Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 21:03:52 UTC
in low fps Post #218838
What's your compile log look like?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 18:55:38 UTC
in annoying little problem Post #218826
There was a change with a patch for the SDK that came a few weeks ago where a new camera wasn't created with a new map. It confused a lot of us, you're not the first ;)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 15:30:57 UTC
in New cs:s map in the works Post #218722
You should definitely kick up anisotropic filtering when taking screenshots. Antialiasing will blur textures to prevent them from appearing blocky, and anisotropic filtering will reprocess those textures to reduce the blur without reversing the effect of the antialiasing.

As for the map, it's a good start. I can see the area pictured as one of the bomb sites, with wings extending off in each of the four directions where the CT's/T's would start.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 20:42:07 UTC
in The Illusion of Free Will Post #218646
The choice is randomly generated, but it is more probable that you will buy something wich you like, than if you would buy something that you don't like.
Then you are saying that there is a chance I might decied buy something I loath and don't want to have? I want proof! You say alot of things but never give any proofs.
I think what he meant is that there's a small chance that the conditions will change, like if you were not to buy your favorite because your friend wanted his favorite, rather than a spontaneous change in someone's tastes.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-08 21:16:53 UTC
in Souptoys! Post #218439
I know that game. It was called Stress Relief, I think. Good times indeed :o
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-08 19:03:01 UTC
in BOTS+GRENADES=STUPID!!! Post #218426
I don't think the NAV files are editable... You may have to live with this : . That or rebuild the map in that area so that there isn't a place to get hooked up on.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-08 00:11:52 UTC
in Virus detection software Post #218373
Well I told it to do low-priority scans when I installed it. So when I manually begin a scan, it draws next to no resources. The scheduled scans, on the other hand, act like it's high-priority =/. I was wondering if I could change that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 17:51:31 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218359
Oh jeez, I don't know if you can fix that with lines in the .QC.

You may have to take the entire model in XSI, including the bones, and rotate them 180 degrees so that they're facing the correct direction in XSI, then recompile them. I'll look into that, though.

I don't know if this will work, but try adding 3 more digits to the end of the line, to make it look like:

$origin 0 60 0 0 0 180

Perhaps the additional values will be recognized as rotational values. Who knows?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 17:50:27 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218358
Oh jeez, I don't know if you can fix that with lines in the .QC.

You may have to take the entire model in XSI, including the bones, and rotate them 180 degrees so that they're facing the correct direction in XSI, then recompile them. I'll look into that, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 17:40:23 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218356

Let's see some screenshots of the gun!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 15:49:17 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218348
You can put it anywhere that isn't inside the bracket of the values above it (I.e., not in the brackets of the skeletal animations).

I generally put it between the materials directory and the hitbox values. Easy to keep track of.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 15:34:19 UTC
in Virus detection software Post #218344
Just out of curiosity, is it possible to make AVG do a low-priority scan when it does its daily scan? Right now, it sucks resources up and all I want it to do is slowly scan while I map/game.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 15:29:56 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218343
Load up a map in Half-Life 2, whip out your pistol, and type "sv_cheats 1" and "thirdperson". If you see your gun, then that's good. You'll have to center the gun in your view through trial and error. The last value, Z, in the "$origin" line of the .QC controls height. Higher values move it down and lower values move it up (I think).

I don't see why you'd see it in the model viewer and not in-game other than for that reason.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 15:20:07 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218341
Are you even seeing it in the model viewer? :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 14:00:58 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218338
If the only problem is using the mod for the compiling then the only thing I can tell you is to copy the files over every time. Yeah, it sucks, but I'm not experienced with GUIStudioMDL, or compiling with mod setups.

Old-fashioned copy & paste FTW.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 13:44:50 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218336
woahh....there you go...
you need a medal for all this ... nice one dude
I'm not sure I know what you mean by this. Is your problem solved? If so, then hooray! :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 12:18:36 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218326
What directory are your .SMDs located in? The very first line in the .QC, $cd "D:shotgun", tells the .QC file to look there when referencing the .SMDs. You can either move the .SMDs there, or remove that line from the .QC and move the .SMDs to the same folder that the .QC is in.

Also, be sure to check the model in the Half-Life Model Viewer (avalible in the Source SDK). If you load up your gun and go to Options > Center View, it will center the view on where the gun should be. If no model is visible, then there could be a number of problems:
  • You have a corrupt SMD (most likely the reference .SMD)
  • The origin is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off
  • You used a skeletal .SMD that had an inconsistent number of bones with the reference model (I think this would result in a stopped compile though... I'll need to test that)
From the looks of it (I may be mistaken), your compiler is using both your new .SMDs for the gun, and the skeletal .SMDs from the old gun. Not good. Generally, what I do is make a single test animation to ensure the bones work and make every animation that animation. That way, you can be sure that you will have no arguments in the compiler program between inconsistent .SMDs.

Whew, my fingers hurt. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 11:49:26 UTC
in What is going on with my map!!! Post #218323
It wasn't aimed specifically at you, rather all the wrong-forum-posters. :)

Any way, glad to be of service.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 11:02:10 UTC
in Odd white squares appearing ingame Post #218317
best. extension. evar.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-07 00:40:11 UTC
in What is going on with my map!!! Post #218291
Discuss your present projects, advertise new releases, or recruit for mod teams. No mapping questions here!
That's what it says right below the Maps and Mods forum link. Use the forums for what they're there for, people!

As for your question:
I've found that CS:S movement plays a little oddly compared to HL2. It's as if you're playing on a slightly laggy server and movement is sluggish/jumpy. Check your rates in the console:
  • rate 30000
  • cl_updaterate 101
  • cl_cmdrate 101
Sometimes, specularity can draw a lot of system resources. In the console, enter "mat_specular 1/0" a few times and see which mode you're sluggish in. If turning it on/off does nothing for the performance, then there's probably some performance-consuming error in your map, or your computer just sucks (lol). If specularity is causing it, check to see if it occurs on other computers. You can also try to use fewer materials that have reflections.

Also, keep in mind that bots are extremely costly in performance. My computer can only handle ~27 bots before dipping below 30 FPS.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 22:21:16 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218288
I don't think you can have the "." character in the name of the texture file, or else the computer gets confused. Removed the "." from the name and make it something like "texture_windowframe" instead. Then make the necessary changes in the .VMT.

Also make sure that the texture and .VMT are both in the sdk_content folder as well as the mod folder, "Half-Life 2", for instance.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 19:01:00 UTC
in Svchost.exe keeps crashing! Post #218277
:o Will do.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 18:36:54 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218273
Post the contents of the .VMT for your texture.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 14:28:43 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218240
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 12:33:56 UTC
in Svchost.exe keeps crashing! Post #218228
Uh, you can't kill explorer or else you lose your taskbar :nuts:

@Dave: Start > Run > MSConfig > Turn off a bunch of stuff

@Everyone else: I've done a full virus scan, opened MSConfig and turned off a few more programs, and did a system restore 2 days ago. The problem seems to have resolved itself, but I'm sure it will come back soon. I'll use this thread if it does.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 00:33:10 UTC
in Self made. Post #218189
That's some good stuff. What program did you use to make them?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 00:26:54 UTC
in Freeware music creation software Post #218188
Probably :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 23:20:23 UTC
in Freeware music creation software Post #218184
I know. I'm kidding :0
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 23:14:47 UTC
in Freeware music creation software Post #218182
* Discussion of illegally pirated software and warez of any sort on the forum is terms for immediate suspension of your account. Piracy does not belong in this forum, nor do we condone such activities.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 23:12:59 UTC
Does the computer freeze and you manually reboot it, or does it spontaneously reboot?

I suppose you could try redownloading the SDK and reinstall Hammer?

Also, is there any patern to the freezing/rebooting, or does it occur without warning?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 20:00:44 UTC
in Svchost.exe keeps crashing! Post #218160
Yes, I already know what svchost does. I'm not an idiot.

Reading posts saying that one too many could mean a virus, though, makes you a little suspicious.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 19:43:05 UTC
in Svchost.exe keeps crashing! Post #218156
Funny thing is that nearly every time I power down, it asks me if I want to install updates, which I know I already have. It's as if it's failing to install them. How would I turn them off?

Oh, and ZL, I was having this problem long before you told me to turn off updates :|

Also, I have SIX instances of SVC host running.

I just restored to 5 days ago and I'm still having trouble. No sound is being put out, and when I get warning messages, like "would you like to save this document", my case speaker beeps, rather than my regular speakers.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 18:42:56 UTC
in Imported Weapon: No Image Post #218144
Did you read my pist in the other thread? I think that's the solution to your problem.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 18:38:36 UTC
in Svchost.exe keeps crashing! Post #218143
Recently, I've been having a bunch of trouble with one (perhaps two, I'm not sure) of my svchost.exe processes running in my background.

Normally, my problematic svchost.exe looks like this:
User posted image
But after I wait a few minutes:
User posted image
Svchost.exe takes up a shitload of RAM and CPU power (not seen in the screenshots above) and then crashes. As it crashes, M$ Visual C++ Debugger comes up in two instances, asking to debug two of the several svchost instances (That's why I'm not sure if it's one or two of them that's problematic).

Without this instance of svchost.exe running, I cannot play video and my computer can't put out any sound at all - not even music from WMP.

I have only been able to resolve the problem with a system restore several times, but a few days after each restore, it returns. I can't think of any program I may have installed to cause this problem.

Any ideas? :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 18:06:37 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218139
Any time :)

The gun is probably in need of an origin change. If you look at the .QC I quoted above, you'll see a line like this:
$origin 0 0 65
This will 'move' the model around until it's in the correct orientation. Of course, this origin value is for the pistol I was working on, and may not be what you need for your shotgun. Decompiling the Valve model and looking at their .QC will probably give you a more acurate value. You can edit the value to your liking from there! :)

Remember that the values are in X, Y, Z, respectively.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 17:58:55 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218137
Yeah. To add a totally new weapon, you'd just copy all the right code. I generally get the gun functioning as a replacement in Half-Life 2 first before I go and do all the code work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 13:30:39 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218115
Ahh, you posted just as I was editing my post to incluse this :) :

Making weapon_shotgun2.txt (or whatever you have named the new one) won't work for a couple of reasons. Primarily, you can't replace or add scripts to the .GCF, as Valve has disabled that ability. Second, Valve made all their weapon code (C++ stuff) support only the number of weapons that are already in the game. The only way to get the new shotgun in-game is to replace the old one, because unless you make a mod, you can't mess with and/or add more C++ coding. Bummer =/

That also means you can't change clip sizes, maximum ammo capacity, and weapon sounds in plain old Half-Life 2. Full changes can only be made in mods. :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 13:22:47 UTC
in Serious forum problems: Post #218112
Doesn't hitting "Back" in your browser bring you back to the posting page? You can copy the text (provided the browser saved it (Opera does for me)) and log yourself in. Then just post again.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 13:13:31 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218111
No problem :)

Weapons actually have two models: The v_model, which consists of a high-poly version of the gun and the HL2 hands, and w_models, a low-poly version of the gun which you see on the ground and in the enemy's hands.

If you have not replaced the original w_model yet, then simply creating the original HL2 shotgun item in Hammer would yield the HL2 w_model of the shotgun in-game, but your new shotgun would replace the v_model in your hands.

To replace a model already existing in the .GCF (the Half-Life 2 shotgun, in this case), the files MUST be in the same place as the originals, and must have the exact same name. For insance, if the v_shotgun was found at "hl2/models/Weapons" in the .GCF, then the new files would need to be placed in "hl2/models/Weapons" in the Half-Life 2 mod filder. Your new shotgun models must also be named "v_shotgun," or the game won't recognize the new ones as weapons and replace the old ones.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 12:18:22 UTC
in Desktops of April Post #218101

Yeah :P . It was an executable that Penguinboy wrote one night while I was on the IRC:
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 12:09:46 UTC
in 14 year old to be tried as terrorist Post #218100
There was a kid (16-years-old, I think) who brought a revolver to my school. He isn't even in jail right now. He's at home, suspended for weeks, and being put up for expulsion.

That's it.

How is it that a 14-year-old is getting 20 years when a 16-year-old is getting kicked out of school?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 11:53:13 UTC
in MDL compiler Post #218098
I'm going to assume you're making a view model to replace the old shotgun? If so, then there's a bunch of stuff you'll need in the .QC for it to actually function. Below is the .QC file for the pistol model I made in the Maps and Mods forum:
$modelname weapons/v_Pistol.mdl
$model "studio" "v_colt1911_MainReference2.smd"
$cdmaterials "models/Weapons/V_hand/"
$cdmaterials "models/Colt1911/"
$hboxset "default"
$attachment "muzzle" "ValveBiped.root3" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate 0 180 -180
$attachment "1" "ValveBiped.root4" -1.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -0 90 -180
$origin 0 0 65
$illumposition 12.972 0.702 -35.781
$sequence idle01 "v_colt1911_idle02" loop ACT_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence idle01empty "v_colt1911_idle02" loop ACT_VM_IDLE_EMPTY 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence fire "v_colt1911_idle02" SNAP ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1 fps 30.00 node 2 {

$sequence fire1 "v_colt1911_idle02" SNAP ACT_VM_RECOIL1 1 fps 30.00 node 2 {

$sequence fire2 "v_colt1911_idle02" SNAP ACT_VM_RECOIL2 1 fps 30.00 node 2 {

$sequence fire3 "v_colt1911_idle02" SNAP ACT_VM_RECOIL3 1 fps 30.00 node 2 {

$sequence fireempty "v_colt1911_idle02" ACT_VM_DRYFIRE 1 fps 30.00 node 2
$sequence draw "v_colt1911_idle02" snap ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence drawempty "v_colt1911_idle02" fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence reload "v_colt1911_idle02" SNAP ACT_VM_RELOAD 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence holster "v_colt1911_idle02" snap ACT_VM_HOLSTER 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence holsterempty "v_colt1911_idle02" snap ACT_VM_HOLSTER 1 fps 30.00 node 0
$sequence idletolow "v_colt1911_idle02" ACT_VM_LOWERED_TO_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 transition 0 1
$sequence lowtoidle "v_colt1911_idle02" ACT_VM_IDLE_TO_LOWERED 1 fps 30.00 transition 1 0
$sequence lowidle "v_colt1911_idle02" loop ACT_VM_IDLE_LOWERED 1 fps 30.00 node 1
(the skeletal animations are all named the same because I'm reanimating it)

First, change "$body "body"" to "$model "studio"". This will make a better looking model than if you use "body"

For a view model, you'll need at least one skeletal animation for the gun to function in-game. You DO know how to rig and animate, right? ;)

Most of the other stuff can be ignored as they aren't needed to get the compile to actually work. Just make sure all your syntax is right 'n stuff. Decompile Valve's v_shotgun and see what they did, if it helps you.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 21:43:05 UTC
in model chooser b0rked Post #218056
It could still have something to do with Vista. It's probably a bug that Valve hasn't fixed because Vista just came out.

Could you select whichever model you can and then use the arrow keys to navigate down to the model you want?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 21:40:07 UTC
in Conveyor belts with moving objects Post #218055
does func_conveyer not exist in Source?

That's the entity you'd use in HL1
Quoted from the link. Naturally, I assumed...

Anyway, didn't know func_conveyors didn't push objects. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-04 19:16:55 UTC
in Conveyor belts with moving objects Post #218035

Wrong forum. Also, use the search function at the top of the page. I found the link above in 8 seconds.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 17:22:01 UTC
in Longer sprint power C++ code Post #217908
I haven't got XFire :(

I will PM you my Steam Account details, though :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 17:01:22 UTC
in Longer sprint power C++ code Post #217904
That's what I'm looking at.

For the time being, I suppose you could hook a trigger_auto to a point_clientcommand, and set the command to "sk_max_smg 400" (or whatever ammo count you want) for your maps. I'll keep looking, though no such luck :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 15:37:01 UTC
in Hammer Lag After CS:S Compile Post #217883
Kasperg, what batch compiler do you use?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 11:13:22 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #217853
But isn't that the challenge? The idea is to make a great map, constrained only by the layout.

Both types of compos are creative.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-02 22:15:50 UTC
in Hammer Lag After CS:S Compile Post #217809
"Sluggish" as in the mouse even lags when Hammer is highlighted? :

Oh well. Opening Hammer isn't much of a problem.