Any coders out there? Created 1 year ago2023-03-13 18:56:20 UTC by mickeyrat mickeyrat

Created 1 year ago2023-03-13 18:56:20 UTC by mickeyrat mickeyrat

Posted 1 year ago2023-03-13 18:56:20 UTC Post #347384
I could use some help with coding for GoldSrc.
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 10:54:36 UTC Post #347385
Can you provide (a lot) more info? Nobody's gonna help if they don't know what the problem is.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 16:07:43 UTC Post #347388

I'm working on a HL1 creepypasta mod called "Real Suffering", it is a creepypasta mod based off of mainly suicidemouse.avi and it's recreations, along with references to other obscure media that include Mickey Mouse in it.

You play as Mortimer Mouse, a veteran with PTSD who lost his wife (Minerva) after a bad breakup. He is going through a psychotic phase as he walks down a linear city, seeking to shoot any "visions" of his psychosis. It's inspired by other dark mods such as Afraid of Monsters and They Hunger.

Here are some screenshots of some of the content you will see in the mod:
This references March of the Wooden Soldiers, AKA Babes in ToylandThis references March of the Wooden Soldiers, AKA Babes in Toyland
Mortimer ZombieMortimer Zombie
Vietnam Mortimer Grunt (This references a piece of lost media called "Short Subject or "Mickey Mouse in Vietnam")Vietnam Mortimer Grunt (This references a piece of lost media called "Short Subject or "Mickey Mouse in Vietnam")
Mortimer, wounded in the warMortimer, wounded in the war
Now in regards to coding... This project uses OP4's dll, and I need help with editing that so that we could have things such as:
  • Hostile barney NPCs
  • Boss fights
  • DMC/Quake-stylized ammo system
  • Red HUD color
  • Scientist NPCs that cower away from you
  • The list goes on.
I hope that provides as much info as you need. If not, tell me.
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 18:30:48 UTC Post #347389
Ooh, now we're talking!

Just for the record, you can't "edit" DLL files, they are compiled binary blobs just like MDL and BSP. You gotta obtain the source code that these DLLs result in compiling.

You can use Solokiller's HL OpFor SDK:

Hostile Barneys can be a copy-pasted Barney with a single line of code changed, or you can add a map property to monster_barney (or to all NPCs) to make them change their classification (friend vs. foe).

DMC/Quake-style ammo is really just looking at the Tau cannon or gluon gun code, they have no reloading just like in Quake. Identify which parts of the code are responsible for that, and apply them to your weapon(s).

Red HUD colour is easy, simply change the hex colour value here:
Here are some example values:
0x00FF0000 is pure red (255,0,0) and so on.

As for scientists that cower away from you, I think it is possible to alter their classification table so that they're always afraid of the player, i.e. treat the player as an alien. There's a whole classification mechanism in Half-Life's AI system where some NPCs see other NPCs as predators, or prey, or they mean nothing to them, and so on.

I'm not sure about boss fights, because that can mean literally anything. For all I know, I could be fighting a worm in a goldfish container (reference to sc_toonrun). You can set those up as a combination of a sequence of triggers and stuff, plus a special entity that sends fireballs at you (doesn't even have to be an NPC depending on what kinda boss it is), but of course, that will require knowing entity programming.

If you have questions (which you probably certainly do), feel free to ask. Are you looking for a programmer to do this for you, or do you wanna try and learn how to?
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 19:30:00 UTC Post #347390
Admer456 is right, making hostile Barneys and fearing scientists and changing the HUD color is quite easy, I tell you from experience. Back in the day
I made Barneys and human grunts sided with the aliens and HUD color changeable via env_ entities.

My biggest addition was probably a PDA interface which allowed you to read e-mails and logs the System Shock style.
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 19:35:12 UTC Post #347391
Nothing real to contribute here other than Admer456 is the real MVP
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-14 20:38:27 UTC Post #347393
If you have questions (which you probably certainly do), feel free to ask. Are you looking for a programmer to do this for you, or do you wanna try and learn how to?
I am looking for a programmer to do this for me, because I'm pretty much a total beginner at this sort of stuff, plus, I can't find any real good downloads for Visual Studio 2015 (I tried setting that up on my PC but it always gave me errors).
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-15 02:14:06 UTC Post #347394
The latest Visual Studio works just fine, no need for 2015.

That being said, it is very rare to catch programmers in the wild for HL1 these days, most either have a project of their own, or they're in some team, working on some project. You may have to look around a lot, or learn to do some things yourself.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 1 year ago2023-03-15 03:13:47 UTC Post #347395
Hmmm.. I'll have to look around a lot then.
Posted 1 year ago2023-04-23 08:57:54 UTC Post #347474
You can use visual code instead if you want something a little lighter than Visual studio itself.
Making barney hostile and having scientists consider you an enemy could be done quite simply by editing the monster AI. If you look through the coding and monster tutorials, you should be able to see what I'm talking about. It's a matter of setting flags for how they react to various actors in the game.

Adding boss fights would certainly require a talented programmer on the other hand, I'm not sure about quake style ammo but you should probably just stick with half life ammo for the sake of simplicity. I don't know about any of your other requirements.

I like a lot of the model work and animations that you have done, you should probably consider not being so ambitious and just make something with the tools you have. The models, your map work, and some minor editing in code.
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