VERC: Rendering Properties Last edited 5 years ago2019-04-13 09:21:15 UTC

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Most brush-based and model-based (monsters, etc) point entities allow you to set their rendering properties. These are broken into four categories - Render FX (renderfx), Render Mode (rendermode), FX Amount (renderamt), and FX Color (rendercolor).

Render FX (renderfx)

The Render FX control the visual behavior of the object. You have the following choices available to you:

Render Mode (rendermode)

The Render Mode value determines how the object is displayed. There are six render modes:

FX Amount (renderamt)

The FX Amount is generally used to determine the level of translucency of an object. Its value can range from 0 to 255. A value of 0 renders the object invisible, and a value of 255 will render an object solid.

FX Color (rendercolor)

For render modes that require it (Color and Glow), the FX Color will determine the color of the rendered object.
This article was originally published on the Valve Editing Resource Collective (VERC).
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