Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-16 15:10:58 UTC
in blur scope Post #234349
It's pretty obvious what Simehong was asking. I honestly don't believe you couldn't understand what he was trying to say.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-16 14:11:44 UTC
in HALFLIFE vs THE R... screenshot Post #234344
The light doesn't match the sky is what was saying.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-16 12:39:34 UTC
in HALFLIFE vs THE R... screenshot Post #234341
Too green. Change the sky to a more graish-blue.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 21:29:18 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234287
Chriss Angel did it better, bitch.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 18:24:33 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234256
And you haven't played a single round of TF2, so how can you say that TFC and FF play better?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:51:07 UTC
He said he wants the effect to be permanent. Hurr.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:31:29 UTC
sv_maxspeed 100.
Stick it in the listenserver.cfg and it will take effect in single player.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 17:26:17 UTC
in Minicompo #Ilostcount: Vending Machines! Post #234241
Well regardless, mine's coming along very nicely. I'll have some screenshots soon.
It's a very different kind of map, though I'm afraid it might actually be too big for a mini compo.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:33:08 UTC
in My 13337th Post #234188
That's fucking Mephs, dude.
And what the hell is that face? I see it everywhere.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:30:12 UTC
in All's going well, eh? Post #234187
Espen is a pseudo elitist, and now Dave is trying to be one.
Back when Andy was active, when Kol was an avid mapper (not sure if he still maps or not), when Ministeve, peace and love, and many others (sorry others, can't think of anymore) were still active. EDIT: (List time! Jaardsi, dajuppi, slayer A, esmajor, bratty lord, vassy, Captain P, marlborometal, Jax, Rabidmonkey (when he posts), Xargol, Unbreakable, rowleybob, jahzel (the form of him when he's not a terrible arguer and a dick on top of that) and hazardous!. I know there's more.)
Huzza! A hearty bunch of friendly folk there. Good times.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-15 13:23:06 UTC
in Roating images Post #234185
You can't just rotate an image. It doesn't have depth. If you flipped it, you'd just be squishing it.
That looks like a model with pictures taken from various angles, or just several completely separate pictures.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 15:29:27 UTC
in Logo Design Contest Post #234108
Yes, my father beat me and my mother had sex ith him while he did it. I was quite traumatized.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-14 02:56:41 UTC
in Minicompo #Ilostcount: Vending Machines! Post #234074
Who else is still in this? I am, but I don't want to be the only one doing it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 18:42:44 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234057
You could probably run TF2 on low texture without it making much of a difference.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 15:28:48 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234037
I still say they don't have anything to worry about. FF and TF2 are so different, it's all going to boil down to personal taste. An earlier release isn't going to change that :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 14:47:56 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #234030
You should do South Park for a living :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 13:23:53 UTC
in Map/Mod of the Month : August Post #234027
Well... no.... :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 10:37:52 UTC
in Logo Design Contest Post #234016
Oh four years. Yeah, that would just about do it.
I'm not much of a photo editor, so I know I wouldn't be able to pull this off. But I am thinking a pair of eyes in a black background: one blue, one red. Inside the blue eye's pupil is a father helping his young son walk, and in the red eye's pupil is a father beating his young son.
If you want to throw your logo in there somewhere, it would go in between the eyes to look like a tatoo on the forehead.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 10:31:24 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #234015
I was looking through the taunts and I couldn't find anything that had the hwguy yelling "CRY SOME MORE!" :(
The demoman threw me off. I was expecting him to be some big, big, black guy, but they made him Irish? What?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 00:29:57 UTC
in my project: HALFLIFE vs THE RING Post #233998
Technically it's illegal, since you're freely distributing what would normally cost money to obatin. But nobody cares in this case because of the way it's being distributed.

As for hosting, I'd say go with Imageshack, as well. But if that doesn't float your boat there's plenty of other fish in the sea.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 00:23:14 UTC
in Logo Design Contest Post #233997
No offense, but what's with the band's name? Positive Chaos is such an unoriginal name; self-contradicting names are everywhere you look. Stick to it if you've been using it for a while, but I'm just wondering.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 22:17:59 UTC
in TSRP Map/Idea Post #233990
I don't have anything against you, personaly. I just hate TSRP with a fervid passion. Honestly, just get Second Life or some shit if you want to play a RP game like that. The Specialists was made for shooting people in style, not for running around saying "/cuff". Maps like Mecklenburg and incredible, and would make for awesome deathmatches. But it was made for TSRP, so its just wasted potential.

And yes, it ruined TS. Browse the TS forums and you'll see just how many people despise TSRP. Its not "just a little addon", it changes the very core principles of how you are supposed to play the game. You get punished for shooting people, for Christ's sake. If I wanted to play a game based on real life, I'd step out the door.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:53:10 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233980
Well then what are you bitching about? The Orange Box is a good deal for those who do want those two other games! No shit, it's going to be a better deal for you to just buy Episode 2 if you don't want Portal or TF2 :zonked:
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:34:28 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233978
So you'd rather pay $50 for each the individual games that you want out of the Orange Box, instead? Because that's about how much they'll cost.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 20:31:18 UTC
in TSRP Map/Idea Post #233977
Fuck TS roleplay, it ruined the damn game forever.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 17:33:40 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #233968
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 14:59:26 UTC
in Leave britney alone! Post #233963
Maximum lulz, kekekeke.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 10:56:58 UTC
in Map/Mod of the Month : August Post #233946
Well by that logic, SlayerA could resubmit Minimicus over and ove again to take the trophy every month.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-12 10:53:52 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #233945
I did and got all 4 endings :P I didn't even bother trying to get all-weapon mode, though. Good game, albeit pretty cheesy at some points.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 22:06:38 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #233930
My first non Half Life wallpaper in God knows how long. Eileen Gavlin: Silent Hill 4
User posted image

And just to clear this up before I get flamed: She isn't a hottie because she isn't supposed to be a hottie. She's supposed to look tranced and disturbed.

Rim, given your artistic nature, I thought your room would look a little neater :P
Edit: I need a new theme.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 22:02:04 UTC
in Map/Mod of the Month : August Post #233929
Ok, then I'm going to have to change to de_mon by Mamus. fy_caerla was a very impressive peice of work as well. It just barely missed my vote.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 20:41:16 UTC
in My 13337th Post #233922
O hai. I upgraded your RAM.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 16:28:53 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233907
The FF team is trying to get FF out the door before the 17th now.
Its pretty obvious that this public TF2 beta is to compete wth the release of FF, but whatever. I was anticipating TF2 more, anyway.
I don't think either have anything to worry about. They both have a pretty huge fanbase.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 15:56:13 UTC
in Map/Mod of the Month : August Post #233904
Apparently I'm supposed to vote for something or another or some shit like that.
De_mon was great, but not that great. Macrocampus was a much more impressive map, so I was expecting a little more out of de_mon.

-I'm gonna hafta vota fora Fathom 2.4 by hlife_hotdog.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 15:38:14 UTC
in Minicompo #Ilostcount: Vending Machines! Post #233901
If you are going to lose your computer by that time, how are you going to tell us why you lost it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 15:26:34 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233899
Team Fortress TWO!
Here to blow your motherfuckin' MIND, YEAH!
Team Fortress TWO!

Preloading it right now.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-11 09:03:40 UTC
in Minicompo #Ilostcount: Vending Machines! Post #233885
You never said there was a size limit. That's pretty restricting don't you think?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 23:27:00 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #233872
I already posted the slap for Sparta.
Edit: Cute.
Edit Edit:
Funny hacker video. Worth watching just for the first 40 seconds.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:46:34 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #233864
Turtle's like it rough
Old, but nobody ever brought it up.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 19:09:37 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233850
The point is that if Luke had not made that first post, this entire bitch slap exchange could have been avoided.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-10 18:59:01 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #233845
Rim, you've got to be kidding on this one. The snow is way too concentrated and linear(it's blatantly repeating), the ground is completely flat, as are the walls, the sky is a default and doesn't match anything you've shown us to this point, and that ramp is terribly generic. Come on...
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-09 14:43:05 UTC
in TF2 or FF? Post #233753
Definitely looking forward more to TF2. FF took a more serious approach to the game, and that doesn't really fit with TFC's nature.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-08 12:02:24 UTC
in Minicompo #Ilostcount: Vending Machines! Post #233684
Sounds kinda weird. At first I was expecting another prefab compo, but at least its different this time around.
I've definitely got a good idea, but not sure if I'll be ableto pull it off quick enough or successfully. I'm in... maybe.
Edit: How long do we have?
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-07 23:04:29 UTC
in CS 1.6 ==> Bomb Radius Issue Post #233661
It might be based on values between 0 and 1. It's worth a shot.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-07 16:51:03 UTC
in CS 1.6 ==> Bomb Radius Issue Post #233654
Explosions go through walls in CS, for the record.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 16:50:12 UTC
in Who would win in a fight? Post #233553
You didn't give an answer, period.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 00:16:56 UTC
in Caption the Avatar! Post #233504
"Damn I fell out of a tree, and now my finger is bleeding"
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 20:40:51 UTC
in Caption the Avatar! Post #233496
Public pedo asphyxiation.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-04 12:44:13 UTC
in Half-life 1 sounds Post #233473
No really, the list is useless.
What you are trying to do is nice, but its really unneeded in this age of programs like Jed's HLMV or GFC Scape.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-03 22:53:23 UTC
in Caption the Avatar! Post #233447
"Shit... they found out im a furry too... i posted some 'art' in my journal"