Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 05:12:27 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245453
haleluya or whatever it f-ing is XD i done it some how i think it was the displacements i read a tutorial about it and it said they dont seal the map so i done what it said seal it under the displacment but grr now funaly i covered the WHOLE DICPLACMENT now maybe the lights will work : lol

now i will clean up the seal a little :P
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 04:51:38 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245452
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 04:46:03 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245450
sorry i dont know where to find the compile log
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 04:20:08 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245447
i can give you the whole vmf if you want i just need to know wher to send it

oh yeah and the pointfile just is in random space there isnt even anything there and the thing that it is saying is leaked is a light_spot but its definatly inside the map
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-11 03:40:35 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245441
i have a map with no holes in it where something could get out but some things are still making it leak :( and i have spent like 4 hours looking for it :
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 01:36:47 UTC
in Level changing problem Post #244946
Right i can make the map change the level be adding info_landmark and trigger_changelevel i have done this succesfully from ie. level1 to level2 BUT when trying to make level2 change to level3 it spawns me on the map but i cannot move or see anything. have i missed anything out.

map1 has
info_landmark name-landmark1
trigger_changelevel to map2 landmark name-landmark1

map2 has
info_landmark name-landmark1
trigger_changelevel back to map1 landmark name-landmark1
trigger_changelevel to map3 landmark name-landmark1

Posted 17 years ago2008-02-02 18:24:15 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod need people to join Post #244850
I now have a small story well the start atleast lol.

You wake up in a container with headcrab canisters andyou climb out to find you are in a dock after exploring a little you jump down onto the rocks and walk on.

Thats how far ive done lol BUT the map is already made and fully playable if you want to see pictures they might come up soon on our website
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-30 22:09:52 UTC
in Black screen problem(hl2dm) Post #244659
I am making a map for half life 2 deathmatch i am able to make maps in the editor but when in 3d view i cannot see anything BUT if i make a problem in the map like an invalid solid structure and click go to error i can see my map please help.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:29:26 UTC
in I need help with a lighting problem Post #244535
texdata 39/2048 1248/65536 ( 1.9%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 973/65536 54488/3670016 ( 1.5%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 479/65536 26824/3670016 ( 0.7%)
leaves 998/65536 31936/2097152 ( 1.5%)
leaffaces 1127/65536 2254/131072 ( 1.7%)
leafbrushes 542/65536 1084/131072 ( 0.8%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 6438/512000 25752/2048000 ( 1.3%)
edges 3888/256000 15552/1024000 ( 1.5%)
LDR worldlights 20/8192 1760/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 103/32768 1030/327680 ( 0.3%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1635/65536 3270/131072 ( 2.5%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 753448/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 53557/16777216 ( 0.3%)
entdata [variable] 75405/393216 (19.2%)
LDR ambient table 998/65536 3992/262144 ( 1.5%)
HDR ambient table 998/65536 3992/262144 ( 1.5%)
LDR leaf ambient 4778/65536 133784/1835008 ( 7.3%)
HDR leaf ambient 998/65536 27944/1835008 ( 1.5%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/5094 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 82457/4194304 ( 2.0%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 2578
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
56 seconds elapsed

[message length limit exceeded]
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:27:02 UTC
in I need help with a lighting problem Post #244534
materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (28888 bytes)
Error! To use model "models/props_lab/ravendoor.mdl"
with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop!
Error loading studio model "models/props_lab/ravendoor.mdl"!
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 66 texinfos to 45
Reduced 13 texdatas to 12 (336 bytes to 286)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
3 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
55 portalclusters
138 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 2739
Average clusters visible: 49
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 55
visdatasize:1213 compressed from 880
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
207 faces
17481 square feet [2517315.50 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
207 patches before subdivision
2967 patches after subdivision
5 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 254630, max 273
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0027 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 2/1024 96/49152 ( 0.2%)
brushes 83/8192 996/98304 ( 1.0%)
brushsides 515/65536 4120/524288 ( 0.8%)
planes 266/65536 5320/1310720 ( 0.4%)
vertexes 344/65536 4128/786432 ( 0.5%)
nodes 139/65536 4448/2097152 ( 0.2%)
texinfos 45/12288 3240/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 12/2048 384/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 207/65536 11592/3670016 ( 0.3%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 131/65536 7336/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 142/65536 4544/2097152 ( 0.2%)
leaffaces 221/65536 442/131072 ( 0.3%)
leafbrushes 118/65536 236/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1490/512000 5960/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 881/256000 3524/1024000 ( 0.3%)
LDR worldlights 5/8192 440/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 8/32768 80/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 138/65536 276/131072 ( 0.2%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 200292/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1213/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 13167/393216 ( 3.3%)
LDR ambient table 142/65536 568/262144 ( 0.2%)
HDR ambient table 142/65536 568/262144 ( 0.2%)
LDR leaf ambient 62/65536 1736/1835008 ( 0.1%)
HDR leaf ambient 142/65536 3976/1835008 ( 0.2%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1674 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 28888/4194304 ( 0.7%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 554
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
6 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (29435 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 70 texinfos to 46
Reduced 14 texdatas to 13 (362 bytes to 312)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
1 second elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
55 portalclusters
138 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 2739
Average clusters visible: 49
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 55
visdatasize:1213 compressed from 880
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
209 faces
17568 square feet [2529859.50 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
209 patches before subdivision
2973 patches after subdivision
5 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 255127, max 273
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0023 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 3/1024 144/49152 ( 0.3%)
brushes 84/8192 1008/98304 ( 1.0%)
brushsides 521/65536 4168/524288 ( 0.8%)
planes 278/65536 5560/1310720 ( 0.4%)
vertexes 352/65536 4224/786432 ( 0.5%)
nodes 145/65536 4640/2097152 ( 0.2%)
texinfos 46/12288 3312/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 13/2048 416/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 209/65536 11704/3670016 ( 0.3%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 133/65536 7448/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 149/65536 4768/2097152 ( 0.2%)
leaffaces 223/65536 446/131072 ( 0.3%)
leafbrushes 119/65536 238/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1506/512000 6024/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 897/256000 3588/1024000 ( 0.4%)
LDR worldlights 5/8192 440/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 8/32768 80/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 138/65536 276/131072 ( 0.2%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 201028/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1213/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 19583/393216 ( 5.0%)
LDR ambient table 149/65536 596/262144 ( 0.2%)
HDR ambient table 149/65536 596/262144 ( 0.2%)
LDR leaf ambient 68/65536 1904/1835008 ( 0.1%)
HDR leaf ambient 149/65536 4172/1835008 ( 0.2%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1674 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 29435/4194304 ( 0.7%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 558
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
6 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (32939 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 77 texinfos to 50
Reduced 14 texdatas to 13 (362 bytes to 312)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
63 portalclusters
158 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 3205
Average clusters visible: 50
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 60
visdatasize:1513 compressed from 1008
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
231 faces
17958 square feet [2586091.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
231 patches before subdivision
2917 patches after subdivision
7 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 248291, max 268
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(2685, 2571, 2246)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(562, 518, 398)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(117, 104, 70)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(25, 21, 13)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(5, 4, 2)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(1, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0021 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 3/1024 144/49152 ( 0.3%)
brushes 94/8192 1128/98304 ( 1.1%)
brushsides 582/65536 4656/524288 ( 0.9%)
planes 300/65536 6000/1310720 ( 0.5%)
vertexes 397/65536 4764/786432 ( 0.6%)
nodes 164/65536 5248/2097152 ( 0.3%)
texinfos 50/12288 3600/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 13/2048 416/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 231/65536 12936/3670016 ( 0.4%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 146/65536 8176/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 168/65536 5376/2097152 ( 0.3%)
leaffaces 242/65536 484/131072 ( 0.4%)
leafbrushes 147/65536 294/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1660/512000 6640/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 992/256000 3968/1024000 ( 0.4%)
LDR worldlights 7/8192 616/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 12/32768 120/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 201/65536 402/131072 ( 0.3%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 223984/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1513/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 19729/393216 ( 5.0%)
LDR ambient table 168/65536 672/262144 ( 0.3%)
HDR ambient table 168/65536 672/262144 ( 0.3%)
LDR leaf ambient 164/65536 4592/1835008 ( 0.3%)
HDR leaf ambient 168/65536 4704/1835008 ( 0.3%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1742 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 32939/4194304 ( 0.8%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 616
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
9 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (55564 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 168 texinfos to 108
Reduced 32 texdatas to 26 (813 bytes to 613)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
9 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
315 portalclusters
976 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 85 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 43804
Average clusters visible: 139
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 227
visdatasize:26326 compressed from 25200
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
30 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
619 faces
151469 square feet [21811654.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
619 patches before subdivision
6903 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 535972, max 284
transfer lists: 4.1 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(38892, 20144, 7649)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6189, 3161, 1122)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1074, 547, 186)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(205, 103, 33)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(42, 20, 6)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(9, 4, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0057 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 4/1024 192/49152 ( 0.4%)
brushes 161/8192 1932/98304 ( 2.0%)
brushsides 1025/65536 8200/524288 ( 1.6%)
planes 500/65536 10000/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1233/65536 14796/786432 ( 1.9%)
nodes 624/65536 19968/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 108/12288 7776/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 26/2048 832/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 619/65536 34664/3670016 ( 0.9%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 295/65536 16520/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 629/65536 20128/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 778/65536 1556/131072 ( 1.2%)
leafbrushes 327/65536 654/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4106/512000 16424/2048000 ( 0.8%)
edges 2451/256000 9804/1024000 ( 1.0%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 53/32768 530/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 900/65536 1800/131072 ( 1.4%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 466956/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 26326/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 36200/393216 ( 9.2%)
LDR ambient table 629/65536 2516/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 629/65536 2516/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2762/65536 77336/1835008 ( 4.2%)
HDR leaf ambient 629/65536 17612/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/3740 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 174173/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 55564/4194304 ( 1.3%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1693
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
35 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
25 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 50444/393216 (12.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
36 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (1)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (1) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
26 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 51438/393216 (13.1%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
37 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
3 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
26 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0093 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 55055/393216 (14.0%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
37 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0056 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 54251/393216 (13.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
38 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 54247/393216 (13.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
38 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (63373 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 187 texinfos to 115
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
329 portalclusters
1029 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 92 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45923
Average clusters visible: 139
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 229
visdatasize:28162 compressed from 31584
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
705 faces
151352 square feet [21794814.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
705 patches before subdivision
7041 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 565449, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0077 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 8/1024 384/49152 ( 0.8%)
brushes 177/8192 2124/98304 ( 2.2%)
brushsides 1135/65536 9080/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 542/65536 10840/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1364/65536 16368/786432 ( 2.1%)
nodes 673/65536 21536/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 115/12288 8280/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 2
[message length limit exceeded]
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:23:12 UTC
in I need help with a lighting problem Post #244533
materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (28888 bytes)
Error! To use model "models/props_lab/ravendoor.mdl"
with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop!
Error loading studio model "models/props_lab/ravendoor.mdl"!
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 66 texinfos to 45
Reduced 13 texdatas to 12 (336 bytes to 286)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
3 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
55 portalclusters
138 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 2739
Average clusters visible: 49
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 55
visdatasize:1213 compressed from 880
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
207 faces
17481 square feet [2517315.50 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
207 patches before subdivision
2967 patches after subdivision
5 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 254630, max 273
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0027 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 2/1024 96/49152 ( 0.2%)
brushes 83/8192 996/98304 ( 1.0%)
brushsides 515/65536 4120/524288 ( 0.8%)
planes 266/65536 5320/1310720 ( 0.4%)
vertexes 344/65536 4128/786432 ( 0.5%)
nodes 139/65536 4448/2097152 ( 0.2%)
texinfos 45/12288 3240/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 12/2048 384/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 207/65536 11592/3670016 ( 0.3%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 131/65536 7336/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 142/65536 4544/2097152 ( 0.2%)
leaffaces 221/65536 442/131072 ( 0.3%)
leafbrushes 118/65536 236/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1490/512000 5960/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 881/256000 3524/1024000 ( 0.3%)
LDR worldlights 5/8192 440/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 8/32768 80/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 138/65536 276/131072 ( 0.2%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 200292/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1213/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 13167/393216 ( 3.3%)
LDR ambient table 142/65536 568/262144 ( 0.2%)
HDR ambient table 142/65536 568/262144 ( 0.2%)
LDR leaf ambient 62/65536 1736/1835008 ( 0.1%)
HDR leaf ambient 142/65536 3976/1835008 ( 0.2%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1674 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 28888/4194304 ( 0.7%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 554
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
6 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (29435 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 70 texinfos to 46
Reduced 14 texdatas to 13 (362 bytes to 312)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
1 second elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
55 portalclusters
138 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 2739
Average clusters visible: 49
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 55
visdatasize:1213 compressed from 880
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
209 faces
17568 square feet [2529859.50 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
209 patches before subdivision
2973 patches after subdivision
5 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 255127, max 273
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0023 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 3/1024 144/49152 ( 0.3%)
brushes 84/8192 1008/98304 ( 1.0%)
brushsides 521/65536 4168/524288 ( 0.8%)
planes 278/65536 5560/1310720 ( 0.4%)
vertexes 352/65536 4224/786432 ( 0.5%)
nodes 145/65536 4640/2097152 ( 0.2%)
texinfos 46/12288 3312/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 13/2048 416/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 209/65536 11704/3670016 ( 0.3%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 133/65536 7448/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 149/65536 4768/2097152 ( 0.2%)
leaffaces 223/65536 446/131072 ( 0.3%)
leafbrushes 119/65536 238/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1506/512000 6024/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 897/256000 3588/1024000 ( 0.4%)
LDR worldlights 5/8192 440/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 8/32768 80/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 138/65536 276/131072 ( 0.2%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 201028/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1213/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 19583/393216 ( 5.0%)
LDR ambient table 149/65536 596/262144 ( 0.2%)
HDR ambient table 149/65536 596/262144 ( 0.2%)
LDR leaf ambient 68/65536 1904/1835008 ( 0.1%)
HDR leaf ambient 149/65536 4172/1835008 ( 0.2%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1674 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 29435/4194304 ( 0.7%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 558
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
6 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (32939 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 77 texinfos to 50
Reduced 14 texdatas to 13 (362 bytes to 312)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
63 portalclusters
158 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 2 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 3205
Average clusters visible: 50
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 60
visdatasize:1513 compressed from 1008
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
0 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
231 faces
17958 square feet [2586091.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
231 patches before subdivision
2917 patches after subdivision
7 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 248291, max 268
transfer lists: 1.9 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(2685, 2571, 2246)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(562, 518, 398)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(117, 104, 70)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(25, 21, 13)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(5, 4, 2)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(1, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0021 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 3/1024 144/49152 ( 0.3%)
brushes 94/8192 1128/98304 ( 1.1%)
brushsides 582/65536 4656/524288 ( 0.9%)
planes 300/65536 6000/1310720 ( 0.5%)
vertexes 397/65536 4764/786432 ( 0.6%)
nodes 164/65536 5248/2097152 ( 0.3%)
texinfos 50/12288 3600/884736 ( 0.4%)
texdata 13/2048 416/65536 ( 0.6%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 231/65536 12936/3670016 ( 0.4%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 146/65536 8176/3670016 ( 0.2%)
leaves 168/65536 5376/2097152 ( 0.3%)
leaffaces 242/65536 484/131072 ( 0.4%)
leafbrushes 147/65536 294/131072 ( 0.2%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 1660/512000 6640/2048000 ( 0.3%)
edges 992/256000 3968/1024000 ( 0.4%)
LDR worldlights 7/8192 616/720896 ( 0.1%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 12/32768 120/327680 ( 0.0%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 201/65536 402/131072 ( 0.3%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 223984/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 1513/16777216 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 19729/393216 ( 5.0%)
LDR ambient table 168/65536 672/262144 ( 0.3%)
HDR ambient table 168/65536 672/262144 ( 0.3%)
LDR leaf ambient 164/65536 4592/1835008 ( 0.3%)
HDR leaf ambient 168/65536 4704/1835008 ( 0.3%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/1742 ( 0.1%)
pakfile [variable] 211637/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 32939/4194304 ( 0.8%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 616
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
9 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (55564 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 168 texinfos to 108
Reduced 32 texdatas to 26 (813 bytes to 613)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
9 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
315 portalclusters
976 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 85 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 43804
Average clusters visible: 139
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 227
visdatasize:26326 compressed from 25200
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
30 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
619 faces
151469 square feet [21811654.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
619 patches before subdivision
6903 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 535972, max 284
transfer lists: 4.1 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(38892, 20144, 7649)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6189, 3161, 1122)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1074, 547, 186)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(205, 103, 33)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(42, 20, 6)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(9, 4, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0057 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 4/1024 192/49152 ( 0.4%)
brushes 161/8192 1932/98304 ( 2.0%)
brushsides 1025/65536 8200/524288 ( 1.6%)
planes 500/65536 10000/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1233/65536 14796/786432 ( 1.9%)
nodes 624/65536 19968/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 108/12288 7776/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 26/2048 832/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 619/65536 34664/3670016 ( 0.9%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 295/65536 16520/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 629/65536 20128/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 778/65536 1556/131072 ( 1.2%)
leafbrushes 327/65536 654/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4106/512000 16424/2048000 ( 0.8%)
edges 2451/256000 9804/1024000 ( 1.0%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 53/32768 530/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 900/65536 1800/131072 ( 1.4%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 466956/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 26326/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 36200/393216 ( 9.2%)
LDR ambient table 629/65536 2516/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 629/65536 2516/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2762/65536 77336/1835008 ( 4.2%)
HDR leaf ambient 629/65536 17612/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/3740 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 174173/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 55564/4194304 ( 1.3%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1693
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
35 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
25 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 50444/393216 (12.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
36 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (1)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (1) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
4 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
26 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 51438/393216 (13.1%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
37 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
3 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
26 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0093 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 55055/393216 (14.0%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
37 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0056 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 54251/393216 (13.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
38 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (62427 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 181 texinfos to 112
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
324 portalclusters
1014 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 89 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45617
Average clusters visible: 140
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 231
visdatasize:27286 compressed from 31104
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
694 faces
150980 square feet [21741246.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
694 patches before subdivision
6998 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 561716, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0055 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 7/1024 336/49152 ( 0.7%)
brushes 175/8192 2100/98304 ( 2.1%)
brushsides 1123/65536 8984/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 516/65536 10320/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1343/65536 16116/786432 ( 2.0%)
nodes 662/65536 21184/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 112/12288 8064/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 27/2048 864/65536 ( 1.3%)
dispinfos 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_verts 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_tris 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
disp_lmsamples 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
faces 694/65536 38864/3670016 ( 1.1%)
hdr faces 0/65536 0/3670016 ( 0.0%)
origfaces 337/65536 18872/3670016 ( 0.5%)
leaves 670/65536 21440/2097152 ( 1.0%)
leaffaces 855/65536 1710/131072 ( 1.3%)
leafbrushes 343/65536 686/131072 ( 0.5%)
areas 2/256 16/2048 ( 0.8%)
surfedges 4622/512000 18488/2048000 ( 0.9%)
edges 2791/256000 11164/1024000 ( 1.1%)
LDR worldlights 19/8192 1672/720896 ( 0.2%)
HDR worldlights 0/8192 0/720896 ( 0.0%)
leafwaterdata 0/32768 0/393216 ( 0.0%)
waterstrips 57/32768 570/327680 ( 0.2%)
waterverts 0/65536 0/786432 ( 0.0%)
waterindices 1056/65536 2112/131072 ( 1.6%)
cubemapsamples 0/1024 0/16384 ( 0.0%)
overlays 0/512 0/180224 ( 0.0%)
LDR lightdata [variable] 483020/0 ( 0.0%)
HDR lightdata [variable] 0/0 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 27286/16777216 ( 0.2%)
entdata [variable] 54247/393216 (13.8%)
LDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
HDR ambient table 670/65536 2680/262144 ( 1.0%)
LDR leaf ambient 2957/65536 82796/1835008 ( 4.5%)
HDR leaf ambient 670/65536 18760/1835008 ( 1.0%)
occluders 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder polygons 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
occluder vert ind 0/0 0/0 ( 0.0%)
detail props [variable] 1/12 ( 8.3%)
static props [variable] 1/4136 ( 0.0%)
pakfile [variable] 173795/0 ( 0.0%)
physics [variable] 62427/4194304 ( 1.5%)
physics terrain [variable] 2/1048576 ( 0.0%)

Level flags = 0

Total triangle count: 1891
Writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
38 seconds elapsed

materialPath: c:program filessteamsteamappspolopyhalf-life 2 episode twoep2materials
Loading C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.vmf
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
done (0)
writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.prt...Building visibility clusters...
done (0)
Creating default LDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Creating default HDR cubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:
! Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.
Finding displacement neighbors...
Finding lightmap sample positions...
Displacement Alpha : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Building Physics collision data...
done (0) (63373 bytes)
Placing detail props : 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10
Compacting texture/material tables...
Reduced 187 texinfos to 115
Reduced 31 texdatas to 27 (756 bytes to 632)
Writing C:Documents and SettingsBenMy Documentscombine_Building.bsp
2 seconds elapsed

1 threads
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
reading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.prt
329 portalclusters
1029 numportals
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Optimized: 92 visible clusters (0.00%)
Total clusters visible: 45923
Average clusters visible: 139
Building PAS...
Average clusters audible: 229
visdatasize:28162 compressed from 31584
writing c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
27 seconds elapsed

[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[48 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:documents and settingsbenmy documentscombine_Building.bsp
705 faces
151352 square feet [21794814.00 square inches]
0 Displacements
0 Square Feet [0.00 Square Inches]
705 patches before subdivision
7041 patches after subdivision
19 direct lights
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...100...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10transfers 565449, max 295
transfer lists: 4.3 megs
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #1 added RGB(41999, 21536, 8170)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #2 added RGB(6818, 3451, 1228)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #3 added RGB(1195, 603, 206)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #4 added RGB(230, 114, 37)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #5 added RGB(47, 23, 7)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #6 added RGB(10, 5, 1)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #7 added RGB(2, 1, 0)
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 Bounce #8 added RGB(1, 0, 0)
Build Patch/Sample Hash Table(s).....Done<0.0077 sec>
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10FinalLightFace Done
0 of 0 (0% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10Writing leaf ambient...done
Ready to Finish

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 8/1024 384/49152 ( 0.8%)
brushes 177/8192 2124/98304 ( 2.2%)
brushsides 1135/65536 9080/524288 ( 1.7%)
planes 542/65536 10840/1310720 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 1364/65536 16368/786432 ( 2.1%)
nodes 673/65536 21536/2097152 ( 1.0%)
texinfos 115/12288 8280/884736 ( 0.9%)
texdata 2
[message length limit exceeded]
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:21:37 UTC
in omfg dam level transitions Post #244532
um i can load the map in console and i have played both of them properly without problems but cannot do anything when trigger_changelevel tries to do it sometimes the the game crashes to desktop and other times it just lockes up hl2
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:18:17 UTC
in Displacement problem Post #244531
I know what you done if you want the displacment on the TOP ONLY you select that face in face texture application mode then click on displacment and create :P well thats what i think :)
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-29 12:12:20 UTC
in I need help with a lighting problem Post #244528
I have made a map it was perfect until the last compile all my light and light_spot's are not showing up when i play the map. please help D:
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 13:13:32 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod need people to join Post #244420
i made all the pics and it would be nice to know how to get rid of that hev suit display GOOGLE! :P
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 09:26:41 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod need people to join Post #244408
i am looking for some people to join our group there are only 4 members at the moment here is our website

I am Ben and my friend is Thom.

We already have some maps but are stuck with a couple things hope someone will join. there is no current story line but are working on it and would like it if someone helped. thanks :)

If you want to join go to our website and look in contact to find the steam group page and look for [TE]mchappy in members and just add me as a friend and then i will invite you to our group :D
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 09:21:25 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod Post #244406
hmm yeah we need planning lol i will edit the posty thx
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 09:16:03 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod Post #244402
we cannot get any other website at the moment an i might convert the website into html becaus i can do html :P

and its just a simple mod OR mappack we havent decided yet and we are currently thinking of a story for it its in early development so there is not much to tell sorry.
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 09:06:56 UTC
in omfg dam level transitions Post #244398
I have looked everywhere for how to make a level change i have used something like 5 tutorials but nothing works the loading screen just stays up all the time and then it dont hl2 crashes. please help!

i used a info_landmark, Trigger_changelevel and yes i have a map that it can change to lol

in the level that it is changing to there is a trigger_change level with the last chapter checkbox checked and an into landmark and one info_player_start do i need anything else
Posted 17 years ago2008-01-27 08:56:56 UTC
in Half life ep2 mod Post #244397
me and some other people are looking for mappers to help us there are only 2 mappers me and my friend here is our website

I am Ben and my friend is Thom.

We already have some maps but are stuck with a couple things hope someone will join :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-30 15:23:10 UTC
in "Compiler Problems" or just "WTF?" Post #242132
have you changed the name of the save file if you have this seems to cause problems when compiling. if you have changed the name try and remember the files original name
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-30 15:20:44 UTC
in I need help with striders Post #242131
when the strider spawns it sjust stays in one spot and will not even try to come after me please help.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-15 22:18:39 UTC
in i need help with fast zombies Post #241097
In the part ravenholm i think the fast zombies crawl up and down the buildings i wanted to put that im my map and i cannot find out how to get it done.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 11:46:48 UTC
in How can i make a HL2 map using sourceSDK Post #238753
Oh ok thanks dam Valve lol i want to make stuff NA-OW :P
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-18 11:06:26 UTC
in How can i make a HL2 map using sourceSDK Post #238750
i have instaled the ORANGE BOX and Source SDK just like it said in the source setup but i only have 3 options for the current game

Half life 2 episode 2
and Team Fortress 2

please can someone help!
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-07 20:30:32 UTC
in HL1 Mod:Zombie Panic i need help with it Post #237908
i think i have worked out the problem i am making a map rigth now that does not have the Info_Player_Start in the menu
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-07 06:37:29 UTC
in HL1 Mod:Zombie Panic i need help with it Post #237847
I have made my map and all the weapons work the doors work and everything else works but i cannot place zombie spawns the human spawns work perfectly fine but the zombies always spawn in the middle of the map.

I have 3 options for the spawns


I dont think number 1 should not be there and i have placed Info_Player_Team1 for humans and they work then i placed some Info_Player_Team2 for zombies and it didnt work. They always spawn in the middle of the map?

Please can someone help I have looked on this website and nothing about Zombie panic is here. The zombie panic website has 1 thing about mapping in hammer but it dont help the website is

Posted 17 years ago2007-11-06 00:24:54 UTC
in yeah another one: i cant play my maps Post #237768
no some entities or whatever they are where corupt lol i deleted them and it worked
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 04:37:04 UTC
in i need Help with carving Post #237696
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 04:26:32 UTC
in i need Help with carving Post #237694
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 03:56:06 UTC
in i need Help with carving Post #237689
I cannot carve anything please help.

when i click on the thing i want to carve it just moves the object i want to carve
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 03:51:54 UTC
in yeah another one: i cant play my maps Post #237688
that wasnt it lol
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 01:52:28 UTC
in yeah another one: i cant play my maps Post #237684
i will try
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-05 00:48:04 UTC
in yeah another one: i cant play my maps Post #237681
I can play them when your in Hammer and you press launch but when i play half life and try to play it it wont let me :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-04 21:34:58 UTC
in A little silly: how do i change the snap Post #237674
Ive looked everywhere and i just cannot find how to change the snap
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-04 20:40:38 UTC
in How do i make the blue be See through Post #237671
aww thanks i couldnt find a tutorial lol
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-04 19:51:24 UTC
in How do i make the blue be See through Post #237666
In mesh fences and things like that how do you make the Blue bit See through?

Please help i new but am quite good lol