I was thinking about getting some people together to make a real pc game that we could sell for a little bit and actually have a cd and everything. Can you sell halflife mods?.. Even with some of their content used?
I could contribute mapping and compose all of the music. I could also make models but I need a little more practice. I would just need coders, texture makers, and modelers. Im really just thinking out loud and seeing what anyone else thinks about doing this together. I imagine a plot somewhere slightly in the future with somewhat a theme like half life two but with the gold engine. I love adventure games as well, it would be cool to make one somewhat like zelda. I know this seems impossible but we would plan everything out from the beggining and try to actually finish. Not everything would be perfect and we could sell it for like 10 bucks. Its not so much about the money but I just feel that charging some ammount would drive us to make the game so much better and it would target the public more. We would come up with a team and decide who does what once the game is planned out, set dead lines for everything and make it happen. I know its hard to find coders that can do all this but we could have quite a few working together and the game doesn't have to have any crazy features. Just a really well put together story line.