Inspired by "Favourite films". So, which was the last movie you saw and what did you think about it?
Mine was a japanese movie called "Pulse" (aka Kairo). In a nutshell it's about a website on which you can see real ghosts. Whoever visits the website will commit suicide. Pulse follows the standard J-horror template, which today is starting to get a bit old, but it was released in Japan in '99 I think so I can't really hold lack of originality against it. The camerawork is pretty interesting, and it has some subtle details like how the streets become more and more deserted as the movie goes on, symbolising isolation and depression. I don't know if some things were lost in translation or whatever, but I had trouble following the plot from time to time. All in all an okay movie, though not good enough to warrant the cult following I've heard it has in Japan. 4.5/10