Hey guys i need more help.
I am making a death run map, and i have set up a trap that has lasers and i want that trap to stay active for 3 seconds and deactive for 2 and fire again.
And if the player jumps trough the beams he should die.
But the player doesn't die even when i have set 10000 dmg... env_beam
starting entity - lwr1a
ending entity - lwr1b
render FX - normal
brightness - 100
beam color - 255 128 0
radius - 256
life - 3
width of beam - 50
ammount of noise - 10
sprite name - sprites/laserbeam.spr
texture scroll rate - 35
Strike again time - 2
damage / second - 10000
I use those settings and FLAG start on.
Also can i some how make it that when laser strikes trigger hurt activates? Thanks.