
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 12:08:05 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11792
why is the screenie so low-res?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 12:02:03 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Locked In Comment #11791
haha, awsome.. I liked the way you coordinated this entry.. plus with my key-binding to always walk, I slowly walfked through it, and it was great.. Loved the camera effects...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 12:00:03 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Locked In Comment #11790
This has some REALLY cool effects.. Really, really well made effects. Very FEAR-esque. But the aim of the compo was to have a post-disaster version of the base map, and lack of noticable destructification really ruins it for me...

I wont rate because i'm not sure what i thought... Effects were awsome...

But it was just like you'd made effects and stuck them in Kasperg's map.

Hard to explain how i feel about this
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 11:56:51 UTC in vault item: Test of Destruction Comment #11789
Its really nice.But lack of action, I know it was not the point of the compo.But Its my opinion. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 11:54:22 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11788
Thrilling :)
I liked it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 11:52:26 UTC in vault item: Test of Destruction Comment #11787
i think out of all the entries i have played, this one has the 'cool factor.'
But it wasn't great..

The lack of crowbar, HEV suit and flashlight was REALLY annoying.
And i'm not sure i approve of using other people's models and textures in a compo map.. Not to such an extent, anyway.

Still, nicely done, but needed more things that go BOOM
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 11:27:40 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11786
Very, very good indeed. The story is quite spectacular for a 5 minute map.

and w00t! I know G-man's IP address! bwahahaha.

The only thing i'd say, is there wasn't enough architectural damage...
Still, very good.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 11:11:09 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11785
ZombieLoffe.. I am extremely impressed with this entry! Good work!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 10:53:29 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11784
Well, "You" as in plural :) .
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 10:52:05 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Interior Comment #11783
woah. total re-texture... I didn't think that was the aim. I'll test in a minute or two
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 10:51:07 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11782
" I would've retextured some parts of it"
check the .wad. I did. Subtley.

"Also, you sound funny."
Its not me. Its PaulRPG
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 10:47:42 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 - Poor Kasperg Comment #11781
Nice job. I liked the seemingly random explosions. I would've retextured some parts of it, but overall, nice work. Also, you sound funny.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 08:44:04 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11780
Good job. No item_suit make zombieloffe a sad boy.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-12 03:27:59 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11779
Yes, I had the 'Max visible ents in ent packet' error and the performance wasn't super smooth, although still - the map was great.

Things I liked:

-Detail. It was awesome. From the debris to the.. um.. debris it was all done very realistically. I loved the broken crates at the spawn and the broken trashcans. The blinking lights and other stuff were also a great touch.

-Extra areas. They really added alot to realism. I really liked the office with the grunts and the elevator shaft (it was a bit strange, though, since it wasn't blocked by anything visible, and you still couldn't access it)

-Destructification. Now that's the best part of the map. From the large broken stuff, like the ceiling and the pipes to the smallest objects, like the trashcan and the crates - it was all very realistic. I loved the debris from the broken roof with the support beams and stuff. It all looked very realistic. The broken pipe, pouring water was also very nicely made (although since it looked, that the pressure is very big, you could have added a little damage to the wall, that the water hits and perhaps a small env_shake for extra realism) The sprites there were also a good idea, although they were a bit low-res. I also liked the gap in the door at the spawn, where you could see the sky. A very nice touch.

-Great use of decals. The deacls added alot to the overall looks of the map. Great work with that.

The bad stuff would be:

-The ambience. Now I can't say, that it was bad, since it added alot to the atmosphere, although the apache sound started to burn my ears after a few minutes. To make it less repetative, you could have made it sound, that the apache is moving (changing sound), not floating in one place.

-The slime in the flooded room was very nice, although it didin't match the water, pouring from the pipe. I don't know, if you wanted it to be like that, although it still looks quite unrealistic. And speaking of slime - there was a little glitch with it in that room. The slime is too thin at the door with the processing area sign. Try jumping in it there and you'll see.

-The power generators in the flooded room and the office areas were just BEGGING to be destroyed and made to shoot deadly electricity beams, while you left them perfectly undamaged. ;)

-Lighting. The blinking lights were a good touch, although they're too repetative. The endless blinking really made it hard for my eyes.. .

Overall - a very good map. For now - I think, that it's a 100% trophy-winner. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 20:03:57 UTC in vault item: Ropes Comment #11778
I tried it with more slack, more distance between the end points, env_physexplosion and env_physimpact. No dice.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 18:28:09 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11777
Ah, it's because of the models! Use the cycler or cycler_sprite entity in that case - harder to work with, but not annoying in the end. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 18:14:51 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11776

The submodels bounding boxes--is that the right term?--make moving around them difficult at best...and way too many models makes the "too many visible enities" thingie come up alot too!

There might be one more version of this, but it has lots of problems currently :(

Thanks again for the pointers and suggestions! ^_^
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 18:07:02 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11775
i dont understand why the -wadinclude isnt working, but ill definityly make sure after the next update. see this is the critique i needed.. tnx guys
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 18:00:56 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11774
Looks mighty fine, rowley. :)

The bomb and that slime were nice idea's, and I really liked that elevator shaft and the way you cracked up that office hallway - it feels very wide now while it's essentially just a fairly small corridor.

Of course I still got something else to say (:P)...
Performance was a bit... humm, those sunlight rays could've been double-sided, and movement in those detailed area's was a bit nasty, but that wasn't what the contest was all about anyway so good work. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 17:02:32 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11773
Or just -wadinclude them, as most do...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 15:49:11 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11772
take the HL2 textures you used and put them in their own .wad
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 14:53:44 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11771
Also loved the decal on the bomb"Die, Freeman" . A nice touch ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 14:00:08 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #11770
5 stars from me! :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 13:59:50 UTC in vault item: Open Computer Comment #11769
Wow, really cool
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 12:41:06 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11768
I still don't have the HL2 wad, so I can't open it right now:

"WARNING: Could not open Halflife2.wad"
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 12:23:49 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11767
TY for the nicey comments :)

I disable the rating, since I generally don't give maps I comment on ratings any more, It's hardly fair to ask for them. Plus, who isn't afraid of the dreaded 2-star rating :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 11:05:41 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11766
Oh my god, very realistic!I loved the ropes.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 09:54:50 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11765
YAY! Another competitor. I did the exact same thing in my map with the busted ceiling.. but never thought about the nuke, or upside down truck.. very well thought out.



Good Job
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 08:23:12 UTC in vault item: Deja_Vu_2 Comment #11764
I played doom 2 so many times but I still don't know the names of the levels... well maybe blood falls, suberbs and factory. Looking good, I always had an impresion you don't know how to map after you said you never understood how multimanagers work.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 05:45:13 UTC in vault item: Compo 20 -noname- final Comment #11763
Holy Crap, that's awfully destroyed! Reminded me of opfor. :D

Awsome job! I wonder what everyone else did.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 04:15:39 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11762
Erm, a few more things:
  • You could make the flat, boring, ground mor einteresting if you made some terrain on it. Nothing fancy, just put some slopes here and there on top of what already exists
  • Make the start locations more interesting. As it is, you can't tell them apart from the rest of the map.
  • angle the walls back a little in places to give some variation in them.
  • Put more supports under and around bridge bomb site. It looks really unrealistic the way those walkways are just hanging there.
I just noticed that you did put those leaves hanging down, which accounts for some detail. Put more stuff like that in and it could be great.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 03:03:23 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11761
Ok, here's a list of things to improve.
  • Get a new skybox. Look around on Wadfather for a new one, or just use one that came with CS (those are plenty good for this application). That desert theme really doesn't compliment it well at all.
  • I would upscale the ground texture just a bit so it doesn't look too repetitive, and you'd save some w_polys too. This will help alot if you add more detail...
  • Add more detail! There is little or no detail at all in the entire map, aside from the broken bridge thing and the curved stair trim (which I would barely consider detail). Put some stuff like grass sprites, signs of a dig going on (is there one?) or more decay. Hell, even a couple of crates would look good at this point. It feels way too bare.
  • Put more effort into the texturing, maybe even getting some other ones that aren't included in the HL2 WAD (some of those just don't fit). I also noticed a lot of texture misalignments on the arches. Maybe you could replace those parts with new textures?
  • Add a bomb site decal to the bomb spot.
  • More cover. You can still have the wide open approach without making it an AWP-fest.
  • The slope down to the water is too sharp, and doesn't look natural. Maybe make the slope more gradual? I can't really place my finger on why it doesn't look right.
  • I didn't notice any ambience. Get some birds or cricket sounds in there, or anything else that sounds right.
  • It needs some landmarks. I had a hard time finding my way around. Putting some detail in should clear that up.
This shows promise, and the layout is good, but you don't have much more than the base map down at this point.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-11 02:12:18 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11760
Hate to say it, but I think you forgot to wadinclude the HL2 textures again ;) I can still play it though, I've got that WAD
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 21:50:23 UTC in vault item: de_inca Comment #11759
Just looking at the screen, perhaps you should have waited for more inspiration. Then again, screens are misleading.

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 19:55:45 UTC in vault item: Double_Trouble Comment #11758
you should make another Half-life map. this shows you have skill in the field.

maybe no where near as much as Rimrook or Kasberg, but skill. then again you made this in 2002, so I really can't say.

everything rimrook said but 4*'s
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 16:57:32 UTC in vault item: Apex_V2 Comment #11757
It's nice to have new, fresh maps in the mv.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:53:59 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11756
if you can't see anything, why did you use more different textures?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 13:24:14 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11755
This map wasn't style and details! It's just fun... You can't see anything so just burst.. -_-
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 09:57:42 UTC in vault item: Hollow Toruses Comment #11754
TY Master Dauby!

Would have been wholly impossible for me without using the method you mentioned in the "Mapping Tips" thread.

It didn't really take that long. What took longer for me was trying to get the lighting/texturing ok, but in the end it turned out to be a great exercise for both!

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-10 06:27:49 UTC in vault item: Deja_Vu_2 Comment #11753

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 23:47:43 UTC in vault item: Ropes Comment #11752
I don't think they do that (do they?). Don't they only move with phys_explosions, or with phys objects that they are parented to?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 22:42:22 UTC in vault item: Deja_Vu_2 Comment #11751
what level was it?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 18:37:23 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11750
Judging by the pitcture, it is just a square? And it doesn't have any lights? This map took what? A minute and a half to make?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 18:35:46 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11749
Scoutsknivez was a horrible map, I hated it, and anyone who played it. I am more of a person that likes more realistic maps rather than crappy looking maps with so called "fun gameplay."
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 18:31:30 UTC in vault item: Ropes Comment #11748
They are probly either too heavy, or dont have enough slack.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 17:20:10 UTC in vault item: Apex_V2 Comment #11747
Well done map. Classic Deathmatch. I really like the round lights thats placed about. Looks really good with the glow effect. Sky fits alright. A bit boring texturing at times, but generally quite good. Even an old school ladder! Meh likey! :P
Well placed weapons spots, no obvious camping spots that i can see. The RPG pit kinda nifty. Though i noticed a texturing flaw on the bottom side of the ladder in the pit. :P (I know, im picky)
I was going to give it a 4, then i noticed the fountain thing with the Lamda logo in it. 5er dude! 5er! :D
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:50:56 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11746
lol, does my map realy looks like 1.6 ^^ ??
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:17:23 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11745
An improvement over the map I just saw, "Apex".
Lighting in this map is better, and the textures give it a nice rusty theme. The firetraps are quite good and offer a fun element that we don't see in most maps out there.
This map made me think about somes maps by Scary One I saw years ago in PHL. It also feels like some of the maps by rend0us, another member of twhl Others have already commented on the strange stretched texturing, which was very noticeable in some places.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:10:16 UTC in vault item: Apex Comment #11744
Very nice, old-school deathmatch. It has a complicated but well-flowing layout. Vertical combat is assured, brushwork is tidy and textures are well aligned. The only big faults are some of the choices in the textures used: some ugly browns, floor texures in ceilings etc.
Not bad for a 5th release, even if you didn't begin the map yourself.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 16:08:28 UTC in vault item: Apex Comment #11743
sometimes failures outweigh sucesses.

will rate later. i'm at school.