game_player_equip Last edited 4 months ago2024-09-09 09:41:24 UTC

game_player_equip - Point Entity

The game_player_equip entity allows you to provide the player with specific items when it is triggered. In deathmatch games, this entity can also be used to give items to players upon spawning.


To specify what items you want the entity to dispense, you must turn Smart Edit mode off and add attributes. Enter the item's name as the key, and how many of that item you want to give as the value. For example, a key of "weapon_handgrenade" with a value of "2" will equip the player with 10 grenades (as each weapon_handgrenade gives 5 grenades).




Commented 1 year ago2023-02-26 16:41:24 UTC Comment #105134
use name game_playerspawn to automatically trigger this entity at the start of the map.
Commented 1 year ago2023-07-30 05:16:07 UTC Comment #105448
@kimilil game_playerspawn is not present in vanilla.
Commented 1 year ago2023-11-01 08:48:00 UTC Comment #105613
^ idk what you mean. if you think i meant the classname (things JACK lists) then that's incorrect. I mean game_playerspawn is the targetname you assign to this entity, or any other entity of any classname.

the game fires entities of the name game_playerspawn on your behalf every time you spawn in a map. another example is if you have a game_text entity with the name game_playerspawn you'll see the game_text 's text when you spawn.

also, game_* entities in general are added sometime after retail release so this entity, and the game engine firing game_playerspawn would be absent on early WON versions or earlier SDKs.

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