
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-29 17:27:22 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13051
I cant believe you uploaded a map which is not fully compiled. this shouldnt be in completed maps.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-29 17:20:19 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13050
crazylikeafox use a light_environment with outdoor maps not light... just stick it halfway through the sky brush
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-28 20:35:59 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13049
no....I'm actually positive it was my option...
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-28 18:25:56 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13048
Full-bright is not an option. It's a mistake.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-28 15:27:12 UTC in vault item: Large Turrets Comment #13047
i think a better sound for rockets and machine gun , but else its ace.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-27 23:24:31 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13046
I understand. I've this hate too ^^. My first map was very much horrible than this map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-27 20:23:59 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13045
thanks guys your the best, I'm working on a new map that i'm gonna put a lot more effort into..

oh and the reason i used full bright was because whenever i add lights to a map there's always dark areas and i absolutely HATE it! its just some weird thing about me but I'm like...obsessive compulsive with this stuff but my next map will not have full bright
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-27 16:42:05 UTC in vault item: Zerocool_b24 Comment #13044
nice map, good layout. played a little with a few friends and it plays well.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-27 08:54:20 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13043
It is rather good for a first map, indeed!

The biggest flaw, i think, is of course the full-bright. Add lights, run RAD.

The textures are repetative, but suit the theme, and there are some nice examples of non-blocky brushwork.. (some.)

I make a point not to rate first maps, but if i was going to, this would get 3 stars. Good work, now map something amazing :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 22:13:54 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13042
first, never say "i know its bad" that might lead some people away from dl'ing it

for a first map you used a variety of things

clipped area

i thought that was good... rather than the aaatrigger box with a light in spawn which many people start out with (unless u did that and just didnt upload that map)


the items i suggest improving on are

vary your architecture its very blocky (i no its ur first map but im just saying)
i dont think that tank fits in with the castle theme at all

keep mapping you have a lot of potential
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 19:15:55 UTC in vault item: cs_castlefight Comment #13041
At least make it so it's not full-bright.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 12:55:56 UTC in vault item: puppycademy_awp_e-tractor Comment #13040
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 11:24:33 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13039
If anyone else wants to check we put it on the 22g TDM.Come join us for a fragfest at
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 09:35:48 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13038
Also, the switch triggered the bell. Which in return brought the ghost which harmed you.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-26 08:29:09 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13037
very nice map ;)

I realy like the bit where you get the magnum and people can shoot the explosive barrels. an also realy like the hall with the red containers and the weapon placement there is realy nice.... can't wait to play it on your sever. (went on it but it was playing ravenholm)

And good thing you put those doorknobs on the doors ;D
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 22:10:16 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13036
Better than most.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 20:06:49 UTC in vault item: Train Yards Comment #13035
Exactly. What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you even consider stealing other people's work? One star based soley on the fact that you copied and pasted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 17:00:39 UTC in vault item: Zerocool_b24 Comment #13034
Really... :P

We'll test this... later this week. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 15:57:11 UTC in vault item: Train Yards Comment #13033
So you copied and pasted Valves work, prefabs, and fast compiled? Sounds like nothing original, and stealing others work.........
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 14:46:06 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13032
"I just loaded the map to look around it (I like trains), perhaps you could add a signal light color change (red/green) to match the train frequency, and just raise all the train wheels, they are sitting in the rails instead of on them."

Those two little things make is worth a 3 star?

Can I get the ip for that server? I have it on my server too. My servers IP is...
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 11:33:03 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13031
nice map,loads better than ravenholm,which just seemed to feel a bit big to me.I like the size of this little beaut,and also the way it feels like its split in two.And knocking peoples blocks off with them massive girders is gonna be fun,so its gonna go straight on the 22g TDM server tonight.

good job and thanks for taking the time to make some great maps:]
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 11:02:59 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13030
I just loaded the map to look around it (I like trains), perhaps you could add a signal light color change (red/green) to match the train frequency, and just raise all the train wheels, they are sitting in the rails instead of on them.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-25 02:45:01 UTC in vault item: Energy balls not working (Combine Prison) Comment #13029
Does it work for you now?
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-24 07:17:35 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #13028
Hey thanks!! :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-24 03:55:22 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #13027
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 16:44:24 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13026
Exos works on maps day and night!

As for the map, Its excellent. (bias, but who cares peeps, its still a good map)

I love all the details you put into the map. The flying watchers above were very nice, and the train too. (But whos idea was it to make the train full-proof from glitching or getting stopped by anything? Mine! WHAT WHAT! lol, jk)

The warehouse was nice too. Nice details going on.

I think the room with the overlook to sea was a little plain, though.

The gameplay is amazing. I played it in your server, and it was so much fun :) 5 people worked great.

4.44444444 stars, rounded to 4.5 rounded to a 5 star.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 16:21:08 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13025
How long did this take to make?

You seem to churn maps as fast as Kasperg. Looks good.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 15:29:08 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13024
Thanks! If you want to play it, you can join my server if you want. The ip is...

It is in the map cycle.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 15:09:25 UTC in vault item: dm_trainyard Comment #13023
Not bad!
Visually, this map does the job. The city17 theme is done correctly and the building work around the map seems convincing (except for the bridge-like building, which makes little sense in terms of structure)
Lighting was nice, although some props (the trains mainly) stayed darker than they should.
The coastal part of the skybox needs a lot more work. Displacements are pointy and the water looks a bit too dark.
The moving trains and flying scanners made the map seem more alive.
In terms of gameplay, it's doesn't have the best possible layout, but it doesn't have any noticeable gameflow errors either. I think it does the job.
Keep it up. Your maps are constantly improving!
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 11:29:35 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #13022
it's a good map
What the hell??? Good maps are flawless REALLY good looking maps. If it is not flawless it isn't a good map.
+ Good gameplay
+ Nice choice of textures
Are you blind!? The textures were So stretched in some areas! And alot of them were so bland and had no detail at all.

Also if it takes me like 3 minutes to try to get out of the river it has some gameplay problems.

Commented 18 years ago2006-09-23 11:26:55 UTC in vault item: fun_hkkcr Comment #13021
-Texturing is horrible, some textures looks so stretched out that you can't even really figure out what material it is.

-SOO many problems, I can not believe you could not see them for yourself, also how no one has mentioned them!

-I can see the side of the water, it isn't going up the big ramp thing and if it is, I can not see it. I even walked all the way up it and was constantly going in and out of water, even though there was no water there. It left me saying "What the hell?"

-Gameplay problems, when you are in the water/river it is EXTREAMLY hard to get out of. At one point I was thinking about noclipping but I finally got it.

-I saw like pieces of walls coming through the floor.

-Some textures were bland and had no detail.

-There is absolutely no scenery outside of the map. The water in the ocean just cuts off after like 3 feet. At the top of the ramp there is nothing, so even if there was water there, it would be coming out of nothing.

There is more but I have to be going. My suggestion is THINK and actually analyze your map before posting it.

"Does it make sense?"
"Do the textures look good?"
"Are their ANY problems?"

Ask yourself these questions and any more you can think of. Some of these problems are so obvious that I am awed you could not notice them.

I am not in anyway bashing your map, I am simply telling you what is wrong. This will help you in the future. So don't be like "Ohh your an ass!"

ALTHOUGH the custom stuff was good. ANYTHING custom is good in my book. I would give it a 2 for the custom stuff, but this map just has way to many problems and mapping flaws. Sorry man. 1.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-22 20:22:27 UTC in vault item: Gosu Comment #13019
Very nice map. Architecture flows very smoothly, nice use of ambience, lighting is very good. The alien teleport could lead to some interesting gameplay.

Just one minor gripe: those two beds seem very out of place amongst all the lab equipment, as does the bathroom, which serves no real purpose (lol, by the way).

Still, nice work. 4.5 rounded up.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-21 01:40:18 UTC in vault item: NightThings2 Comment #13017
Wow your a little late, but its cool.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-19 11:06:54 UTC in vault item: hldm_center Comment #13016
WOW Sweeet map...great work!

Added to the OutPost-42 HLDM server last night..
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-19 10:59:10 UTC in vault item: dm_lockdown_3 Comment #13015
Nice Work!
Added it to the OutPost-42 HLDM server last night..
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-18 21:15:10 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13014
Thanks for the comments. And glad you liked it. And yes, I liked the door too. :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-18 19:50:14 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13013
A teeny bit small, but that's OK. I liked how some of the models were converted from Half-Life 2. Especially the one hanging over the pentagram, which was also a nice touch, a pentagram that that hurts you after flipping the switch. Although, I think it seemed a bit unnatural the pentagram was switch operated.

What a really loved was the spooky noises and the moving door.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-18 19:46:18 UTC in vault item: Infiltration Comment #13012
I have to disagree that they don't give ANY hints in HL2 for their puzzles... They always build you up starting with a simple puzzle and then they make a form of that puzzle, except harder, so that you have a general idea of what to do. In the Lost Coast and Episode 1 the comments stated a bunch of times that they always try to make it so that the player doesn't feel lost, and try to introduce the player to puzzles slowly so that they don't feel overwhelmed all at once- Besides the only real issue I have with those fans is that it really didnt seem apparent that you could pull off that back cover...

Anyway of all the HL2 SP single player maps I've downloaded recently yours at least HAD some creative puzzles so don't worry about it :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 19:26:33 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13011
Glad you enjoyed it. Let me know the Server IP so I can drop in sometime. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 13:01:14 UTC in vault item: Horror Map Comment #13010
Sweet map,Going to run on halloween horror week at the OutPost-42 HLDM server last week of Oct 06. If with fast d/l it can be download within 5-6 minutes...will load and test ASAP...
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 10:19:17 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13009
Don't pass any judgment unless you've played this map. It's actually pretty fun.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 06:39:56 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13008
There's a bug with the displacement's lightmap grid. I've had to delete and recreate some of them in my current source map :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 06:17:41 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13007
omg please dont make a second version of this
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-17 01:15:53 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13006
I'm planning to add a 3D skybox to the next version, and I've already added vertical gameplay by allowing the players to get on top of the letters via ladders.

I also added some divisions using non-breakable glasses so the opponents can occasionally see each other but not having the ability to shoot at each other.

For some reason, I cannot increase the lightmap density of my displacement surface. Whenever I change it, it always returns to the value "17".
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-16 23:41:40 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13005
Thanks. I'm considering a second version of this map.

I'll keep you guys posted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-16 16:56:10 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13004
It works but its negative publicity! People will get in the game and go "WOW ALL IT SAYS IS GAMING PARENTS LAME", but, at least they will get the point!
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-16 14:59:28 UTC in vault item: Timefall (SP Mod) Comment #13003
I'll see who's right ......
Commented 18 years ago2006-09-16 10:47:19 UTC in vault item: de_gp2 Comment #13002
I say make it the prettiest map you can get and leave the text in there. That would be alot more appealing and get you alot more publicity.

that's how i do it.