Problem with Skybox Created 16 years ago2007-10-01 15:25:30 UTC by Kill_the_Bug Kill_the_Bug

Created 16 years ago2007-10-01 15:25:30 UTC by Kill_the_Bug Kill_the_Bug

Posted 16 years ago2007-10-01 15:25:30 UTC Post #235401
Hi All,

Ok here's what I've done and yes you're porbably thinking - oh no not again! :D

Opened source - taken images for sky box saved them as .tga for DoD put them in the gfx/env folder where rest of skybox textures are, callled them

V2_up, dn, rt, lt, bk, ft. put into map properties environment V2_ fast compile - no vis - no rad - launch and select my new map - gets to parsing info then crashes - any ideas?

and just while we're on the topic - most source textures I see are 512x512 - will this cause crashes or should I reduce them to 256x256? I know that game will crash if large wad file used but I figured that I could chop on the wads into smaller files - by using more wads - 4 max. Using the source textures is making my map look very cool. If I use the 512x512 how much of a difference will it make in r_speeds - anyone know? :nuts:
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-01 15:44:03 UTC Post #235410
Are you taking textures from Source to use in HL1?

You should shrink them down to 256x256 for textures and skies. Its not a good idea to use textures over 256 in either dimension.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-01 15:55:36 UTC Post #235413
yep that's what I'm doing - makes HL1, CS1.6, DoD look uber cool!
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 03:32:42 UTC Post #235441
And also illegal.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 04:28:05 UTC Post #235444
Yeah, cos Valve is really gonna sue.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:05:09 UTC Post #235478
Why would this be illegal? I own both 1.6 and Source. I make maps on their software to run on the steam platform owned by them- hence I take an image that they have created and put it into a map but a different version of the same game. I believe that if you placed it before a judge and gave the same explanation and asked him/her to apply the reasonable person test on it - then it shouldn't be a problem. If it is then that same judge would then have to issue a decree in vavour of Valve/Steam and order them to shut down every single server world wide that had a custom map on it. You would then be forced to play de_dust etc only - both now and forever = it would kill their game/market because most gamers would never stand for it - Notice From Valve/Steam - we won a lawsuit - your server is running a custom map - you will now have to play de_dust only.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:12:18 UTC Post #235479
sorry typo above should be "favour"
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:13:45 UTC Post #235480

Then hit the edit button. Doh! :nuts:
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:20:39 UTC Post #235481
:nuts: i missed seeing it sorry but I :heart: you muzzle!!
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:29:45 UTC Post #235485
Why would this be illegal?
It's not -- as long as you keep your works to yourself.

Technically, it can become illegal though. I'll explain -

For example - you make a CS 1.6 map using CS:Source Textures which you converted. You then release your map.

Someone who doesn't own CS:Source then downloads your map -- you just gave them some textures they didn't pay for.

Then it's illegal.

Can't see you going to court over it though, unless you're somehow profiting from it.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:33:13 UTC Post #235487
Hey thanks playbus - didn't look at it that way. What if the textures were embeded into the map - I think that would help more wouldn't it?
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:38:07 UTC Post #235488
Not really. It's easy to extract the textures again.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 16:49:53 UTC Post #235496
Ok tx for the tip on you can extract again - is there any other reason the skybox isn't loading - I see that skybox textures are tga files - my skybox textures are the same.
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 16:52:53 UTC Post #235497
i always thought sky textures were bitmaps, that is what i use for custom skyboxes
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 16:56:03 UTC Post #235498
.tga works too
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
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