Commented 15 years ago2009-01-04 18:34:12 UTC
in journal: #5545Comment #51725
I have the first generation G5, and I love it.
I actually prefer the original coloring, which is a steel-rusty kind of color. It just looks more cool.
I found the weight adjustment option useful. I experimented with various combination of weights in the first week, but after settling for the weight that I like, I have not changed the weight for the past three years.
The tracking and precision is unparalleled to all the mice I have ever used before. It works well on all surfaces. I have no mouse pad, and my clean desktop surface works great with it.
The middle mouse button was extremely resistant to pressing for the first year or so. After pressing on it for more than a year, it loosened up. After more than three years of usage, the pressure necessary to activate the middle wheel button is just right now.
The bottom line is that I love this mouse, and I will never trade it for any other mice.
Commented 16 years ago2008-11-07 01:48:38 UTC
in journal: #5443Comment #39884
Far Cry 2 is a traditional shooter. Story isn't typically emphasized in a shooter (except for the Half-Life series). BioShock was another shooter with a pretty good story, but I got tired of the repetitive gameplay.
Commented 16 years ago2008-10-04 20:36:31 UTC
in journal: #5396Comment #47068
Don't forget this fact:
As the world's population is approximately 6.7 billion, China represents a full 20% of the world's population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-19 00:43:04 UTC
in journal: #5365Comment #47057
Geometry skills aren't part of the standardized developmental milestones.
But here is an excerpt from a book:
As one-year olds play, they start to build their mathematical thinking by recognizing patterns and understanding shapes. For example, they notice that night is followed by day and that socks go on feet before shoes. They begin to sort familiar objects by one characteristic, such as whether they are "hard" or "soft." They may enjoy filling and emptying containers. They know that when an object is hidden, it is still there. Many can also do simple insert puzzles when the puzzle pieces show whole objects.
Commented 16 years ago2008-09-02 12:17:09 UTC
in vault item: Texture_TowersComment #15263
With dev textures, I don't think it's possible to use lighting gridmaps.
Sure, you can set the grid density all you want in Hammer, but it does not translate into sharper shadows ingame. I suspect it's because dev textures are never meant to look good. It's purely functional. So the compiler ignores the gridmap information when it comes to dev textures.
I know this for a fact because I tried to overlay gridmap on a dev texture map before, and it didn't work.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-20 23:36:53 UTC
in vault item: de_detritusComment #16655
Thanks, Captain P. I was planning to add more details, but I ran out of time. With a full-time job, fatherhood, and other gaming obligations, I only had four days to make this map.
If anyone wants to play this map with bots, I have a navigational file that has been manually tuned.
I have updated the image URL. Can you see it now?
FarCry 2 is fun in small and infrequent doses. If you try to play this game from beginning to end in one sitting, it's going to feel repetitive.
I play it for only a few hours a week, and it's a visually stunning game.
. . . unless you keep your desk impeccably clean.
I actually prefer the original coloring, which is a steel-rusty kind of color. It just looks more cool.
I found the weight adjustment option useful. I experimented with various combination of weights in the first week, but after settling for the weight that I like, I have not changed the weight for the past three years.
The tracking and precision is unparalleled to all the mice I have ever used before. It works well on all surfaces. I have no mouse pad, and my clean desktop surface works great with it.
The middle mouse button was extremely resistant to pressing for the first year or so. After pressing on it for more than a year, it loosened up. After more than three years of usage, the pressure necessary to activate the middle wheel button is just right now.
The bottom line is that I love this mouse, and I will never trade it for any other mice.
Apparently, they did not teach him the proper place and time to use sarcasm.
Be a pediatrician. It'll keep you young at heart.
I liked my Radeon 9800 Pro while it lasted, but I am with Nvidia from now on.
It's a really cheap setup, but the reviews at Newegg are nice. It's sitting in front of my doorstep now, and I am still at work.
I may be the only member who is older than Andy (age-wise).
"Now, when I left him alone with you for half an hour, look at what you've done!"
I put that triangular thing into the box, and all the doors closed on me.
I did not appreciate being stung when I jumped into the water in the pool either. Perhaps there should be at least some warning?
I, on the other hand, only make $180,000 a year, so I won't pay more taxes under Obama.
I am still trying to decide when to introduce mapping to him.
I have seen some full-bright maps playing on some deathmatch servers.
As the world's population is approximately 6.7 billion, China represents a full 20% of the world's population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China.
More people speak Mandarin as their native language than English.
I asked a few questions when I first joined, and look at how long I've been here now.
But here is an excerpt from a book:
As one-year olds play, they start to build their mathematical thinking by recognizing patterns and understanding shapes. For example, they notice that night is followed by day and that socks go on feet before shoes. They begin to sort familiar objects by one characteristic, such as whether they are "hard" or "soft." They may enjoy filling and emptying containers. They know that when an object is hidden, it is still there. Many can also do simple insert puzzles when the puzzle pieces show whole objects.
Even I had to try it many times before beating it without dying, and I am the mapper!
Sure, you can set the grid density all you want in Hammer, but it does not translate into sharper shadows ingame. I suspect it's because dev textures are never meant to look good. It's purely functional. So the compiler ignores the gridmap information when it comes to dev textures.
I know this for a fact because I tried to overlay gridmap on a dev texture map before, and it didn't work.
So if you convert the existing official maps, say, cs_office, into a dev texture map, it would be BETTER?
I just don't understand why dev textures are BETTER than detailed texturing.
He's especially mesmerized by cylindrical columns. I don't know why, but I take it as a sign that he's going to be a mapper too.
If anyone wants to play this map with bots, I have a navigational file that has been manually tuned.
You can download it here.
I designed this small map with 1v1 matches in mind.