Religion. Created 18 years ago2006-08-03 16:36:41 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Created 18 years ago2006-08-03 16:36:41 UTC by ZombieLoffe ZombieLoffe

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 14:45:14 UTC Post #192456
Seen that one highlander, terrible, but is it true?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 14:49:57 UTC Post #192458
Lol more people following religions than you thought huh? you think ppl would "go omfg yes!"?
No, it's just most sane people who dont believe in sky beings aren't stupid enough to enter another religeous discussion.

Religeon is invented to help people who cant face the face that we are all insignificant specs of life.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 15:24:06 UTC Post #192461
Out-take from "The cosmological code"
Perhaps the truth doesn't exist; ... but what man kind has seen as the truth keeps starring us in the eyes begging for sympathy.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 17:17:22 UTC Post #192475
Great pic, Elof.

Religion is shitty. QED.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 18:44:22 UTC Post #192493
I've not even bothered to read anything but the first few posts.

Religions beleive that God created everything, and you will ask "where did God come from?" We don't know, we just beleive he was there.

YOU beleive that a big bang happened, but when we ask you what exploded, or where the energy for such explosions came from, or where the laws of physics started, you say "We don't know, we just beleive it happened."

What is the difference between religious people and you? The religious people think that everything came from SOMETHING. You just think it appeared.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 18:57:29 UTC Post #192494
Again... people are futher proving my point. The non-religious always look at the bad of religion. They simple refuse to see any good in it. We try... again and again and again to show you the good. You just will not see it, many simple close their eyes and look away.

The snarkpit was the only place where I was able to show my beliefs, and the thread stayed on topic and logical at all times. They may not agree, but at least I was respected. Noone uttered such useless comments like, "religion is shitty."
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-04 20:34:35 UTC Post #192501
nickelplate, don't confuse people by sayinn "Religions believe that God created everthing," not all Religions are based around God with a capital G, but a god or diety of some form.

You should've said Christianity.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 00:21:25 UTC Post #192516
What I do have learned is a set of simple morals and guidelines which most religions share, but which atheist seem to lack.
I'm athiest and I have more morals and guidelines than most of the christians I know. Most of the christians I know are very fake, they pretend to be nice when they really aren't.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 02:01:11 UTC Post #192518
Then they don't really follow God or the bible, do they?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 05:00:42 UTC Post #192525
Strange, I could swear I've seen this thread a million times before. It usually goes something like this:

Somebody thinks they have something controversial to make a thread about.

People get pissed at the subject of the thread.

Somebody has a strong opinion about religion/politics

Somebody else disagrees with it.

Flame war starts.

The thread is closed.

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 05:38:29 UTC Post #192528
Scientology = A big fat Pile of shit. Anyone who believes in it is clearly far to gullible and stupid for their own good.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 06:02:38 UTC Post #192533
Completely different to all other religions, of course.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 09:45:30 UTC Post #192560
Scientology isn't the belief of science it's the disbelief. Like tom cruise. What a fucktard
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 12:37:02 UTC Post #192576
I personally believe that religion is someone's own buisness and no one elses. Not just people without it, but those crazy evangelicals too. Don't push your religion or lackthereof on other people.

Exception to this rule: Scientology. Scientology is the dumbest thing since war and everyone needs to know it. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 12:39:55 UTC Post #192578
Can someone explain what you believe in if you are a scientologist (at least the basics or something)
I have no idea
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 13:02:46 UTC Post #192582
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 13:05:37 UTC Post #192583

I wanted to flame that pile of nutty crap for a pretty long time..
A few facts, that I'd like to point out:

1. The religion was created by a smart-ass sci-fi writer, who believed, that the only way to make some decent money is to create your own religion. He admitted it later on.

2. Scientologists say, that each of us have an alien spirit (Body-Thetan) inside our heads, that is responsible for all of our troubles. We can strengthen and thus become richer, luckier or get rid of any illness/addiction, by paying them amazing ammounts of money and by using the E-Meter.

3. If you leave the cult, without authorization - the scientologists will dig in your biography, trying to find anything 'bad' about you and sell it to the media.

4. The scientologists actually call themselves a 'Non-profit organisation' and still ask the cult members to pay astronomical prices for nothing and use huge mansions as 'religion centers'.

5. They say, that aliens have invaded earth hundreds of millions of years ago and killed the dinosaurs with bombs, because "Errupting volcanoes just weren't enough to kill them". The bomb was so strong, that it killed the aliens and left thousands of souls, that have attached themselves to us.

Tom Cruise once said: "Some people, well, if they don't like Scientology, well then, fuck you. Really. Fuck you." Twisted tard, or what?
Scientology is a global racket, that involves blackmailing and financial crimes. It was created by a guy, who wanted to make money. It is so full of shit, that it's the strangest thing, that some morons actually fall for it.
It's not a religion - it's a fucking army of fanatics that make rich disabled idiots believe, that shoving huge sums of money up your ass actually helps you getting off the needle, or performing better at your job.
Scamming hopeless primates is one thing, but bashing and hunting down critics is just fucking sick.

How no-one considers this illegal, is beyond me. The scientologists deserve to be bashed with a cross and have a stick with rusty nails sticking out shoved up their ass. :

User posted image

(Rods of the E-Meter shown in the pic.)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 13:23:32 UTC Post #192584
Yay! but we can pretend they're dildos!!! ^_^

I agree that scientology is a crock of shit, but they're just as bad/good as any other religion imo...excepth that is, for Buddhism--Buddhism pwns all :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-05 13:27:40 UTC Post #192585
That's more than I knew.
They must be really twisted. O.o

I saw the guy who created scientology on TV once (of course it was a re-run), or - at least I think it was him, I'm pretty sure.
He "contacted" ailiens during the show, and talked to them.
It was obviously fake but some idiots bought it for some reason.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 18:59:48 UTC Post #192705
noob #2, God with a capital G is in ALL of the religions that Zombieloffe's picture is making fun of. Islam has Allah, Judaeism has Yahweh, and Christianity has God. He's the same god in all these. Read up on it so you will know stuff. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 19:21:19 UTC Post #192708
I wasn't referring to those specific religions. I was referring to ALL religions.
Simple misunderstanding.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-06 19:26:21 UTC Post #192709
not really that funny. This just looks like you are looking for an excuse to fight with people.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 04:44:09 UTC Post #192732
Most worldly religions with the concept of an afterlife say that if you dont believe in the specific tenets of that religion then you will face an eternal or long suffering damnation in the firey pits of the underworld or hell.

Thus everyone goes to hell, what a shitter.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 05:25:30 UTC Post #192733
Can you show us any example of that?
What do you mean exactly by "religions say"? Do you mean the people who belong to that religion say that? Or do their spiritual leaders say that? Or their sacred books say that?
It's amazing how much cinema and books has been shaping the views of those who don't really know about religion. As someone said earlier, you are taught since you are little to hate religion and given examples of the horrible things "religion" (not humans or humanity, just the evil religion) has done.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 06:54:07 UTC Post #192736
As I said, the tenets of that religion, which could be anything written or implied. According to the Christian faith, if you dont believe in God and the ressurection of his son Jesus Christ, you goto hell. If you dont believe in the Mormon 'new testement' and the second coming of Jesus in america then you will goto hell. If you don't follow Scientology you will not live on a cloud with L Ron Hubbard or something. Et cetera et fucking cetera.

Your comment is so astoundingly stereotypical its funny, I was brought up as a god fearing individual in a very christian school based around a 1000 year old church. However they still made the seperation between faith and other subjects so I was able to make the conscious choice to believe in the entirety of scientific principles over any religious ones.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 08:07:49 UTC Post #192745
also, all religion is wrong and anyone who believes in religion is stupid and everything can be proven except maths
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 09:54:53 UTC Post #192750
lol jobabob I understood everything up until your last post :D

The only fact that I needed to know to start being athiest is, if you believe in one religion, and not others, you go to hell or whatever, or some bad thing happens. If that happens with all religions, I can't go this hell AND that hell if I don't believe either! There wasn't religion around with the cro-magnon man days, i wonder if they are in "hell" because they didn't believe. Somebody invented the dang thing...for what purpose we do not- wait we DO know! To control the masses! Yay problem solved athiests rule :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 10:54:48 UTC Post #192752
anything is better than being a flipping relitivist, MAKE YOUR AR$*%!%ING MIND UP
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 11:23:37 UTC Post #192753
3 other points in why religion is stupid, (I think of it as a sort of guidlines so I dont piss people off, but I sure dont believe the storys)..

Why would god, or any of the other religions gods, give adam and eve "Equipment" if they didn't plan on them being used, and so we were forced out of the garden of eden.. And,

"Why would god, or any of the other religions gods" say this "Believe it or go to hell" thing when there are millions of people in south america and africa that havn't even seen white people before..... It gives them no chance, and so, that would be HIGHLY unfair to them. And,

If god is all powerfull, can he create a rock that he cannot lift.. If he cant lift it, he isn't all powerfull, and if he cant create it, he isn't all powerfull. Those cancelling each other out prove that the "All Powerfull" concept cant simply exist..
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 11:48:49 UTC Post #192755
True man! Crazy people who let their life get controlled because of a book.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 13:43:53 UTC Post #192761
God gave adam and eve "Equipment" because like all animals he wants us to "be fruitful and multiply" (read bible plz..) So why would he tell us that and not give us that equipment. However, Christians don't beleive in casual sex (i suppose that is what you are referring to?) because it is not fruitful, because protection is used and no "fruit" is borne.

God didn't create the world under the pretense of "believe or die" He created it with the assumption that people would use thier free will to be good. and When they didn't, god gives us a second chance with Jesus. That is like saying that all Rescue ship workers are a-holes at the site of a shipwreck because they give a choice by saying "take this life-preserver or you'll drown eventually." It's not the rescuers fault that you shipwrecked.

Actually, He CAN create a rock that is so big he can't lift it. Once again, your minds are failing to think on a cosmic scale. Assuming that God does exist and he can arbitrarily create rocks:
Let's say god created a rock that is the biggest and most massive thing in the universe; would that object not have the most gravitational pull because it has the most mass therefore there would be nothing that he could lift it FROM. He could, however, move the rock within the emptiness of space. It is physically impossible to have an immovable object.
So YES God can create a rock that he cannot lift, but it is due to a lack of other objects from which to lift the rock, not from God's inability. Not everything happens on Earth you know... :roll:

For an explanation of how free will works and why nobody can ever prove God, visit my page it's a post from another forum, so you may not know what one or two things is referring to, but being progressive individuals you can surely figure it out from the context clues...
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 13:56:11 UTC Post #192762
I just think all religion is silly. It's a good way to keep your subjects in line though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 14:00:01 UTC Post #192763
what? no response to my post?
TheDistur, first of all, who has "subjects" anymore? second, the worst governmental systems on earth try to abolish religion. Nazism, Communism, FAscism.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 14:08:47 UTC Post #192764
Well now you don't need religion to control your people because you have big enough armies, secret police, etc. Nope no response to your post, I don't really feel like discussing, just throwing out my two cents.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 14:12:28 UTC Post #192765
While religion usually speaks of love and respect, we are seeing multiple examples of atheist insulting and attacking others for being different. Einstein is now considered silly and immature because he believed in a god. Funny.

I'm not a believer but at least I was taught to be respectful and comprehensive with others. No matter how much you argue, it seems a non-religious education can't even guarantee as much as that! :(
What do you get by insulting those who have some faith? To me it just sounds like a lot of people here are insecure about their beliefs. Some are even pissed when someone tells them they are going to a place called Hell which they don't even believe in! It's weird...
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 15:07:01 UTC Post #192771
Believe what you will, a philosophy to live by. Nobody can be sure of what is actually out there [until they die] so it is ridiculous to argue over which religion is the "right one". Some christians believe that all other religions are just Satan pulling them away from the truth. Now how those people know that Christianity isn't actually some other religion's satanic equivalent pulling them away from the "truely real" religion? They don't. Thus I have come to live by "believe what you will". Stay faithful to what you believe and leave others alone. Let them go about their own business and stop trying to enforce what you think you know onto them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 16:09:27 UTC Post #192781
Worldcraft Dude, that's a great philosophy. But for many people, especially Christians and Muslims, part of "what they believe" is that other will suffer eternal torment for thier inaction. That is why they try to tell everyone about it. The only reason i see for spreading Atheism is to spread despair tto those who once had hope, or to try to get people on a "righteous path" to slip up and do something unrighteous, so that the instigator can feel that this instance of hypocrisy can wipe out all the truths presented in the righteous one's religion. Pure insecurity.

"Man instead of calling it a religion, I am going to call it 'imaginary friends' to make them look bad." Well, I'll tell you this: Atheism is just about the newest religion and was written by man just as much as any other.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 16:28:28 UTC Post #192783
Kk nickelplate, but you did contradict yourself on the rock thing though.. If he cant lift such an object under gravity, then he isnt all powerfull.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 16:36:18 UTC Post #192784
Amen. I think we should end this discussion for now. Everything is just gonna go in a circle. All of us are just gonna say the same things over and over again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 16:53:18 UTC Post #192786
TheGrimReafer, you can't "lift" something if there is not a downward force exerted on it. Without the gravity of a greater object, he would only be "moving" the rock. It's a lack of gravity that keeps the movement from being called "lifting."

Thus, all parameters of the allegory are satisfied: He made a rock, and it is so massive that he cannot "lift" it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 17:33:41 UTC Post #192788
Id just like to add the following to an argument about an infinate being that cannot be proved being unable to lift an unproven infinate rock of its own creation

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 18:18:20 UTC Post #192789
Someone does this every time I successfully answer one of your "stumper" inquiries. Nobody's making you read the thread, so if you don't want to hear it, don't read it aloud; if you don't want to read it, don't click the link.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 22:41:39 UTC Post #192801
If god could create an object that he himself cannot lift, then he wouldn't be "all powerfull". But if he couldn't it means he's "all powerfull", you see to be powerfull is to have power over something, power to create everything and everything. But if you are able to create that object that you can't handle, you ain't got the power. Do you understand?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-07 23:55:12 UTC Post #192812
But it's not his own lack of power that prevents him from "lifting" it, it's the fact that no matter what direction it goes, it cannot be referred to as "lifting" even though he could surely be able to move it.

And if he wanted to make a rock that he can't lift, then I'm sure he could use something absolutely beyond our understanding to do so.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 01:03:06 UTC Post #192815
Religion, once something gets beyond explaining, something beyond comprehension comes into play.

My point is though nickel, he should be able to lift it "manually" under any condition. As you said, since "lift" involves gravity into play, I mean that the situation should be done under gravity.

I bow out to nickels unflinching knowledge of the bible.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 04:33:48 UTC Post #192830
no nickelplate this argument is FUCKING STUPID, stop talking shite already. You seem to be proposing like you are some religious philosophical genius because you can 'prove god cannot be proved to exist'. Your posts are infuriating to read once more.

You are honestly trying to propose what an infinate being that cannot be comprehended can and cannot do, the whole concept is so amazingly pointless to even discuss.

Anyway, superman could beat up god any day of the week.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 11:02:15 UTC Post #192850
And chuck norris on crack could beat up superman
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 11:34:01 UTC Post #192851
Chuck norris could eat superman for breakfast even if he isn't on crack!
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 11:51:54 UTC Post #192853
No one can prove God exists, and no one can prove he doesn't exist. Can we just close this?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-08 11:58:42 UTC Post #192854
Halo4life: I think the reason why the discussion is going on is that the athiests just can't stop before they have "proven" that god doesn't exist.
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