Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Created 18 years ago2006-07-06 16:53:13 UTC by rowleybob rowleybob

Created 18 years ago2006-07-06 16:53:13 UTC by rowleybob rowleybob

Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 00:41:54 UTC Post #191683
They look damn good rim! Far superior to my Paint drawing by far!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 02:28:20 UTC Post #191686
Maybe you should make the hammer more noticible...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 02:33:33 UTC Post #191687
The hammer should be colored differently, like black or something.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 05:57:39 UTC Post #191694
sorry, was away last night!!! results will be posted around lunchtime. Also, two entries!?!?!? Come ON!!!! :)

EDIT::: Lunchtime GMT (so in about 1 hour!)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 06:02:38 UTC Post #191695
These Minicompo's are in desperate need of more attention. It's not too fun when everyone is guaranteed a trophy! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 07:01:48 UTC Post #191699
I thoroughly enjoyed both entries to this Mini-Compo, and I can see that a lot of effort has gone into them. It was extremely hard to decide on a winner,

despite the lack of participants. However, there can only be one winner, so without further ado, here are the results...
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1st Place

[i]Rowleybob - Gordon Freeman Statue[/i]

Although probably one of the most obvious themes for a Half-Life statue, this one was carried out particularly well. It was an extremely accurate representation of the original H.E.V suit used within the game, accompanied by the shabby face of Gordon Freeman!

On the whole, it was well textured, and was instantly recognizable. The statue's stance was appealing and was made slightly more amusing by the accompaniment of his trusty crowbar!

Upon opening the RMF file, the clean and well-organized build of the structure is instantly noticeable, and the proportions of the statue were relative, just scrapping Rowleybob a gold trophy with his more complex brush-work and excellent VM. Well Done!
User posted image
2nd Place

[i]Srry - Dragon Statue[/i]

I preferred the theme of this statue slightly more than Rowleybob's entry, partly because I have seen many attempts at recreating this sort of statue, but rarely to this level.

Once again, it was a very clean entry, however, the RMF produced an invalid solid structure error, not that it detracted from the entry. There was also a mis-placed brush, but I believe that was due to a graphical bug. The tail of the dragon was well defined, and at an excellent stance.

The bright red eyes were also a nice touch, and were extremely effective when placed on a plainly textured statue. The details in the hands and feet were also well manipulated, making this entry worthy of second place.

Congratulations to the both of you, feel free to copy the appropriate trophy into your profile, and good luck in future competitions!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 07:24:10 UTC Post #191701
.png the trophies so they dont have white borders
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 07:55:11 UTC Post #191704
I hate this, I won't have time to enter the toilet compo :( I HATE WORKING!
Well, I got my first paycheck today... Ah what the hell, I?ll just finish my entry and give myself an award for it :P Because it wont be done in time :( :( :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 08:37:03 UTC Post #191709
Tosse, forgot about the damn toilets! So boring. :P
The only textue I can think of that's missing is the "bottom" part of the lego, but that's no huge deal.
Ya i know, its pretty hard to make a texture like that.
Let me give it a try...
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 08:58:21 UTC Post #191710
Muzzleflash, NO! It's toilets! It's the coolest compo so far! I mean, lego, big deal! It's just colourfull and blocky, but a toilet! That's a challange! make that round thing on the bottom of the toilet (the one the shit goes into) round is one hell of a challange! And it's original!

I still remember my old "THE SPACE TOILET" too bad the computer crashed so the rmf was KIA.

But what about this, i get some more time on my toilet(s) and when im done and you like it i get a special "Tosses toilet award" ? :D Let's face it, im a working man so I have little time to map, so i should get something :P

And yeah, more interesting compos! I know im capable of winning, at least getting in the top 3. But that is if the compo is right. Like this time, make a toilet! That is sooo me!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 09:04:40 UTC Post #191711
Ok fine.

  • Added bottom part textures, like this one:
User posted image
I hope it is good enough. <-- If you're allready working with this texture set, please redownload.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 12:46:42 UTC Post #191727
Who won third place?

and yeah, i'll see if i can get a transparency on the trophies. I didn't think things would go so quickly.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 12:46:54 UTC Post #191728
Waw, awesome stuff, guys.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 13:52:38 UTC Post #191735
there was only two entries, right? :aggrieved:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 15:20:32 UTC Post #191739
1 day, 4 hours, 55 minutes left in the toilet compo.

Muzz: Perfect on the bottom lego texture! Get together with Gargy and post the official rules, or amend these to your liking:

1.Build one of your favourite HL maps, using the Lego texture set from Muzz. No other textues aloud (?)
2.<here put recommendations on texture scaling> I found personally scaling everything .64 X .64 or 1 x 1 worked well. Anything below .64 x .64 looked great, but lead to Ginormous HLRad times!
3. 5 days--the max time for these--on this one?

Finally, who is judging?

Rim: Yeah, only 2 entries. You and Dauby were supposed to enter this one, bitches! The mini compo trophies look fantastic, thought we should probably scale them smaller to fit the bios better. Then again, the user could scale them anyway they please I suppose.

I think it would be good to have a standard font for the compo label for the trophy too--Detail-a-room, build-a-statue, ect. Maybe the same font/size as the regular compos.

Alexb911: Yup, only 2... there were supposed to be more ;)
These Minicompo's are in desperate need of more attention.
Agreed. Any ideas on how we can promote these better?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 15:25:30 UTC Post #191740
It's all a matter of time. I would enter every one but I work 10 hours a day :/
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 15:30:16 UTC Post #191741
That sux, but it has to mean pretty good money anyway ;)

What do you do?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 15:32:08 UTC Post #191742
I suppose we could put up "Advertisements" in the news page or front page. We may also want to put a link for them up where the link for the regular compo is, up in the top right corner.

Im sure that would attract attension :) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 15:35:39 UTC Post #191744
Sounds good :) I am noob at webpages, but I'm sure I could put together a simple page explaining the minicompos, there results, and the current/future compos.(If somebody else wants to do this, yeah that would be cool :))

Or, we could just pay people to join :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 16:35:16 UTC Post #191746
it should accompany the normal compos in the title heading bar, underneath, so every1 is aware. So then people joining TWHL, and want to compete, can instantly choose on the time frame that they are interested in - or topic.

If you work a lot, you may think, "cool, a 3 day mini-comp" ... a bit of fun, and won't take much time, where as some1 else with no life can enter the other one / both!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 17:48:33 UTC Post #191748
the RMF produced an invalid solid structure error, not that it detracted from the entry. There was also a mis-placed brush, but I believe that was due to a graphical bug.
Holy crap, I can't believe I never noticed either one of those! They would have been pretty easy to fix, too... Maybe I should start using this HLfix thingy everybody is talking about! :)
I can see that a lot of effort has gone into them.
Not mine! I spent about an hour on it, and 5 minutes or so running around the map. Shame on me!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 18:04:29 UTC Post #191750
Such is life, srry ;)

I also think that this thread ought to be moved to the HL1 Forum because of the new meaning it's taken on. It would get more viewer coverage because more ppl are there than in this forum ;). I suppose that the 1st couple of pages would be a bit confusing for some viewers though, so perhaps a new thread could be made? Just a thought :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 18:14:14 UTC Post #191751
If no one got 3rd place? can i have it for free?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 18:21:36 UTC Post #191752
I'm a full time waiter at a fancy chinese restaraunt. Moneeeeey
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 20:35:41 UTC Post #191754
WTF?!?! Off topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :zonked: :zonked: :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-26 22:33:12 UTC Post #191778
Someone asked me what I did a few posts back.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-27 07:56:05 UTC Post #191802
Maybe I should start using this HLfix thingy everybody is talking about!
HLFix is absolutely essetial...It should be integrated into the compile automatically afaiconcerned ;)

Although it doesn't prevent the "invalid solid" error in hammer. You know how sometimes you'll build something in-editor, and it will look perfect...and then you compile, and then it's all buggered up? HLFix "fixes" that, and 99% of the time, before and after compile, the architectue will look the same :)

VOX: Pretty cool job, with tips and all--Do they tip in Jolly ol' England? :P

12 hours left in the toilet compo, so get 'em in!

I'll be posting the brief page for compo 5 shortly, because I'm not going to have time to do it later today.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-27 08:57:08 UTC Post #191806
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 12:16:14 UTC Post #191901
Compo #4 Results (meh)
User posted image
Ok, 1st Place goes to Elon Yariv, from his nice toilet in his Casa Del Administrator compo entry:

User posted image

A simple, yet undeniably nice shitter. Check out the rest of this superbly detailed map here.

2nd Place goes to my buttcrack for no good reason.

3rd Place goes to my friend Mark's buttcrack, also, for no good reason.

Special mention goes to VOX and Tosse, who at least displayed interest in entering the compo :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 12:44:07 UTC Post #191906
I still think i should get the bronze trophy anyways, since i did come in 3rd for the mini city.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 13:05:27 UTC Post #191909
Wow! What an awesome crapper. I need to get a copy of HL1 so I can start modeling some toilets too! :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 13:08:11 UTC Post #191913
If you liked my old map you'll love the remake, Rowleybob! :) It's much better then the old version. The living room has two floors in it and the aquarium is much bigger and more detailed. The ceiling has windows in it, and many many more. The house is much bigger and there will be a much more intresting and difficult way to get into it.

Because it's not for the compo it wont be in black masa. I'll make the sky and it will be in a rainy day, might be a bit foggy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 13:18:35 UTC Post #191914
n00b#2: I'm working on making "nice" scaled-down versions that match the originial TWHL comp icons, but for now, use this!
User posted image
Some more scaled down trophies from past mini compos, if you want to use them:

Worldcraft Dude:
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I think that's everybody :)

Elon: Sweet...can't wait :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-28 23:40:43 UTC Post #191948
so what's the new compo?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-29 06:45:20 UTC Post #191962
Two questions:

1. Did Rim model that trophy?
2. How come not many people entered the toilet one?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-29 08:18:03 UTC Post #191966
Because they were waiting for the lego compo.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-29 14:32:14 UTC Post #191976
so what's the new compo?
^^ look up 6 posts... oh very well :) :

Mini Compo #5 Brief Page

I'm going to attempt to remedy that today with a proper "mini compo" page, which will contain the past and current compo, just like the formal TWHL ones.

1. Yup.
2. Dunno. I thought it would be fun/easy/ and even a bit challenging, depending on how crazy you got with the detail...oh well :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 12:51:50 UTC Post #192030
Uhm, thats the wrong compo. Im not sure who made the original rules for the lego compo, i think it was Vox or M_Garg. Oh well.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 15:42:47 UTC Post #192037
lol I never made up rules for the lego compo but thanks :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 15:44:37 UTC Post #192038
I deleted the PM, so im not sure who came up with the idea.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 17:53:03 UTC Post #192043
LOL I thought it was yours Muzz :)

M_garg didn't come forward with any rules, so I just went ahead with your idea ;)

Look back at a couple of your posts about it. Didn't you say rebuild a HL map using lego blocks? :unsure:

Well since the Lego compo will most probably be a bust, it's all the more reason to start talking about a new one. Is anyone participtating in compo # 5 btw?

So if you have Ideas for a new compo, throw them out there!
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 18:00:39 UTC Post #192045
Look back at a couple of your posts about it. Didn't you say rebuild a HL map using lego blocks?
I did, but the Lego compo was not my idea though.
Well since the Lego compo will most probably be a bust
I hope not! I put a lot of work in those textures.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 18:11:14 UTC Post #192046
I hope not too, but nobody seems very interested, or at least not interested enought to do anything ;)

Even after listing preliminary rules for the lego compo and asking M_garg to amend/change them, he obviously couldn't be bothered to add anything, so I went ahead with what we had--which was a mistake.

Because of this, I'm not moving forward with another compo unless it is very well defined, or very simple--which makes it unecessary to define it well--, and of course, there has to be some interest in the idea.

It would also be great if the people who said they were going to participate actually did, but I suppose that is one of the age-old problems of mapping competitions :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 20:23:06 UTC Post #192054
It would also be great if the people who said they were going to participate actually did, but I suppose that is one of the age-old problems of mapping competitions :)

Anyway... ideas for compos: I suppose the one about building the inner-workings of a highly complex thing like a clock would be a nice idea? Custom content, 3days, the works n such. It would be a good opprotunity to excercise some fine-brusshwork skill :cool:
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-30 21:55:37 UTC Post #192058
Clock maybe....but there are better things to design. Engines, make a gun that you can walk through or something. That would be cool. Or have the compo be open ended, just map a machine on a much larger scale so you can see the way it works in the map.

Lego idea sounds fun, but doesn't REQUIRE advanced brsuhwork, which is what the whole idea is.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 08:30:59 UTC Post #192078
User posted image
im making progress
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 08:33:32 UTC Post #192079
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 08:58:48 UTC Post #192082
muzz.. you need to make an underside of the texture i used as the floor..check the roof..
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 10:07:46 UTC Post #192088
Actually, the floor texture you have there is not an existing lego texture. But oh well, ill make a underside texture for it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-31 10:23:35 UTC Post #192092
Hunter, not all the lego parts are blocks! I have a box full of lego and many of the parts are much more complicated. When I was young my brothers always laughed at me that I couldn't build with it as good as they could. Your level looks much worse then everything that ever I built.
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