Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-07-12 00:05:19 UTC
in A petition. Post #228617
Wanted to edit this in but Hunter was too fast.

Atom is long gone. He passed on the torch to 7th maybe a year and a half ago after being almost completely inactive for 3+ years, but I don't see much activity from 7th either. He logs in every day, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-12 00:02:55 UTC
in A petition. Post #228615
We can't ban anyone, but we can petition to have a moderator ban him.
No we can't. This isn't a democracy, its the internet. Its a dictatorship, hurrrr. You can suggest that someone be banned, but you have no power over the actual result.
you also coppied my thread one day, with a cheap insulting one
Every forumer is hit with that at least once in their "net life". Suck it up, Luke isn't that bad. The worst thing he's done was that damned image spamming phase.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 23:44:00 UTC
in You Laugh, You Lose Post #228604
I lost on the Lego bong. if it werent' for that I would still be in the game. Blast.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 23:38:43 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228601
Well then that entire comment got blown out of context. Somewhere along there I interpreted your reply as "Dave likes his own, only maps."
Probably because I read the thread from end to start. But whatever.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 23:35:35 UTC
in A petition. Post #228598
what the fuck is this.
Anyhoo, threads like this are good for TWHL. Not only might something good actually come out of it, but also TWHL needs drama every so often.
Oh really? What good is this doing? Pissing people off? What good is that? And trying to singlehanded get a member banned certainly doesn't look like its working out for you. You are one of maybe 3 people who still thinks that Dave is useless. Everyone else is turning around.
Hunter has explained it: these bannings are just entertainment for overstimulated TWHLers.
Nobody but nobody has been banned since never. The only people who are banned from TWHL are guys who try to be girls, and Jimmi. The moderators are way to lenient, especially considering the lack of them that are actively participating in the community. And it sucks, because the users can do whatever they want because of it.

Members like Dave? So you mean people who post random shit in the shoutbox? Who voice their opinions? Who do make the occasional, interesting thread?

That sounds like over half of TWHL.
Quoted for truth.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-11 23:22:06 UTC
in A Proposition Post #228593
Edit:^Give me a fucking break

1. Long since agreed with.

2. Not much of a concern of mine. TWHL has become more of a "submit-your-work-here-to-train-for-real-publicty" these days. Nothing wrong with that. Although everyone is right, you really should try to contribute more.

3. God no, don't you remember that we tried that one time? The "Cat Macros" and "Do You Love Tits?" threads tried to do this, and they were the reason image spam is as bad as it has become.

TWHL is only partially a Half life editing site. Your first hundred days or so consist of being a learning mapper, then TWHl becomes more of a hang out than an editing site(or at least, that's the way I see it). And we all obviously have a common love for the crowbar.

Here's where I would say something to Hunter, but I don't want to be redundant. So I'll just go with a "yeah, what he said!".

PS: Gunter, Dave was pointing out the apparent flaw in Srry's comment. Srry basically said that it isn't ok for Dave to like his own maps, then Dave asked why he shouldn't be allowed to.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 14:53:10 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #228275
By "popular media" I meant mainstream, I just couldn't remember the right word.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 14:22:24 UTC
in Fullbright???? Post #228263
That texture isn't self illuminated, is it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 12:18:57 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #228233
Yeah, Jahzel, music today sucks ass. That's why I don't listen to popular media.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 21:54:11 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #228163
i lol'd at all except the last one which leaves me blank.
Toenail clippers as in the clipping tool. People would use them the wrong way and would clip off their body and leave their toenails.

I hate explaining jokes :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 17:06:29 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #228145
Why couldn't the game_ext ever get his driver's liscence?

Because he would always crash after talking.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 16:59:48 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #228141
What did the pissed mapper do to cs_assault?

He ripped it a new asshole.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 16:56:07 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #228140
This Dying Soul - Dream Theater
I just finished listening to that. Great song, but that rap part is so damn annoying.

Que Sera Sera - Katamari Damacy soundtrack :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 18:04:20 UTC
in Weird Compile/Problem Post #227974
You probably got this error from fixing an invalid solid error from the problem checker. That happens sometimes. If this is the case, try deleting those brushes and see if the compile works.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-08 01:39:46 UTC
in Your Mod's (past and present) Post #227867
Go download it. You'll be amazed at the SP potential you get with Spirit.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 22:20:07 UTC
in Orion Post #227853
But you made it sound like you thought they ripped off a weapon that the makers of Splinter Cell came up with.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 21:51:30 UTC
in Norton thinks steam games are trojans! Post #227847
I get the same thing after every Steam update, except it thinks its a worm, not a trojan. Delete your Steam exception and re-add it manually.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 21:48:38 UTC
in Orion Post #227846
Saw, that's a real-world weapon. All the human weapon in Orion are real.
Splinter Cell just gave it a stupid name.
The Hidden Source and Ghost Ops feature FN2000s too.
And that concept art looks more like an NS light armor solider than a Spartan.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 12:05:13 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #227770
Nice job, Saw.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 12:02:58 UTC
in Orion Post #227769
What, Incoming Source? Meh, I like Orion, personally.

By the way, Hydeph, if you think its too close to Halo now, you should see some of the older media before the name change. <- Warthog, hurr <- Spartan, hurr
^Ok, so they actually made it clear in writing that they basically copied those ideas from Halo, still.
But they ditched those for what they have now, so its all good.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:58:10 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227768
Reflection masks can be saved into the same file as the diffuse texture? I thought you could only make a uniform reflection with just a diffuse :o
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:35:28 UTC
in A new map i'm making! Post #227757
The only thing I have to say is func_wall that text.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:30:47 UTC
in Orion Post #227756
A lot of you probably already know about this, but regardless...This is the kind of thing I like to see in mods:
I just found out about a Source mod-in-the-making, Orion, that is supposedly nearing its moment of release(meaning it will be released in 2007...). It has been in development for 7 years(they started on Goldsrc, then switched to Source when it was available). From the looks of things, it is a Halo-esque style game(some of you might even say they ripped Halo off), but with a lot more variety.
This game look absofuckinglutely breathtaking, and the gameplay sounds seriously awesome.
The Mod DB profile promises:
-Over 25 weapons
-4 Drivable Vehicles (with usable turrets)
-5 large-scaled maps
-Interactive Game-Mode - ViTAL
-Class-based Game-play
-3 positions - stand / crouch / prone
-Iron Sight / Advanced Scopes
-Weapon fire modes
-Melee Attacks
-Radio Commands
-Spectator Mode
-Upgrade system allowing for increased abilities.
And that's just for the first beta.
^Ohshi- that's realtime.
Srsly guyz. And check out the files section for ingame videos and stuff.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:27:38 UTC
in HAHAHA WHAT THE FECK! Post #227753
It probably wouldn't.
How many brushes is it, by the way?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:23:50 UTC
in Bodgy Mapping Jokes! Post #227750
Why did the World Crafter's map beat Tetsuo's in the race?

His had higher r_speeds.

-What did the wad texture say to the vtf material? You're schizophrenic. No one can be reflective, refractive, bumpmapped, transparent and animated at the same time
Come on, you know vtfs can't be all those things at once. The VMT pulls the elements together.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:20:52 UTC
in HAHAHA WHAT THE FECK! Post #227749
Holy crap, it's the Death Star under construction!
That's exactly what i thought when I saw it. I was like "-the fuck. Starwars?"
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 11:17:36 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #227748
User posted image

This is the worst my desktop has been in a long time.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-07 00:49:53 UTC
in Global Warming? More Like Global Dumbing Post #227660
No, if what you said were true then non-morons would be of superior intellect. You got the entire thing fucking wrong.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-06 18:25:55 UTC
in Hitman the movie Post #227638
I agree, Bruce Willis probably would make a pretty good 47. I don't think this will turn out very good. Hitman isn't something that can be easily translated into a motion picture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 18:15:42 UTC
in Global Warming? More Like Global Dumbing Post #227512
I really wish you wouldn't.

Which reminds me:
* Members who spam the forum or perform otherwise inappropriate activities will have their account suspended. Users who have created an alternate account for spamming purposes risk having both accounts suspended. Continual activity of this sort will result in a permanent ban from the forum system.
* The Stuff forum is for any general off-topic banter. It is not a spam board for useless posts. Users found spamming pointlessly in this board will face actions as described above.
Why the hell aren't these rules enforced?
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 14:46:20 UTC
in Global Warming? More Like Global Dumbing Post #227487
Jahzel, I don't think any of us here get what you are trying to say if it isn't just that people suck.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-05 14:31:14 UTC
in Global Warming? More Like Global Dumbing Post #227481
Yeah, what's your point? Like Hunter said, people are sick fucks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 15:59:30 UTC
in Elevator breaking something Post #227366
I guess you could do it that way, you know, if you want to be uncool.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-04 13:38:18 UTC
in Elevator breaking something Post #227359
Yeah, put a trigger that's about player-height above the rod, so when the player's head touches the trigger, the elevator will touch the rod.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 14:16:33 UTC
in Your Mod's (past and present) Post #227257
Meh, I guess I'll post mine if not a might late. I've never been much of a single player guy.
In order of starting date:

A mod taking place short after Half Life involving Gordon working for the Gman. The first assignment had something to do with being underwater, I don't remember. The mod was dropped after halfway through the second map.

Alien Blast
A fun mod [well it was fun back when I made it, and was 13] that constisted of nothing but a series of rooms connected by teleporters. No story, just run and gun. Each room had a bunch of one type of monster, and each room gave you a new weapon to fight them with. The mod was finished in a few days.

Alien Blast 2
A mod that tried to keep the similar, "fun" run-through-boxes-shooting-shitloads-of-enemies gameplay, but with a story and slightly more variation in the playing environment. The mod was dropped after seeing how lame it was.

Life Gear
A bold attempt to start a stealth action mod with Spirit. The story involved an evil government conspiracy to utilize their new device, the Life Gear(shitty play on Metal Gear and Half Life), which could create artificial Xen Life in favor of its creator, to acheive global superiority. Your job was, obviously, to sneak in and destroy the Life Gear. It also included a minigame that involved fighting an infinite amount of Agent Smiths and functioning bullet time. The mod started off nice, and the concept worked, but was dropped a ways in because I didn't have the kind of modelling tools I needed.

Nightmare: Its Only a Dream
A horror mod based on my old Nightmare map(see it in the vault) that tried to really capture that akward, dreamy feeling. Dropped after a gradual loss of ideas to scare people.

Half Life Shorts
5 "skits" I made while at a friends house in California for a week. Induced by being up at 5 AM. The mod was finished and released n the vault.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-02 01:05:53 UTC
in ABC Half-life Post #227088
How about thumbnails so the images don't get out of hand.
B: Barnacle
User posted image

This is going to get extremely hard, extremely fast.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 23:54:23 UTC
in ABC Half-life Post #227079
Not quite.

Y: Yellow dots(those annoying things that pop up around models if they clip into a wall).
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-01 17:30:58 UTC
in ABC Half-life Post #227052
V: Vortigaunt

What's with all the letter skipping?
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-27 12:28:46 UTC
in Mini Modeling Compo #01 Post #226577
You think I started using modelling programs when I made my first model? What kind of a narrow outlook is that? I've been using Milkshape for hacking models and editing animatons since at least September 27th, 2006(my first real release). And I know I've known how to use the program since at least June 30, 2005 because I made 3 autosmoothed releases around that time. I have also been hanging around CDG, what many would consider to be home of literally some of the best modellers out there, for a few years. So yeah, sorry if I come off as arrogant, but I do happen to know my shit.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-27 02:17:34 UTC
in Mini Modeling Compo #01 Post #226546
Back from the semi-dead to take part in this compo. I'll be in and out like that*snap*. Its funny, when I read some of the modelling threads you guys have started, how little most of you know about modelling. You're still rambling on about polygon limits and crap like that when you have no real experience in the field. Take a quick tour through the Clan of the Dead Goat community( and you will learn fast. Or you could just yell at me because you think you're right and I'm just a dumbass, which is to be expected these days.

The model is done and skin is currently being worked on, and I already have a set of animations ready to go(not mine, but the rules don't say to make mine so cry me a river). Still working on the polymer, and the metal will be tough...
A tip to aspiring skinners: dodges and burns are everything, that's not a joke.

WIP, everything is done through Milkshape(because I don't do this enough to learn 3dsMax and Milkshape works fine for me):
User posted image

User posted image

User posted image

Edit: Didn't notice that it ended so soon, and that a "winner" had already been picked. I guess this means that this one is over.
I want to see what Urb turned in. And, Pepper, post the wireframe for that guitar, I want to see how its over 2000 polygons.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 16:47:39 UTC
in Zombie Master Post #222753
Sounds like fun. I'll give it a shot.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-20 14:16:37 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #222729
Its illegal to carry your weapon around with you in public, in most cases, here in the US. You'd need a concealed weapon permit. Otherwise you have to keep it in your home or car or somewhere of the like.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-18 18:58:30 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #222585
- It is illegal to own an AK, Uzi, or any type of rocket propelled weapon
That's actually not entirely true, not for all states at least. Civilian model assault rifles are quite popular.
Not like it makes the US look any better, but I figured I point it out for clarity anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 20:55:19 UTC
in Group Hug Paint Post #222487
Yeah, but then its not as funny.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 19:21:50 UTC
in Group Hug Paint Post #222480
I saw this one and had to make a picture of it.
User posted image
So amazing it blows your mind!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 17:42:53 UTC
in Group Hug Paint Post #222462
Why does his mom have a penis?
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-17 15:58:45 UTC
in Group Hug Paint Post #222442
Drawing in Paint with multiple lines makes it much easier :)
User posted image
PS: That's piss, not blood. Sickos.