RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Created 19 years ago2005-05-18 12:21:26 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 19 years ago2005-05-18 12:21:26 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 11:04:27 UTC Post #112118
Hah, he joined 9 days after me!

Chapter 10 - Willhence
There under more than 1,000 tons of rock stood a vast city. It appeared very old, yet perserved. The great walls that once defended it still stand as an omipresent gaurd against foes. Y'ato assumes the city was abanoned long ago, and he would be right save for one...
Nemmerle explains that this use to be the home of all morphers. At one time all stood united under one flag, however times have changed and differences have arisin.
"We are going to search for the key that will grant you your true morphing power." says Nemmerle, "You may have noticed you have not been able to morph as of late."
"I didnt know I could morph at all!" Y'ato replies.
"I see..." Nemmerle says, "Perhaps Seltor's power is far greater than I estimated, he has kept you from knowing your true self. Nevertheless we will search for the object that will allow you to morph in this tainted land."
Into the city they began, unknowing of the presence listening in the shadows...

Onto SariBous

Read the forum help ? Seventh
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 11:33:19 UTC Post #112122
oooh.. creepy!

btw, love ur lab map but how does it end??? i got to the bit where u jump on a pipe and go into the next bit but there is nothing there.. just a zombie...
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-01 11:45:43 UTC Post #112126
Yeah I never bothered to finish it, sorry... But you can continue my style map on my new HL2 map!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-02 03:24:02 UTC Post #112196
my turn again eh?

Chapter 11 - The Temple of the Warden
The abandoned city was quiet. Shadows lurked everywhere, it seemed as they were alive, as if they were observing every move of Y'ato and Nemmerle. " 'tis awfully quiet here" remarked Y'ato, who felt uneasy in the ghost town. "Yes" replied Nemmerle, "perhaps a bit too quiet. Be ready for anything".

They quickened up their pace, casting nervous looks around them as if expecting to see someone else. "We must hurry to the temple" said Nemmerle with a trembling voice, something that frightened Y'ato.

Around them, the shadows seemed to grow thicker and thicker, like a black mist. "What temple?" Y'ato dared to ask as they ran through the empty streets. "The temple of the Warden" Nemmerle repiled without the slightest hesitation. "This is where you must go".

Y'ato stopped in his tracks. That name sounded so familiar to him, he knew he had heard it before, but where? It was like a distant memory that he didn't know if he should awaken. Would this temple lead him back to his real life? Y'ato looked up to find that Nemmerle was nowhere to be seen, and for the first time, Y'ato noticed the black mist swirling about him. "Nemmerle?", he asked the black void. No answer could be heard. "Nemmerle!", Y'ato screamed at the top of his lungs. When he got no answer this time either, he ran into the pitch black mist, not daring to stay still for one more second in this place.

The darkness was absolute. Y'ato had to rely on his other senses now that he could see nothing. Suddenly he came out of the mist and saw a great cathedral looming before him. "The temple of the Warden", he whispered to himself as he made his way up to the huge door that stood cracked ajar..
Next up is Bratty again, if no one new wishes to enter?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-02 12:21:05 UTC Post #112262
eep. :zonked: :nuts: :o :)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 06:51:50 UTC Post #112500
Come on BL!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 10:50:27 UTC Post #112537
Don't bother asking me cause i'm lazy...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:30:35 UTC Post #112790
Bratty seems to have ditched us. Perhaps you should choose a new canadiate?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:37:48 UTC Post #112793
Ya, Bratty only comes once and a while.. thats whats causing the TWHLmix to be moving along sooo slowly.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 16:04:10 UTC Post #112820
huh, to try my hand at writing something for this, the diliberating.

ill have a go if bratty isn't in the area
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 20:35:25 UTC Post #112834
Alright, your up Gargly.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:01:44 UTC Post #112858
Go M_gargantua!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 11:15:32 UTC Post #112900
long ain't it?

Chapter 12 - Final Beginings
Y'ato walked up the steps into the Temple. The giant steel plated doors greeted him. he reached out his and and pushed open the left one, it swung almost effortlessly, even with its age. Y'ato entered and saw Nemmerle siting in the center of the temple. He was seated on what could only be called an alter, even though it didn't seem to be for any god.

"Y'ato, did you know that just by entering this place you will gain some of your power back." Nemmerle said.

"h.." began Y'ato.

Nemmerle continued "You are one of the very last of the pure bread morphers. And that is a gift and a curse. A gift because unlike the rest of the morphers, the ones who have never deviated there bloodline from the originals have a limited power to also morph objects. And a curse becasue you were hated, you had to much power, your kind ruled this city with a iron, no, diamond fist. you used to bring suffering so you could live however you pleased. And because of that much eninimity still exists for the pure breads still in the world. and because of that I have tricked you here."

"what do you mean tricked. I came here of my own freewill." Y'ato blurted out.

"you stupid naive little boy, If you grow up and learn the extent of your power you will get greedy to. Im going to end you here to end any chance of that. Im going to finish what Seltor tried to do, only this time with finality."

"But I haven't done anything wrong"

"To bad"

With that Nemmerle leaped into the air and morphed wings onto his back. he flew up into the hights of the temple, and into there shadows. Y'ato was still tring to make sence of what had been said, and had just watched the flight. But as Nemmerle emerged from the shadows, now with giant crab claws as hands. he plumeted tward Y'ato. now acting on instict Y'ato rolled out of the way, Nemmerle impacted the floor where he had stood just a momount before, the giant marble tiles shattering around him.

You can't beat him in the state your in now

Y'ato heard that voice in his head and knew he had to flee into the heart of the temple, not the alter, but beyond it, to his destiny.

He ran, the temple was vast. he could feel Nemmerle above him, reading for another stike. when Nemmerle began his plunge Y'ato dodged into the areas of the temple where the roof was low, he moved around the small colums here to avoid attacks he knew would come. he quickly came to the great doors of the warren room. he still didn't dare to look back. he shoved them open, his adreniline pumping. the cilindrical room he ran into was taller then any other part of the temple. he finaly looked back and saw Nemmerle's claws open and readying to cut off his head.

Y'ato reached down and touched the tileing, and although try as he might he could not morph it, the only thing he managed to do in that split second was break a massive splinter of hardened marble off. Nemmerle almost triped over his crouched body but saved himself with his wings.

"How did you know how to do that kid" Nemmerle said as he recoverd his balance.

"I used to be an avid reader" replyied Y'ato as Nemmerle began a charge tward him. But Y'ato knew what he was doing now. he picked up his marble spear and thrust it tward Nemmerle, who jumbed up and flew back into the shadows. Y'ato could feel where he was becasue of the morph's on him, Y'ato felt like this place was having a great effect on his powers. Y'ato felt him begin to drop strait down tward him. He trust his spear into the ground, and morphed it. it narrowed and lenghed, going strait through the falling Nemmerle's head.

Y'ato jumped out of the way and onto the great dias in the middle of the room, seeing Nemmerle's body slide down the poll with great speed, becomeing further impaled. Y'ato turned around and looked at the pedistal in the middle of the dias. knowing what he had to do now he reached out to place his hand on the pedistal.

now your quest has been given Y'ato, finish it or there are more things then you can imagein at stake.

Y'ato paused for a second when he heard that voice again. but he reached his hand the last few inches and onto the pedistal.

He felt like his heart was being ripped out. his chest seared with pressure, but not pain. There was a sudden sense of great hollowness inside him. And Y'ato felt like he was about to die, and in a sence he did.

Y'ato opened his eyes, feeling that he was still alive

Bratty has another chance to go
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 12:08:17 UTC Post #112903
How come I haven't noticed this thered until now?
You guys sure got a lot of fantasy! :)
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 12:14:40 UTC Post #112906
wtf garg?!!? you went against everything that had previously been written...
Y'ato presumed that Nemmerle was the only chance he would have at going back to his old life again... Before the morphing genes were ever placed in his blood.
he wasnt a pure-breed morpher...
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.
Nobody has yet explained why Nemmerle was shocked.. come on folks!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 12:24:27 UTC Post #112910
What have you expected someone was bound to ruin your story! But it's not that destroyed it can be easly fixed by anybody!!! Like those shadows that SariBous talked on them could be something the other tribe made to save this Y'ato! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 12:32:55 UTC Post #112911
I kinda put them there so someone could use them :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:15:55 UTC Post #112916
Ya, if where going to do this, we got to stay focused. ;)
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:18:39 UTC Post #112918
All the fun in it that someone destroyes your ideas for then it will be more unexpected!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:22:53 UTC Post #112920
Lets just keep it going..ok.. Gargly.. your a natural..lol :P
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:27:58 UTC Post #112922
Y'ato presumed that Nemmerle was the only chance he would have at going back to his old life again... Before the morphing genes were ever placed in his blood.
well that didn't make much sense either. how did Y'ato know he had morphing genes placed in him.
Will you please follow me?" Nemmerle replied far too quickly for Y'ato's liking.
did it ever occur to you that he might be a little shady and trying to trick Y'ato.
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.
well it was kind of villans job to follow that.
At one time all stood united under one flag, however times have changed and differences have arisin.
"We are going to search for the key that will grant you your true morphing power."
well i kind of read ch 10 and 11 with a little more detail. so i based most of my part off of them, because going back and doing a part based on stuff that was written eairlyer and not take into consideration recent events makes for an even worse story.

and plus I probably got a little carried away when tipeing it.

and Elon is right, alot of the fun out of these storys comes from unexpected change that some other person other then you has whiped up. we used to do storys like this in my english class, and alot of people got pissed(like you hunter) when things didn't go the way they wanted it to or constants in the story were altered(or heard wrong in some cases)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:34:51 UTC Post #112925
lol. fair nuff!
Will you please follow me?" Nemmerle replied far too quickly for Y'ato's liking.
thats exactly what i was intending.. i had no objection to Nemmerle being a bad guy.. i wanted to portray him as a shifty dude
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:39:29 UTC Post #112927
Nemmerle death was sweet wasn't it, getting impaled and all.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:40:13 UTC Post #112928
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.
I agree with that, as soon as I read this quote, I thought, what the hell, I'm pretty sure he would have known what was there..lol
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 15:59:12 UTC Post #112967
That was jsut meant to give the next person something to write about, you could of wrote about tons of things starting with that line...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:00:42 UTC Post #112968
My bad guys, I didnt pay close enough attention to him saying that. I figured Y'ato would have said that when he saw the city or whatever. I tried to tie up things that I read that didnt really fit. BTW no one has mentioned the "listener in the shadows..."
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:11:38 UTC Post #112970
true dat Vallian

Who's next?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 11:37:58 UTC Post #113094
I'll take the olympic flame if there are no objections?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 11:57:45 UTC Post #113098
Yes please. I've lost my enthusiasm to write another.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 12:02:08 UTC Post #113102
Chapter 12 - Awakening

'good! good!' the voice in Y'ato's head urged him to continue, 'keep reaching! ignore the drain! Pick it up!'

He struggled as he felt weaker and weaker. During the fight with Nemmerle, when his pwers were at their peak, Y'ato had sensed something of great power on the pedistal but couldn't see anything. Then, when he had touched it, the top had opened grudgingly revealing such a light that Y'ato couldn't see.
His temple was a mass of sweat and veigns that looked like they were going to burst with the strain but then his fingers grasped something solid and instantly all power came back to him. In fact he felt stronger... He WAS stronger. He could see things with a clarity that is completely in-describable.
He removed his hand and it all left him again.
Much more quickly this time, he reached in and removed the object that was in the hole, once again filling him with power.
Y'ato took a deep breath. The damp, murky air seemed like the freshest he had ever breathed and the dark, gloomey stonework of the temple looked like it was made of gold. And his strength! His power! He realised that he was morphing. He, Y'ato Brett - the last remaining light morpher was morphing. And with the morph, all his forgotten memories came back to him.
The war.. The war that had seen the end of the light morphers, beaten and replaced by the dark morphers. All before the human race had even begun it's evolution. Y'ato had been part of it. He Had been someone important but who?!
He cursed himself for not remembering and at this sudden halt in his train of thoughts he noticed one very strange thing... He was a Panther!
And this revived his thoughts once more! He had been the leader of the last light army. He had taken the shape of a panther and had stormed Seltor's castle with no more than six others. Including his best friend.
It was as if he was back there - his memory was so clear.


"MOVE!" Y'ato commanded as they dropped the bodies into the moat, "Break down the door!"
Ke'yako was the first to move - he morphed with ease into a Rhinoseth, an armour plated beast with tusks and the ability to breathe fire.
The door was down in less than two minutes. What awaited the troop was slightly more confronting.
12 Dragons - everyone of them in the last stage of evolution.
Only three of Y'ato's troop were powerful enough to morph into such powerful creatures. Wosaki (Y'ato's greatest friend), Ke'yako and Y'ato himself.


Y'ato paused. He didn't want to remember what happened next but like all things you don't want to happen, he did.
"'ARGH!' Screamed Tha'tor as he fell to the ground, a flaming mass of guts and brain matter."

"NO!" Screamed Y'ato to himself, "I'm not going to remember this!!! I'm NOT!"

"Who are you taking to?" Asked a familiar voice.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 12:05:15 UTC Post #113104
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 13:07:19 UTC Post #113119
There can only be one chapter 12, Hunter ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-07 14:30:23 UTC Post #113137
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 14:03:32 UTC Post #113443
2 days have passed.

the voice is given to

again, cos u just rock, man!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 18:03:21 UTC Post #113465
Chapter 14 - A New Chance
(Cuz Hunter's chapter was really nr 13)

The voice that spoke to him was neither male nor female. It contained both the wisdom of age and youthful naivety at the same time. It was filled with joy and laughter. Yet, it also vibrated with the sorrow-ridden notes of pure grief. This was the voice of All. The voice of the Creator.

Y'ato knew this, he could feel the power touching his very soul. It was a feeling of comfort he had not felt in a long time. He knew this being of pure benevolence would not harm him. He just knew.

"Open your eyes Y'ato Brett, True Morpher", the powerful yet soothing voice said. "Open your eyes".

Y'ato did, and at first he could not see anything. He was standing on solid ground, at least it felt like solid ground to him. But the place he now found himself standing in was just a black void, endless and barren.

"Show yourself", Y'ato dared to say. The memory of Nemmerle surfaced and Y'ato no longer felt he could trust this being. Nemmerle had tricked him and Y'ato knew he should trust no one.

"I am not Nemmerle, nor do I have any desire to lead you to your death", the voice said as if it had been reading Y'ato mind. "But if it will comfort you, I can assume any shape you want me to".

The outlines of something vaguely human materialized a few feet in front of Y'ato. Just as the voice, the figure was neither male nor female. It was breathtakingly beautiful and at the same time, dispicable.

"Who are you?", Y'ato asked, though he knew the answer before the question had been asked. "I am All, the Creator. I have brought you to this empty place", the being answered, flittering in front of Y'ato.

"This..", All continued, "is one of many possible futures for your race and every other race on this planet. Long have I watched in silence, fearing my interception would bring even greater damage. Now I know that I have to intervene, lest the future of the entire Creation be at risk".
A moment passed, when Y'ato did not respond, All resumed his speech.

"I froze time itself so I could summon you here. The war against the black morphers was lost before it even began, they have reached a level of power beyond anything even I could have foreseen. That is why you are here, why I have chosen to reveal myself. You, Y'ato Brett, must go back in time, to before the rise of the Dark Morphers, and unite the True Morphers against this threat. It is the only way. You had to remember you true self in order for me to contact you. That is why you had to go to the Temple of the Warden."

Y'ato nodded. He remembered the war, how his friends and family had been butchered by a superior enemy driven by a hatred so profound it could be seen in their eyes. They had been totally overwhelmed by the power of the enemy.

A portal appeared in front of Y'ato, and the Creator signaled for Y'ato to step through. As he did, he heard the voice of All in his head;

"I sense the presence of the Lesser Divines. Beware Y'ato Brett, True Morpher, the future depends on you now"...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-09 21:55:47 UTC Post #113481
Need someone to continue the story ;)

This story is becoming strangely similar to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 04:59:49 UTC Post #113518
Time travel for teh win!! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 10:28:36 UTC Post #113569
wow.... honestly wow! Saribous you freak of nature! what decriptions! What characters! What story!!! You're as good -if not better than Urbanebula!

I bow down to you!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 11:10:22 UTC Post #113578
Thanx Hunter :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:24:34 UTC Post #113590
I got 1 word to say: Gal
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:27:38 UTC Post #113591
Gal is a word?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:28:29 UTC Post #113592
btw, u still havent said who does the next chapter saribous
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:28:56 UTC Post #113594
isnt gal australian?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:29:27 UTC Post #113595
Gal: Get a life :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 12:29:52 UTC Post #113597
btw, DcB started to use it...! I often say Galil
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:12:46 UTC Post #113626
mmmmm, war, my favorite thing to write about

Gal and keep this on topic at the same time.

and whos next anyway SariBous
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 14:17:46 UTC Post #113628
I think gal's a northerner (English) term.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 16:03:03 UTC Post #113660
is it your style of writing yet seventh?

come on! you do a chapter!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 16:51:39 UTC Post #113665
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-10 17:02:11 UTC Post #113667
can I write a chap?
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