Last edited 6 months ago2024-09-18 01:25:09 UTC
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This entity acts like an invisible button that lets a player control a
- Tank Entity Name (target) - Set this to the name of the gun you want to control.
- Acts more like a
– that are simultaneously invisible and non-solid – than a trigger, in that a player needs to be facing towards the entity and in range to be able to use it. They don't necessarily need to be "inside" of it.
- Getting the position of this entity right is important. It can be directly behind the gun, or placed for a 'remote control' effect.
- When 'used' by a player, the player's 'look' movements are translated into relative turret movements.
Team Fortress Classic only
- Targetname of teamcheck goal (teamcheck) - Using this in conjunction with an info_tf_teamcheck allows you to switch the entity's team allegiance when the info_tf_teamcheck changes its team setting. The team_no property must be set to Any (0) if you use this value.
- Has item # (items_allowed) - The player must be carrying this item to use this entity. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Has item from group # (h_i_g) - The player must be carrying any item from this group to use this entity. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Hasn't item from group # (hasnt_item_from_group) - To use this entity, the player must not be carrying any item from this group. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If item # has moved (if_item_has_moved) - A player can only use the entity if this item is not in its original spawn location. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If item # hasn't moved (if_item_hasnt_moved) - A player can only use the entity if this item is in its original spawn location. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # active (if_goal_is_active) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # inactive (if_goal_is_inactive) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # removed (if_goal_is_removed) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # active (if_group_is_active) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # inactive (if_group_is_inactive) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # removed (if_group_is_removed) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Name (targetname) (targetname)
- Team allowed to activate entity (team_no)
- Player class allowed to activate entity (playerclass)
- Tank entity name (target)
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