A Horror Idea, Some Screens Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 05:34:48 UTC Post #37123
@racerx. i would recommend milkshape, its got all the basic functions and if you got a good understanding of milkshape your able to learn a advanced modeler very quik. all the big modelers started out with milkshape. the milkshape website got some good tutorials.

@wcdude. im not sure how im gonna do the dual shotgun. but i got a idea, it wil be the same one, mirrored and it wil be one shot as a double animation
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 08:57:14 UTC Post #37163
thx :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 10:12:04 UTC Post #37177
Jeezus! Man, I love it! Nice one Pepper!

I haven't been around for a few days, so forgive me for not replyng too regulary. But appart from this, what a superb shotgun model!

I'll definately test the normal hl replacement model

As for the Jackhammer, I think it could be a great weapon to destroy hoardes of zombies (especially in a narrow corridor don't you think) ;)

Strange weapons you don't normally use in hl mods would be good. For example, I had an idea of a makeshift shotgun with four attatched barrels for a bit more zombie devastation. Maybe -- the quodgun? I dont know, but anyway.. The duel shotguns might be good, but for the sake of realism, it may look a bit o-t-t (But then again so would a quodgun perhaps?! I don't know)

Hey pepper, do you think it'll be possible for zombies to actually try and grab hold of the player to bite/attack him, so let's say, you'll be able to fend them off using your fists/hands/legs/piece of wood or furniture?

A flaming torch/burning wood?

...A lighter and molatov cocktails?

But I agree, we do not want it to slip away from the horror thing. I mean, it won't scare the pants off you if you have two gatling guns with unlimited ammo :D

Remember, its basically survival stuff. You grab what ever you can for your advantage. Obviously, there could be a particular scene where there seems to be hundreds of zombies and you are not able to kill them all, you just manage to take out the ones nearest to you to survive.

Remember that stupid 'Federal Zombie and Vampire Association' site I mentioned earlier in this thread, well, strangely enough it has some useful information that is relevant to this mod. I.e. Combatting Zombies and Survival Tips etc. This may help with the more realistic side of the horror mod.

Also, I had this Idea a while back when I was at college. I remembered being outside, and there are these stairs that lead to this area below the ground. And I could hear the sounds of shuffling footsteps that seemed to move around aimlessly -- ofcourse it was just an old bin bag in the wind or something but It kick-started ideas in my head about how the zombies could behave.

Anyway, I'll keep you up to date on anything else... blah blah blah. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 10:54:47 UTC Post #37182
Maybe in the end of the mod, but still...
Yeargh! MUrrrgh...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 11:38:48 UTC Post #37197
...no no:


Nah only jokeing. It'll be a bit too much like Braindead
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 12:01:32 UTC Post #37201
What about a door handle? :P
A computer mouse?
What about pure alcohol? You just spill it onto the zombies to blind them and make their wounds hurt real bad. :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 12:03:34 UTC Post #37202
Now that's just not nice.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 12:54:53 UTC Post #37210
pepper you should model somthing like the Halo/Matrix double rocket lanucher to replace the normal one. just change them a little bit so its not copying
i was once good at modeling to. but since i lost cinima 4d ive basicly forgoten everything :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 13:50:55 UTC Post #37217
that's a real shame, you never make backup copies.

about the quadpipe-shottie-thing. i first try drawing some concept art about it. and i could make a wooden stick as a begin weapon. for now. im stuck on compiling. i have no cleu what to do :D

and i have no cleu hwo the halo/matrix rpg looks, but i think it wont be a weapon you will find in a zombie infested city :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 14:43:25 UTC Post #37225
heres pics of the halo rocket launcher
User posted image
User posted image
and i cant forget the alien equivelent of it the fuel rod gun. you got to put something like this in just for fun. put it in a lab beneth the city and give the player like five fuel rods and no more for the rest of the game.
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 02:57:25 UTC Post #37344
Hmm...Mossberg.....reminds me of BFVietnam.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 03:52:13 UTC Post #37367
i dont have it. i havent had one paychek in 4 months, they screwed some thing up :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 08:22:27 UTC Post #37414
Yeah, Pepper is right. I suppose in all seriousness, the player needs to start off with weak weapons such as a chair/stool leg or even a chair/stool (smashable?), a hammer, eventually an axe of some sort perhaps. Later the player may start to build up his weapon inventory with found guns etc. (knicked from dead policemen or zombie police who still have police weapons) A shotgun can be found in the wrecked squadcar etc. We need to keep it more realistic as though it was the event of a zombie infestation. Walking round with an rpg may sound great but it would make this far from 'scary'. Walking round with an old scrap of wood (chair/stool leg) whilst been ambushed by hoardes of zombies will get the adrenaline going.

Ofcourse you get firearms, but is it common to see lots of ammo everywhere you go like most fps?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 08:27:05 UTC Post #37416
liek the ammo in hl was rare so it should be in this mod
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 08:39:23 UTC Post #37420
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:02:52 UTC Post #37431
I think the player should be able to beat with his weapons.
To save ammo. So you could make it even more rare.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:20:24 UTC Post #37439
Good Idea, what you mean pistol whip and so on?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:24:16 UTC Post #37442
i think that would be hard.
it would require a new attack, so probalby coding, but i dont knwo excatly how to do that.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:30:06 UTC Post #37446
Pistol whip would be better that that crappy secondary fire it has. Just add a little bit of crowbar coding. Don't ask me how but thats the effect you'd be looking for.

BTW, screens look cool. I'm inspired. ;)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 09:42:57 UTC Post #37450
im making a model of the fuelrod gun in milkshape. don't expectit to look good by any standard, i haven't modeled for a long time and can't remember s#!t about someof the stuff i have to do. but i really would like to see it in game. ill even make a map to put it in :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 10:31:01 UTC Post #37475
go for it. but it wouldnt work in the mod i must say
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 10:48:24 UTC Post #37477
be quiet your ruining my hopes and dreams :x
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 11:28:50 UTC Post #37481
then dont make it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 14:08:49 UTC Post #37519
i think im going to print out your av and shoot the snark
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 15:03:59 UTC Post #37541

im just sayign that such a weapon doesnt fit in the mod.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 15:57:53 UTC Post #37559
i could if you just put it in a lab with a tiny amount of ammo and never give the player anymore then what they get at the lab.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 16:26:50 UTC Post #37563
no, it just dont fit the theme i think
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-29 20:33:24 UTC Post #37620
well heres the pic :D
User posted image
not as good as i hoped but after a few years its accually pretty good. and i think im going to buy another copy of cinima 4d.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 03:47:53 UTC Post #37670
lol, it looks good indeed for a long time not modeling, but its no-where near youe reference pic
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 09:40:35 UTC Post #37699
if i made it like my reference pic it would be copyrighting
User posted image
anyways i wanted to give it a butt plate and a trigger.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 09:53:11 UTC Post #37701
Looks too blocky, not so smooth like the original. It will require some reworking to get it right...

But anyway, I thought this topic was about Jahzels scary map/mod?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 13:17:32 UTC Post #37720
yeah, whats the polygon count.

i wish jazhel posted some new screenies
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 10:16:15 UTC Post #37971
hey pepper when i compile it in milkshape i get an error. it says
unknown studio command : triangles
how do you fix that i want to compile the fuelrod gun.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 14:12:15 UTC Post #38032
i never had that error
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 18:15:06 UTC Post #38101
im taking a break for modeling weapons for a few days, i need to finish my ferrari 360 for hlrally, and im also working on a mclaren f1. obviously im willing to make these world models for in a mod(dont think they fit in this one). but the texturing is gonan be the hardest, atleast six hours a car!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 07:53:25 UTC Post #38224
ok, os here is the ferrari 360, i only need to smack a texture on it. the poly count is between 1000-1200.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 09:48:19 UTC Post #38237
...Yeah, I've been away for a while recently, but I mangaged to type up a brief description of the mod idea so far (I'm not sure what you think yet but here goes: )

The cruel reality-television program, Lifeless, watched by thousands all around the world is taking convicted criminals and cutthroats and placing them into the zombie-infested city of [insert city?s name here] to which there is no escape. The city was especially chosen for the game, and its boundaries marked by a huge 63-foot steel perimeter wall, guarded as though a maximum security prison. The complex is watched by thousands of hidden cameras strewn around every corner, everywhere. Supplies are dropped in random locations on a weekly basis by helicopter. The whereabouts of such supplies are not even informed.

The zombie epidemic, created by military-scientific experimentation was originally intended for a form of biological-chemical warfare. However, the project was deemed unpredictable and potentially hazardous, and eventually contained and released into the unfortunate residents and lower income citizens of [insert city?s name
Here]. So as not to spread the epidemic, the perimeter fence was built, and guarded by elite security personnel.
It was this decision, which ultimately leads to the reality television program, Lifeless.
Your name is [insert name here], once convicted for armed robbery and given a 23-year sentence, and now serving a sentence most criminals fear the most; the contestant. You are blindfolded, cuffed, and taken away by helicopter along with five others to an unmarked landing zone somewhere in [insert city?s name here] city. Escapees are instantly captured, and the same process is repeated. The blindfolds and handcuffs are removed, and you begin the game?[/quote]

Ok, well as you can see there are a few things which need to be checked. First of all, I havent decided on a name of the city (any help on that will be great - I even considered using one of those random name generating things you get), and secondly I need a player name - and also, by default I guess, I called this 'Lifeless' -- but again feel free to dispute.

Also, I like the look of that last pic Pepper. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:08:37 UTC Post #38243
Sounds very good so far. It's not like the most HL mods 'after Gordon killed Nihilanth ...'.
This one shows a lot potential.

I think the crime should be something that isn't really a crime.
Things like 'he knew too much, we had to get rid of him'.
He could have been against this TV show and worked for a coalition that tried to enlighten the people of the cruelty and inhumanity of this show.
Just an idea.
I'm not good at thinking of names, sorry.

@pepper: I can't really say something about it, because it's got no textures yet. But I would add a rear spoiler (is that the right word?).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:16:32 UTC Post #38244
wait even better he knew to much about the original zombie project. you could maybe even have flashbacks to all the wierd labs. can't tink of any names for the city though but i got on for the guy Gragg rider.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:18:49 UTC Post #38245
err not rider, just Gragg <insert beter last name here>.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:19:25 UTC Post #38246
wait even better he knew to much about the original zombie project. you could maybe even have flashbacks to all the wierd labs.
That's a real good idea.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:21:36 UTC Post #38249
Yeah good Idea. I originally thought he could be innocent, but for some reason I didnt change it as so. But yea, a coalition is a nice idea. I mean how long would it take for someone to go against a fascist regime such as a cruel gameshow.

But basically, it is a whole city (run-down), cordoned-off. You get to go anywhere do anything but just survive. I suppose the way it can be done is almost like making lots of multiplayer maps but all linked together with trigger_changelevel's. That was a way I thought it could be done, but I'm not too sure yet. Thing is, should this be tried out on Half-life -- and then progressed to Half-life 2?

Also one more thing. If this is to be the mod, perhaps, I really need some new textures -- none that I have really found seem the kind I really want. There are suprisingly, not many city-urban textures out there. The ones on Wadftaher are alright, but I was thinking a bit more differently.... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:21:41 UTC Post #38250
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:26:36 UTC Post #38254
Yeah, maybe he WAS one of the ones responsible or one of the ones that had to be responsible for the epidemic. Maybe they knew he was a threat to the project and produced a criminal accusation for him, and sent to the city as a contestant.

Have you ever seen 'The Prisoner?' well it is kind of like that, a city/town to which there is no escape, even if you think you've escaped you are instantly captured and taken back in the same way you were taken in.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 10:50:27 UTC Post #38266
ore movei wiht swarchenegger, same kind of idea
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 12:26:32 UTC Post #38281
what you mean the running man? Yeah, I suppose as well yea
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 12:54:28 UTC Post #38283
yeah, i think so, for nwo im playing far cry :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 13:54:25 UTC Post #38296
im thinking hes a scape-goat for the projects failure >> is innocent of any crimes >> but knew to much about the project and got sent to the city to be eaten/killed.

and you can't have just a bunch of maps linked theres got to be only a few ways to get into different sectors of the city. because most of it is prbably trashed and people trying to keep safe would probably put up quite a few roadblocks. then there always a subway sytem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 14:22:12 UTC Post #38308
You could also add quests and different human clans. A few people that sticked toghether to help each other surviving.
Maybe somekind of dealer, that can provide weapons and ammo for services in return.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 10:08:10 UTC Post #38490
...And, because you want to claim somewhere as your territory for safety and refuge - there could be other people to deal with - who may not be so happy about you wanting to be in there area.

I like the scapegoat idea -- that's a definate.

The subway system - huge, dark, abandonned, full of contestants - I like the sound of it!

Yeah, realistically, the contestants would begin to form their own different clans in order to survive, I suppose as would a herd of wilderbeast etc. A dealer maybe good, but the times have to be very tough, and it all goes down to anything that can help you survive.
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