Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 23:31:20 UTC
in ModNumForName Post #208843
Well, I can't remember too well either, but I think it has something to do with the file missing. Your PAK file may also be corrupt, I'm not sure.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 23:24:03 UTC
in SkyBox lighting / Map preformance Post #208842
The SKY texture references six images, so it's basically a box that follows you around the map. There are no polygons being rendered in these areas where the skybox is, just images, so how could it have any effect on the r_speeds whatsoever? This is the same reason your r_speeds won't drop if you upscale the sky textures, it's because in the game THERE'S NOTHING THERE!

At least, that's what I've come to learn from every tutorial I've read.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 19:30:35 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #208816
Yeah, you could easily remove it by making it into a fake letterboxed widescreen movie of sorts.

I'm not sure your idea about putting it in place of the intro movie is that great, since people with Steam won't be able to see it, and most people just activate mods in-game, rather than launching it from the provided icon.
Just out of curiosity, when you make a map, do you ever make a sort of sketch or diagram, or outline even of what it is going to contain, or do you just blunder into it and let your imagination guide you through it?
Both, actually. Sometimes I have a very good idea of what I want the whole map to look like, and I'll draw it all out. Other times I just have an idea for one room or area, and I'll build the whole map off that idea.

I find that a less planned-out approach will give you the most realistic results, because the map won't be straightforward like it is if built from beginning to end. As you've probably noticed, buildings in real life aren't usually laid out so you can go through it slowly until you eventually get to one place, but instead have interconnecting hallways/rooms/etc. for the easiest access to different areas. If you mix this with locked doors and other various things blocking your path, you can retain a realistic feeling while still having good gameplay.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 19:24:43 UTC
in No Console Post #208815
Well, add it before "-console" then.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 19:23:09 UTC
in No Console Post #208812
You're using the original Sierra Half-Life, not the Steam version, right? It doesn't make any sense to me, but can you bring it down while inside a map? Also, does your Half-Life icon have "-dev -console" at the end of its path?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 19:16:23 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #208811
Is that intro going to be done in-game? It's certainly possible, with the right entity setup, and it'd really be something cool and different than what you usually see in Half-Life mods. You could then combine it with in-game scripted sequences and such and it'd look great. Right now, it's a bit plain, and the spinning newspapers start to get old.

By the way, I'm really liking the idea of this mod, and the fact that the storyline is grounded in reality rather than using supernatural-type stuff to make it interesting.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 19:08:36 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #208809
That's it for in-game recording programs, as far as I know. If you really need it, you could always... Acquire it... By means I can't speak of.... :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:52:09 UTC
in dm_magma Post #208806
Hmmm... Did you scale any of your textures up to 2 or above? That would drastically cut down on the w_polys, and it's much needed for any map that's mostly comprised of terrain. Your lava should also be scaled a LOT higher than it is right now, so as to reduce visible tiling as much as possible.

By the way, Wadfather isn't really that hard to navigate, you just can't get to the different catagories by the usual route anymore (seems to be broken for some reason). Instead, click on a certain texture set, and there's a link in there that'll say "Check out other great texture collections with the same theme: *name of the theme*".
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:48:07 UTC
in WAD Problem Post #208804
I've noticed if you wadinclude the textures, you can specify any path for them. If not, I think they have to be in the Valve directory, as you specified in your Hammer options.
Not true. Many times I've even left WADs on the desktop, and used them without wadincluding.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:43:50 UTC
in SkyBox lighting / Map preformance Post #208803
No to both, but you wouldn't want to make it overly high for no reason at all, because I think it may increase compile time. Not sure about that though.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:41:08 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #208802
Yay! I'm not a tard!

I agree though, WindowBlinds look butt ugly. They're generally obnoxious and take up way too much room.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-06 18:18:53 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #208798

Widescreen FTW.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-05 08:31:26 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208658
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't HL1 running on the Quake 1/2 engine?
It is indeed running on a heavily modified the Quake 1 engine, with bits of quake 2 code, if my memory serves me right.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-05 00:04:07 UTC
in dm_magma Post #208635
When I was making my volcano map, I used some layered additive and invisible "{" fog textures and put them over my hole, kind of like they did in HL2:Ep1. This would pretty much cover up the whole skybox, so you could just make 6 flat, sort of grainy images with your desired color and it should work fine. You might also want to cover the map with more natural looking fog by putting a bunch of smoke sprites all over the place.

Also, try using a better lava texture, like the one that came with DMC. The one you have now isn't really lava, and it's a bit too orange.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 22:51:33 UTC
in dm_magma Post #208632
When you upload the picture, it gives you several URL's that you can copy and use. Copy the one that lets you link straight to the picture.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 16:25:32 UTC
in Hl2 Runs Slow Post #208574
Habboi: By that time, there'll be a whole new range of components out on the market. What's new today will be simply average then.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 16:21:05 UTC
in dm_magma Post #208573
Hey! I was making a map almost just like this not too long ago. It was a bit more depressing (really dark lighting), and there wasn't as much texture variation, but it was basically the same theme.

If you're looking for custom skyboxes, you should check out The Wadfather. They've got quite a collection of them.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 09:11:30 UTC
in This Tainted Place Post #208531
the screenshots are very nice indeed. Looks very creepy. :D
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 09:07:39 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208530
Half-Life 1 is an astoundingly good game which is nothing short of fun to map for.
That's it, right there. That's the reason I stick with it. every time I use Hammer, I think "goddamn, I'm just having so much fun doing this!". It's mostly the fact that I learned the engine so quickly (yet so well), and that I've gotten so familiar with it that's appealing to me. For the most part, I don't have to think much about what I'm doing, I can just map my heart out, and create whatever comes to mind. It's an amazingly simple engine, yet it still has so much potential.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 08:09:32 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208524
You're ass major suck!
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 07:25:58 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208517
I'm not scared! I'm not scared of anything! How dare you insult my manhood like that! :P

As I said before though, I never even tried to make a displacement.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 07:16:24 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #208513
When you're making turns in pipes the regular way, without any fancy curves or anything, it's easiest if you keep the brushes intersected before you clip them on their ends, like this:
User posted image
When you're all done with your set of pipes, you can clip them all at an angle, and it'll go really smoothly. If you had clipped the ends before you had finished sizing all the pipes, you would have had to go back and realign all the vertices to make sure they matched up, because they would have been stretched out.

This is just one example of the many ways you can make it easier on yourself by planning ahead while mapping.
Use clipping to make cylinders smaller than 16 units wide, or make a big one and shrink it.
Bad idea. resizing larger cylinders will almost always result in off-grid vertices, and your brush won't end up as you see it it the editor. Any vertices that are off-grid are snapped back to the nearest grid point during the compile, so it won't always look exactly the same.

Your other suggestion would be a little difficult, although it is another way to make cylinders if you have no other way. The fact is, beyond a simple eight sided "cylinder" of sorts (it would actually be octagonal), most people won't be able to form perfect circles using only the clipping tool.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 03:22:56 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208500
Or if you're like me, you've never even attempted to make one of those darn newfangled "displacement" thingamajiggers.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-04 03:15:28 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #208498
This has been answered time and time again, all with slightly different responses, but I think most people here would agree that it really just comes down to the feel of the good ol' Half-Life engine. That, or some people's computers just can't run Source.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-03 06:22:01 UTC
in an Inconvenient Truth Post #208411


Seriously, you know you're off your rocker when you start stating your point that you can't trust movies by comparing crappy sci-fi flicks to documentaries.

Go read something about global warming, and you'll soon learn that it's not a theory that was started by this movie.
What about the ice ages? Those weren't caused by global warming.
... And your point is that if it didn't happen then, it couldn't happen now? Your logic is extremely flawed.
ive heard apocalyptic theories like this before
From who? Some preacher on TV? :
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-03 06:15:28 UTC
in TWHL3 Needs You! Post #208409
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 20:42:37 UTC
in The Anual Hunter Awards 2006! Post #208361
Golly gee wiz, I never thought I'd be a nominee! However, I never thought I'd win any of them either, and I was right! I'm just wondering how I managed to get into TWO of them, and neither were negative ones. Somebody must have liked me on IRC, eh? :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 07:51:40 UTC
in Full bright map with light texture Post #208251
Sounds like it's a simple problem of not having any lights in your map. If ~LIGHT3A isn't in your lights.rad file, it's not going to light the texture up, and any map that doesn't have any lights in it is going to automatically be made fullbright during the compile.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 03:23:10 UTC
in Lamarr Post #208232
I'm probably on your hate list now, eh?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 02:31:41 UTC
in Lamarr Post #208229
So, we've decided that we're going to refer to our unborn child as Lamarr
No shit? Really? That's like, the kind of thing people joke about, but... Nobody actually names heir child after a video game character/creature in real life, right? :confused:

If so, you've been proven to be much more of a geek than I ever expected. Congratulations! You deserve this special trophy!
User posted image
Just had to post that before penguinboy did.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-02 01:26:42 UTC
in Hl2 Runs Slow Post #208222
Who's NVIDEA? Do you mean NVIDIA? :P
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 23:51:40 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #208211
Uh... We do have one. Right here.

By the way, I've noticed there's only 2 members on the team list, pk_hunter and M_Gargantua.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 23:12:39 UTC
in Hl2 Runs Slow Post #208199
Penguin: That shouldn't be necessary at all. I used to have a computer slower than his, and I ran HL2 at around 45 FPS with a low amount of anti-aliasing on. Then again, I was probably also running with 800x600 resolution, and medium settings. :

I can't figgur' it! when did it start happening? did you just install some new software or something?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 19:41:45 UTC
in New Years Resolutions Post #208168
Oh, I forgot one.

8 - Become a pimp.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 19:23:31 UTC
in blue shift hd pack Post #208166
Well, it was in the Steam news, and you could just look on the forums, I think there was a thread stickied about it. Also, I never had to manually install it when it first came out, it just auto-updated for me.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 19:09:34 UTC
in blue shift hd pack Post #208163

There ya go. Click the blue link near the bottom of the page, and it'll install.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 01:53:24 UTC
in Double Whammy Post #208103
Does it really have to be that massive? you can lower the quality of the sound file (16 bit to 8, stereo to mono, whatever you want), and maintain pretty small file sizes while still having long songs. And if it needs to loop more, just copy that portion of it as many times as you need in the same sound file.

I'm no master with ambient_generics, but from what you've said so far, it sounds like it isn't going to be possible using only the options in entities.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-01 01:38:07 UTC
in Double Whammy Post #208101
I'm pretty sure the measurement of time it uses is "old broken hourglass in storeroom of Valve offices".

But seriously, what's keeping you from editing the WAV to make it fade in for 2 minutes?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 22:05:02 UTC
in New Years Resolutions Post #208094
1 - Finish my mod (HL:FUBAR).

2 - Finish my HL:HS chapter.

3 - Finish my webpage I promised to make for somebody.

4 - Start getting up before 12 on weekends/days off.

5 - Ride my bike more.

6 - Release more maps.

7 - Steal the password of a TWHL moderator, and ban everybody.

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 18:27:07 UTC
in Make some money :D Post #208075
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 06:23:41 UTC
in Poke646: Vendetta Post #208037
That's kinda what I thought, about you liking dark, gory games better.

To tell you the truth, those ID games always felt depressing to me for some reason. Quake 4 was pretty good at making that feeling go away, having friendly soldiers and all, but they still stuck you in all kinds of weird places, all on your own...
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 05:40:04 UTC
in Poke646: Vendetta Post #208034
I understand what you mean, but... Well, not really. I don't see at all how a zombie is dull because it's being controlled by a Headcrab instead of by some strange power that wouldn't make any sense with the rest of the game's storyline. And I don't understand why you think the monsters being colorful is less attractive than them being all gory. That's just the way they were designed, and they're different games, designed with different things in mind.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 05:18:42 UTC
in Poke646: Vendetta Post #208032
Well, I suppose it's just a matter of opinion, then. I find nothing boring about them, yet I do find a bunch of bloody hunks of gore running straight at you without any AI to be. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 05:14:00 UTC
in Poke646: Vendetta Post #208030
And there was nothing like Half-Life when it came out either, so what's your point?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 05:01:53 UTC
in Poke646: Vendetta Post #208027
Quake 2 is older than HL1, and the monsters in it were the lose, if you ask me. In fact, I think most monsters that come out of ID games are pure loseness, 'cause they generally lack any originality, and just go for more gore.

And Tetsu0, it's not actually a whole nine years. I think it was released sometime near the end of 1998. It doesn't make a difference, but makes me feel like what I'm modding all the time isn't COMPLETELY obsolete.
yeah but this one you actually had to fight yourself.
Oh really? Well, I sure didn't! Hell that was the easiest boss fight I've (n)ever fought, but I'm pretty sure I didn't do it the right way. When the door raised up to let the robot through, I just ran underneath it and pressed the button. Before that, I had tried to kill it with all the ammo I had on me, but it didn't work. :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 04:50:36 UTC
in Zombie Panic Help Post #208025
It's about 1000 times better than the original, and it even shows some limited lighting.
BSPViewer shows lighting too... :
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 03:44:01 UTC
in Zombie Panic Help Post #208017
What is this Zombie Panic thing everybody's been talking about recently?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-31 00:48:47 UTC
in Lighting is stuffed Post #208009
Hell, I may be able to see the leak in the screenshots!
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-30 22:52:35 UTC
in The Person Above Me Game Post #207993
his skull has a weird as needle in it....nvm that....
His skull only has one eye.
Actually, it has neither of those. The needle is actually a nail, AND IT DOES HAVE TWO EYES!1!

Why must you make it so easy for me to achieve maximum ownage?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-30 07:54:48 UTC
in Another spirit thread. Post #207914
Vendetta was a steam only mod, and it wasn't based on Spirit. I assume it uses the same code as the original Poke646, which (as you'll notice, if you look at the game files) also plays MP3's.

If you do stick to WAVs, Don't use the regular 8 bit mono, because it can actually handle 16 bit stereo, as long as you as you aren't trying to get lips to move with it using sentences.