Forum posts

This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-19 01:48:14 UTC
in Your favorite weapon! Post #229543
Assault Rifle from Halo (1/3), just like the way it looks, good starter weapon.

P90, (R6:Vegas), favorite actual gun.

As far as cool weapons go, I think Perfect Dark had some of the greatest, remember the Black Hole Hand Grenade (It is a grenade that when is thrown creates a small black hole killing everything near it), and the Reaper (a chaingun like weapon that in it's secondary form became a crude drill, take that gears!)? The Lancer (Gears of War) is also a pretty cool weapon, if only the multiplayer didn't suck balls for gears.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-10 11:50:54 UTC
in Bioshock Sys Specs Released Post #228230
I am buying it for 360, don't have to worry about this.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-09 22:25:03 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #228164
Wait, what was the video about bmx riders getter arrested in skate parks? Those bikers are idiots! F***ing idiots. Why are they getting mad at the cop? The cop said take it up with the city council, Jeez, they should try something before they complain, I hope the get rapped in prison for being tards. Having a bike in a skate park is dangerous, ever been hit with a bike, it hurts. People have regulations for a reason. Man I get soo ticked with people I wish we could ship off those types of people to australia. Just have everyone leave australia, and anyone who has a problem with authority, go there, have fun do whatever.

I hate the people who are anarchist in my school. Do they really know what that is? Anarchism leads to goverment. We had anarchy, when we were cavemen, then the smart/strong one, says "Hey, I can lead these people and have a better life (who doesn't want to be the leader) for my self and everyone else. Boom! We have tribes, then it evolves to kings and queens, then to dictators, presidents, ministers. If we went back to true anarchy, anyone could kill anyone without any repercussions, then vigilante groups would form, then some guy would say," Hey, I can put things back in order and provide saftey and have a better life." Then it would all start over again!

p.s. -I am not calling anyone an anarchist, but the people in the video remind me so much of people in my school. And I hate seeing people hate cops for A: Just being cops. and B: Doing their job. It wasn't like the kids went to city hall and complained, no they did something illegal, retards! People like that have proven natural selection wrong, they should have died way long ago, by forgetting to breath.

p.s.s. - Sorry for the long rant, People make me so mad sometimes.

Oh, one more thing, my views on goverment, -Goverment is a way for the smart (physically mentally) help (guide, control) the weak (stupid people), by anymeans (I am all for a sorta-hivemind type of goverment, (but that is a different discussion)
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-03 21:16:01 UTC
in Hitman the movie Post #227295
Well, a couple of studios were going to join and fund it, but something happened, and I think Fox wanted Microsoft to pay a huge amount or something like that, basiclly it means it is put on hold. I think it will resurface once Halo 3 comes out, and maybe Fox or people will see potential.

I mean, I think of all games to do it with, Halo would be great, it has a huge fan-base, especially for it being so young. And Bungie would watch it so it doesn't get ruined, and Peter Jackson was even a fan. So much potential down the drain, oh well.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-29 21:53:49 UTC
in Hitman the movie Post #226850
I like hitman, but I don't think it would make a good game, there would be no action, that is the whole point of 47, not to be seen. If there is a shoot out, there goes it's likelyness to the game. About 47 seeming younger, maybe it is supposed to be his early years? Although I would have liked a older dude though.

Halo movie would be good, in terms of how it stuck to the actual game, cause bungie would work with Jackson (who is a fan of the game), it wouldn't have just been handed off to a director.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-29 21:47:30 UTC
in Idiot Goon Cop Arrests Anyone in Sight Post #226849
Skaters got owned! Loved that video. They "illegally" skated, and the kid ran. Don't run, idiot. I really can't comment on the girl, wether she did anything to be choked out, but the guy who was in the white deserved it, he went after the cop pretty quickly and I am sure if you were a cop, and was mad, you would do the same. I am sure the skaters were dicks about it, so screw 'em.
Posted 17 years ago2007-06-22 14:28:38 UTC
in Blue shift ending Post #226144
The Half-Life story sucks balls (when you link HL1 to HL2). HL1 has a great story, and HL2 had a great concept, but they should have just made number two a seperate different story (like a spiritual sequel), it would have been easy, and less messy. It probably started out that way, but got changed to get some popularity points for being HL1's sequel.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-02 17:00:40 UTC
in URB'S TWHL PROJECT (Sims 2) Post #217791
How come there are only four different people.... and two clones? My girlfriend made me her, and some other people in the game, holy crap did they look good (realisticlly) Besides the height and stuff.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 23:30:41 UTC
in Your favourite comedians? Post #211209
Demetri Martin
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-29 22:43:48 UTC
in I played Zelda Wii and... Post #211092
I'll Probably only get a wii after a price drop, more colors, and fun looking games. Zelda is the only game that looks a little fun. I hate when people say how bad it (wii in general looks). I mean, it is not new news. It should kinda be expected to be the worst looking system when it is $100+ dollars cheaper than the others.

I really don't mind the $60 dollar games for the 360. Mostly because I have a brother so we can go halfies on it and I really don't buy many games.

And as for the PS3? No. Unless I feel like buying a cheap Blue-Ray player ($600 is pretty cheap) and they make a sequel to Shadow of the Colossus, Soul Calibur, or Guitar Hero III is only for it. Those are they only three games I ever played on the PSII.

Back to Zelda, probably wait. I used to be a die hard GameCube fan. Hated Xbox and PSII. Then I got Xbox and just lost a lot of interest in Nintedo. They only good games for the system are the ones they make. Smash brothers (can't say that sucks) Metroid, Zelda. Everything else is unarguably crap (unless you are into sport games or something). Wish they actaully cept the cell shading, at least for a spin-off, like Majora's Mask, that was one of my favorite expeirences in a single player game. Felt so fresh and easy going.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-09 18:53:31 UTC
in Most hated Holiday tradition. Post #205596
The only thing I really hate about Christmas, is the evil santa in a bathroom in my house. It is this evil simple yarn santa, something that was probably made from a family member or bought at a craft store. it just hangs on the shower curtain, which is right across the toliet. So it just stares at you with it's googally eyes while you do your buisness.
User posted image
What happenings around the holidays upset you? Have a holiday fruitcake you have to eat bust tastes like paste? Dislike how the Decorations smell like cardboard and pine?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-08 18:36:01 UTC
in December 7th Post #205518
Lol, something thoughtful and respectful gone horribly wrong....
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-06 18:17:05 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205249
Condemed criminal origins was the game, i think. The part where you can pick up weapons from anything sounds very familiar. Although I am pretty sure that was scraped or something.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-06 18:14:24 UTC
in Euphoria (the future of gaming physics) Post #205248
Ehh, it won't be used well. It won't be scripted in the coding, per se, but it will only be used when they want it too, like when in HL there where only parlor tricks when there physics system was showed off.

I was playing this game ( and I actually started to get excited about this engine, mainly because of the fact that you could jump around and the floors would break and windows and walls would break. Imagine how fun that would be to have a whole level where if the game went of for a little while there would be nothing left of the level.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-05 20:45:45 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205177
I like the title. But no it was D.E.A.D. it was a game for the Xbox, but I think that it already came out.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-04 22:40:29 UTC
in Petals Around The Rose Post #205066
Cool, I only figured it out after a coupld clues, one clue in general helped the most. Anyone know of anything else like this? I guess if you take the reverse it would also be it's own game.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-04 22:19:38 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #205063
I was reading about a game like this a year or so ago in EGM (consoles). It mentioned how you could have mulitplayer where you fought zombies, and if you died you came back as a zombie, sounded very familiar to this, but I doubt it was the same, I have to find that.....
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 23:33:37 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #204782
ohhh *noted
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 18:13:25 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #204754
Me? Not on purpose. Although I do have a rather bleak look out on other people, mostly because people in my town are really retarted, especially in the schools, even teachers. Everyone just needs to calm down.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 01:34:38 UTC
in Name Decoder Post #204709
Monster - Deadly, Unholy, Scientist-Torturing, Baby-Upsetting Nightmare Nourished by Yuckiness.

Cyborg - Digital Unit Skilled in ThoroughBattle, Ultimate Nullification and Nocturnal Yelling. (nocturnal yelling WTF?!?!)

Sexy - (Don't care)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 01:30:23 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #204708
Discussions like these reminds me of the Matrix.
"What is your name?"
"No, your REAL name"
Kinda funny ever read Snow Crash, everyone kinda has two names if they go to the internet (which is kinda like one big game).
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:41:19 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #204667
Thank you Jahzel so much for the video, didn't know what he did. I can now make a judgement (like it matters).

First, the cops shouldn't have been racist (if they were, I really never heard any reason Why they asked for his ID), and the student should have showed him them (shouldn't hassel with cops, even if they don't deserve respect, it will make your life easier)

Second, if he started to be disrespectfull, and said he won't leave, and they tried to walk him out and he went limp, Tazer him once (only if he is being a REAL disturbance, and etc.) then carry him out, there was no freaking need for more than one shock.

When a dumb student and even dumber "cops" combine, the outcome is never good. And yes the kid was a little stupid, if he didn't show them his ID, and started making being limp if they were taking him away, I think most people would have started to move after the first shock.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:31:27 UTC
in Religions view on faith Post #204665
Well I started to answer the question but I kinda realised that the response if you said no to #1 would be no, or I don't believe in destiny. Good Luck!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:11:23 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #204661

Megamike - AOL name when I was a n00blet at the internet. First put in when I was playing ...... That battletanks game (the 3d one with the wireframe tanks) a lonnngggg time ago.

RedFox - Picked during a sesion of Rainbow 6 at the school libary afterhours. Came from a show trigger happy T.V., in one skit a guy pretends to be meeting someone and their identity was "Red Fox". Didn't last to long.

AcuteMania - A Battlefield:Vietnam when I was in a clan. Clan {CDC} (center for death and chaos) and everyone needed a diesease (T-Virus, Enemia, etc.) Something sorta like Bi-Polar, where you go from normal to crazy or something.

[)ustbunny (used only when I play a game up at the school on LAN)

Dustbunny (used less than 27)
Dustbunny27 - Started when my older brother and his friend names for something (forget what it was) back in 6th grade, they were fuz, and fluff-e, and other got some names which kept with the pocket lint theme, paperclip, lint, mudball. Being a younger brother and wanting to have one they gave me dustbunny. I didn't really like it at the time went from megamike to acute mania, then sometime around halo I put this in for I was at a loss of anything else, then a couple years later, I got Xbox Live, and was tetering on the name when I was picking it (you can't change) so I went with Dustbunny27 (there are some others) and it eventually just stuck use it in everything now. I especially like the name because I am not a very cocky person, so I didn't want something like Slay3r, or that, so it is fun to see people with "scary" name (especially Dark in them) and they get fragged by Dustbunny27, a cute and cuddly name.

And on a Separate note. Is there an actuall name for these. I tried comming up with something that was quick, simple and cool, but I only came up with "sub-name" (which really doesn't explain, what it is) and I like Avatar (got from some show or movie, but most people would represent that to a picture). Is "e-identity" accepted? I think someone should coin a term for the names already, e-identity is nice, but the dash isn't good and they are used for more than just forum names, game, email, etc. edentity would work! Let's spready the word!
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-22 17:29:57 UTC
in UCLA Student Tazered By Police Post #203722
What did the kid do? What can you do in a Libary that cause law enforcement.That makes my descision. I mean, if he was being a REAL douche to the cops before hand, I could see them getting tired and he got what he deserved. There are a lot of stupid people who could use a tazer. Do I agree with tazering him 5 time when he is on the ground, once or twice yea, but just drag him off then.

It is really hard to judge this by just the video. It makes it look like the cops are really bad, and the kid is a victem. I mean the cops could have had incidents with this person before, they could have just gotten really tired of him. But it could also show a victem getting owned by the cops.

So really I don't think anyone should judge unless they know the crime, and the people behind it. Anyone?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-09 00:59:00 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202320
It's out? Didn't know that, thought we still had awhile.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-08 00:01:11 UTC
in Gone With The Blastwave Post #202250
I just found out about this comic too, through a link on vgcats, I really like it, awsome art and some good humor, even if most of the jokes i have seen already(red vs blue).
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-05 15:56:03 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #202017
Arguing over Pc and consoles are so lame, if the person has fun with why care?
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-02 17:54:53 UTC
in HL2 Zombies (Freaky) Post #201720
I don't think it is supposed to be anything special. halo does that too, IN H1 the elites were another marine's voice backward and slowed, and in H2 the jackals where also moddified sayings.

I think that is a neat trick, and it sounds alot better than just some guy moaning.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-02 17:48:54 UTC
in Gone Gold. Post #201717
Yea, I didn't think so. Looks alright, kinda like a hard core ghost recon, which will be fine for me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-21 23:29:57 UTC
in Invisibility? Post #200349
About the buildings, I didn't mean skyscrapers, just small bases/tents, that the military would use.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-20 17:05:55 UTC
in Invisibility? Post #200247
Saw a sort of cloaking device a couple years ago. all it basicilly did was have a projection of the suit or something, It didn't look great, but could have military uses, hiding tanks, troops buildings, from overhead planes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-17 21:48:36 UTC
in The corrupt wish Post #199954
Granted, but she goes into a crazed frienzy, and burns down your house.

I wish I could control EVERYTHING, space, time, people, and I would gain special powers to forsee the future, so if I was about to wish for something bad, I could see that I should not do it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-04 22:00:35 UTC
in Video! Steamball/xbox360 model Gib test Post #198562
"The Steamball was from the movie "Steamboy" It contains infinite steam that can power the whole Steamcastle"

Lol, I find that very humorus.... I don't know why, just is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-03 16:08:19 UTC
in Video! Steamball/xbox360 model Gib test Post #198404
WTF is a steamball? some type of gernade or explosive from steam boy I am guessing? Nice 360's even though they look un proportional, probably nothing you could do, if mine was on the floor being thrown around, it would probably look small too.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-12 22:06:24 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196403
Good job, for nothing professional. The only sound I had a probably with was the alarm.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 22:26:58 UTC
in Woot Deviant Art Page is up!! Post #196334
The "Chromehounds" "Relic" and "Valley at Night" were not techinclly"drawn in paint". Had a picture, traced in paint(in pink), then put into photoshop, just took the pink outline, then filled it in like a coloring book. "Relic" took a long time, cause I didn't know how to use photoshop then, so I had to empty out everything bye using white tools(white paintbrush, line maker, earser, etc....),
Pretty much anything with the little people with the round heads (and the guns and vehicles) those were all drawn in paint, with an exception of the hl weapons, it took 1/4 of the time to just go get a picture in model viewer, shrink it and trace over it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 19:43:59 UTC
in Woot Deviant Art Page is up!! Post #196325
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 23:53:33 UTC
in Head-crabs Post #190738
HL sucked, no kitten bombs........All great games have kitten bombs........
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-18 12:29:32 UTC
in Head-crabs Post #190649
I chuckled at that joke, breadcrab.... I hated them in HL, they were to predictable.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-14 13:49:36 UTC
in Top 10 Video Game Weapons! Post #190091
Perfect Dark? The Farshot. Kinda like an AWP, that shot through walls, one hit kills.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-10 23:02:39 UTC
in Pawned Life Post #189599
Ohh, yea, thanks 7th "poen'd". And everyone who watches pure pwnage THINKS that it is pronounced 'own'. Internet word (or whatever you want to call it) really no way to pronounce it correctly. But to add to my ealier post, I forgot one way I found rather humorus, in saying "pwhen(ed)", in a way to make fun of it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-10 16:59:43 UTC
in Pawned Life Post #189558
Given the recent development of the word, and its primary use in written form only, there is no single accepted pronunciation of pwn. Therefore, pronunciation is mainly based on personal preference. Some of the common variations include (IPA pronunciation) [oʊn], [pəʔˈoʊn], [piˈoʊn], [pən], [pwin], [pun], or, most commonly, [pawn], [poʊn], as rhymed with the original own; ([oʊn]). It can also be pronounced phonetically, as [pwəʔˈn̩] (pwən).

Another pronunciation, [pɔn], is used by many other players, although many online gamers believe it to be a false pronunciation. The main argument against that is that since pwn is probably just a purposeful misspelling of its parent, own, that it should still be pronounced as [oʊn] or [poʊn].

But please don't say pawned, if you are going to use it as owned (cause somebody said pawned is an actuall word, but doesn't mean owned) use the pronunciation of disregading of P(Own) or use the P, but keep the word the same (Powned). My friend says pawned, and it sounds really stuipd in real life. I say pwned (powned) in real life just for comedic effect.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-06 18:18:41 UTC
in When wierd turns to wonderful Post #188974
I have actuall [one sided] coversations with my dog. Like actually asking her how her day was and etc....

and about the cat comments NEDM!!!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-04 01:04:09 UTC
in Top 10 Video Game Weapons! Post #188358
Yea, they shouldn't do these.... I mean, all of those guns are good in there own way. They should have countdowns in specific catagories, like best shotgun, assult rifle, etc... Cause if you put the weapons against each other, the grav gun would be the last weapon I would want. That one gun from Turok should have been on there, I forget what it was called, but it was this very stick like gun, was blue, and when you fired it, it made a nuke, rather take that then the grav gun.

And no, I would have killed somebody if the crowbar would have been on there, it is a melee weapon, PC's have to learn, don't make a separate melee weapon, it is pointless, you can still punch if you have a gun.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-02 01:49:37 UTC
in Alyx question (spoiler...kinda) Post #187892
Hmmm.... That is odd, Must have been when someone posts false information, just caught me by surprise that is all. What I read went something like "Her father was originally thought to be Eli Vance, but has sinced change since HL2:Ep. 1" or something like that, probably just someone with false information, or a joke.

On a side note, I find it interesting that they don't mention her nude model they made as skin, nothing really important, it just struck me odd (mostly because of a YTMND fad, with a show called lazy town, and I looked it up on there, and they mentioned how the show's main character was a sex icon, for whatever reasons(don't ask...)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-30 16:49:54 UTC
in Alyx question (spoiler...kinda) Post #187639
I was on wiki, and they said that Alyx isn't Eli's daughter, and that the crazy guy that gives you the rocket is. How do they prosent that to you, and why whould they do it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 23:18:25 UTC
in Wii ? Post #187530
It sounds interesting, as long as they make games that don't seem like a preview of what you can do (like how they have the orcrastra game). And, I am not to sure how I would like swinging my arms around like an ape with someone else who isn't playing in the room, I would rather stare at the screen like a zombie.