
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 15:41:10 UTC in vault item: Deja_Vu_2 Comment #11742
Looks good
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 11:47:35 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11741
Well FresheD...Orpheus is just like that and it's a good thing he is!

I remember seeing this map on SP and I felt it looked good...Actually surprised you mapped Orpheus.

FresheD: First it is 'prove'* and Orpheus doesn't have anything to prove..He just wants to share his map.

Anyway I think it's about bloody time some good maps came up on the front page..They caught my eye.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 08:57:23 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11740
1st: If you made this for your clan so they can play scoutzknifez again, why in the hell did you release it here for us if you know idiotic people like by the name of 'the hunter' will flame it to death.

2nd: Rather typical, maps like these get 15+ replies and brilliant looking maps with lovely gameplay get maybe 2 replies unless either Kasperg made it or either Rimrook. So unfair.

3rd: I hate the way how some people review maps. Guys, you shouldn't always review a map true the eyes of a mapper, but true the eyes of a actually player. Looks aren't everything. Just because a map looks rather ugly doesn't mean there is no effort putten in and most of the times, maps like those are very fun and populair, the thousands of players playing maps like Iceworld prove it.

Nuff' said.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 08:36:40 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11739
I don't like your attitude really, you seem arrogant.

Why do you even put these here if they don't show your actuall skill?
Do you have something to proof? If you want to get some respect here for your mapping abilities, help the people in the HL discussion section or something. That will show you know your way around Hammer more than releasing maps that you made a few years ago..

(I didn't played the map, I just felt to say this. Don't take it as a offence.)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 08:26:14 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11738
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 06:26:48 UTC in vault item: Double_Trouble Comment #11737
Age guys.. This map was finished years ago.

Thanx for looking.

(about the ladder. I didn't want a tinny metal sound associated with a wooden ladder so I built a series of clip brushes that were 1 unit wide and something or other tall. There are about 15 clips in that set. The walking up the ladder is disconcerting because HL1 is always set to run, so you are basically running up the ladder. You only walked with the default HL1 ladder entity.)

I forgot to ask, no one noticed how well the song fit the theme? It, IMO, set the mood for the map and it enhanced the fragging.

Gave it a Doomish feel.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 06:20:27 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11736
Guys, note the date. It was before your time, and before there were textures like null

Thanx for looking, I only posted these to show people that I can map and forestall any comments concerning my eligibility to comment here.

To those interested, this map made "Level of the Week" at PHL.. Its worthy of notice.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 04:43:40 UTC in vault item: Double_Trouble Comment #11735
+=- time :)

+ Archetecture, very convincing of a 12th century castle.
+ Textures, well done and not too squishy this time.
+ Items and such were in good order.
+ The round hallway.

= I've seen better light in your 8th release.
= Could have mixed your two themes better. Just having seperate rooms with seperate themes doesn't quite impress me. Unless this is what the compo rules were.

- Annyoing echo in the courtyard. It should be a bright reverb, or no reverb at all. Think of your surroundings more when adding these effects and how sound really would bounce off of them.
- Ladders. nicely built, but the instant thing was weird.
- OK layout. If the under area was all tech and the upper part was castle, that'd be a good mix, or place computer consoles in the lower part to mix it up even more. Maybe elevators instead of ladders, players tend to like quick elevators more anyway.

Once again, polish it off. Take in constructive criticism but pick what you want to change based on it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-09 04:22:19 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11734
Here's my review
+ good,
= meh,
- bad.

+ Awsome archetecture, simple and very effective.
+ Classicness.
+ Easy to navigate.
+ Weapon/items placement and supply.
+ Ambience, sound, an lighting were all avidly done.

= Null would polish this map off perfectly.
= Some textures from dod, but i don't mind, everyone takes something from something.

- The double ladders that go up put you nearly out of the map.
- Also, that top area need higher walls so player don't jump and see outside the map, exposing some of the lower areas of the map.
- Noticeably bad squashed textures. If you goning to scale, try keep them proportionate.

Overall, it has flaws that would easily be fixed. Put some shine on this map and hope it shows up on the TWHL server :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 23:15:04 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11733
Forgot to mention: I found the architecture a little bit on the blocky side. I hope that's all I forgot!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 23:12:06 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11732
I thought it was 1.6 too when I looked at the screenie. Good thing I read the comments!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 22:55:52 UTC in vault item: No_Patience Comment #11731
Very nice indeed! I love the Deathmatch Classicy feel, and you retained that arena style throughout the map.

I found a couple of things that sort of detracted from it though.

The textures you used were very nice, but but a lot of the time I didn't feel like they really complimented eachother very well. Their theme varied quite a bit, oftentimes making it feel kind of hodgepodge, with no defined theme.

Although this isn't too much of a problem, I noticed there wasn't actually very much detail in the map at all, like you said there was. Instead, it was mostly just high-res textures that were scaled down to give surfaces more detail. The only reason this worked, however, was because you used high-tech themed textures with lots of stuff crammed into them.

Other than these minor problems, there are a few other things that could easily be fixed.

I noticed when you're at the highest point of the map, with the skybox visible, you can jump up and see the paper thin edge were the skybox meets the top of the wall... just make the wall a little higher, or pull the skybox back a little so you can see the edge, and that will be fixed.

There was also a place were there were some grates in the floor, and they were just small enough so that you would sort of "trip" over the lip when you ran over them, slowing you down a little.

This is all just nitpicking though, it's a pretty good map. Assuming you aren't updating it, I'll give it a 3, but if you do, I might just rate it again. ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 20:59:32 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11730
howdy this is source ur prolly opening it in 1.6
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 19:58:32 UTC in vault item: Snps Challenge Comment #11729
indeed you should.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 19:13:31 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11728
Maybe in some cases of remakes, it would be to 'improve' it but i wouldnt think ANY remake of ANY map was better then origional (unless reworked), there are thousands of maps that try to copy dust, aztec and so on. the 'POINT' in makeing a remake of a map, is the challenge of crasping the origional mappers concept.

I tried to get the same gameplay in scoutzknivez, changing things that dont effect game play as much. (ie: textures, sky, lighting) I wouldnt want to replify the origional, its not my recognizable technique.

Also, another 'POINT' of copying something exactly the same (which really isnt this maps case) is SO MY CLAN CAN PLAY A MAP THAT HAS BEEN HACKED AND WRECKED IN THE SERVER AGAIN!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 16:44:10 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11727
When i try running it in steam i get:
Fatal Error:
Mod_LoadBrushModel: maps/aim_barn.bsp has wrong version number (1347633750 should be 30)

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 16:38:49 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11726
Use light_enviroment. Then the sky will emmit the light and it will look better.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 16:25:19 UTC in vault item: Retinal Scanner Comment #11725
Really nice.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 15:27:43 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11724
I only used a normal Light ;)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 15:18:48 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11723
looks like you used a point_light entity? please say you didn't, and yes, lighting is too dark anyway. might play l8r
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 14:47:59 UTC in vault item: aim_barn Comment #11722
did you add a light_environment?

the ambient light looks too dark for the sky
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 10:10:18 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11721

Let the man map what he wants to map
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 07:19:05 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11720
...the POINT of re-making a map is to improve it... what the hell is the point of copying something exactly?! /slaps head
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 06:37:06 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11719
even if it would be 1st map, is it the same quality as these 2 of mine?
(dont wanna advertise 'em, just compare them to this...)
if it isn't its not 3 star at all.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-08 02:00:43 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11718
First of all, I appreciate your input, secondly im not a newbie mapper- my clan has a 24/7 server with 20 something members (TWV- team west van, all friends from west vancouver) that plays my recent maps, and former dedicated servers that had my older maps (=JCC=). And i have some maps in here, which were 1-3 years old.

Thirdly, you do make a point about the sky,- but im trying to copy scoutzknivez the origional, my clan likes scoutz quite alot. So therefore, i copied the repeative textures, flat terrain, boring lighting, did my best with the rock wall (but over did it), and the fairly large planes, trying to copy scoutzknivez- being a remake, using all your opionions, it wouldnt be much of a remake, now would it?
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 21:57:51 UTC in vault item: Revolving Door Via Physics Comment #11717
yay for penguinboy! :)

Now to use it in the right levels...
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 19:30:26 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11716
That is bad for you Rednik. Should of said it was your first. You lose, good day sir!!!!!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 19:26:30 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11715
Guys, you are really mean. instead of just saying- "hehe this map is another CS map remake, you suck, this map does't deserve even 1 star, it doesn't deserve to be rated."- try to help him instead.

1) What do you mean by the light_enviorment made the lighting look bad? Explain how the map looked like. Change the color of the light/env_light to orange and make it much dimmer.

2) The maps lighting is really dull. All the light sources have the same color and brightness, twick abit more with the color and brightness.
Add some artifictual lighting outside, since it's going to be darker if you'll change the sky's lighting.

3)avoid using a single texture on a huge planes, like the building's walls. Use multiple ones, for the bottom one texture and the top another, or something like that. Use trims in junctions between areas. Like splitting walls, in the junction between the wall and the floor/sign.

Sorry I can't rate the map for I don't have CS.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 18:10:29 UTC in vault item: Snps Challenge Comment #11714
Yes. You should create a sequel IMMEDIATELY.

Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:58:49 UTC in vault item: Gatling Gun Comment #11713
Sweet job! Exact re-creation. Even with wires on the back :D

I should make that kind of thing for source! :) Thanks Rednik!
Oh dang! I forgot to add the bullets >_<
sorry but this is not a completed map, it seems like much of an example map.
Whops... I changed it now.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:25:59 UTC in vault item: Gatling Gun Comment #11712
sorry but this is not a completed map, it seems like much of an example map.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:17:56 UTC in vault item: Gatling Gun Comment #11711
Sweet job! Exact re-creation. Even with wires on the back :D

I should make that kind of thing for source! :) Thanks Rednik!
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 09:10:10 UTC in vault item: Revolving Door Via Physics Comment #11710
Your first map :P

Nice example...Saves having to build one yourself.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 08:41:23 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11709
Quote - :P I think G_kid remembers it hehe...It was so good that he asked "Why I wrecked Half-Life with such a terrible map".'

Haha yeh, those where the days. ;D
And really I don't think this map should actually be rated. It doesn't deserve a high rating, a low rating, or a rating at all.
It's not like you would be rating his work really at all, it is just a carbon copy of someone elses work.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 05:40:58 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11708
W00t?! This is liek my 20th map... but like 5th map that i've released...
NUBS!!! -_- :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-07 03:58:35 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11707
Your seriousness kills me Xyos212..
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 22:01:22 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11705
Yeah ok, I'm sorry.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:48:24 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11704
Its good for a first map and doesnt deserve the sarcastic remarks. Give it an honest rating with supportive feedback.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:31:41 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #11702
it aint even bsp
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:31:19 UTC in vault item: de_small Comment #11701
3.7kb man wtf??????????????????
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:26:14 UTC in vault item: de_bedroom Comment #11700
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:24:23 UTC in vault item: de_dustirt Comment #11699
wtf u can see individual square things
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:23:15 UTC in vault item: cs_boxtown Comment #11698
aye water mellon u reliase u r like the only guy comenting on ur own map
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:21:18 UTC in vault item: sk_death Comment #11697
an incredible addition to the Counter-Strike experience!

5 stars!

ok, lets stop putting poor sarwan at the butt of a sick joke.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:19:55 UTC in vault item: Bulybrawl Comment #11696
this debate makes me hungry
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:17:28 UTC in vault item: TWV_scoutzknivez Comment #11695
"Does De_spaceship3 bring any memories The Hunter?"

De spaceship was my first map, freshed. i had an excuse
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:14:59 UTC in vault item: cs_steel_inn_pub_usp Comment #11694
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:10:31 UTC in vault item: fun_pitch-black Comment #11693
This is not getting to the "Top Maps", however imaginative it is.

Imaginative maps don't necessarily make for fun ones.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-06 18:08:20 UTC in vault item: Awpton Comment #11692
he probably rated his own map, wanksta