Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 22:21:05 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #186896
I just speak from my perspective like you do yours. I am able to pick up on concepts very easily so I assume others will be able to pick it right up.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 21:59:31 UTC
in Any Help Appreciated Post #186893
Why do people so new, try things this advanced? Has anyone besides me ever wondered this peculiar event?
Because they want to be able to appeal to experienced mappers. Why shouldn't they want to? The harder it is the faster they'll learn, I say.

1) Doesn't work? A trigger_once should always work once, does it triggr it more than once or not trigger it at all?

2) Can't be done without new code.

3) Don't worry about it. If there is no multisource, the entity will think that its master is enabled by default.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 21:45:05 UTC
in Keeping width issues. Post #186890
Ok, lets see if I can make this any clearer by posting visual aids(tee hee, aids). Im going to do everyone from top view because the only thing other views are used for in this care are adjusting the height of the stairs.
I probably made this way more complicated than it needs to be, but thats how I do it.

Ok, first you have your staircase. Look at that staircase, what a beautiful staircase!
User posted image
Now you make a square box thats equal in width to your stairs:
User posted image
Now clip it diagonally in half:
User posted image
Now clip THAT in half(or just clip it at the bottom left corner) but keep both sides of the clip:
User posted image
Copy and paste one of your stairs and rotate it 45 degrees and align it to the bottom left corner of your triangle(To line it up perfectly you WILL need to use vetex manipulation n the corners or resort to aligning it with a 1-unit grid size):
User posted image
It makes it much easier if you use vertex manipulation to align the angled stair to a semi-high grid size(32 or 16) because it makes later constrcution very simple(in that you dont need to use the 1 unit grid, which will get very annoying after a while).

Now select the top triangle and use vertex manipulation to align the top corner with the bottom right corner of your angled stair:
User posted image
Now that it looks hideous because the angled pause in the stairs completely juts out from the stairs. To fix it, move around the center verticies of the two triangles untill you think it looks right. This should be as simple as moving them a few units down and to the side:
User posted image
There you have it. The top triangle is perfectly aligned with the angled stairs so making a compatable wall will be as easy and clipping a brush along the edge of the stairs:
User posted image
Edit: Oops, you're pictures implied that you wanted to make a staircase. now this tutorial is useless. Whatever, now you know how to make an angled staircase.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 16:28:10 UTC
in Phantom Brush Post #186849
Did you ever use that texture in the past at all? it could be that you had an "invalid shape" error with a crush that used that texture and when you fixed it it threw thr brush outside of the world. When something like that happens, weird things like that can occur.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 23:56:10 UTC
in How to:No CT passage, T's can pass Post #186772
There's no simple way to do this. You can do something like this for TFC, but not in CS. As far as I know its impossible.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 13:47:00 UTC
in Desktops of June Post #186558
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 18:59:10 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #186451
Bah, urban environments for the win.
I did poltergeist, that was something other than a city. I also did two maps for CS Deathmatch: cf_xendm and cf_mottherboarddm both of which are block-tastic because the only reason I made them was to have some maps for csdm(so I didn't spend much time on them).
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 17:09:40 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #186437
Updated the traffic lights. They don't look as good as the old ones, but they certainly fit better. Also, the beginning of the gas station. Go ahead and laugh at the pumps, I know they lok like crap.
User posted image

User posted image

User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 17:02:03 UTC
in Profile bug Post #186433
Still, I think its annoying and pointless to have usernames in the web address if it can cause such problems. honestly, how many of you are willing to go out and find someone's avatar every time you want to go to their profile?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:51:09 UTC
in The Mesa Times - A HL1 Comic Post #186431
I love it! Finally a good Half Life based comic!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:33:55 UTC
in Profile bug Post #186429
Well thats just tedious...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 16:16:45 UTC
in Profile bug Post #186427
Why not just go back to using user IDs instead of having their actual name in the address? It seems like having usernames in the profile's address can only hurt you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:46:27 UTC
in Profile bug Post #186422
Try to go to n00b #2's profile. You can't do it. It says his profile doesn't exist, yet he is actually here. i'm not sure why it does this or to how many accounts it happens, but its pretty annoying because I [sorta] know n00b #2 and I can't send him a pm or anything if his profile doesn't work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 00:59:26 UTC
in TWHL Corp. Post #186300
^I think that's the best one so far, personally. Funny stuff.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 14:23:50 UTC
in arrange mode Post #186262
with a community like this its ****ing impossible to present a mod... and valve cant do anything, is not a commercial proyect.

besides, in this forum hl2 textures were converted to hl1, so....

You've got weapon models with Condition Zero arms on them. Now everyone knows that CZ arms are the best ones around in terms of the Goldsource engine. But everyone knows that people use things like CZ arms and Source converts, but when you say Valve can't do anything. Well, its from a retail product and you're releasing them for free. So, yes they can do something. If Valve finds this mod, they could potentially have it shut down and even have the makers sued.

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 13:36:29 UTC
in models Post #186257
HA! Foolish mortal! Thou doth not needeth Milkshape to convert models! I'll convert it and PM it to you along with how to do it yourself for future reference. Its simple.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 01:59:39 UTC
in models Post #186168
Why would converting be trouble? Haven't you done it before? if not I'll gladly do it for you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 00:41:40 UTC
in models Post #186165
This one's ok, not sure if you've ever seen it before. Its for the pipe wrench though so you'll have to convert it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 00:08:38 UTC
in Would you believe it? A comic! Post #186162
Its merely ok. Not much to laugh at, just mostly basic text.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 00:03:30 UTC
in models Post #186161
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 03:12:07 UTC
in mods dont work any more Post #185987
Rename your config.cfg to something else(anything is fine) so that all your settings will go back to the defaults when you launch a game. It could be that some kind of weird thing has happned to your settings and is causing problems.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-19 12:52:25 UTC
in Foreigner Post #185923
Its a story. And don't be a grammar Nazi, I wrote it so that it flows when you read it. An the forum doesn't allow tabs, the paragraph indentions weren't my fault. They were there originally.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-19 03:16:50 UTC
in Foreigner Post #185776
I hope you enjoy this. And please don't post feedback there, post it here. That forum is basically made of an inner circle of my friends and we want to stay small like that.
Edit: Don't mind the PHIOO! where its supposed to say "phil". Some "genious" thought it would be a good idea to make censors on people's real name and someone's name just happens to be Phil so everytime you want to say something with the word "phil" in it, the censors just destroy the damn thing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-19 03:10:13 UTC
in Short Comic (omg I return :\) Post #185775
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-19 02:32:04 UTC
in Short Comic (omg I return :\) Post #185772
Woot! Disco disco disco!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-18 19:44:25 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #185744
I've got bad news for you then, Rimrook. The hud starts bugging out at 251. Your health/armor will display the correct numerical value up to 250, but anything after 250 it starts "looping" the health. If you have 256, for example, it will show that you have 6 hp then when it goes below 250 it will show the correct number again. Likewise, if you have, say, 600; first it will show 100 hp, then it will show 250, then it will show 250 again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-17 00:20:31 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #185431
I'm debating on whether to try this
or this

I guess I'll try both and post which one you guys think fits better.

Edit: I don't know why the rest of the text got sucked into the link.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 23:54:29 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #185428
Maybe one four way in the middle of the inter section would be better, strung between two poles with a cable; you could func_pendulum it a little too maybe.
This sounds like a good idea actually. It wouldn't look as crowded, it would conserve r_speeds, and it would probably look better for such a small street. but I don't kow how I would go about making something like this. If you could post a picture of what this looks like that'd be great.

And Rabid, you are probably right considering that this was my reference. But I really don't want it to look anything like one of those little stubby ones on the far right of the picture, I want to stick with the pole-light.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 19:14:44 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #185408
Traffic lights. I've got some serious optimizing to do on these babies but it should be fairly simple. Something about them just doesn't look right to me, though. Could be that they are too close together, but the road isn't that wide so I can't space them too far apart.
User posted image

User posted image

PS, all the long cylinders(the pole and the two cylinders making up the support) are world brushes because if they don't cast shadows then it looks like crap. So far I've seen no face splitting from them, let's hope it stays that way in future compiles(yes, I know I could raise them of the ground).
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 18:30:33 UTC
in ?ber computer fan =) Post #185400
Does that thing actually work?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 18:29:36 UTC
in 1st time using something's wrong.. Post #185399
Are you really only getting 1 window or are you getting 4 maximized widows that are overlapping each other leaving only 1 visible?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 17:46:50 UTC
in 1st time using something's wrong.. Post #185392
Tools>Options>General make sure "use independent window configurations" isn't checked.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 03:16:15 UTC
in Woah, interesting... Post #185313
I have no idea what that is! Woooooooo! I just tested default_fov in Sven Coop and it works there as well. It might work with all 3rd party games for that matter, though I still havent checked them all.

New avatar? I've been using this one for months now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 02:00:31 UTC
in Woah, interesting... Post #185308
I've only tested it with Half Life Deathmatch, but go ahead and try it with a Source game.
By the way Half Life 2 uses a default of 75 instead of 90, which fixes the weird "long model" that some of you may know about if you've ever converted an HL2 model to HL1.
Edit: this doesn't work in CS 1.6, by the way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-16 01:57:00 UTC
in Woah, interesting... Post #185305
Have you ever tried tinkering with the console command "default_fov"? If you haven't I think you will frind this interesting. Default_fov sets your field of vision value. Higher values give you a kinda fish-eyed view and lower values will actually zoom in. I just tested this in multiplayer and it actually works in multiplayer. You can actually zoom in with any weapon legally and without cheating. Make an alias bind for this and you could work wonders!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 22:58:14 UTC
in Bestest Coolest Great-Comic!!! Post #185294
Fucking great!
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 22:56:05 UTC
in Steam Friends list, Post your name: Post #185293
"Coolfat3459" but don't expect me to talk to any of you much. I do my talking here and [mostly] only here.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-15 22:54:56 UTC
in X-Spectate Post #185292
Yeah, but they dont play for fun, they play so people think they are all 1337 and k3wl, because in real life they are nothing more than a 11yr old old pale nerd.
WRONG! I sometimes hack just because it really is fun to be able to knife the other team at a billion miles an hour :P I don't do it [completely] to annoy others, I just happen to think that its fun(allthough I cant remember the last time I hacked. Twas several weeks ago I believe). That's right, bitches, bring on the flames! :badass: :badass: :badass:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 18:31:53 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #185171
I went ahead and added everyone's.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 17:28:43 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #185160
1) For navigational purposes? Anything but a picture in the mod folder, nobody will want to have to continuously minimize their game just to see where they are. Perhaps in-game maps on walls and ceilings or something or even small buttons that show the world map as a textures on a floor(visible with a camera entity).
2) Definately go for some loops. Its always a shame to have to leave a place and never come back. Just make sure its not too repetitive.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 15:10:02 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #185134
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 14:11:39 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #185123
Problem. I noticed that unbreakable was running a 1.5 server and i tried to join. it said it was "limited to LAN class C".
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-14 00:07:28 UTC
in X-Spectate Post #185036
Personally I think Valve should let this one go. Its an administrative tool, not a hack. Go ahead, think that it could be used as a hack, but consider amx plugins that grant things such as godmode and tell me how much worse x-spectate is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 22:30:47 UTC
in X-Spectate Post #185033
Its not a plugin, its a tool.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 21:47:00 UTC
in X-Spectate Post #185029
Its an "administrative wallhack" if you will. Its used by server admins to detect other hackers.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 03:05:32 UTC
in need help Post #184893
I didn't think Q tools saved your log, do they?(I'm assuming he used q tools because he says he new to mapping)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-13 02:57:23 UTC
in need help Post #184891
Holy shit, stop talking like that please.
We need more information than just "it closes the game". There are so many errors that could cause your game to shut down.
Compile it again and when it finishes copy and paste the log(all the text from the compile process)here.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 22:23:22 UTC
in Little bits of yourself... Post #184884
This is just wrong. Whoever thinks that it is right to do something like that can go take a fat one in the ass. We have humanly rights to those privacies.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 17:29:14 UTC
in [WIP]Cs_big_city2 Post #184854
Extremely late response for the win. How's this look?
User posted image

Doorway(because you can't see it from far away)
User posted image

PS: Not4Source only source model.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-12 17:27:50 UTC
in TWHL WON-style server Post #184853
Whoops. My bad, bah.
I also apparently thought that i could combine the bbcode to form some sort of hybrid.