm getting this error

] changelevel dod_bugscanyon-b1
couldn't exec dod_bugscanyon-b1.cfg

when trying to run my mao on a dedicated server

it will run fine on my machine just not a server - any clues?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 17:36:19 UTC
in Chat messages don't appear in my cs Post #218823
World - thanks for the answer "Hud tex"- it was right on the money!

Thanks also for answering the message in a nice fashion which didn't occur in one of my other posts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 17:34:06 UTC
in what is missing frame 0 of (texture)? Post #218822
Thanks for the information guys and the help. I found out that the problem was a bad wad file - it got corrupt.

As for insulting a respected member, I only responded to him in the same fashion that he responded to me.

I guess it's ok for respected members to call new members, such as myself, a stupid fucking idiot.

Yes perhaps, I'll get banned for this message but I'm only trying to follow the advice set out in so many of the other posts in this forum that clearly indicates DON't start multiple threads on the SAME topic.

Who cares if it's an old post originally? The issue is I have a problem that is simialr in nature and things COULD HAVE changed in Hammer since then. I came here to figure it out and to add it onto an exhisting topic so that if some other new person has the same issue then they too won't have to search multiple threads.

I hope that this clarifies the issue - respect is eraned in both directions - starting off with a new person to your community by calling them stupid imo doesn't show a lot of respect either.

So Mr. MuzzleFlash, I hope this explains the point of why I posted it here in the first place and why calling people stupid is a very nice thing to do. If this or anything else, has offened anyone, well then I appologize.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 19:14:33 UTC
in Chat messages don't appear in my cs Post #218733

Can anyone tell me how to fix my chat messages in CS?
I type them in but can't see them nor can I see anyone else's.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 19:12:41 UTC
in what is missing frame 0 of (texture)? Post #218731
hey MuzzleFlash - stfu - yes old post original - new item to add to it AND IF YOU'LL NOTICE IT mine is different than HIS AND you guys seem to get ticked off when you have more than 1 thread going on a particular subject - so I'm just trying to keep everything in one nice spot but YOU SEEM TO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH IT!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 13:37:57 UTC
in what is missing frame 0 of (texture)? Post #218334
how about

missing frame 1 of -0out_rkc5

etc etc

I made several versions of the map in stages = no problem now when I want to do a final compile they are popping up.

There is vritually no difference between the previous version and the fianl map.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 14:18:34 UTC
in How To Reset Entities Tutorail Post #218238
Thanks so much for your posts.

I figured it out late last night.

plunger = door = postion open in the up mode
delay = -1 so it stays down (when pressed)
fire = 0

Here's wher u get it to reset everyround:

FIRE ON CLOSE = expolding box - result is BOOMMMMMMM!

Flags tab is

Starts open = yes
use only = yes

I hope this helps others.

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 19:57:14 UTC
in How To Reset Entities Tutorail Post #218159
Hi Guys,

I'm new here but have used a lot of you tutorials in my maps already :)

But I have a map where I need to reset the explsions everyround in CS.

Now before you send me to counter map or other places can some one write a step by step set of instructions right here or put it into the tutorials page? - I would but don't know how to do it and I need this to finish my map - thanks!

Here's my scenario and my problem:

exploding door explodes when you press dynomite plunger

plunger will not come back up


exploding door explodes when you press dynomite plunger

Plunger does come back up but door explodes at the start of the round automatically

I've tried it both ways.