Temporary homepage while we're still working on the mod. There are now 65 entries in the SVN logs which you can view at random by hitting the refresh button (on site, not your browser) and get a little taste of our feelings towards the mod.
It's a part of the whole.You mean... The Whole Half-Life?
I suppose you would need to open/decompile it and rename the animations to the crowbar animationsDid you even read his post?
Well I had a dream last night that touching a mixture of flour and water would allow you to teleport into any flour container in the world.Sounds like some kind of colossal MineCraft bug.
to advertise a game no one will playJust because your laptop struggles with HL it doesn't mean other people won't play The Core.
brain clearly fried this afternoon.Oh yeah? I was about to ask why Brian got fired...
Well, call it half a map. Half a map and an NPC.I suppose a cockroach is an NPC.
You'll be waiting another week to find out m'fraid. Battlefield 3 has firmly gotten in the way.Fix'd
How come you have the beta version? It's been released.Lost my job last month? Money kinda needs to go elsewhere.