Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-10 12:54:41 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252366
It indeed works, it tends to make only one clip of a brush if you make them pyramid shaped, im still testing if the terrain works better.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-10 10:05:33 UTC
in Ati Radeon HD 4850 Problem Post #252365
The BIOS determines how everything runs on your motherboard.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-10 09:26:20 UTC
in Ati Radeon HD 4850 Problem Post #252361
Maby, could you tell us something about the other components in your computer?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-10 07:23:27 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252356
The R-Speeds top right now at 1500, i knew it would be high though, the map is quite open with lots of detail, some area's wil stay below the 700 though. I might experiment a bit with Hint_Textures but i doubt it will do a lot.

Daub: im used to texture the triangle's that form the ground with NULL textures and the visible face with a terrain texture, does this also influence clipping? Because the NULL textured face will be discarded as far as i know, and this should happened in the CSG part.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 16:55:03 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252318
Hehe thanks for all the comments, and yes Rimrook, there very useful! I just compiled the tree with your tutorial, although im still fiddling with the scale and the DM thingie(monster_furniture does not show in DM :P ).
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 16:36:59 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252312
im using a similair system for rounding awkward corners in the rocks so they transition smoothly, and yes that technique is great:).
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 15:30:29 UTC
in Ati Radeon HD 4850 Problem Post #252299
Usually the latest driver should optimze your card for the best performance, there are a few talented people out there that make custom drivers that really should push your card to its limits.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 15:16:49 UTC
in Ati Radeon HD 4850 Problem Post #252297
Do as daube says, AA shouldnt cause any problems unless its a driver problem, if you dont want to do that then learn to live with it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 15:15:20 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252296
Thanks guys!

Doub: R_speeds topped at 1338 standing to a wall looking towards the open area. Altough it is still skyboxed for the sky of development, so i cant say anything usefull about them yet. Muzz experienced some keyboard lag, but that went away when we reloaded a few other maps and went back to this one, so i doubt the map caused it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 14:20:13 UTC
in HL1DM: Supplybase Delta Post #252288
I started working on this map last week, after not having done anything for the past 1.5 year. It will have custom models and textures so it still need quite a bit of work. The main layout has been done with, thanks to muzzleflash for helping me with testing it! And im working on the tree model right now. the red light you see coming from the tower(which will be higher) will be flashing on and off.

The map takes place in a military supply base call Delta, set in a lush and rocky environment(custom sky included). Right now i got costum textures for the walls and the ground(grass, tiled floor).

I hope these screenshots explain the map a tad bit better.

This is the radio tower, the player is standing in the lower right corner of the map, looking towards the office area(door next to the fence on the left), the exit of the map(close area,, fence with striped boom) and the loading door(right side, just outside the screenshot).
User posted image
loading area, the crates move from the underground storage along the track to the loading bay for the transport vehicle. in this area workers can safely check the outside of the crates. note that the textures on the crate are temporary.
User posted image
in screenshot 1 the player was standing behind the left sandbag wall. as you can see the road swivels through the map. the player will be able to see some other type of building behind the rocks in the final map.
User posted image
standing on the left of the second sandbag wall, looking towards the control room and the loading bay exit(behind the garage door). Note that the player can shoot through the fence, and yes the snarks will also jump through the fence.
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another view on the control room, now standing behind the rocks, on the left will be a tree obscuring the view to the control room.
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this will be the loading bay, you can see the track along which the crate moves and the garage door on the left, the view will be partially blocked.
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looking from the control room(i destroyed the window) towards the radio tower, as you can see the red flashing light is off in this shot(1 second interval).
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leaving the control room to the walkway from which the workers can observe the crates passing by, in the distance you can see the maintenance and supply room wich gives acces to the walkways seen in other screenshots.
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showing off a new texture, i used brushes to let the light fall on it in a correct way, im quite fond of how it looks. On the right you can see the internal checking area, a bit further to it and you will be able to monitor the crates coming from the submerged storage area. just below the crate is area that will lead to the offices, currently still in the grey dev texture.
User posted image
I hope i gave a good impression of what im working on, i cant say when this will be finishd, but i can assure that i will finish it!

C&C welcome!

Thanks to muzz and rimrook for there input so far!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 05:07:54 UTC
in Weird Issue With Windows and Microphones Post #252279
Sounds it witches the transmitting channel from your mic to the one that has everything being played in your computer(mouseclicks, music, etc). Try looking for settings like that in your soundcard, it might give you a clue.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 05:05:19 UTC
in Elevators cant lift pushables? Post #252278
I think rim's right there, i have never really experimented in Spirit or vanilla GldSource with pushables. I like your idea though, creative way to solve puzzle's so if you would pack it up as a mod then i would be glad to play it :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-08 16:09:41 UTC
in Gordon on radio! Post #252244
He cant be older, then he cant be the first either. As soon as he was there mankind also was. Are you defying windows Luke?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 14:30:43 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252201
Jolly good :D Just gotta watch out i dont accidentally press the quikstart combi :P .
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 14:06:41 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252199
I like how your programs work fast without any bullshit, i constantly use both the launchpad and compilator!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 12:43:33 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252189
Yah! Downloading, i'll give it a go tonight!

EDIT: Works perfectly, saves me the boring console work!

Maby also add a few standard commands like god mode or noclip mode? Or GL_wireframe 2 and r_speeds 1?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 11:39:09 UTC
in My whole map dark map is lighted Post #252188
Isnt this a released map for TS? if so, are you using the source or a decompiled version?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 03:26:44 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #252176
I think you cant collide with water in the standard HL either.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 17:18:22 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #252159
What kinda music do you need? anything with guitars? Or more techno like stuff?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-04 12:50:59 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252103
I think the 8800GTS dropped to that level, or even the GTX. Basicly the same chipset as the 9800 series Nvidia hyped, all you need to do is install a motherfreakin cooler on it and overclock the core, then you got some killer things going on. One drawback is that your motherboard might not support it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-02 13:32:20 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #252068
AC/DC You shook me all night long
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-02 04:23:07 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252040
No they don't, Nvidia is definitely better then Ati right now. ATI controls the AGP and budget marktet better though.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-02 03:15:57 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #252037
User posted image
Still very rough, only a couple of hours work including sketching, to the right will be a rock wall, next to the door a tree, the window will be a snipers balcony, the inner yard will be situated to the left, with a few walkways overhead to provide vertical gameplay, im still not to sure about including a static MG.

User posted image
Getting along nicely, although im not happy with the textures and lightning yet, so consider those to be temporary :D and yes, those sexy rocks are all hand made.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-30 16:24:18 UTC
in Website Creation Question Post #251996
Actually its better to keep your system running 24/7. Except for cleaning and maintenance offcourse. This is because all of the components are made to run for a long period of time, by shutting down and starting up all day it will eventually wear out.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-30 08:37:22 UTC
in SPORE content released! Post #251982
Soon you will have whole planets populated by the dick people when you venture out to explorer the universe, atleast, they said you would be able to get the creatures from other people in your own universe.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 13:39:09 UTC
in TWHL Cake Decorating Contest Post #251875
Damn it indeed.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-26 13:37:53 UTC
in TWHL Cake Decorating Contest Post #251848
Ouch, tempting to make the most obvious edit ever :lol: :biggrin:
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-24 15:40:11 UTC
in Simple music editor Post #251807
I also have Ableton Live Line 6 edition, for my guitar, great program!
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 09:35:16 UTC
in Game_Text: How do I make a line break Post #251742
//is comment in AS3:) Or a divide operator offcourse:P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:57:44 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251637
Calm down unbreakable, that tower thingy might actually be a plausible idea.

Really, if you find those school shootings offensive in a game setting then you'd better find a different hobby, a lot of environments are based or directly copied from there real life counter-parts.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 14:13:21 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251566
I' d say go for it, even if it is in a scaled down version. Im going to need to turn my school into a DM arena for a project next year, although i think some teachers are more forgiving then others.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-26 14:51:30 UTC
in lets make a tw-hl HL1 mod!!! Post #250536
A long time ago Andy fired up a mod like this, it eventualy failed, not quite sure why, but Muz is coming up with a few strong arguments, and since we cant have RL meetings it is very hard to effectively coordinate a team under the current conditions, let alone different timezones and working speeds.
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-13 05:03:43 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #248740
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-06 15:48:08 UTC
in Skinning Post #248517
Either incorporate the logo properly if you really need to or remove it, it ruins the whole image and absolutely doesnt fit in.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-30 11:45:53 UTC
in BrainBread - Last Stand London Post #248209
Ive been playing this to, is this already running on a server? Im usualy on the GPC or ASDAM server.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 13:55:14 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248060
Course it make sense, you just let the program check if the player is between 2 Z coordinates, if he is then it will add 1 to a counter, that can be displayed onscreen.

Sorry, my bad. Im used to working in flash, but you cant really easily edit code for source.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-26 12:56:55 UTC
in Help with mathzorz... Post #248050
You could try checking the height on the Z axis, and with a IF statement so it will add one to a counter.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-25 13:52:18 UTC
in Desktops of late March Post #248003
I dont care about fancy stuff for my nmenu's. I just need to read whats in there. If i'd care for those things then i would buy one of those horrible macs.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-23 19:05:50 UTC
in Desktops of late March Post #247925
My background. Photo of the new livery of Asiana Cargo, i believe a modified PAX 744, making it a 747-400CBF.
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-09 15:10:59 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #247482
The Kinks - lola

Rock as rock is meant too be, the 80s live version:
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-09 15:00:18 UTC
in hl quiz Post #247481
Those lyrics, suck. Oh well, your ass on the line too put it like that:P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-08 18:46:12 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247437
yeah i know, a classmate of mine has it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-08 17:52:08 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247435
I got a graphire 3, not big, but easy too carry in my bag pack, pretty important since i cycle on the ATB 10 kilometres twice a day.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-08 15:44:49 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247433
Certainly is, just a normal mousepad, you cant see the tablet in that picciue, it is normaly located just left of the left screen behind the keyboard(default dock for both the tablet and USB stick.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-08 15:17:57 UTC
in Where do you TWHL3? Post #247431
Sexy desk. As far as sexy can aply to a desk.
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-08 19:07:38 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #240275
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-08 19:07:35 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #240274
Aint she a beauty? I believe the last flying DC-2, flown too the Netherlands a few years ago and has been converted too the well know DC-2 Uiver, the transport aircraft that became second in the London-Melbourne race in the 30's leaving experienced racer aircraft behind. She has excellent flying capabilities getting here tailwheel off at a mere 35knts, and getting airborne at 60 without flaps. capable of landing and taking off on most runways. Cruising speed is between 110 and 120, with a maximum safe speed of 160knts.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-04 18:23:22 UTC
in All I want for Christmas is... Post #239892
hmm, money would be nice for my AFF license, although that aint in it. Otherwise not a lot, since the jumping season is over anyway. Although gas money wouldnt hurt anyway.

Santa knows all, hes psychic(Yuri).
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-13 13:21:59 UTC
in My 13337th Post #234026
Welcome back Mephs
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 16:46:18 UTC
in Post Your Desk Post #233552
Nice double monitors! btw, doesn't that steeringwheel thingy make you mad when you don't use it?
Nah, i can unscrew it and put it on the side, and its called a yoke :) .