
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 13:00:05 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10894
Fixed it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 12:26:01 UTC in vault item: curte2 Comment #10893
yes..make me a prefab of the antennas.....please....also if you can find the got dam leak....i'd apreciate it...thanks..
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 12:25:16 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10892

the only nag i have about it, is that you spelt the [Censored] SH instead of CH
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:40:53 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10891
Looks bare and bright...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:37:52 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10890
but... The hunter, NO ONE has made a false account and i was just "pre-uploading" it..... now it is correct :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:35:32 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10888
pleas re-download the map... it had an bug i have fixed...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:16:25 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10887
Run around as a [cencored]? Now how will that be possible...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:06:46 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10886
also, dont make up false accounts or get your friends to comment.
Downloads: 0
and yet somebody has played it?

Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:03:46 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10885
Heh, that was a funny idea... :)

Too bad there wasn't any 'play' to this, I'd like to actually run around like that, with NPC's reacting accordingly to you. I'd say, continue this. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:03:13 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10884
Pretty good map... Looks nice and you get lost in the basement :S
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 11:02:56 UTC in vault item: aim_mp5_65 Comment #10883
nobody is going to download your map with a pitiful description liek that, and dont multi-spam the map vault.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 09:38:18 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10882
I actually got this idea because I was too lazy to make a real mod and so I made one with a really short story, and the machinegun sounds at the background are just there for ambience.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 08:43:35 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10881
really awsomely funny.....when i saw that text come up i LOLed.
and it actually looks like that place in hl1!
i would say 4 1/2 stars but... what the hell 5 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 08:31:28 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10880
Damn.. That.. was original. REALLY original. I mean, really, have you ever played the original Half-Life as a [censored]?

Nice stuff.. Really nice..
I loved the status text too.. A nice touch indeed.

One problem - if the action is going before the disaster, then why are there machinegun sounds at the very start?

Anywho - 5 stars, just because you've managed to make something new from the original HL events..
Great work. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 08:22:09 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #10879
You forgot to include the map in the zip.. :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 06:40:56 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10878
Now make a map where you play as a crate, Gordan comes along and crowbars you to death...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 06:11:04 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10877
Fixed it, That was really funny, shame I dident get to hear any sound. But yes very nice creative stuff.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 05:59:42 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10876
I get an error when I try play it, is it compatable with steam?

Unknown command: specmode

that comes up in the console, and nothing else happens
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 05:53:43 UTC in vault item: nice-room Comment #10875
So its a room, a clean, well aligned, but ultimately useless room? Well it is unfinished!... :P
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 05:50:49 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10874
Forgot to say -1 star just because of its length. Other than that, nice, oddly clever work.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 05:49:31 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10873
Here i was expecting any typical solo, map running around gunning down aliens, i was thinking you might play as the g-man or something but this just blew me away!!

1 star for originality, 1 for mapping (actually from the hl world!), 1 for nice scripting, 1 for humour! Thats four stars! Briliiant!
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 05:03:47 UTC in vault item: Alternative Origin Comment #10872
Hahaha, that was funny. You've already played as a scientist, a security gaurd, a marine, and an alien and a janitor in some mods, now you get to play as... well, I won't spoil it either, since it just came out.

Nice little story though. well done, but the voices could have been a little better. good job recreating that cafeteria before the big accident.

Four stars, for the originality of it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 04:39:47 UTC in vault item: nice-room Comment #10871
simple and pointless, but somehow it does strike me as very nice. I don't know why, but I like it.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-19 02:50:29 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #10870
Sorry, I left out the custom skybox on the first upload.

I've been working like crazy all day trying to fix the problems with the map.

here's some stuff I changed:

-changed name to cs_palm, for originality
-Ditched the pinapple trees, replacing them with palm trees.
-added more ambient noises, and made the existing ones louder.
-aligned most textures on trees and rocks correctly.
-added a bunch of grass sprites, and a few more models.
-sort of fixed the problem where the hostages got stuck in the pool inder the waterfall. (more on that later)
-added more overall detail, including some shelves in the basement of the house, some cardboard boxes, stuff like that.
-Added a readme file

I played around a little with both those techniques for blending the water with the skybox, but couldn't really get either one of them to work with the one I had. Instead, I just extended the the end of the water out further, which I thought made it look a bit better than before.

rowleybob, I'm surprised you didn't notice the glaring flaw that exists for the CT's. When you have the hostages follow you in to the water, they can sometimes get stuck, and you have to push them out of the water far enough for them to be able to take commands.

I tried raising the bottom up more, which helped a little, but only if you don't run back in to the water. If anybody has any ideas on how to fix this, it would be a great help.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-18 17:04:10 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10869
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-18 14:32:56 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #10868
Neat stuff and props for a nice, new cs map!

+Superb props and detail
+Waterfall--Very nice!

General Idea and concept is nice, but difficult to pull off--merging the sky with the world brushes. I admire you attempting this difficult task, but unfortuately, that "area" of the map is not very well done. Look at De_plaka and wcd's "endless water" example map for inspiration.

-some textures are poorly aligned--main passageways
-were there ambient sounds? if there were I don't remember them :(
-pinapple tree model looks bad, palm trees look nice though.

Excellent go at a what is again, a difficult concept to pull off nicely. Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you--I like your style :)

3 stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-18 13:50:46 UTC in vault item: Castle Rimrook Comment #10867
K. This is freakin' awsome. I played this ages ago, but didn't rate it for some reason... o-well better late than never. I had to check it out after it made Kasperg's "Best rooms" thread!

First let me say that the reflective floor in the throne room is oustanding, and markedly better than any I've seen! I can't recall seeing anyone doing that with the textures--the stretching--below the floor...simply superb :)

Besides being excellent in all areas--even ambients!--, this map is full of the neat little detail items which are the icing on the cake for a map like this. Among them:

+Vine ladders!! Creative and they look great!
+The Quebec/French-like symbol in the courtyard--pwn
+Superb use of water/waterfall with sprites, opacity, sounds..pwn
+Glyphs with scrolling textures!
+LOL you can climb the waterfall and jump to the catwalk!
+Climb for the free AWP

Superb Stuff!
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-18 07:50:42 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #10866
No, just really bright, to get the island feel of it. it has dark areas too, like an underground tunnel.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-18 07:42:27 UTC in vault item: cs_palm Comment #10865
judging from the screenshot, it looks fullbright... is it?
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-17 23:33:19 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10864
oke i will send cs_zerg2.rmf to your email..soon.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-17 14:09:49 UTC in vault item: ak-colt_onglass Comment #10863
Map that takes a day with almost no detail and architexture=ONE STAR
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-17 14:07:20 UTC in vault item: The big shit Comment #10862
Wow its losers like you who make crap maps and release them online spamming all the good ones out. The "killbox" map is a stupid idea. This is why source mapping is more noobish. Anyone can hit "configure, then go in and start mapping". Fuckin loser, stick to playing not making.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-17 13:43:11 UTC in vault item: de_StarWars Comment #10861
Excellent stuff. There are clearly lots errors and bugs on this, but if you're still mapping, you're way past them by now :)

This map is very inspinring to me for many reasons. Of course, because it is Star wars, is the main reason :P But seriously, there are a lot of neat interactive things and ideas on this map.

I wish you would do this over! There are so many improvements you could make. If you still map or want to revisit this project, I have so many ideas for it!

Excellent idea and concepts, below average implementation.

I'm going 5 anyway, since i so enjoyed walking, and flying around this map!

5 Stars
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-17 13:26:31 UTC in vault item: Site B Comment #10860
Before HL1 mapping becomes redundant? Not going to happen for a very long time! :P Nice, i like this so far...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-15 21:07:00 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10859
I like the rooms inside too, they look very authentic :) BTW, which sky did you use? I really like the lighting in that level outside :)
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-15 19:03:34 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10858
Thanks, Xyos212.

In the first screenshot, the elevated grass brush was intentionally made like that.

But the levitating brush is unintentional. I didn't notice it until you pointed it out to me.

Those mountains in the skybox are made from displacement, but I kept the power to 2 to keep the framerates high. It's a compromise between aesthetics and performance.

This map is out for a while already, so I am not going to recompile it. Otherwise, people will have problem with compatibility issues on pub servers.

I do, however, appreciate you taking the time to take this map for a spin and providing feedback.

If you haven't played the HL2SP version of Justice, definitely try it out.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-15 16:12:09 UTC in vault item: Justice Comment #10857
Very nice architecture, and lighting. I found some problems though. Take a look here:

Also, I would use displacement on the skybox mountains to get them to look more real, and maybe not see as much empty space outside the map. Also, align the window textures with the window. Most of them are misaligned looking bad. Other then those small things, its a 4 star map dawg!!! :)
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-14 20:54:51 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10855
If you post or send me the .rmf, i'll fix it and upload for you. The error I'm getting was the same that was caused from playing WCD's map when he had the weird paths. Oddly enough, the sprite mentioned in the error message has nothing directly to do with the problem.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-14 19:15:37 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10854
here you are ... i hope this fix your problem and sori to Seventh-Monkey i can't run whit normal vis to slow (make my power supply almost damaged) Not enough space need more... ^^'

And I'm almost forgot special to RabidMonkey Thanks to upload my map to your website. I'm prefer to join to your web site. RabidMonkey.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-14 16:52:41 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #10853
Face it, the gameplay in the map isn?t fun, getting hurt or not...

But it do look sexy... by looks it?s one of the best i've seen, but i wouldn't play it more than that one time i tryed it at school with some friends...
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-14 11:23:03 UTC in vault item: Kaufmann House Comment #10852
very impressive. Though i ran it at less then 1 fps, it was still pretty. Kinda relieved to see another art map on here.

Commented 18 years ago2006-02-13 14:18:11 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10851
I tried decompiling this to see what the path problems were, but it after decompiling, it would not open!

Has anyone got this to work? Meh loves StarCraft and wants to see it :(
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-12 09:56:49 UTC in vault item: dm_poisongarden Comment #10850
instead of making people download poison garden lite i they want better gameplay, can you not reduce the poison hurt in this one so that people can have good gameplay AND sexeh looks?
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-12 07:18:47 UTC in vault item: Snipe Comment #10849
the gap you see is not the wall i textured sky, you see a wall the shadow falls on and turns it like that, and alot of the rest dark/seethrough like that. The wall the shadow comes from is to my right in the photo
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-11 13:01:53 UTC in vault item: curte2 Comment #10848
the func_door_rotating make the spotlight work....
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-11 06:19:24 UTC in vault item: cs_zerg2 Comment #10847
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-11 01:10:23 UTC in vault item: curte2 Comment #10846
Just make them simpler. There up and far away enough that the player is not going to notice. I can easily make you a prefab as an example of what I mean if you like.

A model would be perfect for the dishes though. Models are a bit of a pain though I'll grant you. If you don't want to do it yourself, you might pm or start a thread to attract some of our new modelers--this would be very simple for them.

Looking at your map some more, I also noticed the copious amount of func_rotating--and other entities--door entries, possibly some that weren't originally intended--the top of the guard tower!???

My advice would be to go thogh the entity report and change "to world" anything that is unnecessarily tied to entity.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-10 19:15:25 UTC in vault item: dm_fugitive3 Comment #10845
Thought I'd review it.

. Layout
The layout is quite basic. It's just a big square outside with building with a couple of rooms in the middle. Nevertheless, it provides quite intense gameplay. The cliffs outside are wellmade, no complaints there. The inside of the building could've been alot more detailed, but seeing as it's a hldm map, it doesn't matter much. 3/5.

. Gameplay
As stated before, the gameplay is intense. The on-going tau jumping and the battle for the gauss actually puts it down alittle... having people jumping all over (literally) the map, killing stuff, is rather annoying. The insides are cramped, especially the little holes in the wall. 2/5.

. Design
Brushwork is OK, at best. The cliffs are the most wellmade element. The outer walls (the crete ones) look rather blocky and just un-nice. The inside of the building is bairly a bunch of blocked out rooms stuck together. 2/5.

. Lighting
The outside lighting is way too yellow. Feels like you're playing with a huge smilie over your head. The insides are quite dark, bland. 1/5

. Overall
A fun map, no doubts, even though it's frustrating. Not much to look at, plays pretty repetetively (is that even a word?), good for some minutes o' fun.

Final score:
Weak 3, strong 2: 3 Stars.
Commented 18 years ago2006-02-10 16:41:07 UTC in vault item: Moving sign example Comment #10844
finally, i never could think about how this was done. I thought it was done with doors or something.