Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2009-01-04 13:54:05 UTC
in info_teleport_destination (for multiplay Post #261089
I thought of something similar myself some time ago and came to the conclusion that its not possible. Not in GoldSource.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-04 11:10:28 UTC
in halflife dm server Post #261084
Grim accidentally deleted that thread due to shitty placement of the Delete and Edit buttons... It happend to me too once.

Me or Daubster will create a new HLDM thread soonnish.
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-03 20:21:58 UTC
in The Fourth Annual Hunter Awards Post #261041

Why is my Space Shuttle Source Mod not mentioned in the "The Best Mod In Progress" catagory?

Does it suck? :o
Or simply because i never made a thread about the mod?

Aw well... It doesn't matter. :)
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-02 14:07:44 UTC
in sky problem Post #260974
Impossible. You can't use the sky to hide parts of your map.
Actually, you can if you compile with full vis.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 14:01:20 UTC
in New Year Hour Post #260861
We're at T-Minus 6 hours and counting...
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 13:49:56 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #260859
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-31 12:20:11 UTC
in Rooms: Source! (co-op) Post #260848
Sheesh, relax man. :/
Whats the big deal? You can map for HL2/Ep1 and it'll load fine in Ep2.

Unless you can't run HL2/Ep2 either, i would feel bad for you... :D

But thank Valve, there is still GoldSource!
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-30 00:04:02 UTC
in Rooms (mini co-op project) Post #260748
Sure, why not. Ill put something together...
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-29 15:48:21 UTC
in l4d_glasgow Post #260719
Looking great, Huntehmoo!

You better finish that! Ye hear?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-28 11:20:52 UTC
in Geometry_problem Post #260682
You fail at linking...
I've seen maps way more complex than mine. My map has several turnings and walls for vis-blocking.
Thats probably not enough optimization.

If you got large surface area's, try increasing the texture scale.
And don't forget to func_wall / func_illusionary complex groups of detail brushes. Be carefull not to func_wall / func_illusionary entire groups as one single entity, to avoid facesplitting.

Face splitting occurs when:
  • 2 or more solid world brushes meet (touch).
  • 2 or more brushes that are in the same entity group meet.
Face splitting does not occur when:
  • 1 solid world brush meets a brush entity.
  • 2 seperete brush entities meet.
And finally, instead of using the NULL texture, use the BEVEL texture. It acts like the NULL textures but does not create CLIPNodes. Best used with the "-cliptype precise" command for CSG.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-28 11:02:17 UTC
in Bleeding Textures? Post #260677
Textures that bleed when shot?


Don't you mean blending textures?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-27 19:20:28 UTC
in Geometry_problem Post #260662
Then you made your map way too complex.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-27 14:55:09 UTC
in Geometry_problem Post #260653
Instead of func_i. the whole thing, func_i. only parts, otherwise you would still generate facesplitting.

Check this out:

And see if that did anything. Also check if the number of leafs went down with this one (keep an eye on the charts shown during each compile stage (requires the -chart parameter)). The Compilator has the -chart option enabled by default.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-27 14:41:22 UTC
in Geometry_problem Post #260651
You simply exceeded the maximum amount of faces a map can have.

Tommy14 says this:
You have gone over a limit similar to max patches error, but by BSP creating too many leaf faces for VIS to handle - probably due to "shattering" of a brush. Did you carve a complex brush (like a cylinder) or intersect it with another brush?
  • Up your texture memory. 8mb (8192) should be more than enough.
  • Func_illusionary those Xen objects and use a clip brush to prevent the player from walking though it. Only if the player can actually walk up to it.
  • Apply the NULL texture to unseen faces, to world brushes and brush entities.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-23 22:03:48 UTC
in The Nifty Titles Thread Post #260509
Ah. Neat!
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-23 14:32:09 UTC
in The Nifty Titles Thread Post #260486
Don't bother asking.
Penguinboy always says no. Even to funny little things like custom usertitles.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-22 14:36:47 UTC
in Competition 26 Post #260430
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-22 12:20:35 UTC
in Competition 26 Post #260421
I have yet to play it. His host sucks major balls. As soon as it finished downloading, im gonna upload this to my own webspace (yeah, im that nice).
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-21 12:14:36 UTC
in A couple of questions Post #260394
4) Yes, but that would make it a custom wad file and you'll have to included it into the BSP, if you're ever plan to release your map to public.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 22:11:55 UTC
in MOD Poll... Post #260309
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 13:40:28 UTC
in Where to put bsp? Post #260282
For HL singleplayer or HLDM, move the bsp files to:

For CS maps:

For DOD:

Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 12:13:01 UTC
in Shadow Conspiracy Post #260279
Well, there's your problem.
Switch to OpenGL and never change back.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 12:10:59 UTC
in Looking for a cs fdg. Post #260278
No, you need 3.5. It won't work with 3.4.

Get 3.5 here:
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-18 18:41:19 UTC
in MOD Poll... Post #260225
JeffMOD, just go ahead and make whatever you like, as long as you enjoy making it. Who cares if its a Black Mesa themed mod, Black Mesa is WIN!
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 12:32:22 UTC
in door problem Post #260153
There's no need to give entities a name (targetname) if their not going to get triggered.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 11:07:48 UTC
in Please Help... LeafThread Crash Post #260145
Try to func_wall and func_illusionary groups of detail work (only if their close to eachother). Func_illusionaries work fine on brushesh the player never can reach (IE: touch it).

Edit: Your download link doesn't work.
Edit2: I assume this is the correct link:

Holy shit dude! No wonder LeafThread takes years! Ill do some optimizing for you.

Edit3: Here you go:

Try to understand what you should func_wall and what to func_illusionary.
The only thing i didn't touched are those two shipping containers. The halflife.wad texture file comes with some shipping container textures. Use those. Or maybe you have a different shipping container texture in any other wad files you're usig for your map.

The worst thing you could do in HL mapping, is making fences with hundreds of brushes and not tie it to an entity. So i replaced those with actual metal fences, tied it to func_illusionaries, and placed a CLIP brush inside them.

Im worried about your r_speeds though...
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 19:07:32 UTC
in door problem Post #260091
The name "multisource" comes to mind...
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 18:26:25 UTC
in door problem Post #260087
I see. And yes, i meant func_button.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 18:11:39 UTC
in door problem Post #260080
No, you tied all four button to one func_button. That would be pretty weird, because when you usekey one button, they all light up. Its better to tie each button to a func_wall entity and then have them all target the gate.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 15:28:08 UTC
in Please Help... LeafThread Crash Post #260069
Looks like you're running CSG, then BSP, then CSG again, then BSP again. Where's VIS and RAD?

So try to compile your map the correct way first (in this order: CSG, BSP, VIS, RAD) and then we can focus on the problem at hand (if it still persists).

Also, if a compile process shows (Not responding), it doesn't mean that it crashed or locked up, its simply doing its job, but there's not time to update the process so Windows thinks its handing. Just give it time.

If there's an actually crash dialog popping up, then there's really a problem with either the compile tools, or your map.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 14:35:02 UTC
in door problem Post #260063
You need newer compile tools:

You may want to func_wall that arch, its less tough for the compiler that way.

And why did you func_walled those four big walls? That could be the cause of the arch being too bright. I say convert the big walls back to normal world brushes, but those detail things on top of the walls (i don't know the name for those) should stay func_walls.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-15 17:47:14 UTC
in Looking for a cs fdg. Post #260019
Maybe the FGD has not model/sprite support in Hammer.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-15 11:29:37 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #259997
Now: Solarscape - Coming Down (Ishido Remix)
Next: Vagabond - Music Holocaust
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-15 11:27:50 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #259996
How about a good ol' singleplayer mod?
UberWin * 2 & "!"
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-15 11:19:54 UTC
in Interesting Facts Post #259994
Holy cow, have you got nothing better to do? :P :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-14 19:24:57 UTC
in door problem Post #259974
I can't press any of the buttons at the top of the hill that are supposed to open the gate of the 'fortress'.
Because you're not targeting the door. The 4 buttons all target the multimanager and the multimanager targets all the buttons.

Whats the point of that?
Also the texture of the gate gets buggy ingame.
Make a screenshot.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-14 18:25:53 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #259968
You know Urb, nothing can beat a good oll' Half-Life singleplayer map!
So you better finish that, boy! :P :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 20:18:41 UTC
in door problem Post #259913
I can't help you with that, i've never used that entity. Why not try it out and look for tutorials?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 18:31:48 UTC
in Christmas Present Post #259909
I got a pet headcrab. ^^
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 15:52:14 UTC
in MiniChallenges Post #259899
Why not rotate that texture until its 90 degrees and rotate them 45 degrees in Hammer with the Face Edit Sheet?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 12:00:47 UTC
in door problem Post #259884
I don't really get the problem. What do you want with the door?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-12 19:50:08 UTC
in Christmas, Ho Ho Ho Post #259840
Epic win.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-12 17:55:27 UTC
in door problem Post #259818
If you want a door, use func_door or func_door_rotating, not func_train.

As for the no solids error, you probably assigned an entity to a brush, and then deleted it. Or something. There's not really a fix for it, its just something you did.
First make your brush door, then tie the whole thing to func_door or func_door_rotating.
To get rid of the blue, use render mode solid, and FX amount 255.

I don't do CS so i can't help you with your last question.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-12 12:42:48 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259807
I think so, that did the trick.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-12 11:37:21 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259799
Ill check it out. Stay tuned.

Ok, try this:

Also, do not user uppercase characters in entity strings (names and targets), this may cause problems.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-10 19:36:06 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259752
do you think the problem could also be that I have the 3.4 edition of the hammre?
No. You can consider upgrading to version 3.5. Get the executable from my website.
what about my inability of posting the map in the map vault?
Like i said, you need to zip your file.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-10 17:07:58 UTC
in I bought EP1 Post #259732
Correct Luke is correct. Use the journals.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-10 10:55:19 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259718
I just did a quick test and it works perfectly on path_corners. I think you either misnamed something or forgot a property.

Here's the rmf for you to examine:

The yellow button starts the train. The train goes left.
The red button targets a trigger_changetarget, which targets the second path_corner named stop2 and changes its next stop target from stop3 to stop2a, making the train go right.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-09 19:10:19 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259678
You need to zip it...
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-09 18:10:30 UTC
in trigger_changetarget Post #259676
Post the map in the problem maps vault.