Forum posts

Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 15:02:08 UTC
in Outdoor Maps Post #1753
its you that says ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 14:01:19 UTC
in Mod problem. Post #1752
Recently I read Vassy's excellent Setting up a mod:pt 1 tutorial and completed it. I then went to 69th Vlatitude and followed some tutorials there about making custom Mod menu art. I finished that and now have a custom menu. I would really like to know how to change the descriptions to the left of the buttons though-my mod is called The Portal and I want for example the writing next to the quit button to say "Quit Playing The Portal" instead of "Quit Playing Half-Life". I have copied the CS strings.lst file and placed in my mod folder (theportal) and I have edited the lines in it to my needs. For some reason though the description just says the normal HL things. Could anyone help please?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 13:55:14 UTC
in Screwed up retinal scanners Post #1751
you just explained it to your self there

also i think is some parts of opfor and hl they just used a modified wav
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 11:31:55 UTC
in CS lightning problem Post #1749
Turning up Map lightning won't work. Since it's in the areas which doesn't have a direct path to sky where the problem lies. The outdoors of my map are fine. It would be easier if I could provide a picture.

As of texture lightning: I have tried but to no effect. The only lightsources which seems to work are entity-based.

But I haven't tried SlayerA's advice yet...
Hopefully it will work.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 10:36:59 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1748
I placed the landmarks in the same position in both maps. But now I get stuck in the mother*uckin door instead. WILL IT EVER END?!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 09:09:53 UTC
in Screwed up retinal scanners Post #1746
How do I create faulty retinal scanners like the one in unforeseen consequences (and welcome to black mesa in opfor)? I think the scanner targets an mm which targets a load of ambient generics with various pitch shifts. Can anyone help?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 09:07:22 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1745
The landmark must be in the EXACT same place in each map. The same unit. And have the changelevel ahead of the landmark, so you walk past the landmark. Trust me, it works. Did it w/ my mod. And I think the centre of the landmark is the where the bottom of the player will go.
| ___ I know this drawing sucks, but I hope it explains everything
/ | |
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:55:57 UTC
in Atom, just wondering... Post #1744
I like goldeneye, the matrix, and the fellowship of the ring a lot as well.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:32:06 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1742
Downloaded the new zip, but it won't unzip. Says it's an invalid zip file. How did you fix the original problem? The answer may help someone reading this post later. ...And did you remember to move the info_landmark back down from the roof? Maybe you're stuck in the ceiling now when you come back from test2... :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:21:46 UTC
in bathroom wall texture Post #1741
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:16:58 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1740
I clicked the link and got "Page not found". Let us know when it's working, I'm sure lots of us will vote for it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 07:28:22 UTC
in bathroom wall texture Post #1739
im tryna make a public bathroom but i cant find a texture 4 the walls. gimme a hand, just post the name here.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 06:08:51 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1737
Oh, by the way I'll post the .rmf file...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 06:04:37 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1736
YEAH! I've fixed the problem! The level change from "test" to "test2" went very smooth, but now I have another problem. When I want to go back to "test" I get stuck in the floor (again), but this time it's diffrent. I'm kind of hoovering above the floor. WIERD DON'T YOU THINK!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:22:43 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1735
oh, i should have mentioned this: the small pink box is the landmark and the big pink box is the trigger_changelevel

and all of that could have been said in one post... but no, i'm just a big o'l spammer... :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:18:02 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Public Beta Post #1732
you need to download the hammer beta exe and the fgd... the fgd changes nothing in the program go here:
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:16:47 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1733
oops.. wait i got it...
User posted image
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:15:18 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1731
hmm... ths could be related to the fact that there should be some 'dead space' between the land mark and change level

i'll try an image...
User posted image
also be sure to read this article:
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:08:31 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1730
oh the spelling errors!
if you pot ... If you PUT
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:07:38 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1729
thanks for that atom.
About that chatter box - (or in my site the news and updates box)
the reason its off line is because i uploaded the wrong update of the page... its up there now in its boxyness...

more site pimpage: (it likes visitors)

oh, and make sure to vote for my site at solgamers - i can get an extra 30 megs of webspace, that'll bring me up to 50!! wooo hooo..
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 04:00:53 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1728
If you pot in a little more work in the scripted_sequences, you can make the grunt "punch" the "button" to open a door. The Grunt model has an animation to do this, play arround with the scripted sequences and you'll get it eventually, like i did.

another thing to note about path_corners is that the monsters stop patrolling them once they see or hear the player / combat / enemy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 02:41:44 UTC
in Hammer 3.5 Public Beta Post #1727
hate hammer 2.5 you cant see the models not even with the damn new .fgd :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 02:35:39 UTC
in Music Post #1725
it was indeed a flute anynomynous :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 01:24:15 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1724
Why don't you try making a really simple little map and seeing if that works?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 01:23:24 UTC
in Music Post #1723
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 21:31:14 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1722
I hate to break it to you but it still doesn't work. I compiled it and it still crashes.
This is really frustrating, and I think it means that it has something to do with one of the actual brushes in the map. Could someone else please compile it and send it to I just want to see if maybe one of my files became corrupt for some reason.
As before, all help is welcome!
-panda :(
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 21:24:46 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1721
I downloaded and played it. I got stuck in the floor, as expected. But when I opened the console to noclip, i noticed a message that said "Can't find landmark lm2" Check to see that both landmarks have the same exact name. Both should be "lm1" the way you have described it above. (you might have to move your landmark back down from the ceiling if it's still up there) :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 20:59:01 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1720
I just had a look at the Map... I am going to move it into the Problem Map section till this is sorted. Because you haven't uploaded the .rmf's I couldn't play with the transition, but I wonder if it has anything to do with the narrow area the change is taking place in. It is easiest to make the change in a corridor, so you can directly copy the elements from one map to the other.
I didn't get stuck in the floor... test2 wouldn't load at all, I had to load it seperately...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 19:00:36 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1717
Yes I could.
When I'm about to load map nr.2 I'm suddenly stuck in floor. Here's a little descripton off the trigger_changelevel:
Name change1
New Map Name: test2
Landmark Name: lm1
And the landmark:
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 18:59:50 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1716
Assuming the two maps are identical in the area of the changelevel, raise your info_landmark in the second map. Keep adjusting your landmarks until you can go back and forth without getting stuck. This way works for me, although there's probably a more precise way to do it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 18:56:49 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1715
try moving the changelevel entity up a bit. im not much on changing levels though ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 18:49:33 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1714
Can you be a little more Specific Dario??? =)

Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 18:42:53 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1713
Yo everybody, I have problems with my map. When I start the map it goes just fine, but when I come to changelevel I'm suddenly stuck in the floor. Can anybody help me? PLEEEEEASE!!!
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 18:26:12 UTC
in Music Post #1712
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 17:45:53 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1711
-panda's e-mail
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 17:28:58 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1710
OT: kol, you can get working code for your chatterbox at :)

OT 2: hmm. Must fix that autolinking...
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:31:27 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1709
Path_corners are really only good for getting monsters to walk around inside rooms, you really need to use scripts to get them to go through stuff. Once they leave a path_corner for a script, they wont return to one. So the best Idea is to script the whole thing.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:16:05 UTC
in Atom, just wondering... Post #1707
Ummm, gotta be Forest Gump for me. Yeah weird I know, but hey :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 16:03:34 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1706
Panda....... I have uploaded a fix in the problem maps.
There are a few things you need to look at.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 15:22:38 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1705
i'll host it, the incoherent compo entries thing, bare in mind that i'm only giving it about 10 megs.. thats all i have

drop me a line andy if you still have any interest in it
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 14:58:21 UTC
in jump pad tutorial? Post #1704
ooh, echo!
theres a jump pad in the example maps if you need it
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 14:22:53 UTC
in Outdoor Maps Post #1703
rhetorical question :P
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 14:21:21 UTC
in Minimicus Post #1702

Athlon 2400+ and ASrock tommorow! CAN'T WAIT!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 13:13:28 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1701
Yeah, but sometimes the fix goes haywire. And with invalid solids, you usually get a max_leaf_faces error or bad surface extents. Maybe even a coplanar plane. So if you don't get these errors, you prob'ly don't have invalid solids. And fixing them with the error report's fix tool can go horribly wrong. I'd recommend just redoing the invalid solids.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 13:10:47 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1700
I?ll try some scripted sequences if I can make them cycle. You know, the thing is in having the grunt make his guard round. (Poor english :( ).
Thanks a lot Vassy.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 13:08:55 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1699
Yes it does. And making entities walk through doors is a nightmare! But if you have doors and info_nodes, 1 room, and a room on each side of the main room, with doors blocking the way, and have a grunt in each side room, when you fire at one grunt, the other will come rushing through to shoot at you. But this is with nodes. Otherwise, maybe scripted sequences?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 12:54:47 UTC
in Paths and Doors... Post #1698
Yeah, I seem to have ALWAYS problems with doors (instead, I?m just learning to map :P)...
This is my new problem. I?ve got two rooms separated by a func_rotating door. My idea was to have a soldier moving from one room to another using path_corners and, well, the soldier starts moving but blocks when reaching the door because it doesn?t open.
I?ve tried using the fire on pass with the door (and used it on several path_corners) but doesn?t work (on any of them), I?ve also tried some triggers only triggerable by monsters (setting them on the soldier?s path) but doesn?t work nice and it?s so difficult to coordinate.
How can I make the soldier move from one room to another opening the door on his way?.
PS: Does my nickname appear on my posts?.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 12:13:15 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1697
WOW! Thats great. Thanks misty! I didn't even know that that existed!
I'll definately check that out!
-panda :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 11:59:07 UTC
in Game Crashes when I play my map Post #1696
To find invalid solids I go to map/check for problems. Then if there are any problems such as invalid solids you can just click on them and click fix or fix all of type. Hope this helps! ;) :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 11:19:49 UTC
in Favorite Servers Post #1695
Spam, innit! :P What's w/ all the english and spanish exclamations?