Train with doors and windows Created 1 year ago2023-08-27 21:52:58 UTC by NintyFan290 NintyFan290

Created 1 year ago2023-08-27 21:52:58 UTC by NintyFan290 NintyFan290

Posted 1 year ago2023-08-27 21:52:58 UTC Post #347798
I've tried looking around on the forums to get an answer for this but no luck so I'll just ask myself. Is there anyway to give a func_train working windows and doors? I've built a pretty detailed train with sliding func_doors, func_walls for windows, func_details for furniture and want to have the train pull into the station at the beginning of my map. Is there any way to tie all of these into a single train? Like, can I have these door brushes move along the path with everything else and then open?
NintyFan290 NintyFan290Trans rights!!
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-27 22:01:23 UTC Post #347799
No you can't do this in Goldsource in general.

There are some tricks you can do, like having the train be stationary and have the station move until stopping. Then have a map change to a new map where both station & train are world brushes, and have a func_door or func_train open for the train's door.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-28 13:33:51 UTC Post #347800
You can do it only with a custom mod that has a veeery proper implementation of movewith / parenting (not Spirit of HL). I wrote a couple entities that specialise in that for HL:WAR. If not a programmer, consider the above solution.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
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