Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-19 04:45:48 UTC
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 07:09:19 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #42514
The results are in and they have been sent for publication.
I expect the results to be posted by next weekend.
As per the last Compo... The winner get's to put forward THREE suggestions for Compo 11.
I get to choose which one we are going to use.

The great thing about having TWO judges was that it added validity to my own choices. It proved that what I thought was good in a map was actually good. (Made me feel better if nothing else :-)
Next compo, there might (I said might!) be three judges.
Those that have been following this might be able to spot a trend....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-15 04:59:39 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #41502
Sorry Haz,
I meant other singular... not Others plural.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 04:16:58 UTC
in getting monsters to chase down stairs Post #41214
If the grunt still has whirling yellow globs around him then he is stuck in a brush.
Either that or none of your info_nodes can see each other?
What is the impulse code for that again?

Answer: Impulse 197 (SlayerA)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 04:11:11 UTC
in health charger tutorial on the horizon? Post #41213
This really is a first... I have never heard this one before.

Please expand on your theory about Health Chargers... and crashing maps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-14 04:06:32 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #41212
[quote]Uhm, may I ask what the point would have been in there being a second judge if you hadn't waited for his opinion?
Posted on 14 Jul 04 03:06
by Seventh-Monkey [/quote]
Well it would have given you that nice warm feeling that I actually cared about his judgement... :-)
Truth is that the top three are that close, I expect I will whimp out and go with the Other Judges decision.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-13 04:30:58 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #40933
To all of those that entered, Thank you.
I have looked at all the entries and made my decision on First Place...
But since you all crap on about democracy so much, I have decided to wait till I recieve the Second judges opinions.

That information, including Why they place over others, will be forwarded to Atom for publication.
I think you should know within a fortnight.... but I have been know to be wrong on odd occasions. :-)

While I am on the compo subject....
There are regulations: They are listed on the entry page.
They are there because I really don't need the added stress of trying to read your minds!!
If you don't get a mention in the results, Think about what you uploaded, how you uploaded it and the readme you included... If you included one.
If you still can not figure out why your map wasn't mentioned... E-mail me and demanding why!!!
I will be more than happy to ruin your day. :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 23:15:33 UTC
in Sky problems Post #40891
Max distance won't produce the HOM (Hall of mirrors) effect that SassyPenguin has described.
Leaks will produce this effect, and using NULL texture will do it also.
Basically the player is able to see into the void.

If the sky was past MVD, it would just go black.

Since SKYBOXing or BIG Boxing is the answer to everyone of your posts, we might have to re-evaluate you membership....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 23:10:18 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40888
799 to be exact.
But you have to be stationary.
If you move you are constantly giving the engine more to look at, and it might seem that you are beating the 800 limit... but you are not.

Adding brushes that have to be rendered with texture by the engine will increase wpoly count.
Adding Models such as grunts will increase the epoly count.
Most of the info already provided in this thread is correct.

Add stuff = higher r_speeds.
800 to 1000 is acceptable to average computers and graphics, but to keep everyone happy... let them know if you have gone over 800 in more than 1 area. That way people with clapped out old machines (like me) won't shout at you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 23:05:04 UTC
in Lighting Problem Post #40885
Box building is not a substitute for good design!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 23:03:34 UTC
in don't even know what to call this Post #40884
I am surprised you haven't all moved on to bigger and better engines?
Or are you sticking around to see what they offer with HL2.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 23:01:32 UTC
in Major leak problem!!! :( Post #40882
You will only get a red and blue pointfile line in Hammer 3.5.

LEAK finding is a personal preference thing. Most of the suggestions above will work...

I prefer looking at the pointfile line using hl -particles 10000 and then running the map with gl_clear 2.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 22:57:58 UTC
in getting monsters to chase down stairs Post #40879
Limit your stair height to 14 units.
The experts say 1 node dead center of the top step and then 1 node dead center of the bottom step, but I have had better results with more.

Check the width of your steps, for grunts amke sure they are at least 96 wide.
Search the web for Steve 'Wedge" Bonds info_node placement guide. Actually it might be here in the entity guide??
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 22:47:17 UTC
in quick machine comp question Post #40878
Unfair BL,
The last compo took 3 weeks and that was delayed by a mail system failure.
I expect 2 weeks this time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 19:51:36 UTC
in HL Command Line Post #40040
maybe if you spoke proper english, i might have a bloddy clue what your saying.
It adds more weight to your argument if you check your post for punctuation and grammar before commenting on the language ability of others. :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 19:38:31 UTC
in Deleted Posts! Post #40037
If you want the thread resurected, ask Atom.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 05:58:40 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #39895
Yes I deleted the thread. My apoligies for that....

But I am glad it has been resurected like the Phoenix from the ashes.

Keep going,
Will I delete it again?
That will depend on how you manage the content...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 05:54:13 UTC
in Deleted Posts! Post #39893
Yes Haz,
I deleted the thread.

See the new one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 09:05:58 UTC
in How old are you? Post #39681
[quote]I think the mean age is probably around 17, since the few adults there are here are quite a bit older than the likely mode (12?).
Posted on 08 Jul 04 18:39
by Seventh-Monkey [/quote]
I would guess at it being around 20... The mean average of active members, that is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:56:29 UTC
in How old are you? Post #39675
I remember the first moon walk, does that count?
To better define a time, I was alive when JFK was shot.

If that doesn't make sense, do a google search on "Methuselah"
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:53:49 UTC
in hello everybody. Post #39672
Welcome gmans_Agent,
If you ignore everyone... including me,
Read the tutorials,
Read the Hammer Help File,
Read Zoners Reference Files,
And map like there is no tomorrow... and you might... just might be able to produce something worth reviewing...
If you don't, then at least you will have something you call your own and are proud of.

Don't forget to keep that first room, you might want to look back one day.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:48:06 UTC
in Deleted Posts! Post #39666
Yes, I managed to kill that off as well.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 08:42:00 UTC
in Deleted Posts! Post #39661
As you know I normally don't venture into the Stuff Forum....
But this time I did because I recieved several messages from concerned TWHL members. (8 different members)
I deleted the posts that contained inappropriate content.

Moderators decision is final!

And I laughed when 6th Monkey came up with this well phrased and intellectual quote:
some stupid idiot has delted the religion and liberal thread....probably just some religeous lamer
Guess he is referring to me?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 02:23:14 UTC
in Original hl textures Post #38620
Invalid texture?
Sure it isn't a compiling error?
All the Old Items are textured, the coffee table is definitely textured.

From ZHLTProblems

One or more faces has no texture, or the texturename is just made up of spaces. Check for problems in WC 3.3 should detect them as 'invalid texture' messages.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 02:18:17 UTC
in changing levels Post #38618
Downloaded fine for me..
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 02:04:13 UTC
in my website Post #38614
On the Off Topic of Self Pimping:
Try My Site
It has frames that are not really frames.

I used to use FrontPage until I realised that it isn't supported by 98.7% of Hosts. I now use NetObjects Fusion MX. Much easier.

Why would I want to produce pages in Notepad when I can do the same in a WYSIWYG editor?
And I get enough forum work from here and RUST to last me a life time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 01:44:28 UTC
in WIP: de_latin Post #38611
by Hazardous!
All in all it looks like a good start. You should now start to add detail.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion... ;)

But from the screenies it looks good. The big test is not "how it looks" but "how it plays".
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 22:07:08 UTC
in Hammer window problem Post #38398
Best way to fix this is burn your monitor... I will send you some matches if you want....

Try going into hammer and killing off all the windows. Then reintroduce them from the view menu.
Or try clicking on Autosize 4 views.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 23:45:42 UTC
in Rotate Brushes Post #38152
There are a couple of ways to do this:
You can use the transform tool,
You can use Vertex Manipulation to make the brush go where you want it, or you can select the item and left click again on it until the corners of the item turn into little circles, you can re-orientate it by using these circles.

I recommend using Vertex Manipulation over the other methods.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 23:32:59 UTC
in Very weird problem, never seen before Post #38149
Never seen before !!!


Next time you get one of these "Never seen before" problems, don't immediately assume that since you haven't seen it... then it must be unique.

Use the search function at the top of the page.
Use a simple single word and you might just find the answer :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 23:24:23 UTC
in AWESOME!!! Post #38147
The reason this thread (and so many others) haven't been deleted is that they are in the right Forum...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 18:20:16 UTC
in brush outside world (liar) Post #36706
I have been trying to follow all your questions... I think Seventh has answered nearly everything???

I compiled your map this morning, and it looks interesting.
Just some points of interest:
I was doing a light tutorial, but I got sidetracked... sorry.
For even lighting try adding a texture light, and then central to that area add a light entity with the same Brightness setting as the texture emmits, without the 4th value.
Ie: GENERIC87A is 100 255 100 1000, place that texture in, and add a light entity with a brightness of 100 255 100. No '1000'.
What this does in effect is pick up the brightness of the texture and helps you create a uniform feeling to the area.
It requires some placement and practice, but seems to work.
I went mad trying to work out Hint brushes... in the end I just redesigned my maps so that my speeds were ok. That is a lame answer, but their is a basic Hint tutorial here, and the ones Seventh mentioned.
The trick is to design maps without the need to Hint... easier said than done.
Full Compile:
R_speed readings are only good if taken on a full compile of the whole map. Ignore them, but do compile fully and often.
Oh and... We do say read the tutorial, but normally that is because people are not as descriptive with the problem as you have been.
Keep dropping in,
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 00:17:07 UTC
in clipping help Post #36164
Clip is great for adjusting large areas, but remember... Clipping screws up the texture alignment and can be dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced.
VMing is a finer art and produces a more refined and almost error free brush.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-25 00:04:01 UTC
in Grid settings poll Post #36162
Always locked on 8
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-24 23:55:07 UTC
in i cant take anymore! Post #36160
Umm, haven't we already been over this a few times?
Anyway, I must say that I am impressed by those of you that understand that TWHL is for everyone.
Well Done.

I believe the Vault is due some serious restructuring but must again state the original intention of the Vault:
A place for all mappers to show their work regardless of skill.

I have to be blunt with those of you that do not share this vision.... If you don't want to download heaps of "below (your) standard" maps, then DONT download them.

A good indicator to spot maps worth downloading is that the author actually bothered to post a screenie, and give a meaningful description of the map.

Until such time that Atom decides to revamp the Vault, you will have to put up with the madness....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 23:06:52 UTC
in HL2 month away-site needs stuff Post #35531
Atom has already voiced his opinion on this subject.
If I remember correctly, the idea is to support HL2 and see if it warrants a new or seperate site.

Either way, I have said before... and will say again, I am not moving over to HL2 editing in the near future and will continue to support all work/mods/questions with HL1. The main reason for this is my distinct lack of a computer capable of running the new game...
At the momentI have trouble getting stuff to render in Software... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 22:59:34 UTC
in Advised reading for new posters Post #35529
Seventh.. I don't have access to the links page, What about taking what you like from this and formatting it for a tutorial?
I can then keep a constant LINK in the News, so it is on the front page always.

Sticky's have been discussed, I used to be able to fix the date time function and keep the post in the future, but that died with the Forum shutdown... In a way I am happy to have the new ones instead ;)

So Get writing, consult the senior members for their thoughts and I will see what we can do to make it permanent.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 22:54:42 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35527
I respect and value the opinions of our members. That however, does not mean I have to change my own.

For this Compo, Spirit is not allowed.

Seventh was close.... If this had been in Map's and Mods forum, I would have deleted it regardless of the content.

Oh, and something else while we are on the "Build a machine" subject...
I will not be the only Judge.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:03:37 UTC
in Post #35166
Is my hair really that long?
And I just got promoted to LEGEND status over at RUST ,
Some things still surprise me :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 07:50:16 UTC
in X-Ray effect Post #35165
There is a tutorial on Collective explaining how to produce the Xray effect....
That will reveal all the secrets and provide you with an example map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 07:42:37 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35163
The compo has been announced.

The idea was suggested by MuzzleFlash, winner of the last compo.
I didn't say this in the new compo description, because I forgot... but Atom knows where the idea came from and now you do too.

MuzzelFlash sent me Two ideas, and this is where we still moderate !! I didn't like the first idea, but thought the second was great.

I have had a few e-mails about using Spirit.
I agree it would make life easier, but I cannot allow it.
Because it would make life easier and not everyone has Spirit.
End of the Spirit discussion....
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 07:35:39 UTC
in Compo winner chooses next topic. Post #35162
See Post on Build a Machine....
I will explain.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 04:03:11 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34970
For a good explanation on VIS, vis-blocking and hint-brushes:

The article is about Quake but the whole thing is about the same for HL. This may be a helpfull article I was just recently attended to.
Book mark and download this tutorial... It is Geoff DeWans original and the best explanation of Vis and Hints that I have come across. Some of the info is a bit dated, but the theory is sound.

Interesting to see that RUST is still kicking... I should get around and visit the community more often :-)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 03:54:28 UTC
in Post #34965
Actually we are... I did some pimping a few years ago when it really was a good site. Atom will remember the media blitz we used to do for compo's and stuff.
They had a crash, not unlike 69th and haven't seemed to recover from it. They also had an admin who had never played HL and didn't know how to map. People lost interest very quickly with his attitude !!
They killed off the idiot... redesigned the site and added a few things.
It is a pure Forum site, so Yeah.. MuzzleFlash, you might find it boring.
I just like to let people know that there are other places to search for answers...
Hopefully then they can bring the results back and share them with us.

Interesting to see that RUST is still alive and kicking...

My membername over there was Mandy.... because I played TFC like a girl, it stuck :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 19:21:31 UTC
in Post #34904
A few years ago I used to check out all the Half-Life related Forums on the Web.
Most of them covered the same types of questions posted here at TWHL.
But there is always something to be learnt from checking other peoples opinions. After all the joy of Half-Life is that there are so many ways to do the same thing :-)

Anyway, I got mail the other day from a place I hadn't visited for a while and thought it might be a good idea to pimp it.
Check out: they are a forum based site with some good info.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 18:20:06 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #34896
Having read all the above comments, I think the screenies are fine the way they are.
If it is fun and exciting, no one will notice the eye candy.

If it is boring and predictable, then you will really need to show off your skills and fix it up.

Some of the best HL stuff was really bad... but you didn't notice, because you were having too much fun.

Don't believe me?
Run the game again, and see how they did it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 17:37:00 UTC
in velocity? Post #34890
Or place a solid world brush under it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 05:16:07 UTC
in hint brush Post #34539
DeWan's original vis tutorial for Quake is the best Viz thing I have seen on the web, most tutorials refer to that timeless masterpiece at sometime or other.
But your right, the Countermap tut is good...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 22:21:08 UTC
in hint brush Post #34502
Thanks P..
What is wrong with Hint Brushes ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 22:18:38 UTC
in Batch compiler Post #34501
Multiple batches...
Love it.
I compiled all the compo compilations that way.

I also add a simple Win shut bat at the end of the last compile so my machine shuts down.