Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 19:21:18 UTC
in The RCP-90 Post #180445
The RCP-90 isn't a real gun, but the FN P90 is very real and thats what the RCP-90 was based on.
you can get some fun airsoft version of it, im not a fan of bullpup rifles though
NO! WRONG! FAIL! AHHHH! Sorry, I just love guns.
P90s aren't rifles, they are submachine guns. Extremely powerful, but smgs none-the-less. They are also not bullpups. Bullpups are basically rifles designed with the clip in the back of the gun behind the handle instead of in front like an aug or an einfeld.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 17:46:05 UTC
in cs_office_css - WIP Post #180319
Maybe, but highly unlikely. When I get tired of a map its because I'm tired of doing the same map that map at the moment so I start on a side-project and come back later. In this case I don't want to make the map naymore because its actually not fun to make anymore.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 17:30:06 UTC
in cs_office_css - WIP Post #180317
To anyone who was looking forward to this map:
I'm discontinueing it, at first it seemed like it would be a fun project but after a while it just got boring and overall unfun to do.
If anyone wants the source files to what I have so far PM me and I'll send them to you and the 60+ reference screenshots I used.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 16:13:49 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #180301
Ant = win
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 07:38:52 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #180161
So do scopes, and micro-computers. But it sure as hell looks cool(its a model for CSS).
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 21:07:25 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #180094
Because we are gamers, duh :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 21:06:45 UTC
in Half-Life 3 screenshot Post #180093
Yeah, I remember someone posting that on the Sven forums last year.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 21:03:52 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #180091
Here's my amazing[ly unorganized] desktop:
User posted image

Why would you want a picture of Samus being shot in the gut on your desktop?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 21:02:00 UTC
in "The Line" Post #180090
People make movies with gore a lot more realistic than video game gore. Enter movies like Dawn of the Dead. I'd probably have to draw the line at....... well, never! Realism = win as long as you are sane enough to realize that its JUST A GAME.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 20:58:13 UTC
in Recording gameplay footage on your PC Post #180089
Download Fraps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 22:43:12 UTC
in o barnecles Post #179693
I can honestly say that I've never been caught off-guard by a barnacle.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-12 22:40:29 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #179692
Walking lightly like that causes your body to disperse its weight evenly throughout itself. Normally when you walk the majority of your weight force is in your legs because they are being thrusted downward, thus giving an extra downward force in addition to your body's weight. Walking lightly removes most of this extra force because you aren't thrusting your body weight around as much.

I do not believe, sorry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 18:32:57 UTC
in Clipping issue Post #179367
Cipping isn't evil, carving is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 16:41:22 UTC
in Another simple debate Post #179351
WHo was that doctor? Kavorki I think.

Things like this can go either way. There are people who truely deserve the right to choose hwether they live or die, and then there are the crazy suicidal freaks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 20:52:33 UTC
in cAnT cHaNgE lEvElS Post #179246
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 20:02:07 UTC
in cAnT cHaNgE lEvElS Post #179239
Hey, welcome to TWHL. Please, for the love of God, don't make anymore titles like that.

Just saying that you can't get it to work isn't descriptive enough. there are hundreds of different possible problems. Describe the setup of your level change and if you don't feel like you can describe it in words post the map in the problem maps vault.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:17:46 UTC
in Is the Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? Post #179221
So what's a crumpet then? A biscuit or a cookie?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-09 07:50:16 UTC
in Is the Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? Post #179149
But they are also British, so they could be anything
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 20:18:54 UTC
in Is the Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? Post #179126
Looks more like a cookie than anything, but you say thats a sponge? Sponge = cake as far as I'm concerned.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 16:20:49 UTC
in Is the Jaffa Cake a cake or a biscuit? Post #179087
I have no freakin' clue what a jaffa cake is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-08 07:36:30 UTC
in This should be simple but isn't... Post #178992
Its a ka_, but even if it where a defuse I would want this trigger to have anything to do with the bomb.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 19:35:04 UTC
in This should be simple but isn't... Post #178948
Bomb? There is no bomb, you just walk into the trigger. I'd still need something to trigger the multi_manager anyway so its still the same problem.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 14:02:38 UTC
in birfday Post #178911
Happy birthday Jaxster.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 09:03:23 UTC
in This should be simple but isn't... Post #178846
Once and only once per round. Trigger_once doesn't work, they don't work in cs(they still only trigger one time for the entire game).
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 00:58:20 UTC
in This should be simple but isn't... Post #178798
Game: CS 1.6
Ok, here's the deal. I need to make a trigger that only works once per round, every round. I figured it would have to be a trigger_multiple. The trigger must be brush based.
I used to be able to do this by merely created a trigger_multiple at setting a high reset time on it(usually 999) but apparently that doesn't work anymore, probably because of an engine update or something. Neither does a reset time of -1.

What I'm trying to do is have the player run up the a specific zone(aka the trigger) and recieve a grenade, however only one grenade can be given per round. Thats were my problem comes in.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 00:45:31 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #178797
I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Unfortunatly seeing HIT suck up to you the way that they are has caused me to literally hate this map. I want to play it, but I hate it because of what it reminds me of. The dumbass hypocrits praise you for your "ambient lighting" in this map, yet they fucking despised the lighting in my cs_poltergeist2. Hypocricy? just a bit. I'm not going to rate it when its released because I know I'll under-rate it.
Whatever, finish it and I'll play it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 22:18:43 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178781
Exactly, thats why you customize your game. Thats why you get more maps. It constantly changes the game.
I'll admit I get bored sometimes and switch to another game for a while but I always come back, always. Call it as addiction if you will.

Now this is a really bad anology but i think it gets the point across. Do stoners get tired of smoking pot? No. Why not? Because they have fun doing it. Please don't counter this with some witty comback, because I know you could probably come up with about a billion things to say. Lets just agree to disagree.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 21:41:53 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178778
I've been playing cs for 5 years now and I still havent gotten tired of it. You and I obviously think very differently, let's just leave it at that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 19:21:55 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178762
I have Source, I just prefer 1.6 for the sheer classic aspect of the game, however I can't stand crappy visuals and sounds. And the gameplay si just completely different.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 13:51:10 UTC
in Our path to destruction Post #178704
No that's just hydeph, he hates the world.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 11:05:23 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178684
Why would I bother? I have the proper thing
Some people just like to play their 1.6 with the style of Source, end of story.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 02:10:27 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178622
The map in most of the screenshots is de_dust2_css_beta7 and I think two screenshots were actually taken in dust. But yeah, I only converted dust textures, and here's why:
-Dust is the most popular map(well, dust2)
-Dust has the most "editable" textures, no other wad for a map has all the textures form the map RIGHT there, like assault. Assault txtures are scattered all over the place in terms of wads.
-Chataeu was the next best possibility but, come on. Whens the last time you played Chataeu?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 01:13:45 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178619
Hey, I'm still working on cs_office_css :) I'm just slow
Now release a high definition cstrike.wad and Half-life.wad
Look around my other submissions on FPSB, I have a pack of Source dust textures and detail textures somewhere around there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 00:10:27 UTC
in The Counter Strike: Source Experience Post #178614
What is The Counter Strike: Source Experience? Its a complete conversion package of CSS material for 1.6. Everything from the weapon models to the hostage rescue sounds. Download all 3 parts.
Download Part 1
Download Part 2
Download Part 3

Converting everything was a pain in the ass, but I'm glad to see how well the pack turned out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 00:02:42 UTC
in free counter-strike lessons from cheese Post #178613
I just watched it again just so I could hear "if you go to aztec you gotta go schwimmin'" again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 00:01:16 UTC
in Now *THIS* is creativity! Post #178612
Old as crap but its never ceases to amuse me.
(Actually didn't someone post this same video a long time ago here?)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-05 23:59:47 UTC
in I Can Anim8! Post #178611
haha I liked it. Nice work.
Sound slike you got a good deal on the software too.
I wish i could have gotten it for free
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:29:46 UTC
in Crysis Post #178053
Looks amazing, but good luck actually being able to play something like that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 07:35:10 UTC
in Going InSaNe! Post #177918
Hahha is this real?!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 21:31:41 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #177814
Also, you can check out my map cs_poltergeist2 :D While you're at it why don't you go ahead and rate it 5 stars? Over and over again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 19:53:46 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #177801
Afraid of Monsters
Give the whole mod a shot, if you want inspiration for a good horro map there's no better place to look.(and of course the game is awesome too)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 19:43:10 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #177798
Nice lighting... thats about all I can say at this point. Its really just a hallway as far as I'm concerned. If you can, try to greate the fog effect that AOM used ala lots of very pale sprites.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 19:38:46 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177796
Fuck HIT, I can't stand those guys. I released cs_poltergeist2 there and instantly this guy who hates me for no reason just shat all over the damn thing.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 18:08:02 UTC
in Avatar Contest Post #177782
No, we know what it is. We just prefer to not think about it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 18:05:56 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177780
as you cant fit it over your own head its somewhat pointless
Come on, its funny and its cute. If you can't honestly say that you wouldn't want one then you can't call yourself a true Half Lifer. You know you want one, even if you won't say it here, you know you want one.... you want one.... you want one..... you want one..... you want to made me a moderator.... you want to.... you want to....
(how do you call that family of creatures, I know how it's called in my own languge but not in english?)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:55:05 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177751
I am going to buy one for my baby.
Dude..... yes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:53:06 UTC
in player stays crouching Post #177750
If you don't want to post it in the vault because its a single player project, cut out the vent part or whever you're having the error and put it in a new map and post that instead.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:48:19 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177747
Saw it, and I completely intend to buy one and hang it on top of my monitor.
How cool would it be if they made a snark one? :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:45:32 UTC
in Avatar Contest Post #177745
I guess I'll give you a hint, it's a statue in a popular game right now
I remmebre you saying what it was in a post long ago but I can't remember. If that's WoW I'll gut you.

Yeah, Rim, whats with the wolves anywho?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:43:50 UTC
in Save Haegge! Post #177742
OOOO Tell him about the Half Life mod Mastersword. Its an online, first person RPG thats [obviously] built on the HL engine. The game itself isnt exactly pleasing on the eyes(very poorly made maps and models) but the gameplay is great and the maps are huge and many. You could probbaly get him on that for a while, long enough to get off WoW at least.