I am Badaluyah, a Half-Life modder like you.
Few years ago as Windows Vista came out, I, ike everyone else, was troubled with the old HL model viewer.
For years I was writing my own viewer that would overcome this error and many others too.
I know it is a big and productive Half-Life community, I decided to post it here as well.
This is the list of currently available facilities in my program:
- does almost everything that Jed's viewer does.
- it fixes controller bugs
- it fixes texture bugs and allows render modes
- it partially supports half-life 2 and portal 2 models
- it allows large 8192 textures
- it allows import and export of bmp, gif, png and tga
- it allows merging animations
- it allows exporting of models and frames to .smd and .obj
- supports loading from .pak and .gcf archives
- allows viewing of blendings
- can export list of animations to C++ file
- plug-in system is planned.
Thank you.