In some HL maps you have probably seen the gib items somewhere or other. I know that Blue Shift used them in the intro scene where the scientist attempts to fix the console, and I'm pretty sure they used them in Office Complex too. They also used them to good extent in the excellent mod "Invasion", if you've heard of that. After seeing them, you've probably gone and looked for the textures to make these items yourself, only to find they don't exist! This is where gib items come in - they're essentially model prefabs that you can insert into your maps for more detail. The following list details all of the submodels within the listed .mdl gib file that are useful to mappers.
Okay, I fixed the numbers with the incredibly wonderful help from [ICR], who sent me (quite a while back) a fixed number list.
Gibs containing only (generally) useless bits (i.e. glass, metal, cactus) are omitted.
0 - orange book
1 - brown book
2 - blue book
3 - blank
4 - open, burnt book
5 - open, ruined book
6-12,14,15 - page parts
13 - open, upside down brown book
0 - arm bone
1 - leg bone
2 - bone shard
3 - ribs
4 - skull and spine
cindergibs.mdl, cindergibs_green.mdl, cindergibs_yellow.mdl
0-3 - concrete shard
4 - 1/4 cinderblock
5,7 - cinderblock
6 - chipped cinderblock
8 - cinderblock end piece
0,1 - circuit boards
2-5 - broken circuit boards
6,11,12 - useless metal piece
7 - power box with cords
8 - hard drive
9 - L-shaped metal piece
10 - broken keyboard
13 - small piece of equipment
14 - red cable
0-2 - crumpled paper
3,10 - blank
4 - cup
5 - half-sandwich
6 - apple core
7 - banana peel
8 - The Onion
9 - envelope
11 - sprite can
0 - bloody skull
1 - heart
2 - tube
3 - lung bit
4 - leg bone
5 - meat
6 - rib bit
7-10 - red bits
0,5 - blank
1 - hose with connector
2,4 - useless shard
3 - bars
0-5,12,13 - wood bits
6 - syringe
7 - medipak
8-10 - bandages
11 - tongue depressor
14 - medicine box
15 - tissues
16 - gauze/duct tape
mil_crate.mdl, mil_crategibs.mdl
0-4,10,12 - wood bits
5 - boot
6 - turkey MRE
7,16 - military bag
8,13 - helmet
9 - shovel
11 - canteen
14 - Cous Cous MRE
15 - rolled tarp
0-6 - papers
7 - blue binder
8 - orange binder
9 - green binder, open
10 - binder stack
11 - file cab door
12-15 - useless file cab bit
0-5 - wood bits
6 - "pc vac" compressed air
7 - yellow screwdriver
8 - 2.0 CD
9 - circuit board
10 - red floppy disk
11 - olive floppy disk
12 - hard disk
13 - blue screwdriver
14 - voltmeter
15 - wrench
16 - smaller wrench
17 - power box with wires
Use this list in conjunction with a (FIXED, thanks to posts below) CYCLER entity.