Entity help triggering breakable glass Created 11 years ago2013-06-07 17:11:20 UTC by Malle Malle

Created 11 years ago2013-06-07 17:11:20 UTC by Malle Malle

Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 17:11:20 UTC Post #313864
I'm wondering how to trigger a func_breakable(glass) once a round. i tried:

trigger_multiple > func_button reset -1 > func_breakable.
trigger_multiple > func_door reset -1 > func_breakable.

both didnt work.

Can some one help me out ?
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 17:36:58 UTC Post #313865
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? I WAS ABOUT TO ASK THE SAME THING!!! :D LOL, sorry I cant help, but if you dont mind PM-ing me what you're going to do, give me a little heads up? :3
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-07 18:34:00 UTC Post #313866
Do you want it to break at the beginning of each round? If so, make a part of it invisible and have the invisible part cover both teams' entire spawn areas. Then set "strength" to 0 and flag "Touch" and "Pressure".
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 06:15:16 UTC Post #313881
  • make func_door outside of your map. And put that breakable as target. And mby add triggeronce dat activatets those doors for 1st round
*set f_breakable name to 'game_playerspawn' so it will be triggered when someone spawns.

First point should work great
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 12:18:17 UTC Post #313889
What i meant is not that it should break on round_start. but i wanted to break it if you walk into it(not touch) because you will slow down than.. i wanted:

Break by trigger_(multiple/once) but if you put reset of multiple to -1 it will not reset on next round.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 19:48:43 UTC Post #313895
Alright, I think I have a solution. Use these and simulate a func_breakable.
Here is what you need to do;

func_wall_toggle (the glass/window itself)
env_shooter(s) (shoots glass gibs)
ambient_generic (glass break sound)
trigger_multiple (triggers multi_manager)
trigger_relay (for turning multisource on or off)
multisource (master of the trigger_multiple)
multi_manager (triggers the func_breakable effect)

Setup - When func_wall_toggle gets triggered and becomes invisible/nonsolid, env_shooter will shoot several glass gibs around and ambient_generic will play the sound of a breaking glass.

Step 1 - trigger_multiple with its master set to the name of the multisource triggers -> multi_manager

Step 2 - multi_manager triggers func_wall_toggle, env_shooter(use more than 1 if you want) and ambient_generic. It also triggers the trigger_relay which turns off the multisource thus rendering trigger_multiple untriggerable for the rest of the round.

Step 3 - Trigger the func_wall_toggle at round start so that it becomes visible/solid again. Also turn on the multisource via another trigger_relay at round start so that it makes trigger_multiple triggerable again.

Step 4 - You have a func_breakable looking thing that become breakable every round via the trigger_multiple around it.

It should work, I think.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 20:33:56 UTC Post #313896
If you're talking about CS, it will reset on EVERY round. Always.

Absolutely everything gets reset on round restart except things that weren't in either state (i.e if a door was in the process of opening, at neither "open" nor "closed" state, it will be open on the next round).

I think you can only do this sort of thing in Source (cs_havana, I'm looking at you)
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-08 21:19:40 UTC Post #313898
for Sajo, i will check what i can do with that !! looks like a real good concept.

DiscoStu, its offtopic and i don't know your point on this. trigger_once doesnt reset. and func_door triggers when open/close both !
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 10:08:13 UTC Post #313909
About step three:

Step 3 - Trigger the func_wall_toggle at round start so that it becomes visible/solid again. Also turn on the multisource via another trigger_relay at round start so that it makes trigger_multiple triggerable again.

'at round start' is there any name that goes along with this?
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 10:49:33 UTC Post #313911
Hmm, well I'm not sure what you are mapping for so I assumed it had some sort of an entity that is able to trigger at round start.

But there is a gimmicky way to make a trigger that only works at round starts, with the HL1 entities. (HL1 mod AG had an elimination match mode I think)

I assume you are using info_player_deathmatch, so place the info_player_deathmatch(s) in an isolated hollowed box a bit outside the map.
Place a trigger_multiple under it and a trigger_teleport (for each info_player_deathmatch).

Player spawns, falls through the trigger_multiple(triggers the step 3 thing) and into the trigger_teleport, which then teleports the player to the specified info_teleport_destination (spawn point) on the map.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 12:21:50 UTC Post #313916
To be honest, i think this solution doesn't work because multisource needs 2 or more activated 'entities' to work.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 13:02:14 UTC Post #313917
To be honest, i think this solution doesn't work because multisource needs 2 or more activated 'entities' to work.
That is not true if I'm remembering correctly, if there are more than one entities targeting the multisource, then both of them needs to be active in order for multisource to be "turned on". But if only one entity is targeting the multisource, it should work with that too.

The real problem is, I'm not sure if multisource can be turned off via trigger_relay. I need to test it. It has been a while since I last touched goldsource. But if trigger_relays do not work, there are always tons of other ways to make it work. I'm quite busy these weeks, but I'll try to make a few tests on it next week.
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 13:59:24 UTC Post #313918
I'm wondering how to fix my problem.. 'trigger the func_breakable before you walk into it.'


I'm trying to do this:
trigger_multiple> multi_manager > trigger_changetarget(target='multiple'), func_breakable

on spawn: trigger_multiple(delay='30', target='trigger_changetarget2') will reset the multiple target

so i will put every single Terrorist in a box that will teleport them to the spawn i made already.

But if the round is less than 30 seconds playing it will cost problems with the resetting

and if some one joins after round is started(still spawns) and 20 seconds after the player were spawned. it bugs if the delay is less than 30secs.. so this is an another issue on my map..

Anyone that has an easier solution?
Posted 11 years ago2013-06-09 16:38:25 UTC Post #313922
func_door with -1 works once a round...this could be the intermediary...that if I understood your question right
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