Castle Disposed Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Created 15 years ago2009-07-03 01:00:14 UTC by Tetsu0 Tetsu0

Posted 14 years ago2009-11-22 17:16:17 UTC Post #275935
2.88GHZ core 2 duo, 4 gig ram, geforce 8800GTS
Idk why but my computer doesn't like goldsource. It flies with the source SDK
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-28 14:35:50 UTC Post #276128
I hate work, I'm going to try to finish up that map this weekend.
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-28 21:20:45 UTC Post #276133
I've had Windows 7 ever since it was leaked and never had a problem with GoldSource
You know the final version of a software has no problems with another program when...
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-28 21:23:28 UTC Post #276134
When what?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2009-11-28 21:43:41 UTC Post #276135
When the leaked version has no problems with it. :|
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-16 22:10:04 UTC Post #276696
mod is done, yes?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-17 15:51:06 UTC Post #276728
Not even close psilous. My finals are not done yet, but work is slow anyway.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-17 21:05:14 UTC Post #276735

also, I don't know if i said it before.. however theres an error I believe I forgot to mention in the entry I submitted. (the one that has spongebob textures all over the place in it)

That big clusterf*ck of multimanagers near the beginning (like, right outside the little theater looking entrance) are all check boxed 'multithreaded', I believe. Which causes the map to crash (if they aren't multithreaded don't worry about it)

I know this because i'm using that exact light set up in another map I was making, and it kept crashing on me.. finally realized that's what it was

anyways, good luck on finals
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:40:41 UTC Post #277116
Hey I got a little done. Trying to fuse three maps is a little bit more difficult then I imagined.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-03 18:26:21 UTC Post #277264
Tracking... oh wait this isn't Moddb

I'll recycle some maps too.. in a few months
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-13 13:49:19 UTC Post #277855
Tetsu0, have you disposed Castle Disposed?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-13 17:37:40 UTC Post #277862
yeaaah.. i wanna see it finished!! i added a really funky mix blobber map..

..i couldn't ever beaten it.. only once :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-25 03:08:10 UTC Post #278382
no i have not disposed it, life walls me off from anything constructive....., plus i need to move all the files to my XP slave computer..., WIN 7 doesnt like Hammer 3.4 =[
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-25 03:34:46 UTC Post #278383
did you try a virtual os like huntey did?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-25 04:54:17 UTC Post #278385
Hammer on my Windows 7 comp runs fine for me. I had to:
1) Get the 9.12 ATi dtivers. (You don't because, well you have an nVidia card)
2) Set Hammer's program compatibility to Windows XP SP3
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-25 13:09:48 UTC Post #278388
I have the 64-bits version of Windows 7 and a NVidia GeForce card and Hammer works fine.

Still, you beter finish, i did not submitted my crapmaps for nothing. :D
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-31 16:05:17 UTC Post #278389
I haven't tried compatibility mode, idk why.I'll have to see about that, and i need to see if my drivers have anything to do with it. I have every intention of finishing Muzz, but this semester in School is a killer. My Final project is taking up 80% of my time outside of work and school. The other is devoted to G/F and family time. I'll put up a giant sticky note on the wall behind my monitor so when i DO find some down-time i'll remember to work on it.

Your string of maps is next to be worked on.

I think i have to re-design the castle though, either that or just add floors and basement levels... or seperate rooms with locked doors like mario 64...

Right now there's just 'energy' barriers in front of the pictures of the levels preventing you from accessing them.

I have 4 stages all in and linked NOT-including a training map i found lying around that i will actually set to be the training course in the mod.
Should I ModDB this?
Working on Atom's Submissions as we speak. I moved my slave HD to my Slave computer and will resume working on C.D. From this machine.

The slave machine runs atom's first map at 4.3FPS. This is a P4 @ 2.45 GHZ with a radeon 9550 video card. Brand new winXP SP3 installation... the machine is on its knees :(

My computer runs it at 50 fps... therefore the map needs optimization. I spent an hour placing some hint brushes here and there and i got the map to run at 64fps on the P4 machine... I hope i dont have this much trouble with the rest of the 11 map mod =] But it just goes to show you how much optimization is muy importanto.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-31 17:29:10 UTC Post #278570
Say, is this project still open for contributions?
Might have around... 1GB of maps that never got done because of loss of inspiration, school, job etc. :P
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-31 17:44:30 UTC Post #278572
Yes it's nowhere near complete and i dont think it's going to be any problem if we add another map. Just find a map that you put a lot of work into but never quite got around to finishing. Post it to the unfinished vault and link it here. I'll toss it into the mix!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-31 18:21:44 UTC Post #278576
Ah, cool. Expect to see a lot of random stuff in near future.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-19 20:38:53 UTC Post #279104
Gah, I keep getting drawn away from finishing.

I got more done though. tentative thumbs up
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-22 12:15:33 UTC Post #279159
Sounds good. Atom's string of maps is complete and working. I need to overhaul the original castle design and switch out the pictures to teleporters behind doors. More half life ish, easier to control the level flow.

Or you guys can help out as well. If anyone wants to, they can post up a floor plan or layout for a castle. My creative juices are in a bind - College - final semester - muchos reportos.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-22 13:11:17 UTC Post #279161
Castles? Plans? I'm your man. What kind of castle do you want?
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-22 13:32:45 UTC Post #279162
I have lots of unfinished maps, most of them are on old computers that probably got trashed by now. I'll get something together for this once I get a chance. Oh cool, well what do you need the castle to do, Ie. player starts out in courtyard, and can reach all teleports at same time but only go in some until others are unlocked, how many teleportedrs?, etc.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-22 23:10:39 UTC Post #279179
Stu, i need something big. Think the mario castle scale, but i don't want to copy it. It needs rooms for each level, and the ability for certain areas to be completely locked off. Each individual door will be locked at one point so that's no big deal really.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-23 00:15:05 UTC Post #279183
So what you need is the keep, and not the whole thing then? (too bad, I wanted to see my gatehouse and portcullis put to use :P )

I'm not sure I've seen the Mario castle map, but I'll take a look.

I'll see if I can come up with some castley floor plan with a lot of rooms.
Posted 14 years ago2010-02-23 02:28:44 UTC Post #279184
This is cool, I love going through my old forgotten unfinished maps. You should get a key in each area that opens a door to the next and tells you what door it goes to.

Penrhyn castle is a pretty cool place to look for inspiration. And dont forget moats and bridges.

Edit: oh collect twhl emblem, got it, thats way cooler.

It would probably help to know how many rooms it needs or atleast about how many.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-17 03:35:07 UTC Post #281919
Bumped by request.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-17 04:47:22 UTC Post #281920
But why!
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-17 10:02:23 UTC Post #281922
Because i started work on it again.
After i graduated from College, i thought i would have all the time in the world to work on this.
Even though currently, i'm unemployed, i've been working every day on some other stuff. I've applied to countless places and have had about 5 interviews, (2 i'm still waiting to hear back from that seemed promising)
I'm taking another class to get my boating and PWC (personal water craft) certificate.
I tutor my cousin in algebra, our house had water damage so i've been in the attic sorting through everything making sure we can keep some things and not throw everything out.
There have been other household projects as well- new light posts in front yard - Gotta dig trenches, lay piping, insulate it all, make sure the breaker is off so i don't electrocute myself - dig more holes, lay concrete ect ect. Throw into the mix the slew of other graduation parties and birthday parties and what not.

So these are all just excuses.
Another reason is i just plain forgot.
The band is back together as well, and we're 3 songs away from finishing our second album which is looking incredibly promising. We've been booking shows left and right.


I need to revamp this whole project.
I'm gonna get all the triggers working and grouped together in the first level.
After that's done then i'll make it look pretty.

What i'm going to need from the community is a castle:

Something large and explorable - Something along the lines of Super Mario 64. Needs a front gate, separate rooms, corridors, secret passages, anything.
I have a light to install on top a light post, and a book to read, and i have class at 7:00PM. It's currently 10:00AM, so i have almost all day to work on this - and i don't have any plans for tomorrow.

Keep the faith skals.

More excuses:
I moved the entire project to an older computer. It's no longer a link to my desktop. But hammer 4 seems to like windows 7 again, so back to this computer it goes!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-17 10:21:45 UTC Post #281923
Wow. You have alot of excuses.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-17 16:01:21 UTC Post #281932
I'll submit some shi- I mean unfinished mapas later when I get the internets.

You'll be surprised how many I have.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 14:59:16 UTC Post #282141
Ok I suppose i should update y'all as to what i have done and what i'm working on.
hotdog's map - done / implemented
captain terror's map - done / implemented
The Mighty Atoms's MOD - fixed, done, implemented
skals' map pack - done, will implement after TMA's is complete.

What i need to do now, is make one giant wad from the slew of wads i have received, and go back into each level and re-texture everything by replacing the names and all that junk. What a pain.
After that, well i still have my work cut out for me because i need to re-make the castle. As it stands it's very blah, and it doesn't really have any room for growth.
I'm sure there's more im missing but it's coming together
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:09:49 UTC Post #282143
Ah I forgot about this Tetsu0 and didn't even know I submited something. If you need some help (aslong as it's not too much), I'll help you out on whatever your doing atm.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:19:55 UTC Post #282146
Well i think i have everything under control. for the most part it's just organizing level changes and the like.

Ok.. Castle disposed mini compo while we're waiting for the regular one to show up.

Compo Time!

Make a castle similar in scale to Mario 64.
Needs: Rooms and hallways, semi interesting layout - easy on the eyes.
Needs NOT: Fancy Textures.

Winner gets: Easter egg within the mod, plus you can say, "Hey, I built that castle"

If nobody enters, well, my lame-ass castle will reign.

Oh - You got a week. START!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:21:32 UTC Post #282147
But I haven't played Mario 64 :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:26:51 UTC Post #282148
Well then that's unfair.
User posted image
That's a sweet look.

Footprint will be 4,000 x 2,000 units max [top down view]
And multiple floors are def a plus.

A layout that allows for unlockable areas to be accessed at different times would be a plus.

Secrets places also cool :]
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:26:53 UTC Post #282149

I'm just going to make a castle they way i want and if you don't like it fu.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:27:44 UTC Post #282150
dungeon is a plus, I would love to make a dungeon for the castle...
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:29:45 UTC Post #282151
Yeah make whatever you'd like. Make something you think is cool.

So compo is closed at 3:15 pm EST.
Not that it matters much.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:31:03 UTC Post #282152
That's a nice looking old castle. I don't know it, but it looks English. Where is it?
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:32:37 UTC Post #282153
comp closed when what day
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:33:06 UTC Post #282154
Man, this is too much trouble, I'll let all the newbies do the work :>
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:33:16 UTC Post #282155
7 days from today, I guess. That would mean next Sunday.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:45:08 UTC Post #282156
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:54:19 UTC Post #282157
chill with the f word.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 15:57:18 UTC Post #282158
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 16:21:29 UTC Post #282160
That's enough of that, calm down, dude. :/

@ Tetsu0: so the castle should not exceed 4,000 x 2,000 units? Can it be any size as long as it does'nt exceed those values?
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 16:27:11 UTC Post #282161
I still want to know if it needs an outer wall or it's only the keep.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-20 17:29:23 UTC Post #282166
tet why do you have to go through and retexture everything? for rooms i just wadmerged new textures to the rooms.wad, and i didn't have to retexture anything...
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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