Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-02-28 00:31:46 UTC
in configuration With Steam Post #17633
hey i have the same problems and im a steam user
and 2 minutes later you found the answer.

jobabob, you know what to do...
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-27 20:47:04 UTC
in Texture Lights Post #17624
Behold the splendor of lights.rad! The only issue I can think of is all texlights are women... the can't be controlled! If you need the lights to switch on and off or strobe you'll need a light entity instead of a texlight. I use mostly texlights, some spotlights, regular lights for "effects". Rock on Rocky!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-27 20:31:18 UTC
in GAAA... Models IN maps? Post #17622
Nevermind, found the answer here.

<rapes and murders self>
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-27 20:26:57 UTC
in GAAA... Models IN maps? Post #17621
Once you compile is the model in the BSP, or do you have to send it with?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-27 16:17:41 UTC
in COnveyers won't show! Post #17601
what texture application panel?
lol... shift-A
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-27 01:48:36 UTC
Barney, grunts, or snarks work. No clue why the rest don't. :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 21:39:16 UTC
in COnveyers won't show! Post #17528
My most common mistake is changing the render mode of something and forgetting to add FX Amount... default is 0 so I get 0 texture. I think the speed also defaults to 0, but I catch that when I'm correcting the first problem. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 21:25:08 UTC
I guess this goes to show, never judge a person by their avatar!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 21:24:28 UTC
in Repeating sounds problem Post #17526
lol... and a new classic is born!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 16:08:44 UTC
Nahhh... if they're smart enough to look around first we'll give them the option of rape or murder. Of course if they choose murder we'll rape them to death... no easy way out in this game!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 10:08:13 UTC
in HELP-Newb Question Post #17446
Seventh-Monkey linked to the 'func_train' tutorial, but it sounds like a 'func_door' may work as well, and they are simpler. Now click on the "browse all" button under the tutorials and get reading! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-26 01:48:53 UTC
in Ricochet Post #17379
Brattylord, why would you post such a comment? Everyone has opinions but there's no need to bring such negative view into this thread. Go start your own thread titled "Ricochet sucks" and leave me alone.

And are you high? Do you think saying "No offence" makes "Ricochet sucks" sound any different? No offense, but you are seriously lacking in social skills. Those two words don't change things much, do they?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-25 20:25:57 UTC
in HELP with ROOF Post #17346
Sorry to state the obvious, but those look like textures for the side of a house, and would probably fit perfectly on a triangular brush. You're not missing part of the texture, you just have too much brush! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-24 22:16:05 UTC
in Ricochet Post #17262
Hooray, I found more Ricochet maps (and mappers). If you join my ricochet server you can the maps ahead of time from this mod fansite. I downloaded the pack but haven't played them all, game on!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 16:31:49 UTC
in Some screenies of Mudanchee Post #17130
I won't revive dead forums... but how about reviving dead threads?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-23 16:28:01 UTC
in Plants and trees! Post #17128
If you don't see the NULL texture you need to add ZHLT.WAD to your WAD list. Not sure what to do if you're not using Zoner's Half Life Tools.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-22 21:53:42 UTC
in I wonder Post #17042
If the rest works... make the entity a func_wall_toggle and you can trigger it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-22 12:01:21 UTC
in no light, cant see aynthing Post #16900
I agree with Steinin, make sure the last # isn't zero or you will get zero light from it!
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 02:37:57 UTC
in HELP MAP NOT WORKIN Post #16722
Since you're new at this I'll try not to taunt you too much ;) ... here's your first hint at the problem. Look in the .LOG file you included and you'll see
Error: Entity 0, Brush 668, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-482, -562, -808), texture ~LAB1_COMP7B
Error: brush with coplanar faces
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 669, Side 7: has a coplanar plane at (-482, -554, -808), texture ~LAB1_COMP7B
(2.58 seconds)
Open the map, hit ctrl-shift-G (or click Map/Go to brush number) and go to the brushes reported in the error message, they are in the elevator shaft. I don't know what you did to them, but the map compiled fine with them gone. I didn't bother with a full compile so I don't know about the lighting... once I saw the error in the log I knew where to look.

Great job for a beginner! Two helpful words that will make your hallways much nicer, "clip brushes". There isn't a tutorial on them here but there is a lot of talk in the forums or you can google. Happy Mapping! :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-21 02:04:01 UTC
in Batch Compiling? What is it? Post #16721
... and make sure it's in the same folder as your compile tools. That part slowed me down when I started because I didn't read Seventh-Monkey's tutorial. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 10:43:07 UTC
in problem with texture results... Post #16644
Ahhh... these screenies work! From the looks of it your map is too big. The max viewable distance is 4096, but don't just measure the floor! You have to consider the line of sight, the distance from the player to the farthest point visible.

If that doesn't help post the map to the 'problems' section of the vault and I'll poke at it during lunch or tonight. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 10:16:19 UTC
in Batch Compiling? What is it? Post #16640
Anthony, your lights.rad is probably empty (or close to it). Make a copy of valve.rad, rename it lights.rad, and replace the old lights.rad.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-20 01:40:07 UTC
in Mod idea - MC Escher Post #16614
Descent is an oldie-but-goodie
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 20:28:27 UTC
in C R E A T I N G S C R E E N S A V E R S Post #16604
I don't have XP so I could be confused, but I think one of the screensavers built into XP is 'My Pictures" or something like that, and will cycle through whatever you have in the My Pictures folder.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 20:21:41 UTC
in Compiling issues. Post #16602
Did you check to see if the map was copied to your maps folder?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 16:44:26 UTC
in C R E A T I N G S C R E E N S A V E R S Post #16588
If you have winXP it's built in. If you don't have XP or want to make screensavers for other people to use you will need to find a program to use... I usually search and looking for "freeware" or "unlimited trial" versions.
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 16:40:26 UTC
in The best of the unknown Post #16587
c'mon high_voltage... since when has reality been a major influence?
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 16:37:48 UTC
in Mod idea - MC Escher Post #16586
No clue, I'm just hoping it can/will be done. :)

I know the camera work is do-able... in the mod Opera you can flip and dive and roll, and the screen actually spins or flips or whatever (unlike the backflips in Ricochet, where you don't see any difference but your enemy does).

What it comes "down" to is whether or not coding can change "down". In the Descent series you could change the down direction anywhere in the map, but you could also create rooms that defy other laws of physics... rooms that are bigger inside than outside, intersecting hallways that don't intersect, weird stuff.

This is probably too hardcore for the HL engine, maybe when H2 is released...
Posted 20 years ago2004-02-19 10:27:43 UTC
in NEED HELP Post #16568
replace, transport, transplant, convey, relocate, move, find it a better home.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-18 02:31:39 UTC
in Moving Blinds Post #16458
That would do it!
Each lip should be the distance from the blind to the wall, minus a small gap, minus the thickness of whatever blinds are in between. Let's say you have blinds 64 units wide and 128 units from each other, and we'll use a gap of 16 to keep the nubmers round :) I'm not sure why but I've always used negative numbers to do this... I guess you could just change the direction of the door and stay positive.

#1 is 128 units from the wall, 128 - 64 - 16 = 48 = -48 lip (the way I did it)
Since the rest are 128 apart just add... #2 = -176 lip, # 3 = -304
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 21:58:17 UTC
in Dissapearing Guns??!?!!? Post #16443
Are the items on world brushes?
Stuff falls right through a func_wall!

Are the items placed at least 16 units above the surface?
Compiling will drop them to correct level and sometimes having them too close can cause problems.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 21:52:15 UTC
in Moving Blinds Post #16441
Only 1 mistake,

blind2 18.5
blind3 16 <lost a second here, should be 17>
blind4 15.5

If you resize the blinds you'll also need to the lip to make sure they are close but don't overlap. Try different versions to see which looks best, but make sure to 'save-as' each time just in case 'undo' isn't enough - I've made that mistake too often :zonked:

Otherwise, you're set if you keep the scale and speed. If you adjust the speed on the blinds you will need to scale the time increment... If you make the blinds move twice as fast you should cut delay in half, instead of triggereing every 1.5 it would go 1, 1.75, 2.5, 3.25...

Keep up the good work!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 17:01:59 UTC
in spawning error Post #16426
an add-on for an add-on, what will they think of next?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 16:58:47 UTC
in Moving Blinds Post #16425
Lunch break, here's your example! Instead of having all the blinds climbable, I'd suggest using something else as the ladder - perhaps the chain that opens the blinds? You could tweak the door speed so the player has to rush up the chain or be mooshed. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-17 10:10:37 UTC
in Moving Blinds Post #16395
I would probably turn the blinds into func_doors. Func_train would be another way, but doors don't need path_corners. Use a multimanager to trigger blinds one after another. Make the lip for each one bigger so the all collect at one end.

The only problem I see is func_ladder does not move, so the players may be able to climb air. I'll make an example map for you during lunch if nobody beats me to it. :D
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 12:25:06 UTC
in Tech check Post #16348
Did your 8088 have the "Turbo" switch? Get crazy... bump it up to 32 Mhz!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-16 03:05:48 UTC
in A new map for Ricochet Post #16311
And we have another map to play!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 23:17:48 UTC
in Tech check Post #16309
Here's a thread to offer tech ideas or brag about how great/lousy your system is.

I run a dedicated server almost all the time. I'm too cheap to pay for a real game server, so I make the most of DSL. The DSL goes to a 8-port switch which, if needed, plugs into a wireless router.

My computer is a 2.1 Ghz Athalon with 512 MB RAM, the 'extra' computer has a 1Ghz Athalon with just as much RAM, there is a 'media' computer hooked up to the stereo to stream music (only a p3 with 128MB RAM), and the 'server' is a 300Mhz e-Machine that is maxed out at a whopping 256MB RAM.

The server doesn't always show up on Half-Life's server list, and I don't have a static ip address. Well a little place called took care of that for me. I signed up for their free service and downloaded an updater. Every time that computer boots the domain points at that IP address. Want to quickly connect to my server? Go to the console and type connect

Since I have DSL I'm entitled to a 'personal web page'. But... the address was too long and hard to remember. Not to worry, I heard about so now you can hit instead of typing in a mile long URL.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-15 04:21:48 UTC
in STOP THE EVIL POPUPS! Post #16224
Not those kind of pop-ups... when I first got cable I would get "windows messages" like 'If you pay me $5 via paypal I'll tell you how to stop getting these messages'. I wonder if anyone actually paid...
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-14 13:03:00 UTC
in rising water Post #16174
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-14 10:47:07 UTC
in controllable info_player_deathmatch? Post #16169
Oh no, I'm not falling for that again! I used to be hooked on Diablo 2. "Wait until 1.10 comes out, that will fix the hacks!" Well, thay fixed the hacks - and a bunch of stuff that wasn't broken. Now my "godly" character gets smacked down by mid level monsters, so I quit.

Do you think Valve will still update HL with HL2 just around the corner?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-14 02:43:44 UTC
in A new map for Ricochet Post #16151
Didn't wan't to clutter the forum so I'll bring this thread back up... I finished the next Ricochet map, hit this to take a peek. Not as cool as my first, but it's something new!
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-13 22:14:17 UTC
in controllable info_player_deathmatch? Post #16138
Since the entity is malfunctioning and Ricochet isn't updated I gave up. I tried high-tech and low-tech, I guess I'm not smart enough to correct this massive bug. Instead, I worked around it. Meaning I changed my map to suit the needs of the game engine. Trial by fire as soon as my buddy shows up, if all goes well I'll post the map tomorrow.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-13 10:44:20 UTC
in SP vs. MP: Let's clear this up Post #16101
Anthony, you need to hit a few LAN parties. C'mon over! I already have a LAN set up and an extra NIC for your computer. In fact I have enough room and power outlets for 4 more computers, who else wants to play?

"Back in the old days" I could break my computer down and pack it up in less than 5 minutes. I had a suitcase that held everything except the moniter. Suitcase on the seat, moniter on the suitcase, seatbelt across the moniter, "Let's rock!" Then I'd go over to a friend's house and play Quake until either the sun came up or his girlfriend kicked me out so she could sleep. :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-12 10:28:49 UTC
in i have a map with problems Post #16041
copied from vault
I don't have CS installed so I couldn't run the map, but when I opened the RMF I didn't see any rotating doors. Unless mapping for CS is way different than regular HL you need to use a "func_door_rotating" for rotating doors, regular ones slide into the wall/ceiling/floor.
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-12 00:03:33 UTC
in Sky!!!!! Post #16023
or even better than that, use Zoner's compile tools and it's automatically taken care of. That's it, everybody head over to the tutorials section for a refresher course! :P
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-11 21:31:30 UTC
in Sky!!!!! Post #16019
This tutorial explains it pretty well, or you could search the forum. If you have a simple question someone probably asked it and someone else already posted a reply... or wrote a complete tutorial discussing almost every aspect of the topic. ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-11 10:08:19 UTC
in controllable info_player_deathmatch? Post #15978
The point of this thread is to figure out how to make the map work. I stated my problem and what I've already tried, hopefully someone will suggest an alternate method or point out why my method isn't working. I'll simplify:

Has anyone here made a controllable info_player_deathmatch?
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-11 02:11:15 UTC
in controllable info_player_deathmatch? Post #15966
I'm stuck on my latest Ricochet map, but I think my problem is general enough for someone to have an idea. It's an arena style (1 on 1) map and the players cannot reach each other. Unfortunately Ricochet is buggy, and the team settings are "forgotten" after a couple of rounds.

At first it caused a few telefrags, but in the process of trying various fixes I moved the spawn points up in the air. Now you just land your enemy's head instead of telefragging him or (smacks head against keyboard0 respawning in the correct spot.

I went pretty far out on my latest to try to fix... if you see a problem here or know a simpler solution please let me know.

You can't name an "info_player_deathmatch" but you can (allegedly) control one using a multisource. On each side I used a game_zone_player to activate a multisource which was the info_player_deathmatch's "master".

How it should work:
Both players spawn and drop into the game_zone_players and turn them off, turning off the multisources, turning off the respawn points. Battle rages on until 'Player(1)' is killed, triggering that game_zone_player to trigger that multisource to enable that info_player_deathmatch, and 'Player(1)' respawns on his own turf where he belongs.

How it does work:
<swearing at computer> That didn't work either? What do you want from me?!?! <more swearing at computer> Why won't you do what I tell you?!?! <computer swears at me> :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2004-02-10 20:16:15 UTC
in SP vs. MP: Let's clear this up Post #15955