monster_tentacle Last edited 6 months ago2023-10-22 12:49:39 UTC

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monster_tentacle - Point Entity

Part of a burrowed Xen creature, tentacles are blind but extremely sensitive to sound. They will occasionally tap on nearby surfaces, looking for prey. When they pick up a sound they'll frantically strike at its location for a while. They cannot be killed by the player's weapons: damaging them only makes them retreat into their holes temporarily. They must either be avoided or destroyed using other means (such as in 'Blast Pit').

Tentacles can move their beak between 4 levels (0, 256, 448 and 640 units high). Their reach is about 336 units. To kill a tentacle, turn it off with a trigger_relay. This will make it play its dying sequence before sinking into the ground, after which it will permanently be removed. Toggling a tentacle will make it play its dying sequence indefinitely.

User posted image
Health (temporary retreat) Stalk damage (touch) Beak damage (touch) Beak damage (strike)
All difficulties 75 20 25 200





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