
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-27 18:59:04 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62987
Happy 25th, or, more likely, judging by memories of your past behaviour, 30th!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-27 16:58:57 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62986
100/4 = 25 + 4 = 29 quick maths

Happy birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 14:23:03 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62980
Floopy Boots-toot!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 09:46:20 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62992
Happy birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 07:48:25 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62990
Bio is a lie-o.
User posted image
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 05:47:52 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62984
bio says "Born 1988 you do that maths"

Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 03:14:39 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62988
Happy 25th!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 03:12:01 UTC in journal: #8913 Comment #62979
Now that you mention it, I just looked it up and the very few vendors in this area that carry the GTX980 actually have it more expensive than the GTX1050. Not worth it.

I'd like to have a proper graphics card because even though the i5/i7 come with integrated graphics, my current experience with integrated graphics is that it's quite constricting.

I don't put a lot in the cloud but I do have backup drives, so a second internal drive is amongst the lowest priorities (like a second monitor). Which, speaking of monitors, I'm a bit disappointed by the display market. This guy has been right for six years (or fourteen depending on which of his articles you read)
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-25 11:32:05 UTC in journal: #8913 Comment #62976
Actually, I think a GTX 980 is sufficient for most gaming purposes. That's what I have, and I've never had problem with framerates or streaming videos.

I second the PSU suggestion. I'd recommend something between 650 to 750 W.

And you don't need another 1 TB HDD. Nowadays, most things are stored in the cloud. I have two 512 MB SSD for my games and OS, the rest is in the cloud (Google Drive).
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 21:18:58 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68518
User posted image
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 16:58:12 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68519
Happy Birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 15:21:16 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68516
Happy Birthday!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 08:18:44 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68521
Thanks people. ^^
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 05:42:29 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68517
Happy birthday Admer!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 02:53:25 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68514
odd journal entry = birthday journal entry

Commented 6 years ago2018-02-24 02:25:26 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68512
I remember when I was 10. It was a good year for me. Got laid that year.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-23 22:57:58 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68520
No matter how old I am, I'll always be like a child. :P
But yeah, I'm looking forward to it. ^^
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-23 22:19:09 UTC in journal: #8914 Comment #68513
0F to 10?
Oh come on , that's a dead givaway.
You're a big man now, only two years away from being a pretend grown up like the rest of us!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-23 17:54:04 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #21282
i will keep this map and comments as a lesson. thank u.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-23 06:03:03 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #21281
You may update the current post, unless the new map is a completely new one. If it's just an updated version of this one then there's no need to delete the page.
Though, if the new version drastically differs from this one then you might want to delete this page and upload the new version as a new map to attract more attention to it.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-22 03:59:45 UTC in journal: #8913 Comment #62978
"Cheap" GPU - isn't. The cheapest I can get is a GTX1050 and it's more than I was willing to spend.

And don't get me started on modern monitors - they all do exactly 60Hz. No less, no more. The next step is exactly 120Hz and as "gamer" gear they cost three times as much. The 4:3 LCD monitor I bought 9 years ago does 85Hz and the CRT I had before could do 100Hz without breaking a sweat. It's not just "not doing better" - it's going several steps backwards!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-21 23:12:51 UTC in journal: #8913 Comment #62977
Looks good. Don't cheap out the power supply. And you might have a hard time finding cheap GPU because of all the people mining cryptocurrency right now.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-21 22:58:18 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style) Comment #21279
Looks great, will get HL2DM installed and check it out! Still waiting for that csgo port of Nightmare Church doe.. :P Do you plan to make any CSGO maps in the future
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-21 12:30:48 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #21278
hfc, ur comment is very inspiring. thank u.
guys, i'm working on review critics and more. must i delete this map and upload the new one or keep both maps. what do you think?
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-20 11:47:52 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style) Comment #21277
Thanks :)
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-20 01:33:03 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #21276
More like CS_CannotBunk, amirite? GUFFAW!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-19 20:44:54 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #21275
five stars?
I mean, I have nothing against the map or the author, but hfc nicely explained why this map deserves no more than 2-3 stars.
have you even played the map?
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-19 05:36:04 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style) Comment #21274
This Map is Epic!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-19 05:32:06 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #21273
nice review hfc ^
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-19 05:29:24 UTC in vault item: 789_Menger_Sponge Comment #21272
A map is never to old for a review,
feedback would be much obliged :D
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-18 18:13:30 UTC in journal: #8911 Comment #67935
I had a gastroscopy once, that's a real nightmare fuel. I'm taking meds for stomach, but I do enjoy a good herbal tea, I'm also taking grounded flax and this combination always worked wondefully.

Thank you for good thoughts and the virtual hug!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-17 10:54:18 UTC in journal: #8911 Comment #67934
Sometimes you can be surprised by how high amounts of inner strength you've got in store.

I've gotten really bad stomach problems from worrying in the past during a stressful exam session (had an endoscopy and that's gross - literally), but I got over them by ignoring some of the triggers that would start me on the path of anxiety. I also drank lots of marigold and chamomile tea, I recommend those :). Haven't experienced a heart burn for a long time now, but when I feel the incipient symptoms I immediately know I have to take care of my mental hygiene and drink those teas ^^.

My good thoughts go to you and I send you a virtual hug. Just take care of yourself and in the long run everything will be fine.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-16 23:39:18 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Importing Models and Textures Comment #100599
Nice tutorial, but how do i use the models on hammer? Like, i want the barney zombies on my map but when i add the opposing force fgd into my hammer fgd list, hammer just crashes. How do i do this?
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-16 18:52:58 UTC in vault item: portalia Comment #4309
really cute minimalist map, but there is some wrong things. i hope my comment will be usefull for you.
  1. those biggest crates are not properly textured, either small metal doors are not too. the textures have been shifted a bit.
  2. freight elevator engines are not textured properly too.
  3. And freight elevator rails are not rail textures, these are "cable tray" textures. HALF-LIFE is a very low-polygon game. So you can add important details to objects only with textures. If you use wrong texture on wrong object, this will affecting much to object details. For example if i use a fan texture to make a car wheel, this situation will break the HALF-LIFE's 3d world illusion. because fans and wheels both only are cylindrical brushes in the game, the only difference is at the texturing. so players' brain will mistake the object, and players will think "why they put the fans to the wheels of this car?". if you claim you used cable tray texture because for the giving impression of elevator cables, then you must add more rails for carrying the load.
  4. the ambiance sound is annoying, and very distracts for me.
  5. sadly i wont be able to try multi player. i dont have any friends to play with. i dont know how fun or not is this map. so i cant comment for playability.
  6. still i think rpg's cage is not good for a multi player game. Because people may always trap that cage with mines and no body can get the rpg ever.
  7. i think beams on that electrical fence is very bad because its not resemble a real lightning, that beams in your map is just a laser beam. Similar to 3rd section of my comment, this miss usage will break the game's illusion.
  8. Lamps are very thick, they look like lightning bricks, make them thinner. you also may add a bit cables to the lamps.
  9. That forklift prefab is very poor, and it is fits to 1st,2nd and 3rd sections of my comment. my brain thinks "Why there is a train in this map shaped just like a forklift?"
  10. rpg's shelf is floating in midair make them a realistic shelf.
  11. rpg's cages door is stays at perfect 90 degree, this is not realistic at all. i hate perfect doors, doors must stay at imperfect angles. and you must add door frame to that door.
  12. thoose yellow lights near to that broken handrail are just like painted to wall, make them a bit different. You may add lightning sockets to make them cool.
  13. You must add structural supports to the ladders, to the stairs, to the ledges, to the ceiling, and to that shelve which is bears gluon gun.
  14. that computer consoles are a bit awkward to be a realistic. maybe you may add some chairs next to those computer desks.
  15. you placed wrong that orange thing by the that metal stair, stair looks like floating in air.
  16. you must make arches more smooth. by the way you must have been read the tutorials about not to making arches with "carve" tool.
  17. that handrail by the freight elevator is not good because there is a small gap beetween two handrails, close that gap. or you may change the handrail design if you dont want to close that gap. with your design handrail is looks very unsatisfying.
  18. i like the idea of that open big crate which is loaded with ammo boxes. but you must make your box with thicker wood. because the side texture of the crate give impression of thicker wood. you must fit your front wood to your side wood texture.
  19. normal elevator's buttons are interfered with elevator's door, place the button on much reasonable place.
  20. you may add bigger pallets to some big crates, or you may add some pallets to this map. or you can add pallets of different loads. i have an idea how about a brand new teleporter unit, or computer unit on the pallet.
  21. my favorite thing in this map is that create near the exit door which has HEV batteries on it. This crate is hard to reach, you may add RPG or another powerful weapon on it.
  22. you may make more realistic place for gauss gun, you may make that place more cool, so maybe it would looks like a ventilation duct.
  23. add more ventilation ducts to your map, to make it more realistic.
  24. that door with eye scanner is not proper. check 3rd section of my comment. The door has a black rectangle on it. my brain thinks why there is a black rectangle on the door. i think the black rectangle means "place a window here" so place a window.
  25. more details like decals would be good.
  26. i think that "processing area 3" decal is not reasonable that much. Write "storage area" instead. processing area i think associated with processing machines. but there arent any machines in this map at all.
  27. i think you must add frames to all windows and doors.
  28. Add more atmosphere, sadly i cant give any advice about this. im lacking at this subject.
  29. half-life has not got dynamic room lightning. so be careful when lighting movable objects. I have checked under your freight elevators' platform, so i think you aware of this situation. but still your elevators' lighting a bit dirty.
  30. few objects like crates, teleporters, computers are everywhare. there is no unique objects. add unique objects. you may add a toolbox next to broken teleporter. or you may add fuel barrel next to a forklift.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-13 22:10:32 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100332
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-13 19:08:20 UTC in vault item: First Opposing Force Map Comment #19776
A nice little map you got here... While it isn't anything spectacular it's still somewhat enjoyable even if it does last only like 1 minute.

What I liked most about if was the lovely created cave in which you teleported into for few seconds.. It truly looked lovely. Besides the teleports there wasn't much to see or experience I'm afraid. The monster placement was ok with exception of the teleporting headcrab that looked into the wrong direction and therefore making it no threat to you.

There were 2 annoying things about your map.

A.) You used custom textures. Specifically building1.wad for the Roof. Surely some default texture could be found for usage on the roof edges.

B.) I had a weird issue in your map that my mouse pointer always pointed at specific directions.. Idk why but I seems to be a map related issue (but not sure)

That aside I think you should continue on this map.. Add little more scenery to it.. Few cactus here and there.. A XEN Manta flying by pursuit by Jets and so on. And then ofc.. Some ladder leading into a cavern up that roof into the hill itself leading you to map2. :)
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-12 17:11:11 UTC in vault item: dm_lost_base_hd (Quake/Unreal style) Comment #19777
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-11 08:32:23 UTC in journal: #8908 Comment #60155
Well to make my point, there were amazing designs just a few and far between. Those that were good were not restricted to having a mobile version and could go crazy with pixel thick attributes and so on.

Kind of hard to find something nice today. Don't get me wrong, today's web is cleaner than it ever was.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-10 19:38:38 UTC in journal: #8908 Comment #60154
Im not in the mood to reread all but first sentence sums it up well. Remember? Me neither. I wanted to make websites, perhaps even for a living but i just hardly visited any. I do hate the scrolling hype nowadays tho
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-09 04:59:26 UTC in journal: #8910 Comment #51127
Start charging when it becomes an inconvenience to you.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 23:29:55 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100331
Still a little busy this week (moving house) so probably not in the next week or two. Be patient!
Also Strider still hasn't finished the header images so it's his fault really.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 21:42:59 UTC in journal: #8909 Comment #48485
Pretty sure they were bots. Players usually have more creative names than just the hero they were playing. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 18:39:48 UTC in news: TWHL4 Public Beta Comment #100330
Are we going live soon?
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 18:38:32 UTC in journal: #8909 Comment #48486
Those weren't bots, but I admit that they're not good players. I've been encouraging him to play with better players.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 16:34:04 UTC in journal: #8910 Comment #51128
It depends on if you want to do it as your main source of income or not.

With my band we can get anywhere from $200 - $500 per show but honestly we'll take just about anything so long as we can play somewhere.

That being said though, all the members have stable well paying jobs so music is just fun and the money we do get just gets re-invested into the band for equipment / gas money / studio time.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 14:20:12 UTC in journal: #8909 Comment #48484
Bots though.

Still, pretty awesome. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-06 16:10:02 UTC in journal: #8910 Comment #51129
Oh iv'e been there a few (more than a few) times and still feel off when its time to talk cash.

From my experience when people get to know you a bit, meaning you did a few jobs here and there for free and they were satisfied with your work, they tend to ask (or offer) how much its going to be the next time. I don't see any problem working for free for some time to gain experience, however someone will definitely try to take advantage of you at some point you just have to know when to put your foot down and tell them. It usually happens to be these short notice jobs, though you can also charge them extra :) Remember time is money and if you are good at what you do don't do it for free.

That said, gauging how much to ask can be hard. Try to find out how much other people are asking/making for a given job and adjust accordingly.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-06 12:40:37 UTC in journal: #8906 Comment #68510
Third screenshot I see something familiar :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-05 19:05:39 UTC in journal: #8908 Comment #60156
I believe you should structure it well so "anyone" can read it. Find inspiration in old Roland, Yamaha, early Windows help documents and files for windows 3.11 , 98/98 , pretty much any company or software that worked with non techy people about techy stuff.
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-05 19:03:25 UTC in journal: #8907 Comment #68001
Solution for death == Jesus
Solution for canbunk? Also Jesus.