History of Entity Flag: Not solid/Passable

Revision User Message Revert
#8697 - 2 months ago kimilil kimilil passable and touch/blocked
#8502 - 5 months ago kimilil kimilil list all entities using this entity flag in the infobox-thingy Revert
#7576 - 2 years ago kimilil kimilil dual-named as they meant the same thing. cheesing an infobox-style panel with column layout. Revert
#6685 - 2 years ago Solokiller Solokiller Revert
#2638 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Group Fix: Empty [li] tags Revert
#2637 - 16 years ago Penguinboy Penguinboy Initial Version Revert