Screw that guide.
If you're mapping for a specific game, use the tools that come with the game. CS:GO has its own SDK in Steam's Tools section, all other Source game should have their own tools in their [game]\bin folder. They should all have working configs right out of the box.
If it's for any Source 2013 mod, setting up the SDK 2013 Hammer is pretty straightforward. Just give your
SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer\bin\gameconfig.txt[i] a new game entry for each configuration you want. You should be able to copy whatever stock game config is in there and change the values to whatever mod you're working with. Here's one of mine, for example.
You can use the 2013 Hammer for mods on different Source branches too with a workaround. Do the same thing you did above. Then in your [i]SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer folder, create a new folder named after your mod's folder. Put in a gameinfo.txt.
Copy these contents into it. Make sure to put in your mods real directory in the quotes in line 15. Save it, then go back to your gameconfig.txt. On your config, change the GameDir line to be the folder with the hacky new gameinfo.txt.
You should be able to run Hammer 2013, select your config, and you should be able to work without issue. If the config select dialogue doesn't launch when you open Hammer, go to Tools>Options, select your config from the top dropdown menu, then relaunch Hammer.