Forum posts

Posted 1 year ago2023-02-21 23:14:20 UTC
in Urby’s Multiple Choice Fan Fiction 2023 Post #347360
OH backpack. And interestingly, it seems the static weapon model in the game world has a... bi-pod which disappears when you pick it up! hmm
User posted image
Posted 1 year ago2023-02-20 23:35:45 UTC
in Urby’s Multiple Choice Fan Fiction 2023 Post #347354
i pick d even though tripod isnt canon
Posted 1 year ago2023-01-31 23:28:37 UTC
in Urby’s Multiple Choice Fan Fiction 2023 Post #347285
i pick C.
pretty sure on recollection the last time you did one of these multi choice stories i ended up carrying it on after a few entries and turned it into a comedy about 3 Black Mesa guards

Actually, because you're now trying new creative writing endeavors, can you write this in poetry instead of prose please?
Posted 2 years ago2021-12-15 06:10:19 UTC
in New WW2 Mod Post #346122
Interesting concept! I'm not familiar with much HL ww2 stuff, other than DoD, but it would have been fun if DoD had a single player element

Maybe post some early screenshots of levels you're working on?
Posted 2 years ago2021-12-15 04:10:16 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #346121
User posted image
Pathologic 2

The perfect game on choice, consequence and ethics/morality:

All my friends died on day 8 and I could have saved them.
"Pain is a sign you are still alive".
I walk half the map to buy a single Delicious Egg.
I exploit useless items in exchange for medicine from naive townfolk.
Time moves faster each day.

I am forever.

сердце надрыв
Posted 3 years ago2021-04-29 23:08:58 UTC
in Books and audiobooks Post #345579
You're reading some pretty heavy stuff, guys! Don't forget to leave room for laughter :lol:
True! Sometimes its important to just read something light and easy
Posted 3 years ago2021-04-28 10:46:38 UTC
in Books and audiobooks Post #345565
Well here I have been under the impression no one on this site really reads books... I actually listed several of my favorite books in the recent 'introduce yourself' thread ( but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

I havn't read any of the above books Loulimi but I think Say Nothing would be interesting. The incidents involving the IRA in Northern Ireland are really interesting (including the war photography) and I read two memoirs by an Irish author (Frank Mccourt) called Angela's Ashes and 'Tis, which are about his life in Ireland and features a couple bits regarding the IRA.
As far as memoirs go his work is pretty decent though!

The last book I read was The Outsider (aka The Stranger) by Albert Camus which was very short but very impacting. A fictional novel about a guy in Algeria who gets sent to court. A lot of the book is about the topic of indifference, which actually helped me a bit in understanding my own life and showing me the necessity of indifference for certain times of life.

Currently reading a couple short works (on and off) by Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn about life in the Soviet gulag system as well as some of his poetry. Also picked up a poetry book by Rupi Kaur on the weekend, who is a contemporary poet that has influenced me a bit from her works on Instagram. I'd say half her stuff I dont like but the other half is really, really good (such is taste in this kind of writing!)

I've never been into audiobooks, do they have same impact as reading a book normally?
Posted 3 years ago2021-01-31 05:48:53 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #345307
mortadella, that stuff sucks.
Doctors Kolbasa is a guilty pleasure!
that was pretty good, very creative!
Posted 3 years ago2020-12-03 07:03:39 UTC
in Review everything! [2nd edition] Post #345007
Ken Silverman's BUILD engine

If I recall, John Carmack said something along the lines of the BUILD engine was held together with 'sticky tape and chewing gum'. I mean, the interactivity you could get in games like DN3D was way better than what you got in Doom, but then again you could get some serious vertigo from looking on x or Y axis in Duke 3D, which I never got in Doom (but also then again, Doom didn't exactly allow that kind panning, from my knowledge). Not a bad competitor engine in the early 90s at least. Even still, not too bad these day too as people still use it in games now.

The downsides to having a moustache
Posted 3 years ago2020-12-01 21:58:44 UTC
in [Help] Half-Life Flipsigns Post #344992
Interesting, I didn't even know those flip signs has proper text on them, I guess because they are so pixelated they are ineligible to read but I'd be interested to know what the other banners say!
Posted 3 years ago2020-11-24 09:03:39 UTC
in Review everything! [2nd edition] Post #344947
Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is a person that works as an actor that has appeared in films like Speed ("Im gonna speed it up! Jump the tracks!") and, apparently, the SpongeBob Movie (thanks wikipedia!).

Things to know about Keanu Reeves:
  • Is a person
  • Is a master of the hover hand
  • Plays in a band
  • Did not appear in the sequel to Speed
King Henry VIII 6 marriages
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 3 years ago2020-11-18 22:23:12 UTC
in Review everything! [2nd edition] Post #344883

Ah yes, the food that powers us Australians. Don't be fooled, don't apply too thick like mayo and she's all good mate. In fact, each Australian can converse a jar of vegemite over the course of a year if they use correctly and going to Woolies to buy a jar annually is a right of passage.
Anyone who applies vegemite to the same consistency of jam is either a psychopath or someone pretending to be Australian. Be wary of the latter, this individual will usually wear a cork hat and say "G'day Mate!" all the time, as a way to try and blend in.
Marmite is null and void when Vegemite is present.

The Year 2006
Posted 3 years ago2020-11-16 09:28:22 UTC
in Half-Life continuity deep dive Post #344866
Heart of Evil is a Xen ship crashing down in 'Nam
Oh man, Heart of Evil. Trying to make a believable jungle setting in GldSrc would have been hard enough. And it was a Sci Fi mod, based on a war/psychological film, based on a book about an Ivory Trader. It was so far from original source material but it actually was a decent mod. Well, the original was tripped out, the Napalm edition tipped it just over the 'serious' edge into satire...

I remember in Azure Sheep how they recreated a lot of the inaccessible areas of the original HL tram ride into their own levels, which was kind of cool, but then Blue Shift stomped all over that with a similar idea, which made the narrative of those two stories cancel each other out!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
looking pretty good!
Perhaps, that corpse metaphor is a bit overboard, but I do hope you know what I'm talking about.
No I understand that, thats an interesting way of putting it. I also hadn't thought of the way the player moves/navigates the map to be a point either, but still, thats interesting.
Even those old destroyed city skyboxes, where you kinda wish you could explore what's going on in the buildings and whatnot even though they clearly weren't explorable.
Yeah like empty city scapes? Dead cities in a way huh... But yeah you're right, your imagination fills in gabs when you're younger, I hadn't considered that. When you look at low poly graphics now you tend not to do that, and just see it as it is, which makes it a bit more jarring
silence or a delicate melody can scare you
Oh, does the occasional wind make it creepy.
Also good points, something has to be said for both silence and subtle sounds in a map
feeling of sadness and nostalgia that the source/gold source community is dying off/moving on.
unfortunate truth
Not a very good title, but was watching this video ( about how someone thinks playing old empty source maps has a 'creepy' feeling to it.
Like, the map is empty and has no life but you can hear the sound effects of traffic, which creates an unsettling atmosphere.

This never used to be a thing in my experience, from the past, but its like as games get older and begin to date more, it affects their atmosphere when you revisit them years later.

Got me thinking, because there's a bit of a theme with indie horror games that has arisen recently, where the game concept is about joining an empty server to an old game only for it to be 'haunted'. Or how a lot of indie horror games now have PlayStation 1 type graphics, as if they are now uncanny valley.

Wondering peoples opinion on this phenomenon, whether you find running around old empty HL maps to be unsettling as time progresses?
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Posted 3 years ago2020-10-24 23:50:39 UTC
in Programming video tutorials Post #344799
that was pretty good

That keyboard typing sound in the background was a bit distracting though, it was like your were writing the script as you were reading it haha
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-24 02:29:19 UTC
in Good old Counter Strike 1.6 maps Post #344457
The only CS map worth playing that we can never play: cs_canbunk
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-01 12:56:28 UTC
in Gaming For Your Sins Post #344347
Yeah it will be good to see this stuff, I'm always interested to see other peoples methods in how they produce HL maps. Keep it up!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 23:31:24 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344102
Hometown: One of the worst towns in Michigan, Snover
Was always curious how you ended up in Greenland then (as per your profile) of all places
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-30 06:15:34 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #343992
Dancing is a violating of human rights
Not voting for you at the next town council elections, Reverend Shaw >:(

(that's a Footloose joke for those that don't know)
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-28 03:11:08 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #343973
Oh yeah one of these rocks around ever few years...

About You

Name: Not telling :P
Age: 28
Hometown: An island on the southern part of Australia
Relationships: No GF since 2014, homeboi!
Occupation: UX Designer for a software company
Current goal(s): To live in a house with many books, vinyl records and art. To watch the sun set over it all and be at peace.
Politics: Central. Anti far left, anti far right, anti identity politics.
Religion: Christian. Faith in what is transcendent is profound and deeply personal and goes far beyond the "ancient storybook/invisible sky monster etc" cliche people use.

Favourite Things

Food: I've recently been a big fan of Eastern European dishes, thanks for Life of Boris off YouTube.
Hot drink: Nice cup of tea... Nice cup of coffee. Black or white, whatever.
Cold drink: Nothing specific comes to mind.
Books: Heart of Darkness, Brave New World, Stoner (NB 'Stoner' is the name of the character :P), Clockwork Orange, Catcher in the Rye. Really like but haven't finished yet: The Odyssey, The Gulag Archipelago.
Movies: No Country for Old Men, Apocalypse Now (both which helped me understand life), Taxi Driver, The Thing, Pulp Fiction, The Thin Red Line, Romper Stomper, Mad Max, Kill Bill (well, most Tarantino films really)
Videogames: Mafia 1 is a personal fave for storytelling, Fallout 2, Interstate 76, HL, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Far Cry 2, The Sims, Rome Total War, Morrowind. Had a lot of fun with PUBG last few years.
Music: Used to listen to tons of hardcore punk (ie. Black Flag) but recently more synthwave and some fuzz rock (Truckfighters go off). Reggae for cooking music. Surf music for atmosphere. Big Jimi Hendrix fan too.
Other: Other favorite things? Hey you should check out the Beastie Boys play Sabotage on David Letterman. Its on YouTube, pretty cool. Or otherwise theres Santana playing Soul Sacrifice at Woodstock (also on YouTube), what a jam.

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: Coriander. Tastes like dish washing liquid (did you know dislike of coriander is due to genetics?).
Hot drink: When you make a black coffee and put like 5 sugars in it.
Cold drink: Grape fanta and sarsaparilla
Snacks: Pass
Movies: Any generic superhero movie that's released these days...
Videogames: The ship mission off Solider of Fortune 2.
Music: Pink Floyd and The Eagles. Rush is overrated too.
Other: Pass again
Too bad someone wont revive They Hunger: Lost Souls!
Posted 4 years ago2019-12-26 04:57:59 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343506
1. create a rough 'office' map you don't end up polishing because you're distracted over some life events at the time
2. slap down a heap of 'trigger_multiples' on some 'scripted sentences'
3. send 'finished' map to urby and have him fix the door trigger that you couldn't figure out

Behold, a meme is born.

Funnily enough, there was a floating scientist gimmick behind the window in the map that I don't think people actually noticed when they entered the room.
Posted 4 years ago2019-12-20 10:22:55 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343494
Because literally everywhere else relating to Half-Life these days isn't enough for you? :lol:
Heck even I was surprised how much of a meme it became!
Posted 4 years ago2019-12-18 10:01:40 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343478
I probably wont participate but I hope a reference to my status reporting level ends up on there somewhere ;)
Posted 4 years ago2019-12-13 10:07:49 UTC
in Hidden gems / Underrated games? Post #343459

A realistic car combat game set in the 70s where you cruise muscle cars along desert highways during an oil crisis

And if that isn't enough:
  • Funky OST
  • a key on the keyboard makes one of the NPC's do beat poetry over the CB radio
And it was released in 1997! BEAST OF A GAME!
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-18 12:07:41 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342750
the only thing I associate with E3 is the Duke Nukem Forever 2001 trailer. Ahh a man can dream at least hey.
Posted 5 years ago2019-03-05 09:47:00 UTC
in More mods that never were... Post #342153
Its just like the Duke Nukem Forever 2001 E3 trailer - you'll never get the full play experience but at least there's some assets and stories to tell
Posted 5 years ago2019-03-05 08:49:08 UTC
in More mods that never were... Post #342150
pretty keen to hear someone tell ye old fable of Hostage Situation here (that is, if anyone worked on it is still here)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-21 11:17:27 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341288
Played a cool WAD for Doom recently - Ashes 2063. Very cool retro scifi post apoc
Posted 5 years ago2018-11-08 04:41:23 UTC
in Got better Post #341217
I assume re-installing hammer would replace any missing files? thats what I'd try
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-09 06:29:55 UTC
in (Release) Half-Life: Echoes Post #340823
saw this review on the mod recently from one of my favorite YouTubers:
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-29 09:03:25 UTC
in Gaming Rage Post #340729
I think masculine traits are very positive and can be used to counterract evil, internally and externally.
Someones been listening to the Peterson!

Masculinity is not 'toxic' and I wish people would stop saying that. Femininity is also not 'bad'. They are both wonderful things and compliment each other.

The issue is is that men need to be taught how to properly harness their masculinity and use it positively. Guys need role models and unfortunately not everyone has that in their life to guide them. Jordan Peterson has turned a lot of guys around through by his words and is the perfect example as that kind of role model.
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-17 11:54:08 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340574
hey now jeffy, hold your horses just one minute what I meant was while the plant models may be in game files I don't recall anywhere in the HL campaign where they show up (but then again I havn't played the SP campaign in a long time so I could be wrong)
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-16 23:50:44 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340570
Golly gosh urby I dont recall there being square pot plants in original HL campaign you rebel
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-30 23:16:26 UTC
in Half-Life : Catastrophe Post #340337
Hey cool is this for regular HL or Opposing Force?
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-15 02:36:55 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339919
Yep, well these are just suggestions you could experiment with to see how can you hone the visual side of it. The blue is still a good colour, but I find trying to contrast blue and orange a little tricky in a pallete. You could try a different shade of blue, such as the "update preview" button colour maybe... But saying that, the blue does work pretty good on the smaller text links I think.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-14 11:06:04 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339917
Some CSS suggestions I had a play around with in the console. Mainly try and keep consistent with the orange, make sure border colours are the same. I still think the heading text should be smaller too :P
On the main page I'd probably have map vault after the forum too. Had some ideas on layout changes I might pass through later on if I get a chance.
User posted image
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-13 10:01:09 UTC
in E3 2018 Post #339907
I really don't see the big deal with developers trying something new.

I think Bethesda did a really good job of transferring a game world from overhead 2D to first person 3D ( F3 or NV and maybe 4 too (havn't played it) are really good games) but so much was lost in that process. F1 and 2 had a very bleak and often brutal atmosphere to it. Just a sense of hopelessness. Even the music had this weird neo/primitive/industrial tone to it.

There were things in the Bethesda Fallout games like the pre-war slapstick undertone and music, the over saturation of stuff like Nuka-cola, the patriotic themes, the "cash register" sound effect when you find new location... That wasn't "fallout" to me. While plenty of that stuff was in the originals most of it sat subtle in the background whereas Bethesda took a lot of that stuff and amped it up way too much. A lot of people started on the franchise at F3, which is understandable but they didn't have any expectations from the older titles.

Like Satch says, went into Doom 3 after playing the originals and was disappointing. I didn't play a whole lot of the originals before I played Doom 3 so I went in fresh and as a result, I LOVE Doom 3 but maybe because I didn't have any expectations from older titles?
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-12 10:43:38 UTC
in E3 2018 Post #339893
How I felt after hearing Fallout 76 was announced and continue to witness a franchise I cherished from Fallout 1 and 2 become more and more warped with each installment, a changed animal from the love I first remembered, slipping through my fingers:
User posted image
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-11 07:04:49 UTC
in The Hype-o-matic (Upcoming games) Post #339886
Post Scriptum. Get that hardcore WW2 sim! (when its released)
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-06 11:48:17 UTC
in TWHL4 Discussion / Bug Reports Post #339823
I'd probably change the h1 tags in your _headings.scss to 18px because they're quite big (or maybe try a h3 tag?)

The 'see all' button I wouldn't have as white/blue because its not a very good contrast against the orange theme (maybe have the background as a darker orange, #a57022, foreground #fff and get rid of the border. Maybe hover background a darker orange again?)

I could do a review and make a list of css changes I think would be good, if you like PB but I don't want to rain on your parade either if you've deliberately set it like this, so just say :P
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