There's going to be a bit of a problem with this map of mine, gameplaywise:
I admit that the wpoly is not so exaggerated in reality in the walking zones, what's seen in the screenshot is a combination of default_fov set to 120 and the spot involved, which is inaccessible in practice. But the sad fact is that I have an average of about 4000 wpoly.
The map runs fine on my desktop machine (DualCore E6500, AMD HD4850, 1920x1080px), but I doubt this is playable on older computers(not that this is not old, it's 2014, we're in the future baby!).
I don't know even why I'm continuing this, I guess I just want it finished. I had the idea of making a ship map long time ago, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I abandoned the idea of realism since :D.
The inside of the ship is explorable, but the focus is on the outside. I also have some stupid contraptions around there, you know me... never map without a trap! Well, not trap.. but it rhymes :P.
P.S. I am actually clueless as to how I should place weapons, ammo, healthkits and whatnot...