TWHL looks nice and works well.
But I am here to vouch for removing the auto-locking of threads. People coming here with complicated projects that need a few months between updates find their threads locked after 90 days. And then you are naturally hesitant to open up a new thread just to continue the original thread - which has the feeling of using the forum wrong or posting unwelcome spam.
I found this thread recently and wanted to post my appreciation, but I couldn't:, I've posted about my own stuff here long ago where there was a lot of work involved for little attention. A normal update to the respective thread couldn't be made later on and I didn't want to bother the community with new dead thread stubs.
The merit of autolocking is that you don't have to deal with necro-bumps, but as it's configured now, I'm convinced that this downside outweighs the hassle occasional moderation of an unjustified bump greatly. It would be great of the timeout was removed or bumped up to at least a year.
Thanks for all the work you've invested.