Tutorial: Non-coding workarounds for your mod Last edited 1 month ago2024-11-19 21:56:22 UTC

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NOTE: This guide is a work in progress, which means that you might find it very short, lacking of information, poorly done or with terrible spelling. If you have any suggestions, ideas or you know any workarounds, please go to the comments section.
If you are not a programmer, or don't have one in your team, it might present a problem for the development of your mod. The next course of action would be to use other mods as a base (like Featureful or Opposing Force). However, in some cases, you may not be able to use custom code either. This is where this guide comes in: it contains a list of cool Half-Life features and stuff that you can implement in your mod!
Most of these went unused, or are workarounds rather than features themselves. It also contains some cool map tricks (such as the screen tint). These are meant to solve or tackle specific problems.

The main problem of no-coding workarounds and dummied out features


A common feature in a lot of mods. Add an .mp3 file named gamestartup.mp3 to YourMod/media. This file should contain your selected main menu music. It will be played every time the game is launched. However, the music plays in a loop and does not play again when the player leaves the game or disconnects from a server.

Mapping/Level editing

Screen tint

This one was created by the user Mota. The original map presents a México-yellowish tint, but you can change this to other colors to fit your needs.
Normal Screen picture by MotaNormal Screen picture by Mota
Tinted Screen picture by MotaTinted Screen picture by Mota
Warning: Copypasted text up ahead!

The tint effect is achieved by having an env_fade (screen_tint) repeatedly triggered by a trigger_multiple (mexico) covering the whole area it's supposed to affect.
Both the fade's "Hold Fade" time and the trigger's delay before reset are set to 1 second, so the fade gets re-triggered every second while the player stays inside the trigger.
That would be enough for a continuous tint that fades away when the player leaves the area, but if you also want it to fade in smoothly, it'll need a more complex setup - especially if the player can move freely between areas like in this example.
For the smooth transition, I used: When the player crosses the border, this is what happens:
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Advanced Half-Life FGD

This FGD implements plenty of dummied out features from Half-Life, such as Dynamic Lights, the inclusion of new unused entities like item_sodacan or grenade. Keep in mind, this FGD is meant for Hammer. Other programs, like J.A.C.K. editor, can't really handle some features, and cause bugs.
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Different models for a single entity

You can make variations of pickups, monsters, etc. by adding a bodygroup to the model and adding the "body" property in a map editor:
You can also add "limitless" body/skingroups to entities that already use them like HECU grunts or scientists. I wrote "limitless" because there is still a limit on every model. According to The303.org, the limits are: A problem with this workaround is that entities that already work with bodygroups and skingroups (like the scientists and security guards) can't have more groups added, since this will break the models.
An example can be found here, by UrbaNebula.
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(LEGACY) Different launch screen

NOTE: This may no longer work, as the game got an update for the 25 anniversary. If you really want to use this feature, consider switching to steam_legacy version.
Half-Life uses a single background image both for the menu and when the game is loading. However, you can add different backgrounds for the loading screen and menu.
Main MenuMain Menu
Loading screenLoading screen
This can be achieved by modifying the file YourMod/resource/BackgroundLoadingLayout.txt, and adding your new background files. A recommended way to organize the backgrounds is putting the files in different folders, rather than putting everything in the background folder:


Commented 1 year ago2023-08-13 10:23:31 UTC Comment #105469
All of the features shown in Mapping are included in Advanced Half-Life FGD by default. Thus, there is no need to turn off the Smart Edit and add relevant keyvalues every time.
User posted image
User posted image
Even scientists with different pitches using the same head bodygroup can be created.
User posted image
Body and Skin keys are already included as long as they are supported on almost most monster_* entities.
User posted image
All func_* entities include the effects key by default.
User posted image
User posted image
Of course, this FGD did not become popular because it didn't get enough attention, and everyone is still making maps with the outdated Half-Life FGD.
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-13 21:38:29 UTC Comment #105470
User posted image
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-14 05:00:13 UTC Comment #105471
When I once used the func_conveyor entity in ka_airtrain, it also compiled with a light effect in the map, even though I didn't do anything unconventional with it.
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-14 21:05:10 UTC Comment #105472
Interesting, could you please elaborate further?
Commented 1 year ago2023-08-15 10:14:12 UTC Comment #105476
It's hard to say because this entity was deleted by me a long time ago.
Commented 1 year ago2023-09-04 16:41:42 UTC Comment #105523
Here to clarify what "loading screen" means. It's the moment after the game entered fullscreen and before the main menu shows. It's actually not the time when the maps are loading (I tested) so you're actually only seeing it for a fraction of a second tops. No wonder nobody bothers making a custom one.

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